Chapter 16
[Third Person-POV]
Right now it was one of the most difficult moments in universe 6, there was only one participant who was Kefla, the fusion of Caulifla and Kale, Goku and Vegeta were trying to take care of her but due to the tiredness of the two and the powerful was Kefla made it difficult to eliminate her,while that happened,(Y/N) was facing Toppo in his Hakaishin form, because of this (Y/N) was very tired but he was still fighting
Toppo:Your universe has caused all this spectacle, it is necessary that I destroy you!!
(Y/N):W-We did not want this!
(Y/N) watched as Toppo created a purple ball in his hands
Toppo:I do not believe in those words...Hakai!!
The purple ball went directly to (Y/N),everyone in the universe 7 was worried that (Y/N) would not be able to dodge the attack but the worst happened,(Y/N) could not dodge Toppo's attack,causing his whole body to be surrounded by the energy of destruction
Toppo:It is the only time you will feel the energy of destruction before you are erased!!
(Y/N):...HeHe....Do not believe that you are the only one who can handle the energy of destruction
The energy of the destruction around (Y/N) disappeared and settled on his hand,Beerus and Vermoud were surprised to see how a mortal was able to handle the energy of destruction,(Y/N) threw Hakai's ball to Toppo but managed to dodge it,(Y/N) saw how Goku and Vegeta had difficulties with Kefla
(Y/N):Damn it, Frieza is very hurt and I doubt that he wants to cooperate with Goku and Vegeta and I do not see Android 17 anywhere, what the hell can I do?
(Y/N) tried to find a solution until he remembered how Goten and Trunks did the fusion dance to create Gotenks
(Y/N):I got it!
Toppo returned to throw a ball of Hakai towards (Y/N) but he hit it causing that it was given back to Toppo
(Y/N):Goku, Vegeta, I have the solution to beat Kefla!
Goku:Seriously, what is it?
(Y/N):They have to make another fusion!!
(Y/N):Like what Goten and Trunks do to UAGH!!!!
Toppo punched (Y/N) by throwing him against some rocks
Goku:(Y/N)!! Vegeta, do you remember how to make the fusion?
Vegeta looked away ignoring Goku
Vegeta:Damn it, this is the last time I do that stupid dance to merge with you!!
Kefla:Stop talking and come to me to beat up you two!!
Goku:Alright now!!
[Play The Song]
Kefla:Who the hell are you?!?
Gogeta:I am not Goku or Vegeta, I am Gogeta, the person who is going to beat you!
Kefla:Yes of course, a merger between two elders could not...
Kefla can not finish speaking since Gogeta had punched her in the face throwing her against a wall of stones
Gogeta:You can hurry, I have two wives waiting for me at home
Kefla:Well, you'll have to go in pieces!!
Kefla threw against Gogeta,he blocked the blow, the fight against Kefla and Gogeta had begun, while they fought,(Y/N) rose from the stones to see Toppo
Toppo:Stop wasting time and fight against me!!
(Y/N):D-Do not worry, now is when our fight starts AAAAHHHH!!!
(Y/N) was launched against Toppo,he began to give several blows causing Toppo to block each one of them
Toppo:You are too weak to beat me!!
Toppo hit (Y/N) knocking him back
(Y/N):I'm just playing with you
Toppo:Enough of games, it's time for you to be destroyed,Hakai!!
Toppo threw a ball of Hakai to (Y/N) but he created a force field with the energy of destruction causing Hakai's ball to disappear
Toppo:It does not matter if you can use the energy of destruction, your body will not stand long!
(Y/N):You're right, there's no time to waste
(Y/N) used the instant transmission teleport him in front of Toppo kicking him in the mouth and then giving him a nudge, this caused Toppo to back off
Toppo:A good blow but poor strategy,Hakai!!
(Y/N) center all his ki in his fist, this made him go through Hakai's ball and punch Toppo in the face
Toppo:ENOUGH!! It is time for you to disappear from existence HAKAI!!!
Toppo created a Hakai sphere with both hands making it extremely large
(Y/N):Damn it, I can not bear that ... I have to use everything I have!!
Toppo threw Hakai's ball to (Y/N), to try to counteract Toppo's attack,(Y/N) created energy ball as big as Hakai's ball
(Y/N):I-It is very powerful ... but I will not lose AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
While this happened, Gogeta was in Super Saiyan fighting against Kefla, although the fight was equal Kefla would not be defeated
Kefla:I can not lose ... I'm stronger than you!!!
