13~What Death Feels Like/Sanji Cooks for Us

13~What Death Feels Like/Sanji Cooks for Us


Death feels strangly... Relaxing. I guess that's not the word. I don't feel like I have all of the world's pressures on my body. I feel... Free. Or, maybe I'm actually alive and just sleeping. Well, now would be a great time to wake up.

I opened my eyes to see a very enraged Luffy. I blinked. "Luffy? What's wrong?" He didn't answer, nor achknowledge me. "Lu~ffy!" I waved a hand in front of his face, but gasped. I saw right through my transparent hand. I instanly sat up and would have collided heads with Luffy if I didn't pass through him.

"What the hell is going on?!" I looked down at my ghost-like figure. I took many deep breaths, but found I couldn't. "Okay, okay, don't panic! You'll figure something out!" I glanced around and found my body laying on the ground next to Luffy. I looked extremely pale and bruised, and the bruises weren't healing. Blood was everywhere around me; in my hair, soaked into my clothes and on Luffy as well.

"Oh my God!!!!!!" I screamed. "I'm dead!! And a ghost!!!"

***A/N: The next few lines have been censored for your virgin eyes and imagination. You can thank me later. ;)***

Finally, I calmed down enough to asses the situation. All my ranting and freaking out caused me to miss a huge chunk of what was going on. Everyone had moved outside and was watching something. I peeked out a window and saw Sanji being clobbered by some guy with pearls on his body. Blood spurted out of his mouth and nose, but I didn't hear anything.

He must have cried out! That looked like it hurt! Wait, have I lost my sense of hearing?!?!


"Okay, calm down Mira," I ran my hand through my hair and caught sight of Zoro's bandana. I tried to drop it, but it just hung on me. I walked back over to my body and saw his real bandana clutched tightly in my grasp, but he was no where in sight.

I explored the restaurant and everywhere surrounding it, but didn't see anyone from my crew but Luffy. Did they all leave him behind? And since I'm "dead", they left me too?! At least give me a proper burial or something!

The restaurant suddenly shook, but I didn't feel it. I rushed back to the front and saw water raining down on a broken outdoor platform covered in burn spots. Okay, majorly confused.

I then saw Luffy turn and give Don Krieg the most hateful look I ever did see. He seemed to be shouting, given how wide his mouth was. But what was he saying? I would love to know more. But, I guess visuals are good.

Don Krieg laughed at him and said something. Wait, I missed other things. Pearl guy was down and Luffy was fighting Krieg while Sanji was on the side lines with the owner. So I guess it's Luffy vs Krieg. Dang. I wanted to face Krieg. He needs to pay for whatever he did to my father.

Okay, I realize that my father has been killed several times over; or it could be that there are many people who look like my father? Yeah, that's it. But then that leaves one question: Who really killed my father? Buggy? Kuro? Krieg? Well, I did get back at two of the three, so maybe third time's a charm? I don't know anymore...

Green and yellow striped darts flew through me, causing me to have holes that quickly filled up again.


I settled down again and saw Luffy pulling the darts from his skin. Ouch... Those look like they hurt. But he seemed unaffected by them. What a strong will.

I suddenly felt something pulling me back. Okay, starting to freak. Am I passing over?! Where's the light?! A bright flash brought my attention to the battle with Luffy and Krieg. Krieg was holding a huge spear and Luffy was charred black. Krieg lunged for Luffy again, but instead of dodging, Luffy punched the spear! What an idiot!

Everything suddenly went black.


I sat up bolt right and took in a gasp of air. I was a ghost... but I survived?! I'm not dead?! Okay, Okay, no need to go into another panic attack; just go with it.

At that time, there was a huge explosion that made my ears ring. I made my way to the front door, my joints stiff, and gazed at the situation before me. Krieg's ship was completely destroyed and a huge mess. Debris littered the water, providing various sized of things to hold onto.

"AH!" I turned around and saw Patty staring at me with a shocked, yet completely frightened look. "You're supposed to be dead! And you have cat ears!!"

I faced him, another guy, and Ghin, who looked extemely pale, blood dripping from his mouth. "Don't you think you should stop worrying about me and take care of him?"

