Blaze's Heritage and Family Tree
(Blaze's POV)
Right now I am wondering if I'm actually dead with what's happening on a night that should've been normal.Right in front of me is the man literally named Lucifer that not only killed my "parents" but also claimed to be my father.Blaze:"W-w-wait my f-f-f-f-father? But that man you killed, isn't he my father?" Lucifer's eyes briefly turned red which made me whimper since that was the same look I guessing he had when he killed my "parents" but when he heard me whimper he took a few deep breaths then spoke again.Lucifer:"I'm so sorry Blaze, I didn't mean to scare you it's just those two didn't deserve to be called even humans for how they treated you but I promise you I am your real father and I won't let anything or anyone hurt you." He seemed so sincere when he said that but when I looked closer I realized that he did look like me when his eyes became red and his black hair but still that didn't mean he was my real father since red eyes were common and black hair can be seen everywhere.Blaze:"But wait do you have any proof that your my father? I can't just outright believe you." Lucifer looked at Maze before back at me while putting his right hand on top of my head to where I saw that I was in a hospital room? a memory from when I was a newborn baby but I didn't see the two "parents" that I saw die, I saw Lucifer Morningstar looking down to me with a happy smile and teary eyes but then I noticed that there was a woman holding me that looked nothing like the one that ignored my existence.She was beautiful with long flowing red hair like Erza, red eyes that glowed like Lucifer's with tears like his and a warm smile that made me feel safe while he was stroking my head.Doctor:"You two are now the proud parents of a baby boy.Congratulations." The woman didn't say anything till the doctor asked what my name will be.Lucifer:"Go ahead you can choose his name Wanda." Wanda? I'm guessing that's the woman's name or I guess my mother's? This was just so crazy to think that I was with two people that weren't my parents this whole time while I was then rescued by my real parents or one of them at least.Wanda:"I'll call him....Blaze." After that the memory finally ended and I was back in Lux with Maze and Luc- no my real father.Lucifer:"Blaze I'm not asking you to forgive me for my decision of leaving you with those bastards but I love you with all my heart." I started to tear up at this realization before jumping into my father's arms. Blaze:" Daddy! My Daddy!" My father seemed shocked since I felt him tense up but then he proceeded to hug me back while patting my back in a comforting manner.Maze:"I knew you reminded me of someone little guy." I looked to Maze and gave her a smile and ran to give her a big hug since she has been so nice to me to the point she has been like a second mom to me.Like my dad she tensed up but relaxed and hugged me back before my father's voice spoke up to ask me this question.Lucifer:"Blaze, do you know what 'Lucifer' means?" Blaze:"It's another name for the Devil right?" Lucifer:"Exactly and I'm called that because ..... I AM the Devil." One thing I may and should've mentioned was that I had a ability to actually sense if someone was telling the truth and if they were lying and as if I could have gotten more shacked, my father was telling the truth meaning I was the son of Satan himself!? I then heard a door open and I hid behind my father since I was still nervous being around the place that could have been my grave, in walked in two men one clearly older than the other one evident by his silver beard and with a calm look on his face while the other one was really well built and had a look on his face that showed a man that knows determination.My father looked to Maze and told her to take me to the other room and keep me there till he says so, which Maze nodded to and took me into the room to hide me.
