Meeting the sandollar troop/sailing off to miami
Que diga ¡presente!
Eso! Ahi !
The crowd cheer for Marta Sandoval as she is in the limo about to go in the Mambo Cabana the place where she went a long time ago when she was young and when the agent sent her to perform in her assistant opens the limo door revealing the Marta Sandoval
M/A: Señora Sandoval, it is such a honor to meet you.
M/S: Muchas Gracias
M/A: Right this way. I can't tell you how proud we are that you chose the Mambo Cabana for your final show.
Male Fan: Marta. Is it true that your old partner Andres might play with you tonight.
M/S: One can hope
G: Welcome to the beautiful downtown key west. Step one, bus tickets. (3 key west to Miami.) Now, remember you two, stay in my bag, and if anyone ask you're my emotional support animals.
[Troop Girls]: Cookies! Cookie sale. All proceeds go to protecting species.
G: Oh no, the sand dollars
[Becky]: Oh, Mr. Henshaw. Can I interest you in some Manatee Mintiest? Did you know the Everglades are home to 2,000 species of plants and animals? And 70 those are Endanger—[gasp] oh, excuse me. [Chuckles] you know that if you buy a Sand Dollars cloth bag instead of using a plastic one,than you won't have the blood of Mother Nature on your hands.
Mr.H: I'm not a bad man. I just want a cookie.
The blonde saw gabi walking away and she Grumbles who later is name Becky.
G:We gotta get out of here before they see us.
[Becky] : Hernandez
G: Oh, hello, blonde one. Other girls.
[Eva] Gabi, where's your uniform.
[Becky]: Yes,we have rules, Hernandez. [clears throat] Only a Sand Dollar in full uniform may participate in a cookie sale.
G:What? The cookie sale is today? I totally thought that was yesterday.
[Becky]: But you didn't show up yesterday either, did ya?
G: That's a good point. I was busy rescuing these Animals [ holds vivo and y/n who vivo was grunting nervously but you didn't]
[both Sarah and Eva] Aw!
Both y/n and vivo: what are you doing.
[Sarah] Oh, there so cute but the female one is the cutest.
[Eva] Can I pet them.
Vivo: No
Y/n: sure why not I love the attention and I am the cutest don't you think vivo? Vivo.
Vivo:(... in his mind yes you are my little angel ^blushes^)
G: Go the town they love it.
[Sarah]:look at that face. There adorable.
[Eva]: Aw
Vivo: Hey! Stop this is borderline abuse.
[Sarah]: there little ears! Oh!
[Eva]: so fuzzy. What's there names?
G: their name is vivo and y/n and they are a possum. [both y/n and vivo grunt]
[Becky]: Gabi, there not possums. [scoffs] there a kinkajou a very South American tropical rain forest mammals. Aka the honey-bears.
Vivo: The honey bears? Never heard of it , but We'll take it(btw y/n is my honey bear no other male kinkajou but me can call her that*smirks*)
Y/n:(why do I get the feeling vivo is smirking at me *Deadpan look*)
[Becky]: Vivo's eyes look a little cloudy, his coat is kinda mangy. Has he seen a veterinarian?
G:Uh, sorry, what?
[Becky]: (scoffs) gabi, there are rules to be followed. For his own safety, he needs vaccinations and a week of medical observation.
G: A week?
[Becky]: Yes. Isolated from other animals. Didn't you read your Sand Dollars Manual?
G:Oh,yeah,that week. We did that.
[Becky]: Oh, good. Then you wouldn't mind showing me his vaccination certificate?
G:Yeah, I'll get it neighs now. It's the trunk of my bike. (Gasp) no,no,no,no. (The bus drove off.) time for plan B.
[Sarah] : Wait a minute. Bikes don't have a trunk, right?
[Eva]: you know, I'm starting to think she doesn't have a certificate.( Munches a cookie)
[Becky]: Yeah, you think? Girls, we've got us a sand dollar gone rogue. Move out!
Time for the action where vivo, gabi, y/n get away from the sand dollars and plan b to Miami.
G: (both y/n and vivo chirps anxiously) Change of plans. We'll catch the bus at next stop.
[Becky]: Pull over, Hernandez!
G: Oh no.
[Becky]: surrender the kinkajous!
G:Don't worry, guys I'll lose them.
Vivo: But what about the bus? The plan was the bus.
Y/n: let's worry about that later vivo.
G: Well, that didn't work. Come on vivo get back there and shake 'em off. (Puts vivo on the back) and y/n hold on tight ok.
Vivo: (search the backpack) Ha! Take that. (Holding a slinky) How fun is this? ( a monkey plush) And this should not be in a child's backpack, but here you go! (Holding a plant That's weird you think)
[Becky]:Hey! Oh, no, you didn't!