"Oh!" He cried. "Right!" He and the other guy carried Ghin out of the action. My eyebrow twtiched. Idiots.

I focused my attention back to the fight. Luffy had cracked the point of the spear and seemed to be winning.

"I'll never forgive you for killing my nakama! Mira was one of the best!" Luffy shouted as he repeatedly punched Krieg.

"It's a kill or be killed world out there, kid!" He shouted back. I then noticed that Don was wearing heavy metal, and it had a small crack in it. I think Luffy is starting to get through. My eyes widened as I figured out what he was going to do. He's gonna weaken the armor so he can do much more damage to Don.

Maybe I could get a few good whacks in...? I took off running and leaped over a half laying, half sitting Sanji. "Luffy! Save some for me!" I used the scattered debris and heads to gain momentum as I leaped into the air, where the battle was currently taking place. "My turn!" I shouted as I rammed my double balled fists into Don's back right into Luffy's fists. I used this to bounce off and grab onto some rigging.

"MIRA!!!!!" Luffy cried aloud. "You're alive!"

"What?!" Don coughed as his armor broke. "Not for long!" I jumped as he threw his bomb on a stick at me and rammed into Luffy. "Gotcha!" He shot a net at the both of us, trapping us as we fell to the water below. "People who use the Devil's Fruit can't swim!"

Luffy stuck his arms and legs out of the holes in the net. "But I can still move if I have free hands and feet!" He stretched his limbs out and grapsed Don. "Gomu Gomu no..." He twisted them up tight and Don screamed. Luffy swung hard and mighty as he brought Krieg back down into the outside deck. "Giant Gavel!!!" The force of the landing shot us out and we fell into the water.

I struggled to get free while Luffy just seemed to grow limp. I turned and tried to shake him awake, but nothing seemed to be working. In desperation, I plugged his nose and covered his mouth, hoping to keep the air in his lungs. By helping him, I'm risking my own life, but I didn't care; I'd do anything for my captain.

We landed deep underwater on a sinking large piece of debris. The metal net got tangled with a jagged edge. I coughed a bit, but fought to keep my air in. I can do this. I thought. I just have to wait until someone comes to get us. I coughed again and lost almost all of my air.

I suddenly saw something swimming towards us. Thinking it was a monster, I pulled Luffy into my lap and fought to break the net to get free. I nearly sighed in relief when I saw it was only Sanji. He tried to pull the net free, but it only seemed to make it hang on tighter.

My vision was starting to go black around the edges. "Hey!" Sanji blubbed. "Hang in there!" I glanced around and found an opening and pointed it out. Sanji pulled Luffy out first, then me. I tried to help him swim as much as possible, but with being a Neko, I think I was slowing him down more than helping.

I struggled out of his grasp and floated away. He went to swim after me, but I motioned for him to keep going. He was persistent, but I made him go anyway. He reluctantly left, promising to be back for me.

A soon as I was certain he broke through the surface, I focused and froze time. When time is frozen there is no need to breathe. Once time was at a stand still, I drifted up through the water. Just before I broke through the water's surface, time was back on. My head burst up and I took in a much need breath. There was a splash and strong arms wound around my mid section.

I was hoisted up onto the deck. I coughed and spit up as much water as I could. A blanket was draped over me as I watched Sanji sit beside Luffy and light a cigarette. Luffy was snoring away.

"I'm the strongest!" Someone shouted from behind me. I stood and spun, the blanket sliding off. Don was on his feet, but I don't think he was aware of his surroundings. One of his teeth was knocked out and blood was oozing from his bandaged head. "I win! No one defeats my forces!"

"Don!" An underling cried. "Stop this!"

I cracked my knuckles. "I'll make him stop." I watched as his underlings tackled him, but he easily threw them off. I brought up my hand and willed my nails to elongate. Just down his chest should let him know I mean business. I charged him and sliced just as Ghin slammed him fist into his stomach. I missed my mark and got his side and part of his arm.

I stepped back as Don flopped over Ghin's shoulder and smirked. "It looks like an 'M'." If he ever comes through, he'll see my initial on his body and know I got him. Not bad, if I do say so myself.