Gogeta:You are not even one step away from winning ... let's do this fast
Kefla:I will defeat you....I WILL DEFEAT YOU WITH ALL MY POWER!!!!!
Kefla threw several red rays at Gogeta,he was able to dodge the attack but realized that this was not Kefla's full attack
Kefla:I WIN!!!
The two attacks collided,Kefla and Toppo were using all their power to get (Y/N) and Gogeta out of the arena
Gogeta,(Y/N):I-I'm not gonna lose!!!
Gogeta transformed into Super Saiyan 2 and (Y/N) into Super Saiyan,despite the transformation of Toppo and Kefla's attacks, they continued to push back (Y/N) and Gogeta
Kefla:Give up or you'll be!!...
Toppo:Destroyed by me!!
(Y/N):...I-I do not give up easily!!...
Gogeta:This is not all my power!!...
(Y/N):I can reach limits that you will not be able to understand!!...
Gogeta:And this will be the time for you!!...
Gogeta,(Y/N):You will see my true power AAAAAHHHHH!!!!
Gogeta become SS Blue
(Y/N) Became SS Blue
Gogeta's attack was more powerful than Kefla's attack causing the attack to hit her and she will be thrown all over the arena
(Y/N)'s attack disintegrated Toppo's Hakai ball,he tried to block the attack by creating a force field with the energy of destruction but the force field was not able against the gigantic power of (Y/N)
Gogeta's Bing Bang Kamehameha destroys Kefla's Potara earrings causing the fusion to end up causing Caulifla and Kale to fly out of the arena,(Y/N) using all his power in his attack breaking the arena creating a big hole and causing Toppo to lose his Hakaishin transformation,he come out of the arena by the big hole that (Y/N) created, the attack by Gogeta and (Y/N) created a great explosion causing the arena to be almost completely destroyed
[Stop The Song]
The fusion ended up separating Goku and Vegeta, both fell to the ground due to the great power they used,(Y/N) also had this difficulty but he got up and surprised himself of the great damage he and Gogeta had caused to arena
(Y/N):Awesome, I never had so much power, I want to fight Jiren, I want to know how strong I am now!
It was the final battle, the only one left was Jiren, me, Goku, Frieza and Android 17, the three of them were trying to get Jiren out of the arena and what I do...stay on the floor watching everything!! I was about to beat Jiren with the Ultra Instinc but it seems that having that power carries a great consequence, thanks to that I can not even stand
(Y/N):D-Damn it, I can not fight ... I need to help them
I tried to get up but it was impossible until I realized that Frieza and Goku are about to take Jiren out of the arena but the worst happened, I saw Jiren sap from the grip of the two making them both leave the arena leaving eliminated, Jiren went to Android 17, although I try to fight he was eliminated ... the only person left was me, I saw Jiren approaching me
Jiren:This is the end of the universe 7, it was gratifying to see a very powerful person but you will never reach my power..goodbye
The universe 7 paled as Jiren threw a ball of red ki towards (Y/N) creating a great explosion, the smoke dissipated showing everything destroyed, everyone was waiting for (Y/N) to appear in the arena but that never happened
Beerus:What happened? Where is (Y/N)?
Everyone saw how (Y/N) was behind Jiren
Jiren:Give up at once, you can not against me
(Y/N):....I-I will not ... I will not stop fighting if that means protecting the people I care about ... to hell with your justice if that means my friends get hurt!!
[Play The Song]
(Y/N) threw himself at Jiren as fast as he could punch him in the face, throwing him almost out of the arena, Jiren recovered and they both started fighting
Goku:(Y/N) can not do this alone,He is very weak to fight against Jiren!
Shin:We can not do anything, the only thing we can do is have faith that (Y/N) wins
Jiren grabbed (Y/N) by the neck and threw him against a stone wall,he threw himself at (Y/N) and kneed him causing (Y/N) to pass through the stone wall
Jiren:This is the moment which you will be eliminated!!
Goku:...Come on (Y/N), you can do it!!
Jiren watched as Goku started screaming at (Y/N)
Vegeta:....Get up at once (Y/N) and show him the true power of the Saiyans!!!
Everyone in the universe 7 started to cheer (Y/N)
(Y/N):I will not give ... I will not give up!!!
