Final Chapter
[Third Person-POV]
After defeating the assistants of Salem,they all went to the last place that remained in the castle,(Y/N) opened the throne doors and they saw Salem with an arrogant look
Salem:Good thing you are here, it was time for the fun to begin
(Y/N):You must be Salem, you look very happy for your death
Salem:Of course I am but not because of my death,if not yours,all of you ruined my plans to have killed Cinder but do not get involved,with your death I am satisfied
Vegeta:You are too weak to face us,the only thing you will do is tickle
Gohan:And we are more than you, we defeated all your assistants
Salem:Those useless? They were not useful, they were only there for me to give them orders but I will show you some of my greatest creations
Miira appeared in front of everyone
Salem:I present to Miira or formerly known as Ozpin,one of my greatest creations, now, Miira, destroy them
A massive white aura surrounded Miira,he threw himself against Goku and Vegeta,they transformed into Super Saiyan Blue and both threw themselves at Miira,Goku punched Miira in the face followed by a kick from Vegeta,Miira was able to recover and he gave Goku a knee that made him back down,Gohan unleashed his full potential and threw a Masenko at Mira, he could dodge it
Vegeta:It's stronger than I thought
Salem:Of course it is, use all my power to create it, he is twice as strong as me, even more, no one of you is on par with the HAHAHAHA!!!
(Y/N):That's what you think!!
(Y/N) was launched against Miira and this gave him a punch that made him throw against a wall,he got up but did not see that (Y/N) had launched against him,(Y/N) grabbed the head of Miira and began dragging his head on the walls of the castle of Salem,(Y/N) hit Miira in the stomach by throwing him against the ceiling,he teleported in front of (Y/N) and punched him in the stomach that made him retreat a little
Miira:This is what I wanted, a person who gave me a good fight
(Y/N):Do not get too excited, this fight will not last long
Vegeta and Trunks appeared behind Miira and kicked him in the head that threw him at (Y/N),he punched him in the stomach strong enough to make him cross the roof of the castle,Goku and Gohan kicked him back into the ground
They both threw a Kamehameha at the same time,Miira had time to stop the attack by throwing a black and red bolt at the Kamehameha,both attacks had collided
Miira:I will not fall easily!! AAAAHHHH!!!
Miira increased the power of the attack by pushing back the Kamehameha
Goku:Damn it,we need more power!!
At that Goten appeared at his side
Goten:Dad,Gohan!! AAAHHH!!
Goten transformed into Super Saiyan and launched a Kamehameha combined with the attack of Goku and Gohan, the attack was powerful enough to roll back Miira's attack
The Kamehameha hit Miira creating an explosion causing almost all of Salem Castle to be destroyed, all were unharmed from the attack except Miira,which was very hurt by the attack
Miira:Damn it,I will not die!!
(Y/N):I think that will not happen, final words
Miira:I hope you enjoy the show HAHAHA!!!
Miira began to create a ball of energy red and black
Miira:Take this!!
Miira threw the ball of energy towards the RWBY team,Summer,Tai,Bulma and Pyhrra,she was about to block it but the attack was stopped by an ice sword that diverted Miira's attack
(Y/N):Aunt Raven!!
Yang,Summer and Tai were surprised to see Raven
Raven:Do not hurt my nephew's girlfriend,Ozpin
(Y/N) did not realize that Miira was preparing an attack on the but he saw that Miira fell to the ground with a hole in his chest,(Y/N) realized that it was Piccolo who did it
Piccolo left his pose and approached (Y/N)
Piccolo:I told you not to be arrogant in the fight, your enemy may have something more hidden
(Y/N):I'm sorry, Piccolo, I'll pay more attention to what I do
(Y/N) turned to Salem
(Y/N):It seems that your great creation was not for nothing, it was just a waste of time
Salem:I knew that it would not work,Ozpin's soul was involved in so many bad decisions that I was not surprised that he died for his own stupid but I have more tricks up my sleeve, I will not take out the heavy artillery yet but I will show you how powerful I am AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
A purple-colored aura began to surround Salem, the debris around it began to rise and the clouds began to change color to a darker one.
Salem created an explosion creating a curtain of smoke, the silhouette that was seen through the smoke did not look like Salem
Salem:You are the only and last people who will see my last form HAHAHAHA!!!!
The smoke dissipated and the last form of Salem was shown
Salem:It's time for all of you to die by my hand AAAAHHHH!!!
