Ch.1 - Caught
Tenten sat guiltily on her bed as she was stared down by her so-called teammate. She didn't know for sure what he was planning, but she knew his response wouldn't be good. She bit her lower lip in shame.
How was she supposed to know he was going to just walk in her door uninvited?
Then again, he already knew the apartment from front to back without her even saying. They were that close. Or so she had assumed.
Her eyes averted his by impulse, but not because she assumed he'd be smirking.
No, he was angry, and it'd caught her off guard. Neji suddenly leaned up and walked towards her, causing her to look up with unease. "I asked you about five minutes ago and you've said nothing. Shall I explain to you?"
Tenten didn't reply, knowing that it was a rhetorical question. Neji gave a thin smile. "You are as mindless as Ino, Sakura, and even my own cousin. You all go after men who have no interest in you, and yet you can't help but think about them as if there were no other men in existence."
Tenten winced at his words. She didn't understand why he was being so harsh with her. It was as if she somehow insulted him just by touching herself! She frowned and snapped, "Why do you care anyway!? It's not like you're my father or we're dating! I don't even see why you're chastising me about this! And besides, don't you like Hinata in that way?"
Neji frowned darkly, causing Tenten to flinch. She had said the wrong thing.
"How... Dare you... Speak about Hinata-Sama in that manner and tone." Neji growled, his hands rolling into fists. It was clear that Tenten was as daft as she feared; still, he wouldn't take kindly to her speaking poorly on his innocent cousin.
Tenten obviously didn't notice just how close he was to the edge, but she thoroughly enjoyed his unkept rage. "Don't act like you're so innocent," she spat, standing up and facing him, toe to toe. "Hinata's breasts are to die for, and her butt is nice and round. You play sweet and caring around her, but I know how you truly feel!"
Tenten's face was suddenly knocked harshly to the left; the air escaping her lips in a quick manner. Before she could recover from his slap, she was suddenly tossed onto the bed with Neji pinning her down moments later.
"Get the hell off of me!" She screeched, struggling to free her hands and grab Neji's hair, face, anything. Neji pinned her on her stomach, not even bothering to make sure if she was breathing right.
"I told you not to speak of Hinata in that manner, Tenten." Neji hissed, gripping the back of her neck and pressing her down. "And now you will pay dearly for it."
Tenten did her best to turn her head and glare at him. However, her expression faltered when she noticed he was donning a cruel smile on his face.
"I will personally make sure that Lee is informed of just how much you care for him."
Tenten gasped, terror building inside even as she glared death into him. Anything but that!
Neji growled, "You will regret the harsh words you said about Hinata; I will make sure of it."
She started to panic. "No, please don't tell Lee! I'm sorry, I won't say it again! I promise!"
"Not good enough." He pressed her further into the bed, cruel eyes holding hers. "I'll need something better than that."
"I'll do whatever you say! Anything, I swear to it! Lee doesn't need to know, no one needs to know! Please Neji, I'm your teammate!"
Neji smirked cruelly, letting her go and carefully getting off the bed. "I didn't know you were that desperate. But perhaps... I can arrange your...punishment."
Breathing heavily, Tenten sat up and rubbed the back of her neck, glaring at him, but not as hard as she had before. She knew she had set herself up for this, so now she had to pay whatever price he had in store.
She only hoped that he would somehow be merciful, especially if it came to sparring.
Neji stared down at her coldly as he said, "A few days' worth. Yes, that should do. You will come to my home, tomorrow at noon. A minute before or after, and you will be severally punished. Am I clear?"
Tenten nodded with uncertainty. Just what was Neji planning had she not made it on time?
"You will follow what I say, Tenten, or I will make you regret it," Neji stated, unable to hold back a cruel smirk.
Tensing up and ready to retort, she merely said, "O-Okay."
Neji nodded and left without another word. Tenten felt shivers run down her spine. Not only was Neji acting unusual, but the more she thought about it, the more she wondered if the punishment would be relating to sparring.
The evil smirk that was planned on Neji's face made her feel that her hunch was correct.
'Noon, gotta make it to noon!'
Tenten swore to herself as she rushed towards the Hyuga compound. Her alarm wasn't on her side today, she knew that much.
