Ch.4 - Easy to Touch, Hard to Love
The day started out slowly for the both of them. Neji and Tenten ended up meeting at the training grounds to welcome Lee and Guy back home from their mission. When they made it there, they found that only Rock Lee was there.
"Tenten, Neji!!" Lee called out, tears shining in his eyes as he hugged the both of them, to their irritation.
"Lee," Tenten giggled, "You've only been gone a few days."
"I know, but I missed you both so much!! The mission wasn't as thrilling as it would've been with you two!" Tenten smiled at Lee's words but couldn't help but to feel relieved knowing that she got to ahem... "Spend time" with Neji.
Lee looked from one to the other and asked, "How was your weekends?"
Tenten blushed a bit and said, "Oh, n-nothing worth mentioning."
Neji cleared his throat, managing to hide a smile.
Lee grinned and exclaimed, "Good enough for me! We're supposed to report to Lady Tsunade now! In fact, Guy Sensei is waiting for me!"
Lee backflipped a few times before sprinting off. "See you two later!!" He called out, eventually disappearing from sight. Tenten breathed out and giggled when she looked at Neji. "I see that smug smile on your face. What are you thinking, you pervert?"
Neji looked at her, almost shocked. Tenten was talking normally to him. Well, almost normally. Was it because today was the last day?
Tenten noticed the shock on his face before blushing and looking away. What, was she not supposed to talk to him normally? Was he expecting her to stay quiet because of the weekend's events? Or wary of him because of how he would force himself on her?
She didn't understand the Hyuga's thought process at all.
After a moment of being quiet, Tenten blushed harder as she said, "I guess I don't have the right to call you a pervert. Ehe, especially after yesterday."
Neji shook his head partially, smirking his shock away. "Yes indeed, Tenten."
Tenten smiled before saying, "Too bad today's the last day. I was actually starting to enjoy myself."
"Really?" Neji asked, faking his surprise, "because I couldn't tell from the way you were reacting to my mouth and hands." He walked up to her, looking down at her with a confident smirk. She mock glared at him and retorted, "Natural reaction, Neji. You'd know all about that, you know, with grabbing my head and all."
Neji blushed slightly. She had ammo as well, he realised. "You had better be lucky the rules don't apply right now." He growled playfully.
"Why don't they?" She challenged, moving closer to him and surprising him once more.
Caught off guard, Neji said, "It's like you want me to touch you, Tenten."
"Was that really hard to find out?" She asked, her voice quieting down. Neji looked at her, sighing softly. "Tenten," he started to say, but stopped himself. No, he can't reveal anything. Not yet, not now.
She looked at him, almost expecting him to say what she thought he might say. It wasn't hard for her to see. Especially after he walked in on her and became enraged.
Only jealous men did that.
But even so, even as she knew, she couldn't help but feel irritated. He could've confronted her a long time ago about how he felt, but instead he was playing it off, pretending that he merely wanted to punish her for being a perverse kunoichi.
Tenten sighed and said, "Um, maybe we should go on and pack for the spa. We'll have to let Lee and Guy know that we'll be back early in the morning for sparring."
Neji nodded quietly, turning around and taking off without another word.
Tenten watched him, feeling conflicted beyond the normal.
She knew that she was probably sexually attracted to him, but at the same time she knew that old feelings were resurfacing. She was starting to feel something for Neji, and she was liking it.
Tenten felt her body tremble at the thought of Neji completely bare and in front of her. Her core ached again and she cursed herself. She knew that no matter how tonight ended, one of them would be admitting it.
She could only hope that she wasn't wrong about how Neji felt. Would it be so bad if he actually wanted her because of who she is and not just because of her body?
Tenten smiled to herself. She didn't think she could handle him just wanting her body. It didn't sound like something Neji would do.
With that thought in mind, Tenten turned and sprinted off to pack.
"Did you really have to book for a room so far away?" Tenten deadpanned, looking over the small hill that revealed the rest of the hotel they found. How much money did it cost to rest out a room so far away from the rest of the rooms, let alone have its own spa in it?
Neji shrugged softly, walking up to her and flicking her nose. "I'll let you answer that question. Strike one. Go in the room and change."
She pouted but didn't hesitate. She couldn't resist testing him just a bit.
Tenten walked to the hotel room, marvelling at how nice it looked. The walls were a pearly white and furniture was a shiny brown. The bed was quite large and had white and green sheets. The room itself looked beyond comfy.
The thought of Neji pinning her down on the bed made her shiver.
After a moment of taking it all in, she got undressed and slipped on a black bathing suit, liking the feel of the fabric up against her skin and the fact that it was tight, almost exposing her nipples.
Tenten then turned around to walk back out only to find Neji standing before her.
She screamed slightly before she could stop herself, jumping a bit as shivers went up and down her back.
She was almost ready to demand why he snuck up on her, but held her tongue. Neji smirked and said, "Relax, Tenten. I'm not going to eat you. For now." She blushed in response.
