Lies behind Words


Everyone went silent for a moment, looks of confusion and disbelief on their faces.

"Could you um...repeat that please...?" Killer asked, clearly being just as perplexed as everyone else in the room.

Sci chuckled softly. "I said. That the last ingredient for the Neko antidote is to take something from the demon dog that I've been hiding in my basement."

Reaper blinked. "What do we have to take?"

Sci looked to the side. "A blood sample..."

Error went poker faced. "We're taking blood samples from a demon dog?! What is wrong with you!?"

Sci winced. "Well it's the only thing I have that's close to what we actually need!"

"Why can't you do it!?" Dust yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Because..." Sci said slowly, quickly trying to think of an excuse. "Because I've made a bond with him that means he can't be hurt by me..."

Reaper blinked. "That's kinda pathetic."

"Do you want them to be cured or not?!"


"Exactly. Now he's down in the basement. Don't worry, he's pretty docile, will barely even react if you approach him right. You just need..." He walked over to a cupboard and pulled out a blood extractor. "One of these..."

"What do we do with it?" Error asked, his mismatched pupils scanning the syringe-like object.

"It's like an injector, but the opposite." Sci explained. "Instead of injecting something in, you're extracting something out."

Error glanced at the others and shrugged. "Seems easy enough..."

Nightmare looked at Sci, his eye narrowing. "There's something your not telling us...isn't there?"

Sci took a step back, gulping. "W-Well...I-I..."

Nightmare lashed out a tentacle, wrapping it round Sci's wrist, a crack ringing out.


Nightmare's tentacle let go, letting Sci's hand fall limply to his side. "And you weren't going to tell us that?!" He growled, subconsciously pulling Cross closer to him.

Sci whimpered. "I-I was b-but I didn't think it would m-matter seeing as y-your all skeletons still anyway!"

Nightmare eyed him with a look of disgust before walking away from him, muttering under his breath as he hugged Cross from behind, his face buried in the crook of his neck while a hand pet his ears softly.

Dust glanced at Sci. "Is that why you had that room full to the brim of caged cats?!"

Sci nodded softly before pausing and shaking his head.

"Uh...yes or no?"

Sci looked up at them. "I was using the cats to trace DNA...that way I could mix the Neko serum for each of you to get the desired effect I wanted...for example, Lust had a mix of short haired cats and smooth furred ones, to give him the sleek and thin additions."

Everyone all looked at Lust instantly, taking in how his tail was sleeker and thinner than the other Nekos, it was the same for his ears.

Sci swallowed before continuing. "A-And then I used longhair and fluffy breeds for Cross, to give him the most fluffed up and soft look."

All attention was then moved to Cross, everyone nodding softly as they saw what Sci was on about. He did indeed have the fluffiest and softest looking ears and tail.

"A-And then the cats I didn't need, or the ones I'd already used, would be fed to the demon, keeping him happy. I-I fed him this morning s-so you don't have to worry. H-He'll be completely docile and ignore you. The only thing you might need to worry about is that he might snap at you when you insert the extractor."

The twelve skeletons all eyed him, trying to see if there were any lies behind his words.

There was definitely something he'd lied about, they all knew that. It's just the subject of what he was lying about that irritated them.

"If any of them get hurt." Nightmare growled. "We'll kill you. You got that?"

Sci gulped and nodded, running his finger round the collar of his neck in an attempt to cool down.

Error walked over and snatched the extractor off of Sci, an unamused look on his face. "Now most of us would give you a quick death for all of this, you know what I mean? But I need to tell you something, nerd. I won't. And I think you know that Nightmare won't either."

Sci was practically shaking at this point. "I-I know..."


And with that Error turned around, heading for the door and opening it. "Lets go find this 'completely docile' demon dog shall we?"

Everyone nodded, following right behind the dark boned glitching skeleton out of the door, and into the black, ominous hallways, right down to the basement.

Once they were gone, the strings holding Fell disappeared, letting him fall on the floor with a loud thud and an "Oof!"

Sci immediately rushed over, checking him. "Are you okay?!"

Fell winced and nodded. "Yeah..."

He sighed in relief and held out a hand for him. "Good."

Fell took it, letting Sci tug him to his feet. "Were you telling the truth about all of that back there?"

Sci gulped and shook his head. "I-I last fed him a-a week ago..."

Fell stiffened. "And what does that mean...?"

"I-It means...that Ink, Blue, Geno, Dream, Lust and Cross...are in big trouble..."

Fell hissed under his breath. "That's not good..."

Sci fiddled with his hands. "Yeah...I-I should have told them...but I panicked and told them a quick lie without thinking...I'm so dead..."