'Five minutes, that's all you got, Tenten!' She thought with a slightly panicked look on her face. As she passed through the halls, she noticed that the place was emptier than she had expected. She wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not.
Tenten reached Neji's door just in time, hesitating a moment before opening the door.
What she saw left her blushing from ear to ear.
Neji was seemingly asleep on his bed, breathing softly as he rested on his back. He was naked, only a part of his blanket covering his lower regions.
Tenten could understand that today was quite hot, but she didn't think that he had to go that far! She got closer to see if he was truly asleep or not, but there was nothing to show that he was faking it.
Figuring it best to leave him be, Tenten turned around and headed to the door, only to suddenly yelp and fall backward. She ended up landing on his bed, sitting on top of him as he held her waist.
Tenten flushed hard and demanded, "What was that for!?"
"Silence," Neji growled, not bothering to open his eyes.
But Tenten wasn't having it. She squirmed and hissed, "This isn't funny Neji, I said let me go!" Sighing, he let her go and opened his eyes, allowing her to see how annoyed he was with her. Tenten got off and said, "Thank you. Now, what do I need to do?"
"Go to my closet and pull out the outfit that is blue and white."
Tenten frowned but didn't protest as she walked towards his closet. When she opened the closet door and pulled the outfit out, she almost gaped.
The outfit was a small white maid outfit with blue lacing and grey buttons. The outfit included a white pair of silky underwear, a white bra, white heels that didn't reveal her toes, and white and a pair of grey striped pantyhoses.
Tenten turned to Neji in shock and spat, "I refuse to wear these! You're out of your flipping mind!"
The Hyuga sat up and raked his hair, staring at her in a way that made her feel both intimidated and flustered. "If you choose not to, then there's nothing stopping me from going to Lee right now."
She growled before glaring down at her outfit. Tenten knew that she couldn't move around not doing it, not without Neji giving her secret away.
He truly was evil when he wanted to be.
She sighed and said, "Fine." She turned to walk to his bathroom, but he said, "No, stay here." She turned around and stared at him in shock. He smirked and twirled his finger. "Undress here."
"Wearing it will be bad enough, but not I have to undress and dress in front of you?!" Had Neji seriously lost his mind?
He didn't say anything. He simply looked at her with an expectant smile on his face. He knew that she wouldn't refuse, even if she wanted to
Tenten sighed as she set the outfit down, begrudgingly stripping her shirt and pants off. She slowed down completely when reaching for her bra. No man had seen her naked before. But she knew that Neji would simply demand or threaten her to take it off, or worse, come over to do it himself.
Tenten was starting to realize that Neji's intentions were not to fight her but to expose her in many ways. She wasn't looking forward to what he had planned next.
Once she mustered enough courage to take her panties and bra off, she quickly slipped on the outfit, pantyhose and all. When she finished, she turned to Neji in embarrassment and anger.
Neji made a satisfied smirk. "Here I thought you didn't know how to follow instructions. Listen, and listen close, kunoichi."
Tenten nodded, her glare not faltering. What real choice did she have?
"First of all, you will always address me as Neji-Sama when we are alone. You may call me what you wish around others."
Tenten twitched. "Neji-Sama? You're kidding me right?"
"Next, you will do what is told and come when you're called," he continued as if she never spoke. If you show any sign of disobedience, I will punish you how I see fit."
Tenten opened her mouth to protest, but Neji interrupted. "And finally, you will not make a retort, you will not make jokes or speak to me in an unkindly manner. In fact, you may not say anything unless I say so."
That son of a bitch!
"You can't tell me what to do like that!" She hissed. "I am not your slave!"
Neji had swiftly gotten up and moved towards her just as she finished her sentence. He moved so quickly that she barely had time to process that he was naked and angry. With a yelp, Tenten was shoved up against his bed, Neji hovering over her predatorily. She stared up at him in partial anger and fear, not knowing what his plan was.
"For as long as I've known you, you've complained and made snide remarks too many times, especially when I'm criticizing you. I believe I've had my fill of it, Tenten." His stare was hard, causing her to shrink a little. "I am not only doing this for your own good but reminding you that sometimes, it's best to keep your legs closed."
