Real Father

(Blaze's POV)
Hi.My name is Blaze L/N and right now I am hating my life due to my upbringing and a problem I was born with.My "parents" never really were parents to me since they spent their days either argument about how they didn't have enough money for anything, use the money they had for alcoholic drinks that get them in trouble with the law or either complaining that I didn't have a semblance so I could get them money and that brings us to the problem of mine I was born with.At school while my intellect allowed me to have the best grades of my school which got praise from my teachers and principal, me not having a semblance made me a target for a bully group lead by some jerk named Cardin Winchester since his group were racist scumbags that only picked on the weak but refused to pick on people even remotely on par with them and I had defended a Faunas girl that they tried to bully so they hated me from that day forward.What made it strange to me was that despite how I didn't have a semblance I still managed to do things that normal people and people that were Faunus couldn't do even with semblances like taking Cardin's and his group's toughest punches without being fazed and that one time I got angry at my parents for wasting a 200 dollar winning lottery ticket on beer that I punched a rock and shattered it.Though despite me living this kind of dark life, I had some light in it that made me to continue living on and not running away from my home.One was my three friends that I had made after I protected that Faunus girl from those guys and those three names were Erza Scarlet, Yang Xiao Long and Blake Belladonna a Faunus girl herself but she kept that hidden by a little bow that covered her adorable cat ears. Erza was a interesting one to be around as she was a leader figure that didn't take nonsense or anyone touching her strawberry cake but she always shared some with me while having a face as red as her pretty hair.For Yang, she was a blonde fighter that was as confident as she was short tempered but she was a kind girl..... unless you messed with her hair but she always allowed me to brush it for her strangely but at times after I finish she holds my hand over hers while I'm holding the brush.For Blake, she had a ninja's stealth and silence since she always kept to herself which made sense since the three girls didn't really hang out with one another but Blake always liked my company since we both enjoyed reading books though our taste were both a little different with her liking books that were full of romance or suspense while I liked books that had as people put it dark and gory subjects and what made my "mother" think I was some weirdo was when I found a book about the Afterlife or more specifically Hell and it's ruler:Satan, a fallen angel cast out of Heaven by his own father and sent to rule the dimension to punish those that deserve punishment.Blake rarely every spoke to anyone from students to other teachers but she loved being around me since I was the only one that knew she was a Faunus and I accepted her since Faunus could be evil but also can be good people like humans so I hated how people from both species always had to hate each other as opposed to actually thinking on how to get along.The teachers and principal were nice enough and liked how I was a good kid as they put it but I often times did things that could have winded up with me expelled from school or even sentenced to juvenile with the things I did ranging from simply leaving my house at night to go for strolls to the park to enjoy the silent nights to going downtown to see if I could do some small jobs for money ranging from 10 to 20 dollars so I could leave when I'm eighteen to even going to a bar that I go to whenever I finish a job and I know your thinking how I get in despite me being nine years old, well I did a job for the main bartender to bring her some dude that has been pretending to be her boss and I did since the pay was a few hundred dollars and that I would be allowed to go into the bar whenever I wanted so I took it and actually surprisingly not only succeeded but knocked the faker out with one punch.After spending about a hour ordering some food and soda I decided to go home but when I went out a exit that led out into a alleyway my "parents" were waiting there angry ,smelling of alcohol and with a knife in my "father's" hands.Father:"Guess what you little shit?! Your mom and I lost our goddamn jobs today and since you've been mooching off of us I think it's time for you to pay up!" I looked at that knife and it didn't take long for me to realize what he meant though at this exact moment I knew that letting this pair of pathetic excuse of humans have satisfaction wasn't on my bucket list, so I brought my fists up ready for a punch when he decided to swing at me but what happened instead was shocking and disturbing.When my "father"  tried to get closer to me a fist emerged from his chest while another covered his mouth to hide his screams of pain.Blood was splattered on the left side of my "mother's" face while I just stood there looking at the bloodied fist that just ended a human life before it was removed and the now lifeless body was dropped on the cold concrete ground of the alley but I couldn't see the face of the killer since it was so dark out.Neither me or my "mother" moved from our spots but then the same bloodied hand grabbed her neck and swiftly snapped it but not before hearing  a cold and emotionless masculine voice say this.???:"See you in hell whore." After this pair of unpredictable deaths I started feeling lightheaded before starting fall forward but I felt a pair of strong arms catch me and when I looked up to see who caught me I saw a pair of red glowing eyes that faded into a pair of brown eyes that were filled with tears and then the same voice but in a calm and caring manner that a real parent would talk in say this.???:"I've finally found you."  

(Timeskip 1 hour after murders Blaze's POV)
Softness and warmth.That's what I felt when my eyes opened up and when I looked around I expected to see the Grim Reaper with his scythe but instead looking around I saw that I was in the "Lux" the bar I go to whenever I finish a job or get bored or more specifically one of the rooms they have for reasons Maze said I'll understand when I'm older.The softness was a King-sized bed I was in and when I continued looking around I saw that the placed seemed closed since no one else was in the room and that I couldn't hear any music.The door then started to open and me not knowing who it could have been hid under the blankets, staying there till they either left or said something which happened when I heard the same male voice say in a comforting manner.???:"It's okay Blaze, I won't hurt you but there are somethings we need to talk about." I hesitantly uncovered myself from the blankets before looking at a man with the same eyes as the figure that killed my "parents" and Maze the bartender that I took that job for. The man looked at me with his brown eyes having tears threatening to fall and Maze with confused but also saddened expression.Blaze:"H-hi mister, how can I help you?" I was shivering since the same stranger I saw murder two people with just his fists was now just a foot away from me but judging from his eyes he didn't seem to want to hurt me while Maze suddenly got onto both her knees and bowed her head.Maze:"Blaze, this man right here is Lucifer Morningstar the owner of this business and also as you witnessed the same man that killed those two scumbags." I looked at the man now known as Lucifer but what scared me more than seeing him kill two people was how he was named after the Devil himself but then I felt him grab my left hand and held it with both of his hands.Lucifer:"Blaze, I'm gonna tell you something and I understand if you don't believe me but it is the truth." Blaze:"W-w-w-what is it Mister Morningstar?" Lucifer:"I-I'm your father, your real father.Blaze you are my son."

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