Ghin chuckled once. "I guess so. Don," He addressed his captain. "We lost. Let's withdraw gracefully and start afresh." There was silence for a few seconds before he spoke again. "Thanks for everything, Sanji-san."

"Sure," Sanji said. "Don't ever come back!"

Ghin turned to face him. "Sanji-san, when he wakes up, please tell him I said, 'See you again in the Grande Line.' "


"When I think about it," Ghin cut in. "That's the only thing I want to do. It seems that Don Krieg's ambition became mine as well before I knew it." He then coughed a wet, bloody cough and covered his mouth. "Maybe... I can only live a few more hours. It's kind of stupid that I'm resolved because I don't have much time left, but this time, I want to do it with my own will, in my own way." I wonder what happened to him.

"Then," He continued. "There will be no where for me to escape, right? To Hell with loyalty towards Don! I've just been running away using Don Krieg's name as a shield. Once you're resolved, you don't have to think about stupid things like fearing your enemy, or how to keep from getting hurt. I learned it from that guy."

A sudden wave of weakness fell over me and I fell to my knees. I knew my blood would heal me, but it was taking quite a while. I brushed off the help from the people who came to see if I was alright. "Such bold words from someone who uses force to win." I said loud enough for Ghin to hear.

"Yeah," Was all he said afterward. I sat back and sighed as the healing properties in my blood began to heal me, starting with my head where it had been bashed in.

"Patty! Carne!" Sanji suddenly shouted. "Give them the boat used to go grocery shopping!"

"What?!" Patty questioned. "Are you stupid?!"

"Why do we have to give our boat to pirates?!" The one I assumed was Carne (since he was the only one near Patty) agreed.

"What's gonna happen to our grocery shopping?!" Spit flew out of Patty's mouth. "You idiot!"

"He's right!" Carne chimed in. "Let them swim!"

"Just bring it out already!" Sanji screamed with authority in his tone. I watched the two cower back a bit.

"Okay, we get it..." Carne said with tears flowing over.

"Don't yell at us..." Patty sniffed. The two babies walked back into the store to retrieve the boat from the back. Sanji got back up and draped the blanket back over my shoulders.

"A pretty lady such as yourself shouldn't get cold." He said as he sat down behind me.

I curled my tail around me. "You still think I'm pretty, even with my tail and ears?"

"Tail?" He asked. "Ears?" He then suddenly gasp. "What the-"

"I'm a Neko." I curled into a tight ball and covered myself with the blanket.

Sanji was about to say something, but the boat pulled up in front of us. I watched as the pirates all piled into one boat.

"It's gonna sink!" They cried out.

Ghin and Sanji had small smiles on their faces as they, too, watched them as it rocked and swayed. "Why did I hesitate?" Ghin asked aloud. "Why was I so worried? When I think about it, I feel stupid." We turned our heads to a still snoozing Luffy. Even when he was snoring, he still had a huge grin on his face.

"Well then!" Ghin said as he boarded the tiny vessel with Don over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "We gratefully accept the boat. We don't have to return it, right?"

"Right," Sanji replied. "If you have the courage to come here to return it, try it, you small fry."

"He's right!" Patty said as he walked up behind Sanji. "Just keep this in your brain! This is the sea restaurant, Baratie, where cooks fight!" All the cooks lined up behind him. Everyone shouted out a chorus of "Yeah!"

"Hmph," I heard Ghin grunt. "What a scary restaurant." Soon, the defeated Don Krieg Pirates were sailing away from us. I smiled and brought the blanket back over me, only to have corner lifted up by someone. I spotted Sanji staring back at me.

"So," He flipped it over my head so it no longer covered me. "You're a Neko?"

I nodded and buried my head into my knees. "Do you think differently of me now?" Tears sprang to my eyes.

"No," I looked up to a smiling cook. "I think they're adorable!" He squealed. My eyebrow twitched. I liked it better when he was serious....


Finally, what seemed like hours, Luffy woke up. I watched as he pulled a rag out of his nose to stop the bleeding. He scratched his head and began to freak out. "AH! My hat! My hat!"

"It's right there." Sanji said.

"Huh? Oh yeah!" I seriously question Luffy's thinking ability. "It's right here! Thanks!"