(No one's POV)
Afterwards Lucifer just stood there with red puffy eyes from his crying before trying to compose himself when the two men that walked in noticed him near the bar counter and walked over to speak with him. Amenadiel:You tired tonight Lucifer? Have to be if your bar is closed on a Friday night." God:"Samael I sensed sadness hear yet no one's here.Can you exp-" God stopped himself when he saw his son with puffy eyes instead of a arrogant smirk or lust filled smile and it hit him that the sadness was from Lucifer.Amenadiel now sees Lucifer's saddened expression that he hadn't seen for quite some time and he didn't like seeing his younger brother like this. God:"My boy, what happened it's been so long since I've seen you like this." Amenadiel:"Lucifer, did something happen? You can tell me." Lucifer looked at them before looking to the side not knowing really what to do but ultimately decided that his father and older brother deserved to know about Blaze.Lucifer:"Dad, Amenadiel I have someone here that you need to meet." They both shared a confused look before signaling for Lucifer to continue, Lucifer then proceeded to walk to the side he was looking at moments before and came back out with Mazikeen and a child with black hair besides a patch of red on his left side adding to the confusion of the two men.The boy hid behind Lucifer when he walked up to the two men before placing a hand on the boy's head.Lucifer:"Dad this little boy here is my son Blaze, your grandson and your nephew brother." When Lucifer finished that one sentence both Amenadiel and God were in complete shock to hear that their family has been expanded with the appearance of this child and when Amenadiel looked to Maze she nodded her head.Blaze was still behind Lucifer a bit scared from the new arrivals and how they looked at him before the older man bent down to his height. God:"Your name is Blaze correct?" Blaze nervously nodded his head from behind Lucifer's leg but started to feel more comfortable around the man.God:"But wait Lucifer how come you have only told me about him now rather than when he was born or few years after?" Lucifer started to tear up before explaining how he left Blaze with a couple due to his and Blaze's mother's "occupations" and the threats to Blaze's life but Blaze's adopted "parents" neglected him for his whole life due to him having no semblance so Blaze turned to mercenary work in order to buy things for school and for himself to survive but when they tried to kill him, Lucifer saved him and explained to Blaze about what happened.Both God and Amenadiel were a mix of emotions to hear what happened to a nine-year-old child.They were angry at Blaze's adopted " if they even had the right to be called that, impressed that Blaze did jobs meant for people with skills that took years to have yet he did these successfully despite not even being a decade old and also happiness at now knowing they had a nephew/grandson.God:"Child as you may have heard from your father, I am your grandfather and this man next to me is my eldest son Amenadiel." Amenadiel:"Hey there kiddo, well yeah I guess I am your uncle and I can find something else for you to do besides mercenary work if you want." Blaze mustered up his courage and got out from behind Lucifer to go to his now grandfather.Blaze:W-wait if Lucifer is my father and your my grandfather then does that mean that you are God?" God*Chuckles* :"Yes my dear boy, I am indeed God and your uncle Amenadiel here is an angel." Blaze's eyes were filled with stars hearing this but then he remembered Amenadiel's offer but Blaze had a feeling that without a semblance he couldn't do something he genuinely enjoyed.Blaze:"Well Uncle I like doing this work because I do actually help people but I don't have a semblance so it gets difficult sometimes to do anything." Blaze looked down in sadness before a hand was gently placed under his chin and lifted his head to make him look into the face of his father.Lucifer:" Actually Blaze, you do have a semblance or correctly speaking three semblances." Blaze's eyes widen in shock at his father's words.Three semblances?!?! Then how come they never activated or that the doctor said he didn't have one to begin with? Blaze:"B-b-but that doctor said I didn't have one so how come I have one now?" Lucifer:"The reason is because they were so powerful that your body was at serious risk of deteriorating at a rate you wouldn't survive so I put a seal that nullified your semblances till your body was able to handle the power that they offered." Blaze didn't really know how to feel at this news.Should he feel happy, shocked, confused? His thoughts were interrupted by his father's offer.Lucifer:"Blaze, if you want I can undo the seal and your semblances will return to you since it seems that your demonic powers may have got through it surprisingly." Wait that must explain those times that Blaze had performed superhuman feats.He's part demon or it seems more part devil. Blaze:"Please daddy! I want to prove I can be a Huntsman or something similar."Lucifer nodded before putting a finger on his forehead where a pentagram appeared then suddenly after a few moments Blaze felt powerful when the pentagram disappeared. Blaze:"I feel so strong, but if I have three semblances then what about my Aura? Is it limited