Salem threw herself at (Y/N) and tried to punch him but he grabbed her fist but the strength of Salem forced him to back off a bit
(Y/N):Wow, it seems that she gained much more strength with this transformation
(Y/N) pulled away from Salem and kicked her in the face that sent her back a little but Salem counterattacked with a punch in the stomach
(Y/N):Damn it, she's much stronger, I guess it's not time to hold back AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
(Y/N) transformed into Super Saiyan Blue and charged against Salem,she blocked the attack and hit (Y/N) with her tail making him back off, Goku and Vegeta launched against Salem but she created a purple force field
Salem:It's time for it to start raining!!
She created a purple ball in her hands and threw it into the sky creating an explosion,from that explosion several arrows that fell began to fall in several directions, (Y/N), Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Piccolo dodged all the arrows while the others were protected by a force field that Pyrrha managed to create but she was very tired for that
Blake:Can you create a force field?
Pyrrha:D-Did you think I was not doing anything on Earth? I trained like (Y/N)
Salem made the force field disappear
Salem:Damn it, I thought that attack would kill everyone without much effort!!
(Y/N):You will need much more than that
Salem:You're right, it's time to release all my power!!
She rose in the sky,she raised both hands and a purple ball something small began to be created but each time it became bigger
Salem:All of you ruined my plans to dominate Remnant, all of you will die and I will use your energies to make me much stronger!!!
Salem threw the energy ball towards the others
(Y/N):I will not let you get away with yours HA!!
(Y/N) threw a small ball of green ki towards the Salem attack
Weiss:Maybe you could not launch a more powerful attack?!
Weiss shut her mouth to see how the green ki ball was even bigger than the attack of Salem,(Y/N) push the ki ball even more making the attack of Salem back towards her
Salem:This is going to hurt a lot AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
The two attacks collided on Salem creating a huge explosion,the smoke came out Salem without its final shape falling to the ground,(Y/N) approached her
(Y/N):It seems that this will be your end, you have nothing else to do, what are your last words before I destroy you?
Salem got up but she fell on her knees, despite being very hurt she still had an arrogant smile
Salem:Do you really believe that this is the end? You must know that I am very calculating and I always have more plans if any of them fails, all this fight was just to get enough energy
(Y/N):Energy?...Energy for what?!
Salem:HeHeHe....For your son
Everyone's mouths fell to the floor when they heard what Salem had said,(Y/N) was very confused about this
(Y/N):M-My S-Son?!
Salem:That's right, I needed a lot of energy so that he could be born and it's time to show your son, our son
(Y/N) was even more confused than before, Pyrrha was totally schokened by what she had heard,(Y/N) saw a puddle of black mud begin to bubble, suddenly something came out of the puddle, the thing had a humanoid shape and came out of the puddle, the black slime around him fell to the ground and everyone could see the appearance of the person
(Y/N):W-Who the hell is he?
Salem:Say hello to your son (Y/N),his name is Xicor
(Y/N):He is not my son, how the hell is he going to be my son?!
Salem:Let me explain to you, when Cinder murdered you and went to Beacon and I took a sample of your blood that had come out of your wound, with a little bit of my blood I managed to combine our powers by creating the perfect being, our son Xicor
Xicor:It is a pleasure to have the great power of my father and my mother together, this power is impressive!!
Salem:That's right, darling, but it's time you to kill your father and his friends, they will interfere in our affairs and we should not leave them alive
Xicor:As you say mother
(Y/N):Look friend, I do not want to fight with you, why you bett....
(Y/N) could not finish speaking when he felt the punch of Xicor on his chest,the blow was thrown against the others but (Y/N) was caught by Goku
(Y/N):That...really hurt
(Y/N) stood up, everyone got into a fight pose, Goku and Vegeta threw themselves at Xicor but he took his fists stopping the attack, Xicor hit Goku and Vegeta against the ground and threw them against the trees
Vegeta:You are strong but let's see if you are so strong against the Super Saiyan Blue!!
Vegeta threw himself at Xicor and punched him in the face, Xicor did not even flinch, he returned the blow to Vegeta by throwing him against the trees splitting them in half
Goku:Vegeta!!! you will pay for that!
Goku transformed into super saiyan Blue and threw a Kamehameha at Xicor but he stopped him with his hand, Xicor was without any scratch, he threw a ball of ki at Goku, once the ball of ki hit him he backed him down against a tree and he did it back to its base form
Goku:I-It's like fighting against (Y/N)
Xicor:You do not mess, they are not my targes at this time!
Xicor looked at (Y/N)
(Y/N):I take care of the AAAAAAHHHH!!!
(Y/N) wrapped himself in a green aura,Xicor threw himself at (Y/N),Xicor punching him in the face that pushed him back
(Y/N):What the hell? when I release this power almost nobody can hurt me
Xicor tried to hit (Y/N) again but he was able to dodge it,(Y/N) punched Xicor but he stopped his fist inches from his face,Xicor squeezed (Y/N)'s fist causing him to kneel,Xicor gave him a kick (Y/N) in the face making him go back
(Y/N):Everyone, get out of here!!