"So you're awake?" Sanji asked.

"Oh? Where are those guys?" Luffy looked around the room he was in, avoiding the question.

"They left." I told Luffy.

"Thanks to you." Sanji added.

"How you feeling, captain?" I asked.

His stomach suddenly growled. "Ah... I'm hungry..."

Mine grumbled right after his. "Me too..."

"There's food in the kitchen." Sanji said as he got up.

"Really?!" Luffy cried. "Food!" He rushed out of the room to the kitchen and I was soon following after him with Sanji behind me.

"So, will you...?" I began.

"No, I'm not coming." He answered.

"I see." I sighed. "You'll have to tell Luffy."

"I know."

"He's not gonna be happy."

"I know." He sighed. "I'll continue to work here as a cook until I can get that damn geezer to acknowledge my skills."

"If it means anything," I bumped him with my hip. "I think you're food is really good."

He blushed. "Th-thanks." He gazed out to the water. "I can't leave here. Those guys are so undependable. But I'm hoping someday, I'll go to the Grande Line."

"That's where we're going." I stated. "Why not come with us?"

"It's not the right time yet." We stopped as he watched the open blue. "Say, do you know of All Blue?"

"Eh?" I looked up into his eyes and saw excitement in them. "Yeah, I guess I have. A lone sailor was talking about how he was going to be the first person to find it back on my home island."

"You do?!" His smile grew wider. "It's a miracle sea! The East Blue, West Blue, North Blue, and South Blue, where all the fish from the four seas gather in one spot! It's a cooks paradise!"

I smiled back. "So I've heard. I was even told of a time where a man had gotten close to there and was blown off course from a fish from the South Blue, but he came at it from the North side!" We laughed and started telling rumors we've heard from the place. It gave me joy to see such happiness in his eyes. They practically sparkled as he spoke of this grand place.

Luffy came back and we had to tell him all about it. While Sanji was telling his short tale, I looked up and saw the owner of the restaurant smiling with us. "Take him with you." He mouthed. I nodded and jumped right back into the conversation as we headed for the kitchen.

A triangle rang. "Guys! Meal time!"

"Aw, man! I'm starved!" A few people shouted as they sat down before the large table. When we got there, there was no room at the tables for us. Silverware scraped the plates as people ate.

"Hey!" Sanji called out. "Where do we sit?"

"Where's our food?" Luffy asked.

"There're no chairs for you." One cook said. "Sit on the floor and eat."

I scoffed and flipped my hair. "Fine. Don't gaze upon my glory." I walked over and picked up a plate, dished up some food, then sat against a wall and ate. Sanji and Luffy soon followed suit. Each bite I took was like stepping into Heaven. I loved every minute of it.

"Oh well," Sanji said as he sat next to me. "I guess we can't help it that there's no chairs."

"They're acting kinda weird." Luffy observed.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Heh," Sanji blew it off.  "Nothing new."

I jumped as a spoon was slammed onto a table. "Hey!" Patty shouted. "Who prepared the soup this morning?!"

Sanji beamed. "I did! Isn't it good?!" He waved his hand so Patty could see him. I took a spoonful from my own bowl and moaned as it slid down my throat. "I made it especially good for today!"

Patty wiped at his mouth. "I can't eat this damn, nasty soup! What is this?! Pig feed?!" Ouch... That's cold. Sanji grew angered at his remark, and even more so when Patty began to spit it out of his mouth.

Sanji stood, quivering with rage. "Hey, is human food not good enough for you, you damn raccoon dog?"

"Ha!" Patty scoffed. "When it's that bad, it's art!" He pointed a thumb down. "It makes me sick to my stomach!" He began to spit again.

I was surprised Sanji was able to keep his cool this long. "I'm sorry, but I'm pretty confident about today's soup." He strode up to Patty. "There's something wrong with your taste buds!" He stopped half way between us and Patty.

Carne took a taste of the soup then wiped his mouth before he, too, started to spit out the soup. "Ugh! This is disgusting!" He slammed down his spoon. All around the two tables of cooks, spoons were brought to the table as they complained about how terrible the soup was. I could literally see Sanji's anger rise with every word as his emotions fought to be unleashed upon the world.