due to me having more than one semblance?" Lucifer:" Oh well you certainly inherited my intelligence Blaze and I assure you that it's a trait that will help you in the future but quite the contrary.Your Aura is limitless so don't you worry about that, but right now I believe it is time for you to learn what semblances you have. Right your first one is called Zeus, which allows you to do anything the God of Thunder and Lightning is capable of such as manipulating lightning and the weather in general, shape-shifting into animals and having your physical abilities even more enhanced due to my genes giving you very high physical stats now your most likely stronger and faster than I am so we'll have to focus on you controlling this but you have from what Maze has told me.Your second one is called Burn 2.0 though I don't know who has the original but anyway whatever physical attack you get hit by will be absorbed which will enhance your strength but this new one will also enhance your speed but surprisingly also allows you to transfer the energy to others for faster recovery from injuries and finally your third semblance allows you to control all the elements and anything even remotely based on a single element." If Blaze wasn't shocked before he certainly was now at hearing what he was capable of with these kind of semblances and limitless aura, he could finally prove that he could be a Huntsman but wait what about other options? He was already a decent mercenary now but later on he could become a S+ ranked one with millions maybe even billions of dollars in his name or maybe from what he heard in a newspaper a bounty hunter since they get paid thousands for whoever they take down.Blaze:"Mister Amenadiel, you said you said that you could find me another thing to do.What else can I do besides being a Huntsman?" Amenadiel*Chuckles*: Well first little guy, you can call em Uncle.Second I do have a idea though me, your father and Maze hear have to teach you in order for you to be able to take a job like this." Blaze cutely tilted his head which got warm chuckles from the three men and for Maze to feel a strange instinct to go over and pick up the boy to just hug and protect him. Blaze:" What is it Uncle?" Amenadiel:" Well the job is demon hunting since your father is the Devil demons in Hell tend to come to Earth looking for trouble because no one is there to keep them in line, but since you have superpowers that could easily kill even the strongest demons you could be a hero to humanity and get paid lots of money out of it." Blaze loved that idea that he could spend time with his real family while also being taught how to fight from people with billions of years of experience but the best part being able to still be a hero in a way that could really show that he's not the weak boy that is a bullied target.Blaze:"Yes! Yes! Yes! Uncle I'll do it! I can be like one of the Avengers and save the world!" Blaze was jumping around happily while Lucifer walked over to his older brother and father.Lucifer*Whispers*: Just wait till he finds out who his mother is."The two men were confused at first but then looking at Blaze's features gave them a good idea of who his mother was and that just made him a even bigger threat to any kind of evil that the universe has to offer planet Earth.Suddenly Blaze felt very tired which made sense considering how this day went from normal to just insane in a matter of a few hours but when he felt ready to fall on the cold concrete floor he instead landed into a pair of strong but soft arms that when he looked up belonged to Mazikeen who looked at him with a warm smile like the woman that Blaze knew was his mother in the memory gave him.Maze:"Boys, I'll take him to bed now while you three catch up, mmkay?" Lucifer:"Well alright then goodnight Blaze tomorrow I promise will be a start of a better life." Blaze:"I know it will be Daddy because the Devil never lies right?" Lucifer*Chuckles: Yes my son, I don't." Blaze:"Goodnight everyone." Amenadiel:"Goodnight Blaze." God:"Goodnight child." Maze picked up Blaze and headed to her room since Blaze deserved a comfortable bed but Maze was still wondering what this instinct was that made her want to protect Blaze since it didn't feel like it was loyalty or simply because he was the Prince of Hell.No it was something else.When Maze put Blaze down on her bed and was about to leave she felt it again but this time to stay with Blaze for the night to make sure he was hear in the morning.Maze decided to listen to the instinct but then she heard Blaze start to whimper in fear and she turned to see him with tears running down his face before saying this.Blaze:"Daddy please don't leave me.Don't take me back to those awful people." Maze felt her heart ache hearing that before suddenly gently picking Blaze up into her lap and slowly rocking back and forth trying to calm him down but then that instinct once again got so strong that Maze started to.....sing a lullaby.
(Just imagine that it's Maze)
After Maze had finished the song much to her shock that she even began, Blaze was calmed down and looking to be going back to sleep but not before saying something that gave Mazikeen her answer to why she's been having this instinct.Blaze:" Goodnight Mommy Maze."
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