He chuckled, caressing her neck before bringing his hand up to her hair buns. Without warning, he took both down, causing her brown hair to be fall down. She gasped slightly, looking away in embarrassment. She hated her hair to be down. It always looked like a mess to her.
Neji stroked her long brown locks, smiling gently at how soft her hair was. It would be the first time he's seen it down.
"You look beautiful, Tenten," he said softly, surprising her.
She smiled shyly before looking at him.
Neji almost chuckled before he said, "Come, we have a nice, hot bath waiting for us."
She nodded, walking towards the back of the hotel room. Once she opened the back door, she found a large steamy tub waiting for them. It wasn't large like she thought it would be, but it was large enough for two lovers.
Neji walked over to the tub, slipping a foot down in it before chuckling. "Warm," he said softly, discarding his clothing in a slow manner. Tenten watched, biting her lip as she watched him.
Her cheeks heated up from more than the steam, as Neji had slipped his boxers off, revealing a partial erection. He then stepped in, sighing in relief as his lower half disappeared under the slightly foamy water.
He then glanced at her and said, "Come."
She nodded quietly, walking over to him. He grabbed her hand and pulled her slightly, indicating that he wanted her sitting with him.
Tenten stepped in, smiling as the warm water surrounded her. She loved it when she could step in hot water. It always relaxed her body and sent her mind to heaven. When she sat next to him, Neji restrained himself from leaning towards her and kissing her.
Tenten looked incredibly attractive in the bathing suit, and the fact that she seemed so content didn't help.
Wasn't he supposed to be pleasuring her? Making her whine and moan? Why wouldn't he take her where she was sitting?
'Because,' he mentally realised, 'I don't want to take her. She looks so happy.' Why would he want to make her unhappy? Neji wasn't sure of what he wanted anymore.
Tenten noticed that he seemed distressed. Why? He seemed happy moments ago. She bit her lower lip. Had he thought about something that upset him? Had she done something to upset him?
Unable to think about it anymore than she already had, Tenten mentally sighed. She was going to defy him again, but if it made him happy, then she just didn't care.
Tenten suddenly wrapped her leg over Neji's lap, moving herself to where she was on top. Neji looked up at her in surprise. "Tenten, what are you doing?" She smirked down at him softly. "You brought me here to make me moan, you idiot. Don't just sit there, lost in thought."
Before he could respond, she kissed him hard, grabbing the back of his wet head and pushing him on her.
Neji moaned, closing his eyes and gripping her waist as she managed to push her tongue inside his mouth. When his tongue found his way to hers, their tongues wrapped and twirled like an erotic dance.
Tenten whined, gripping his chest as she slowly humped him. Neji returned the favour and pressed his body up against her. She had passed three strikes already, and probably many more, but for the moment he was just going to enjoy the way she felt up against him.
Their lips continued to clash up against one another, their tongues not slowing down.
Tenten gasped as Neji pulled the upper part of her suit down, groping her breasts in the process. She whined as he pinched and pulled her nipples. He couldn't get over how soft and plump they were.
She looked in his eyes and saw the want in his eyes. She desired him just as much as she did, but she didn't even have a chance to say it, as Neji had pulled her nipples hard, making her cry out.
He then pulled back, whispering in her ear, "Too many strikes, Tenten. The water is becoming quite cool, don't you think?"
She looked down at him, breathing unevenly.
He smirked. "Get out of the tub and lay on your side, Tenten."
She nodded hesitantly and got out. If he wanted her, he would've told her to at least lay on her back.
No, he was planning something else, and she knew it.
She walked a few feet before laying down on her side. The cool air made her shiver, and some of her damp air stuck to her back and neck, but she didn't mind.
"Close your eyes," she heard him say. She followed suit, body quivering as she heard his footsteps coming towards her. He suddenly lifted her leg, bending it back to where her leg touched her waist. The bathing suit stretched, making her feel a bit uncomfortable.
Neji tugged at the bottom of the bathing suit, pulling it to the side and revealing her vagina and anus. Tenten had to wonder what he was planning on doing, as she never figured he cared for her butt in that manner.
She let out a small gasp as something wet touched her anus. Just what was he doing in that area?
Neji smirked before pushing a finger inside, wiggling it around and causing her to moan high.
Tenten's eyes opened wide as she suddenly gripped the tile floor. She didn't think he'd go that far, but there he was, fingering her rear mercilessly.
"Hmm, a bit tight. You might hurt a little, but I think pleasure would take over shortly after.
She looked up at him. Was he planning to give it to her that way? He simply smirked down at her, implying nothing. She frowned and shut her eyes, doing her best not to admit that the swirling finger inside her butt actually felt... Good.
He suddenly pulled out, causing her to gasp a bit.
She heard his footsteps recede from her and relaxed a bit. Maybe he wasn't going to make love to her that way.