Vivo: oh there's the wipes. Ha!
[Becky]: Stop! Stop right there, you little - - Ah!
Vivo: Huh? (Holding a party spray it squirts) Ha, ha! Take that.(he spray the wrong way it causes to spray on his eyes he screams in pain you and the sand dollars notice it) [Screams].
[Eva]: He's dousing himself with chemicals!
[Becky]: [Gasp] It's a cry for help. Gabi gives us the kinkajou!
The tires screech only to reveal that Mr.Henshaw was driving.
[The troop]: Ah!
[Becky]: Mr. Henshaw! You drove here? You live two blocks away! Shame on you.
[Eva and Sarah]: Shame.
[Becky]: you're in over your head, Hernandez. Give them up!
The sand dollars and gabi are in the road side and was about to go to the drawbridge was ready split up for the boat that is coming in the way
G:Guys hold on tight. We're gonna jump it.
Vivo and Y/n: WHAT?
G: Yeah! Woo-hoo! All right, Miami here we come. Ahhh
Vivo and y/n: No,no,no,no,no,no!
G: Huh.
Drawbridge creaking
Vivo and y/n screams the sand dollars stop and see a ship with sand on the boats back and the foghorn was sounded and they catch vivo's and y/n' s tail together in the sand. Ship if y'all can you what I mean.
[Becky]: What have we done? We've allowed that poor, defenseless creatures to roam the world where they surely won't survive.
[Sarah]: So, back to the cookie booth?
[Becky]: Cookie Booth? Uh, no! It's our duty as sand dollars to rescue them. Eva!
[Eva]: (Munching a cookie) yeah?
[Becky]: we're gonna need your dad's boat.
Back in the boat full of sand.
Vivo [Gasp, Coughs and panting] the song. where is it? Where is.. where is.. where is ... (gasp) (looks at the song if it was split in to half) [Blows, sighs] Ah, still in one piece. Okay, where are we? Where's our bus?
(Gasp) (echoing) No! (Gasp)
G: Whee! Sand angels! Vivo, y/n you guys should really try this. [laughs gleefully] [vivo exhales] look at me I'm a cat meow meow
Vivo:ugh. I gotta get of this boat with y/n * eyes widen* y/n , y/n Y/N *finds you shaking your head from the sand in you ears*
Y/n: umm vivo are you ok
Vivo gives y/n a big hug and you're like what just happened. And you 2 parted.
G: hey guys, I know we missed the bus, but don't worry, I have a plan c. If we take a short cut through the Everglades nation park we can make before the show.
Vivo: okay, new plan. Let's see * spots a raft* hmm. ( slides the sand) Ha! (Grunts) Ha!
G: whoa,vivo,we're so in sync. Just like a mind meld. ( vivo alarms hoots her and y/n was like omg) when puts her bike in the raft it was heavy that it pop and sink in.
Oh man I thought it could hold it.
Vivo:[Angry Muttering, screams] mind meld? If we had a mind meld, you'd be panicking, because that was our ticket to Miami.
Y/n: Vivo calm down it's ok we need to think another way.
Vivo: calm down, CALM DOWN y/n gabi just took our one ticket to Miami and we have no other way and your telling me calm down I can't because now we're stuck on this giant boat headed in the wrong direction. We couldn't be more out of sync. This is what "in sync" sounds like y/n. [mimicking rhythmic drums] not this is us [mimicking discordant drum noises blowing raspberries] [Angry screeching]
Y/n: [ Sad chirps goes to gabi] (whom seems to have an idea to get to Miami.)
We have totally different definitions of the word "plan" to me and other rational people a plan revolves around the five p's.
Proper,Planing ,Prevents ,Poor ,Performance but gabi's , y/n her plans are just bad impulses. And what are you guys doing?
G: Ta-da! Sometimes you gotta improvise.
Y/n:yeah vivo like she says.
Yeah, that will never float.
Gabi pushes the new boat in to the ocean and it sink at first but it float at the end.
G: And the journey begins now! [Y/n Jumps and vivo was flying but both of them made it]
Vivo:It floats, it actually floats. Oh
G: Heads up [ vivo chitters angrily] (grunts) give me a sec. (grunts) don't wanna pull a hammy. (Exhales) okay, ready, guys? Woo- Hoo!
Vivo and y/n: and she missed.
G:[Laughing] I miss the boat completely.
Vivo and y/n: [chuckles] vivo;* that cute laugh again*
G: did you see that, hysterical.[Grunts] Marta, here we come! [vivo and y/n squeaks triumphantly]
To be continued
Sorry for the late delay since today is Martin Luther king jr. birthday yay so to all I give you this chapter and till the next on guys and follow me in Wattpad and I'll keep the story going until now I'll see y'all the next one
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