"What do you think you're doing, you bastards?!" Sanji yelled at them.

"You're a sham Sous Chef after all," Patty explained.

"You're just an old timer. We're sick and tired of you settling matters with violence!" Another agreed.

"If the food's bad, we're gonna say so!"

Sanji made forced, jerky movements as he straightened up even more. "What did you say?!?!"

My ears perked up when a spoon was dipped into a bowl. I glanced over and saw Owner trying it. "We're sea faring cooks. Don't you waste even a drop of soup." He proceeded to eat every last drop of soup in his bowl. I thought he was going to say something nice about it, but was crushed when he stood and threw the bowl to the floor.

"Owner!" The cooks cried.

"You geezer!" Sanji insulted. I turned my gaze over to Luffy and saw him just sitting there, munching on a octopus leg and other various meat.

"What is this damn nasty soup?!" Owner pointed a finger at the shattered bowl. "It's like sludge! If we serve something like this, our restaurant will go out of business!"

In three long strides, Sanji was in front of the owner and grasping him by the collar. "Don't be ridiculous, you damn geezer! Just how is this soup different from yours?! Tell me!!"

Owner bared his teeth. "From my soup?!" He growled. "Don't flatter yourself!" Everyone gasped when Owner used his right fist to punch Sanji in the face, causing him to fall to the ground a few yards from him.

"Owner punched him..." A cook whispered. "He didn't kick..."

Sanji sat up and held his injured cheek. "It'll be a billion years before you give me a lecture on cooking, you damn brat!" Owner talked down to him. "I am a man who has cooked all over the seas!" He held his fist right in front of his chest, daring Sanji to stand up against him. For a few minutes, the two had an intense stand off before Sanji stood.

"Damnit!" He shouted as he ran for the door, throwing it open then slamming it closed after him. I leaped to my feet and watched through a window. He threw his hands onto the railing and launched himself into the air and gave off a series of kicks. "I'm not a 'little kid' anymore!!" Rang out throughout the restaurant.

I ran for the door to go after him but froze when I saw every cook standing by a window, staring after Sanji.

"This soup is really good, you know." Luffy said as he dished up some more, completely ignoring what just happened.

I pushed past the cooks, hand on the door when the owner's words made me stop once again. "We know that."

"Huh?" Luffy and I asked at the same time.

"Sanji's cooking skill are recognized by everyone here." Owner explained.

"It's not bad at all." One agreed.

"Yeah," Another chimed in. "This soup is very well made."

"Boy, that was scary..." Patty sighed. "He seriously snapped."

I took my hand off the door and turned to face them. "Then why insult his cooking?"

"So he can strive to be better." I was told.

"But that idiot won't listen unless we go this far." One said. I heard feet stop outside the door. Sanji was back.

"Say kid," Owner addressed Luffy.


"You were saying you wanted a cook for your ship, right?" He asked. "This isn't a favor that I'd like to ask of you or anything, but would you take that little brat with you to the Grande Line?"

Luffy stood a little straighter.

"It's his dream to go there." Owner explained.

"Man, Owner," Patty said. "You really made us put on quite a show."

"I was worried he'd figure it out because of your bad acting!" Carne teased.

Patty laughed. "Your acting was horrible, too. I'll have another bowl now!"

"Me too!" The other cooks shouted. I heard Sanji slump to the deck of the ship right outside the door. His lighter flicked several times, but it wouldn't light. He growled softly at it, but gave up and placed his head in the bend of his arm and listened to the people inside. I stepped away from the door and went back to my food, eating every last piece of it.

"I can hear everything, you damn idiots." I heard Sanji whisper over the boisterous activity inside.

"So, what do you say, kid?" Owner was saying to Luffy.

"No." He replied bluntly.

"WHAT?!?!?!?" Everyone shouted. Luffy just kept eating.

"I thought you wanted a cook for your ship?" Owner questioned. "Or are you saying he's not good enough for ya?"

Luffy stabbed some meat with his fork. "He's good enough, alright. I do want him to come with me." He shoved that whole bite in his mouth.

"But he doesn't want to go." I finished for him, putting a much smaller bite in my mouth.