(Y/N) destroyed a stone he had in his hands and started to get up,a green aura enveloped him,(Y/N) threw himself at Jiren with his fist raised but was blocked by Jiren's fist creating an expansive wave,Jiren was stronger making (Y/N) back down
Gohan:Come on (Y/N), I believe in you, you are superior to any of us!!
(Y/N) threw himself at Jiren, he was able to block the attack but (Y/N) kneed him and then kicked him into a wall of rocks
Piccolo:Do it (Y/N), I've trained you a lot so that this moment you show your skills!!
(Y/N) started throwing green ki balls at Jiren, he was able to reflect almost all of Ki's balls but (Y/N) did not stop making Jiren get tired
Frieza:My universe is in your hands, do not let that guy eliminate you or if I do not do it myself!!
Jiren threw a red projectile at (Y/N) but he dodged it,he used the intanst transmission putting himself behind Jiren,(Y/N) was going to kick Jiren but the block the attack, Jiren threw (Y/N) away from him, Jiren created a big ball of red energy in his hands
Jiren:Enough of this, your universe will be eliminated with all your friends!!!
Jiren threw the energy ball to (Y/N)
(Y/N) threw Galick Kamehameha to Jiren's attack,Jiren's attack was more powerful than (Y/N)'s causing to get closer and closer to the
Android 18:You got so far, do not give up now!!!
Android 17:The plants and animals of the Earth depend on you!!
Even with all the praise of his friends,(Y/N) is not able to roll back the attack until Krillin spok
Krillin:Think that if you lose ... Phyrra will die!!
(Y/N) saw the image of Pyrrha being erased,that made him transform into his Legendary Super Saiyan Form
(Y/N)'s attack became more powerful, able to make Jiren's attack do it by directing towards him,Jiren was not able to equate it.
He created a huge explosion causing almost all the arena to be destroyed,Jiren appeared in the stands,his team went to help him, while that happened, the whole universe 7 was worried about what had happened to (Y/N) until they saw him sitting on one of the rocks that one floated breathing heavily
(Y/N):I did it....I w-win...
Grand Priest:The universe 11 has lost, so the universe 7 is the winner of the Universal Tournament!
Zen-Oh and his future counterpart raised their hands,(Y/N) turned his gaze to Jiren
(Y/N):I-It was a g-great fight, you're amazing...and do not worry ... y-your universe w-will be safe
Jiren did not answer,he just gave him a smile and then it was erased by Zen-Oh, the Grand Priest approached (Y/N)
Grand Priest:As you were the last participant, you will be the one who will have the desire of Super Shenron, wait a bit...
The Grand Priest reunited the Super Dragon Balls and began to speak in the language of the gods, of the Super Dragon Ball of them came out Super Shenron
The two Zen-Oh approached (Y/N)
Grand Priest:It's time to order your wish
Zen-Oh:What do you want?
Zen-Oh 2:You can wish anything
(Y/N):I already have my wish ... I want to be... no ... I have a better wish ... I wish that all the universes that participated in this tournament and its participants are revived
Grand Priest:Are you sure of what you are going to want? It would seem that you were going to want something more
(Y/N):That's right ... I was going to want to be stronger but I realized that this desire is silly ... I realized that I am already very strong ... I fought against stronger guys than me and thanks to my strength and strategy ... and teamwork was how I won...and if I want to be stronger I have to make an effort in that, if I do not make an effort in my goal and I only ask for a desire to achieve it ... I feel empty since it was very easy to achieve it, I will make myself stronger by striving to the maximum
Grand Priest:Those are beautiful words, I can not say no to a statement like that...I am impressed that there is a mortal like you, I can say that you are the strongest I have seen in a long time...a very long time
The Grand Priest turned his gaze to Super Shenron,began to speak in the language of the gods,Super Shenron's eyes began to shine and he saw how all the universes were revived
Zen-Oh:That was impressive!!
Zen-Oh 2:You're great!!
(Y/N):HeHe Thanks
Zen-Oh:Do you think you could come and play with us at some point?
(Y/N):Of course, I would love
(Y/N) raises his fist
Zen-Oh,Zen-Oh 2:Uh?..HeHeHe
Auto Note:This is the end of Tournament Of Power so the following chapters will be about you going back to Remnant and what will happen at that moment, I hope you liked this chapter
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