When he returned, he noticed that her leg stayed the same. He had to smile at that. Neji knelt before her, holding small vibrators. He wanted to use a normal vibrator, but stretching her flower was his job and his job alone.
Without warning, he gently pressed both vibrators inside her holes, causing her to gasp and look at him in shock. He smirked at her and said, "Punishment, Tenten. Deal with it, or I'll make it worse."
She sighed softly, now figuring that he was going to please her with dildos, not knowing that they vibrated.
Neji got behind her, lifting her up to a partial sitting position as to not further push the vibrator inside of Tenten's rear. He then smirked as he wrapped his arms over hers. She looked up at him in confusion, blushing softly in the process. He then smirked and brought her attention back to his hands, which wielded the controls.
Before she could say anything, Neji flicked them on the lowest setting, causing Tenten to gasp out. The vibrators slowly began to move about. Tenten bit her lower lip, trying to ignore the fact that something was moving around in her butt.
Neji saw that as a challenge and turned them on a higher setting. Tenten watched him do this and whined as the vibrators moved around faster. "Neji-Sama," she whined, tilting her head back. The vibrators felt just as good as when Neji fingered her. Almost better.
He chuckled, biting her ear gently as he murmured, "Naughty girl. Enjoying your asshole being played with and knowing that I could possibly penetrate you from there."
She shuddered, her nipples hardening at the thought. Neji's erection pressed up against her back, which all but turned her on further.
Neji flicked it on the second to last highest setting, causing her to moan loudly. Her legs tensed up, and she panted a bit as the vibrators started to move so much that they were going in and out.
"Good girl, keep whining for me," he whispered up against her ear, his voice barely giving away the fact that he wanted her right then and there.
When he put the highest setting on, she cried out, arching and causing the vibrator in her rear to slide in deeper. Neji lifted her legs, breathing heavily as he did his best to control himself.
He seemed to have little control tonight. His grip on her thighs tightened as she continued to pant and moan and whine.
Neji's arms quivered. Just a little longer. Just until she came. Just wait until-
"N-Neji please!! Just give it to me, I can't wait anymore!!" She shrilled.
Neji groaned loudly. Neither could take it anymore.
He hastily pulled the vibrators out, turning them off and picking her up. She clung to him, kissing him wildly as he gripped her firmly. "Tenten," he moaned, wishing he could make it to the bed faster.
They made it to the bed in a moaning tangle; Tenten had wrapped her legs around him firmly, temporarily trapping one of his arms. Neji pulled out a kunai from his sack, not hesitating to slice Tenten's bathing suit in half and remove the clothing.
She pressed her lips up against his, whining in need. Neji spread her legs wide, breathing heavily as he leaned up and stared down at her in desire.
She looked up at him impatiently, her chocolate brown eyes clouded with lust.
He was there. He could take her now, and she'd accept it. She wants it right?
Neji felt himself hesitating. What if he pushed her to want him? He was sure if Lee had done the same to her, they'd be having sex as well. He frowned, catching her off guard.
His arms trembled. If he had pushed her to have sex with him, then maybe he didn't deserve to have her. He didn't deserve to kiss her. He didn't deserve any part of her.
He pushed himself up and moved towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. Tenten winced, wondering if she had done something wrong.
She didn't do anything. It was clear that Neji was bothered.
She shakily got up, carefully moving towards the bathroom door. "Neji... Neji, please open up."
No response.
She placed her hand on the door, listening closely for any sound that might indicate him crying or groaning in frustration.
He wasn't making him a sound.
"I don't know what happened, but you can't stay in there all day. We don't have to do this. Just tell me what's wrong."
"Just go to bed, Tenten," he snapped from behind the door.
She flinched in surprise, lowering her hand and looking down. He wasn't talking. Why would he? He never really came to her about how he was feeling anyway.
Tenten slowly made her way back to the empty bed. Why was Neji suddenly avoiding her? Did he finally realise who unattractive she actually was? Did they move too fast?
Despite knowing she wasn't the reason for his sudden rejection, she felt terrible. Tears formed in her eyes. She wanted him. She couldn't deny it. She wouldn't. Her core wanted him, not Lee or anyone else.
'No,' she thought, gripping her forehead, 'You don't love him, do you? You... You love him.... I love him...'
She looked towards the bathroom door as a tear escaped her left eye. Tenten knew she was twice as emotional, but she couldn't help it. She gripped the sheets.
Tenten bit her lip and held back from crying out for him.
He made his decision. She laid down and gripped the pillow nearby, curling up to it as she slowly cried.
'I can't love him. Please let this be just a faze that comes with being aroused. Please don't be true. He'll never accept me. Please...'
Her eyes slowly closed as more tears slipped down her cheeks and nose.
Her whole night was ruined. All because their feelings had finally, inevitably gotten in the way.
And just as we got to the good part too.
I hope you enjoy!
~ Nimo #IFanonNotCanon
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