Yang:We will not abandon you
Ruby:We will fight with you
Tai:We think about your safety, son
(Y/N):And this is possibly the only time I'm thinking about your safety, get out of here before this guy kills you!!!
They nodded and left the place
(Y/N):Piccolo, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Bulma, you also get out of here, I'll take care of him, I'm the only person capable of defeating him!!!
They did not want to leave (Y/N) fighting alone but they believed in him,Piccolo and Gohan threw a Senzu Bean at (Y/N),he ate one and regained his strength
(Y/N):I will not let you kill my friends, you will have to pass over me to hurt them and that will be very difficult
Xicor:Do not worry, father, I always keep my promises and that is one that I have in mind
(Y/N) threw himself at Xicor with a ball of green ki in his hand,(Y/N) hit Xicor with it that made him back up a bit, Xicor started throwing several green ki balls at (Y/N),he did not manage to dodge them by hitting them directly on he,(Y/N) fell on his knees because of the wounded he was,(Y/N) watched as Xicor approached the
Xicor:I'm sorry for this father but I have to do it HA!!!
Xicor threw a ball of green ki towards (Y/N),he stopped the attack in time and managed to absorb his power
(Y/N):Thanks for that KAMEHAMEHAAAA!!!!!!
(Y/N) launched the attack towards Xicor impacting on it directly creating a smoke screen,once the smoke dissipated it showed Xicor without scratches but he had a green aura around it
(Y/N):Damn it, it's getting stronger! I do not have the strength to use the Hakai, what the hell can I do?!
(Y/N) saw how Pyrrha was still in place
(Y/N):Pyrrha, get out of here!!!
Xicor:I guess it's time to start with the killing
Xicor pointed her hand towards Pyrrha and threw a large Ki ball of green coli towards her, trying to create a force field around her but could not make it in time
The smoke dissipated and showed Pyrrha on the floor,(Y/N) was waiting for Pyrrha to make some movement but she did not move at all
Xicor:One less HaHaHa
Xicor said with a smile on his face
(Y/N):H-How d-dare you...
Xicor watched as (Y/N)'s aura began to grow even larger
(Y/N):HOW DARE YOU!!!!....
Xicor began to retreat due to (Y/N)'s great increase in power
(Y/N) threw himself at Xicor and grabbed him by the head,(Y/N) started hitting him on the ground
(Y/N):You have just signed your death sentence!!!
(Y/N) was creating an even bigger hole every time he hit Xicor's head against the ground
(Y/N):You're nothing but a scum, you and your mother will be tortured by my own hands!!
(Y/N) teleported behind Xicor and with both his hands gave him a very strong blow on his back and then a kick in the ribs
Xicor:You will pay for this!!
Xicor filled his fist with ki and hit (Y/N) in the chest,he did not even flinch,at that moment Xicor felt the real terror
Xicor:How is this possib GAH!!!
Xicor:P-Please wait!!
(Y/N):You killed the person that I love the most in this life, I will destroy every atom of your body!!!!
(Y/N) rose in the sky and began to hang Xicor
(Y/N):I should have used the Hakai but I think this will be more fun, I want to hear your cries of pain HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
(Y/N) hit Xicor in the stomach very hard that even made him vomit a lot of blood
(Y/N):You and your mother will die for what they have just done!!
(Y/N) gave Xicor one last blow and threw him against Salem falling on her
(Y/N) threw the big energy ball on Salem and Xicor,both tried to stop (Y/N)'s attack
(Y/N):I guess we have to give a little push
(Y/N) threw a tiny ball of ki into the big energy ball,despite how tiny the attack was, it was strong enough to push back the energy ball hitting Xicor and Salem creating a gigantic explosion,
(Y/N) using the Instant Transmission to quickly remove Goku, Vegeta and Pyrrha from the place of the explosion,the explosion was so great that the only thing that was now a great crater,(Y/N) left the three on the ground and returned to his base form,he approached the body of Pyrrha and cradled him in his arms, his tears fell down his cheeks
Gohan:(Y/N),are you okay?
(Y/N):Y-Yes, just a little tired ... and sad
Piccolo:I do not feel Salem's or Xicor's ki, it seems you killed them
Bulma:But what happened with Pyrrha? she did not leave with us
(Y/N):It was Xicor...he...HE...HE!!
(Y/N)'s Ki began to increase as well as his strength but in that he calmed down feeling a warm hand on his cheek
Pyrrha:Do not cry, I do not like it when you do that
(Y/N) started hugging Pyrrha
(Y/N):I-I t-think y-you..
