chapter 18~
"so how's life noona"
Jungkook asked his sister as they sat down in front of each other, smiling, still can't believe that they are able to see each other again.
"it's good jungoo , I completed my studies, I studied culinary arts and graduated with flying colors" she said with a smile.
Jungkook returned her smile, feeling extremely delightful that his sister was able to achieve her dreams. He felt genuinely happy for her.
"I am very happy to hear that noona" he said "by the way how are you here?"
"this is my café Jungoo" she said and Jungkook's mouth dropped.
"woah seriously noona this café is yours , wow , its beautiful I can't believe it" he said
Jisoo laughed a little and then took a small sip from her cup of coffee.
"anyway how's your life going" she said
Jungkook looked at her, thinking for a while and said " its....good , its good yeah nothing much" he said , Jisoo raised a eyebrow
"just good, nothing else" she said and Jungkook nodded. "how's your relation with your parents" she asked , a little nervous since she though that younger didn't like to talk about this.
"I have a great and very, very close relation with my mother, she is literally my guardian angel , I never thought that I would be able to get along with her after all that shit , but I guess I was wrong, she is literally there for me whenever I need her, and I love her for that she never lets me feel lonely and my brother well he can be a little asshole sometime but he is always there for me , he gives me space and try to understand my point of views , I am really greatful to have a brother like him" he said with a smile remembering his mom
Jisoo smiled feeling super happy that her brother was getting along with his mother and brother.
"and what about your father" she asked.
At the mention of his father Jungkook froze, he stiffened, the mere mention of his father was enough to make his blood boil, to make him go insane ,Jungkook hated his own father more than anything in the world.
Jisoo noticed the change in youngers behavior and got a little worried, after seeing the younger's dark expression she regretted asking that question. She should know better than anyone else that Jungkook will never get along with the man who destroyed his life.
"Jungoo" she said softly. Jungkook looked at her and released a breathe.
"I hate him noona" he said in his deep husky voice "nothing changed , my hatred for him is still there and always will be, nothing in the world can change my mind about him, and he is still the old motherfucker bastard who will not even hesitate to black mail his son to get what he wants, I just despise him noona with every cell in my body" Jungkook's voice grew darker and darker , and Jisoo became more worried.
"Jungkook he is your father" she said in a shaky voice
"and that's the biggest my curse noona, I feel so ashamed that someone like that bastard is my father" he growled.
Jisoo didn't say anything after that, she thought it was better to let it go for now. Both of them sat their in silence for a while, drinking their beverages. Jungkook kinda felt sorry for spoiling their happy reunion but he can't help it , whenever it comes to his father he just loose his mind.
After a while Jisoo took a deep breath and took out her phone and opened gallery.
"here see this" she said and showed Jungkook a video of two babies , the babies were sitting on the bed playing with each other smiling, there was also a golden retriever sitting beside them as if he was guarding them, the babies looked adorable their smile was the best thing , just like an angel.
Jungkook subconsciously smiled while watching the video, his anger vanished and was replaced by a feeling of warmth and compassion.
"they are adorable noona who are they"
Jisoo smiled brightly and said "they are my kids"
"WHAT" Jungkook said with wide eyes and open mouth, stunned at the sudden information , he didn't expect that he would be an uncle now. "I didn't knew you were married "
"no jungoo I am not married" she said and Jungkook looked at her confusedly "these kids are not mine I adopted them" she said "I found them outside my café on a rainy night, the kids were completely soaked in rain so I took them hospital just to make sure that they will be okay, after that I looked after them for a while and eventually got attached to them and ended up adopting them and now they are my life" she said smiling while remembering her children.
Jungkook looked at her with admiration , his respect for his noona increased , even after all the bullshit she went through all those times she is still strong and have a big heart.
"where are they now"
"they are with my boyfriend, he is taking care of them " she said
"woah noona you have a boyfriend, what's his name by the way?" he said
"Jackson wang" she said and showed Jungkook his photo, the man looked handsome, and his noona looked happy with him. "he looks good" he said
"yeah I know" she said
"but if he hurts you then he will face my wrath" he said making jisoo laugh "okay jungoo"
After a while Jisoo spoke again "um.. Jungkook I forgot to ask before but how come you are back here in Busan"
"I came here for a business deal noona" he said and she nodded "so how are you feeling after comin here" she asked.
Jungkook took a deep breathe and said " I.. I.. .I feel paranoid noona , i am anxious ever since I got to know that I had to come here, I am afraid that something bad might happen I was not ready to come here noona" he said
"hey its okay Jungkook, its fine no one can hurt you anymore and remember that you are not weak anymore hmmm" she said
"how did you manage noona" he asked, Jisoo was a little surprise at the question , after a while she answered to Jungkook waiting for her answer " honestly speaking I was devastated , after my mom committed suicide I was very alone , but I had you that time so I didn't feel that bad but after you were gone, my father took me in he treated me nicely but he had another wife and children , so I didn't get much attention and love I felt neglected , and once again I was alone, miserable and school was no good the bullies , the pressure of studies and many other things, at some point my depression got so worse that I became suicidal my life was only becoming miserable and I wanted it to end."
Jungkook looked at her with shock , his heart ached after listening to all this, he felt so guilt for not contacting her again , he got really angry at himself.
"But then I thought why should I end my life, just why am I going through all this, then I realized that I had the power to change it all, its my life, my choices, and my rules why should I care about others who I don't even know, and why am I even allowing to walk all over me they know nothing about me so they don't the right to judge and if they don't like me then its their problem not mine, I have such a long life to live and it was upto me to make something out of my life. No one will come to help me unless I help my self. The biggest step for me was to accept my past and forget everything that happened although it was not easy and I know that I can never forget it but I will not allow it to haunt my present anymore"
"So I decided to change myself a little, the little innocent naïve girl had to go. After I completed my high school I moved out of my father's house and attended college with my own money that I earned by myself. I don't hold grudges anymore against anyone . I have learnt that if you want to be at peace then you have to embrace your past, accept your flaws and remove this hate from your heart.
Jungkook looked at her with a wide smile , he was proud at his noona, his noona is literally the bravest woman he has ever met.
"I am so proud of you noona" he said "thanks jungoo"
"jungoo I just wanted to say that you don't necessarily have to forgive your father or forget what happened ,I am asking you to let go of this hate you have it will eat you from inside, If you want to be at peace then accept your past, open up and accept you flaws and share your feelings" she said
Jungkook listened to her every word, it was not really easy to face your past when you have been running away from it all your life, and share you feelings when you have lived like a rock half of your life, but what she said was right, Jungkook really want to be at peace , his past, his complicated feelings of love for Taehyung and Jimin, his hatred for his father all these things were suffocating for him.
"from should I start noona" he asked in a small voice like a child looking at his noona with worried doe eyes .For a moment Jisoo thought that it was the same little 6 year old Jungkook who would always come to her for solutions for his problems. Oh how much she missed those peaceful days when they used to live together with peace, before it was destroyed.
"how about you start from paying a visit to cemetery" she said.
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