She gritted her teeth and said, "You have a lot of nerve making jokes like that."
Neji gripped her grin roughly, hissing, "You aren't very good at following orders, Tenten. Strike one."
Before she could reply, he kissed her roughly, causing her to tense up and gasp. Tenten had never been kissed before, and he knew it.
'This bastard-!'
Tenten tried to lean her head back, but Neji pulled her closer, deepening the kiss as his tongue flicked up against her lips. Tenten whined and jerked away from his lips, breathing heavily and trying to push him away from her.
"Ah ah," Neji cooed, grazing his lips softly up against her neck. "It is your fault you spoke up when I already warned you. Don't tell me you didn't like the kiss."
Begrudgingly, Tenten did in fact enjoy the kiss. She shouldn't have; under better circumstances, his lips would've been heavenly and she would have indulged further.
"You're a pig, Hyuga," she growled, pushing him away. Neji smirked and said in a stern voice, "Sit on the bed."
She glared at him and said, "You're an asshole."
Tenten sat on the bed and crossed her arms, her eyes never leaving his. Neji grabbed a pair of boxers nearby, slipping them on and saying, "Naturally, Tenten. Now, unbutton your shirt."
She didn't freak out again, now becoming adjusted to his insane commands. It still didn't stop her lips from parting in protest.
"I warned you not to talk unless I said so," Neji said, walking towards her. "Strike two." Tenten's face flushed as she looked away. There was no way in hell she was exposing herself to Neji again.
"I won't repeat myself." His voice was dangerously low, and Tenten had a feeling that if she didn't do it, he'd do it for her.
Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough, and Neji ended up yanking her shirt open. Tenten gasped, watching as the buttons fell on her skirt. Neji picked them up, placing them on his bedside table before turning to glare at her.
Tenten shrunk and said, "T-this is my first time doing all of this! You can't expect me to- N-Nejiii!"
He had gripped her breasts firmly, pressing them together and pushing her down on her back. Tenten gripped his shoulders but couldn't push him away. She wasn't used to any of this.
"Hmm...c-cup. Average," Neji stated carelessly, staring down at her in a menacing glee as he fondled and groped her against her will.
Tenten blushed and cried out, "They're not average! Let me go, Neji!"
Neji pulled down the silky fabric holding her breasts in place, flicking her left nipple. "Average," he teased, leaning over and ever so slightly licking her nipple. Tenten gasped and arched slightly. The sudden slimy warmth covered her tiny brown bundle of nerves, causing it to harden and rise.
"Neji," she moaned pleadingly. Everything was happening so fast that she all but forgot that he was forcing himself upon her.
He hummed, flicking his tongue up against her nipple before leaving it to sting against the cold air ventilating around the room. He leaned his head up, watching her as he pinched her right nipple, twisting it gently and pulling it.
Tenten cried out in a mixture of agony and pleasure, biting her lip to desperately try and muffle her indecent sounds. Neji removed his hand, watching both her nipples as they hardened and rose.
Tenten took in deep breaths, looking up at him; her face caught between anger and lust. Neji smirked. "Had I known this was all it took for you to release, I would've done this a long time ago," he teased.
She glared up and him, shoving him back. "I wouldn't cum from something so simple and short, Neji!"
His eyes narrowed dangerously at the double meaning. Tenten smirked and crossed her arms in triumph.
Neji casually said, "I don't believe you've even looked at my size yet. But that doesn't even matter. Apologize for not calling me by my designated name and for speaking out of turn, Tenten, and I may overlook your third strike."
Tenten didn't want to believe that Neji would go any further than he did and instead slapped him. She had had enough of his ridiculous ideas for punishment.
Neji took a step back, turning his head slowly, but to her disappointment, no shock was evident on his face.
"It seems to me that you forgot what we had agreed on last night, Tenten," Neji said, rather coolly. "It seems that you need another punishment."
Tenten stood up and prepared to fight him, but Neji was already in front of her. He turned her around and slammed her on the bed, pulling her arms behind her and cuffing her wrists. He then raised her upper half, exposing her butt.