Fell face palmed. "Yes Sci...yes you are."

Sci sat down, sighing. "I should have known not to accept that deal..."

"Deal? What deal?"

Sci winced and looked at him. "I didn't do this by choice! Are you crazy?! I was paid and bribed! There's no way I'd do this by choice knowing how much trouble I could get into and how close I'd come to death!"

Fell gripped onto his arm. "Who the fuck bribed you then?!"

Sci leaned back, shaking his head. "I have no idea...some ominous cloaked girl with a whole army of hooded figures came to my door one night in the pouring rain. They didn't say much, just handed me a bunch of money and other stuff, telling me that I had to turn Ink, Blue, Geno, Dream, Lust and Cross into Nekos..."

Fell blinked. "Why did they want you to?"

"I'm still confused about that bit...they said about how the whole extra Neko additions would 'draw their ships closer?' Honestly, I still have no clue what that means..."

Fell snorted. "What the hell is a ship?"

Sci shook his head. "I don't actually know...and really...I don't want to know..."

Meanwhile down in the depths of the lab, the twelve skeletons had just come across the room packed full of caged cats that Horror, Dust and Killer had found the first time.

"Holy shit..." Error breathed, his eyes widening at the sight of all those cats.

"How many cats does he fricking need?!" Geno hissed, glaring at the cats and staying close to Reaper.

Killer Horror and Dust weren't as shocked, seeing as they'd already seen this room before. Their attention was fixed on Nightmare, all three of them smirking as they watched him walk slowly over to one of the cages, Cross close behind him.

Nightmare crouched down in front of a cage with a fluffy black and white cat and poked his fingers through the bars, smirking as the cat padded over and rubbed against them, purring softly.

"I guess Nightmare does like cats huh?" Horror whispered, glancing at Killer and Dust.

" seems like he does."

Nightmare rubbed his fingers softly under the cats jaw, making it purr louder, it's fluffy body pressed against the caging.

"Oh shit, it looks like Cross is jealous." Killer said with a snicker, looking over at the fluffy Neko.

Cross was clearly not impressed. He had a scowl on his face, his arms crossed as he glared at the cat Nightmare was petting.

"Wow. He really is." Dust said, an amused expression forming on his face.

Cross whined and tugged on Nightmare's sleeve, trying to get his attention.

"Huh?" Nightmare looked up at Cross, a confused expression on his face. "What is it?"

Cross whined again, pulling him away from the cat.

"Uh, Cross?"

Killer laughed, petting Dream softly. "He wants attention Nightmare. You're making him jealous."

Nightmare blinked and looked at Cross, who was now looking away, his face a light shade of purple.

He smirked and walked over, hugging the smaller from behind. "Aww, don't worry Crossy~ You're still my favourite~"

Cross squeaked and blushed even darker, but quickly leant against him, melting into his embrace.

Error rolled his eyes at them, walking over to one of the many doors.

"It's not one of them." Dust called. "Horror, Killer and I searched those doors while we were here last time. There's no way leading to a basement."

"Then where do we go?!" Error asked, growling in frustration.

Lust sighed from the other side of the room, leaning against the wall. "I don't know...just wait for a solution to come up? Maybe we're just not looking hard enou–!"

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, the wall Lust was leaning on contracted and swung to the side, making Lust fall down through with a yelp.

"Lust!?" Horror immediately ran forwards, crouching down next to the dazed Neko and picking him up. "You okay?"

Lust nodded. "Yeah...I'm fine."

Horror looked up from Lust and down the dark corridor that had been revealed, a frown crossing his face. "I bet a lot of money that that demon dog thing is down there..."

Dust walked up next to him. "I'd bet a whole lot of money..."

Error pushed past the three of them, peering down the murky black corridor. "Well there's only one way to find out, isn't there?"

Ink stepped forwards and nodded, his eyes full of fear. "L-Lets just get this over with..."

The twelve skeletons slowly descended down the steeply sloping corridor, all of the non-nekos clutching their partners tightly, as if they'd be snatched and dragged away if they let go.

The further down they got, the colder it got and soon enough all the skeletons were shivering, pressing closer to each other.

After about five minutes of walking, a mysterious red glow started to fill the room, allowing the others to see the faint outlines of each other.

"There's a corner coming up." Nightmare called from the front, being able to see more of their surroundings because of his night vision.

They all turned the corner and instantly freezed. Eyes wide, mouths open.



Mmmmm a long chapter! Finally! :'D

Heheh I like writing this book :3

And I know for a fact that DylanNorris108  is hyped for the next chapter >:3

And sorry if it seems I always focus on Crossmare but....idkf what to do anymore. My writing just flows like a fucking river when I write Crossmare :3



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