Pyrrha:I'm fine, honey, the attack did not hurt me very much, I just fainted from the shock, I'm fine
(Y/N):Thanks Zen-Oh, you do not know how worried I was for you!
They both got up,(Y/N) watched as his family approached him,Pyrrha gave (Y/N) a little boost
Tai:We saw what you did, you are very powerful
(Y/N):Thanks but you can go to the point
Summer:W-We just want to apologize for what we did to you,we should not have treated you in that way, ignore you all the time, we're very sorry
Tai,Yang and Ruby nodded
(Y/N):I'm sorry ... I will not forgive you yet
The four looked at the ground feeling guilty
(Y/N):But I will give you a second chance to prove to me that you have changed, if you do not show that ... you can forget that I was part of this family once.
Despite the hard words of (Y/N) the four nodded and hugged (Y/N),he was a little rigid at the beginning but then accepted the hug, once they parted from the hug (Y/N) approached his friends
Goku:That was fantastic, it was a great fight
Vegeta:What are you talking about? the guy gave us a beating
Goku:I know but you never face a very strong guy every day HeHe
Gohan:I think so,Hey you do not think it's time to go back, Videl must be very worried about me
Goku:And Chi-Chi must be very angry and forced me to work harder
Trunks:I wanted to stay a little longer
Goten:This place is great, there are a lot of these things to fight
Bulma:I'm sorry but it's the truth, we spent three days on another planet, I think it's time to go home
Bulma took a capsule out of her pocket and from the capsule came the ship with which they arrived at Remnant
Raven:You have to go?
(Y/N):Yes, I have all my friends and that's where I feel more comfortable, but do not worry, I have a friend who can take me to this place to visit you
Raven:That sounds good to me
(Y/N) and Raven gave each other a hug, some tears fell down Raven's cheeks, both parted from the embrace
Raven:I'll miss you so much,(Y/N)
(Y/N):I'll miss you, too, Aunt Raven but I promise I'll come visit you
(Y/N) got on the ship but before entering said goodbye to Raven and his old family he got into the spaceship, the spaceship took off on course returned to Earth,(Y/N) saw for a few seconds Remnant until the planet was lost in distance
(Y/N):I have to say, I had a good time in Remnant, I had good fights and some were great,I was able to see Raven again...and now they can change things with my family
[Timeskip-Several Years]
In a small house in a meadow you could see a more adult Pyrrha cleaning the last dishes, once she finished cleaning all dishes felt a small tremor outside, she smiled and went outside, she saw (Y/N) training his daughter
(Y/N):That was good Seripa but you have to focus more on concentrating more your ki in your attacks, that will make them more powerful
Seripa:Okey Dad,I think I already have it
(Y/N):Okay but we will continue later, I think we train enough for now
(Y/N) turned around and he saw Pyrrha in front of him
Pyrrha:You should not try so hard, Seripa is as strong as you
(Y/N):I know but I want her to be able to face anything in the future
Pyrrha:Is that or are you training her for the next world tournament?
(Y/N):HeHe You know me very well
(Y/N) put her hands on Pyrrha's waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss
Pyrrha:Do not do that, in the future you are also doing that,you may even get a boyfriend
Seripa blushed a little at Pyrrha's comment,(Y/N) realized that it was already getting dark
(Y/N):It's time to go to sleep, tomorrow we continue with our training, Seripa
Seripa:Okey daddy
Seripa entered the house leaving (Y/N) and Pyrrha alone
(Y/N):I forgot to tell you, tomorrow I will go to visit my family Remnant and then I will come to the tournament
Over the years,(Y/N) reconciled with his family making their relationship with them better
Pyrrha:Nothing's wrong,honey, just do not be late, you know how Goku gets
(Y/N) nodded and went into the house and went to Seripa's room,he said goodbye to her and saw how she had fallen asleep, a smile was placed on (Y/N)'s face
(Y/N):This was one of the best things that happened to me in my life
(Y/N) went into his room and saw Pyrrha already lying in her pajamas,he went to the bathroom and changed his outfit to sleep,(Y/N) went to bed with Pyrrha and she snuggled on his chest,(Y/N) kissed Pyrrha on the forehead and could see how she fell asleep with a smile on her face
(Y/N):I never thought that a person could make me so happy, I love you so much Pyrrha
Pyrrha:I love you to (Y/N)
Pyrrha said and fell asleep again when she felt (Y/N)'s arms around her, feeling the safest person in the universe
Autor Note:And this is the end of this story, I hope you all liked this ending, the next two books I will publish are suggestions that some people asked me, I hope you liked the last chapter of this book
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