"He says he wants to continue working here as a cook." Luffy said around food, So glad his back it to me. "Even if you guys ask me to take him with me, I can't."

"So," Owner grabbed his stiff moustache. "You're saying that you can't agree to it until he tells you so himself, huh?"

"Exactly!" Luffy beamed. "More please!"

"Well, fair enough." He said. "But who knows if that twisted damn brat will say he's gonna go or not? There's no way to tell because he's an idiot through and through."

"More please!" Luffy demanded.

I stood and placed my empty plate on the table. "You guys are even more kind than people I know on my home island."

"And where was that, Neko?" Owner asked.

"The Marine Base ran by Ax-Hand Morgan." I replied.

"Oh, really?" He questioned. "And how is here better than there?"

I lowered my head, causing a shadow over my face. "In so many ways. Every where I've gone so far is like a utopia compared to what I dealt with back home." I was going to say more, but someone screaming as well as Sanji made me stop and turn toward the door.

Suddenly, the door burst open and in came Sanji and a shark thing with something in its mouth. "Damnit!" Sanji cried.

"Sanji!" Cooks called out. Said man moved out from under the shark thing. Upon closer inspection, I found out that it was Yosaku half eaten by a striped shark.

"What is that?"

"Is that a Fish-Man?"

"A Fish-Man came all the way from Fish-Man Island to eat our dishes?" Seriously? How stupid can these guys be?

"Idiot! It's a human and a Panshark!" Thank you, random cook I don't know! At least someone has some brains!

Luffy pushed past a couple cooks. "Hm? What's going on? Oh? Hey! It's you, Yosaku! Mira! Help me get the shark off him!" We got the shark to open its mouth so I could pull Yosaku out. We set the shark free.

"Oh, Big Brother Luffy." He said.

"Why are you alone? Where are the others?" He questioned. "What happened to Nami?"

"It's not that we caught up with her, but from the direction Big Sister Nami was heading, we figured out roughly where she was going." Yosaku was given a blanket to wrap up in and a chair to sit in.

"I see." Luffy held his chin. "We can bring her back then."

"Well," Yosaku cast his gaze to the floor. "If what we're thinking is right, her destination is a crazy place. In any case," He held up a finger. "We need you're help Big Bro Luffy and Big Sis Mira. Please come with me."

"Okay." Luffy agreed. "I don't really get it, but got it."

My eyebrow twitched. "I got it, Yosaku. You can count on me to understand things better than this guy."

"Hey!" whined Luffy. Sanji lit a cigarette. We got up and headed from the restaurant to leave.

"Wait!" They stopped. "How will we get there?! Luffy and I can't swim!"

"Ah!" Yosaku cried. "I forgot!"

"We'll figure something out." Luffy assured and we continued out.

"Wait!" Sanji ordered from where he was leaning. We stopped to hear what he had to say. "We both have foolish dreams."


"In order to achieve my goal, the All Blue..." He tipped his head back.

"Sanji?" Luffy looked over his shoulder at him.

"Yeah." Sanji stood from his resting post. "I'll come along on your journey to become 'King of the Pirates'."

"What?" Luffy turned all the way around.

"I'll be the cook for your ship." He said again.

I walked up beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Welcome aboard, Sanji." He blushed and his eyes turned to hearts. "But I expect you to restrain yourself from fawning over me.

"Yes, Mira-chan!" He said dreamily. He turned his attention back to Luffy. "Is that a problem or not?"

Luffy's mouth grew wide in his excited yell that echoed over the ocean blue and the restaurant "IT'S OKAY!!! AAALLL RI~GHT!" He threw his hands in the air and gave a triumphant cheer.

"I'm happy for you, Big Bro Luffy!" Yosaku cheered with him.

"Yeah!" Then the two idiots began to dance around in a circle. "Yay! Yay! We got a cook! We'll have good food!"

I sighed in annoyance. "Idiots..."

"So that's how it is, everyone." Sanji addressed to the other cooks. "Sorry for causing you all sorts of trouble."

"Ha! I don't like it!" Patty objected, ultimately becoming the opposite of what he had showed us when Sanji was away. "I wanted to kick you out of here myself!" He crossed his arms. "And you decide it so easily?!"