Tenten struggled and hissed, "If you don't let me go, I will scream!"
Neji smirked evilly. "Go on and do it. Everyone is out today. A ceremony is taking place but I opted on staying here, just for you my dear teammate. No one can hear you, even at your loudest."
Tenten's breathing picked up as she further struggled against the cuffs, but the more she struggled, the more drained she felt. "Chakra cuffs... Neji, you bastard!"
"Naturally," he cooed, gently biting Tenten's right thigh as he pulled down her pantyhose to her thighs. She tensed up.
He wasn't going to take it, was he?
Neji smirked as he looked down at her partially soaked panties. "I did turn you on, didn't I? Could you ever imagine Lee doing this to you?"
Tenten growled before gasping.
Neji had gently placed his fingers over her labia. "So warm," he whispered up against her leg, gently massaging her petals through the smooth white fabric. Tenten bit back a whine and shuddered.
'Oh Kami!'
Neji continued the slow and teasing process, refusing to move any faster or slower as she slowly began to drench her underwear. Tenten arched and squirmed, but she didn't put up much of a fight. The cuffs had drained her since her struggle earlier, and she could already feel her legs twitching at the sensation of edging towards a release
He chuckled and watched as she slowly twitched and jerked, her panting becoming more audible. He figured it was time to give her a release she would never be able to experience with her own hands.
Tenten's eyes widened as he slid her panties down to the same level as the pantyhose. The clear substance slowly oozed its way out of her center, gently landing on her panties.
She couldn't remember the last time she was so turned on, enough that she'd openly dripped so wantonly. The only other time was-
'Don't even think about it!' Tenten snapped at herself. She would not let herself think of the first time she touched herself. Not now, not when her teammate wasn't even acting like a teammate anymore!
Neji hummed before clicking his tongue. The middle and first finger of his right hand lit up in chakra as he activated his Byakugan. Not only could he see Tenten's pressure points, but he had also caught sight of her pleasure points; areas that she probably didn't even know about were all open to him and him alone.
He gently slid his fingers inside, causing her to gasp and arch.
"N-Neji! What are you d-doing?!" She almost choked on her words as he massaged every pleasure point within two inches of her vagina. She had never felt such a pulsating movement inside her before, and already it was driving her crazy.
Her panic and arousal amused him as he said, "I'm stimulating your most sensitive areas, Tenten. Don't tell me you've never experienced this kind of pleasure before."
Tenten gasped slowly, feeling tingles from the back of her neck to her legs. Her mouth watered as her nipples hardened once more. His fingering was too much!
Neji added his ring finger and pushed all three deeper, wiggling them faster as he hit every pleasure point he saw. The pressure was driving Tenten over the edge, well over any common sense she had to fight off the Hyuga's advances.
When Neji used his other hand to massage her clitoris, Tenten squealed and cried out, arching and panting as the pressure became close to unbearable. Neji knew she was closing in and losing her mind in the process, but he couldn't help but push her just a bit further.
Then finally, Tenten let out a sharp cry as her insides clamped down on his fingers. With his hand still blazing, she came hard, almost squirting in his face and creating a mess on her clothing and his bedsheets.
Her body twitched as he pulled out his fingers, watching as she breathed heavy and continued to pant. Her release continued to drip, but less than before. Not seeing the need to leave them on, Neji took off the chakra cuffs and stood up, smirking in satisfaction as he deactivated his Byakugan.
If that didn't teach her to behave, then it would only encourage him to make her feel so much pleasure that it might break her. The thought settled in his mind with a nice and chilling ring to it. Yes, maybe he would make her his. Just not today.
Tenten tilted her head before turning her body over, exposing her flower and breasts as her arms and legs stretched out. She tried to catch her breath as her body continued to quiver. He saw the defying look on her face and knew that she wasn't giving in just yet.
Neji dared to smile at her disheveled posture. He knew that whether she liked it or not, she would have fun with him. Her body was begging for it. More than that, he knew that while she was angry with him, perhaps even beginning to hate him, she enjoyed it.
He could see it her eyes. And he knew that the further down the rabbit hole they went, the more she would beg for it, need it; need him.
And so much more
Chapter Revised (8/14/20)
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