Sanji just stared at him. "Sorry for making you resort to bad acting." The reaction from the cooks was priceless!

"You knew?!" Patty shouted.

"I could hear everything since you're all stupid." He explained.

"What?!" Patty growled.

Sanji leaned against the railing again. "That is to say, you're willing to go that far to kick me out, huh, you damn geezer?"

"Why do you always have to talk like that?!" Patty shouted. "You damn bastard!" Owner put a hand in front of him.

"Hmph!" Owner grunted. "That's right, you little brat! I don't like kids to begin with! Not a single day passed where I didn't regret letting a useless one live, you damn brat."

Sanji scoffed. "Fine by me, you damn geezer!" Yeah, you can't tell they care for each other (note the sarcasm). "Enjoy the rest of your life to the utmost." Owner dismissed Sanji and he went to go get his things packed.

Soon, we were standing in front of a small boat. "Whoa! This is a nice ship!" Yosaku complimented. "Are you sure we can use it?"

"Of course!" Patty said. "It's Sanji's boat." We climbed in and waited for our captain to finish picking up things for our trip.

"Where's Luffy?" I whined. "He's been gone for ages!"

"It's only been five minutes..." Yosaku said.

"Hn!" I drooped over the edge of the boat. "So? It still seems like forever... Luffy is probably depleting their meat supply to nothing." I looked up and saw Luffy. Just as I thought. He had a huge sack that probably held nothing but meat in it.

"Finally!" I huffed. "You took forever! Now all we have to do is wait for slow poke Sanji and we can go!" So we waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, he decided to show himself. He walked slowly from the restaurant as the other cooks lined up on either side of the door and watched him go.

I tapped my fingers on the railing. Anytime would be fine now...

"This is for my long standing grudge!" Patty suddenly screamed as he went after Sanji.

"Be prepared, Sanji!" Carne shouted as he too came up from behind him. In one quick movement, Sanji dropped his belongs, flipped over onto his hands, and kicked both Patty and Carne; Patty in the face and Carne in the back of the head. Just like that, Sanji was making his way towards us.

"You guys will never be able to defeat him." One of the other cooks told them.

Sanji made his way calmly and silently down the aisle of cooks seeing him off. Could he be any slower? Finally, he made his way to us. "Let's go."

"You don't have to say goodbye?" Luffy asked him.

"That's okay." He grinned.

"Sanji!" He turned. "Don't catch cold." Owner said kindly. And just like that, the water works started. I smiled at how kind the guy can be, even though he says he hates kids. I think he's reliving a memory or something, because he just stood there with a very distant look to his eyes.

Then, "OWNER ZEFF!!!" Sanji spun around and threw himself in a bowing position and cried his eyes out. "Thank you for all the damn things you've done for me over these past years! I'll never forget your kindness for the rest of my life!!" Sanji cried and bawled like a baby, which in turn caused the other cooks to start crying as well, even Zeff (who's name I now know).

"You asshole!" Patty cursed. Carne hit the deck with his fist. "I'll miss you, damnit!" Sanji lifted his head and saw all the other crying people.

"I'll miss you!" Carne echoed.

Everyone by now was shedding tears. "Heh," I sniffed. "Big babies." I wiped away a stray tear.

"You idiots!" Zeff sniffed. "Men should part without a word."

"Let's go!" Luffy announced once a blubbering Sanji got on board. "Set sail!" The sail was lowered as we pulled away. Sanji waved his arms to the men back on the deck who waved back.

"I'll see you again, you damn bastards!" He called out to them. Once the Baratie was out of site, Sanji wiped his tears on his sleeve then turned to me. "Now, you said something about not being wanted on your home island?"

I turned to him. "Right... Forgot that you listened in."

"Sanji!" Luffy interrupted. "I want food!"

"Alright, alright. I'll make something." He went to the kitchen and rolled up his sleeves.

"You don't need to make anything for me." I told him. "I'm not hungry." He nodded and got to work cooking. I watched him.

"So, care to tell me?" He asked as he got the fire going.

I nodded and told him everything I told Luffy and the others. Surprisingly, it was easier to say a second time than it was the first.

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