Chapter 13

[Third Person-POV]

Trunks:Wow, I've never seen such a powerful person

(Y/N):The fusion between Vegeta and Goku, generates an overwhelming Ki

Zamasu:HaHaHa, they are going to try again, mortals always have to imitate the gods, perhaps because the gods are insurmountable or because we are perfect beings but they should give me shame, when mortals copy the gods that becomes sin

Vegito:Ha I'm sorry but you were very open,Hurry up, stop complaining and make me pieces

Zamasu:Damn mortals!!!

Zamasu was launched against Vegito dragging several meters but this gave him a punch in the face and took his leg throwing him against the ground

Vegito:What happens, is this all the power a god has?

Zamasu:Stop mocking!!

Zamasu created an explosion by pushing back Vegito, Zamasu threw himself with a Ki blade in his hand to attack Vegito but he pierced his chest with a Ki blade  

Vegito:Surprise, I can also do that


Vegito:That hurt, not that you were immortal?

Zamasu:....That's right, I'm immortal and that's why nobody can defeat me and that's why I'll finish you and all the...


Zamasu:WHAT THE.....

Vegito's attack hit Zamasu creating a great explosion but Zamasu came out of it

Zamasu:Observe an authentic god!!

Vegito teleported in front of Zamasu and was about to hit him but the merger was over

Shin:But if it has not been an hour yet!!

Gowasu:The attack they did must exhaust their energy

(Y/N):I have to help them

Trunks:NO (Y/N)!! 

(Y/N) teleported in front of Zamasu and punched him in the face of Vegeta and Goku,Trunks took Vegeta and Goku to safety place

Zamasu:Stop meddling,(Y/N)!!!

Zamasu started chasing (Y/N),He tried to escape from Zamasu

(Y/N):I do not know if this worked but I only have one chance

(Y/N) turned around and placed the palm of his hand in front of Zamasu


(Y/N) used the energy of the destruction but Zamasu had time to dodge the attack which made (Y/N)'s attack fail, Zamasu teleported behind (Y/N) and kicked him in the back throwing him on the ground

Zamasu:It is unfortunate that you dare to use a technique of the gods, mortals have no dignity

A green aura started to grow around (Y/N), he got up and fixed his eyes on Zamasu

Zamasu:It's time for you to accept your destiny DIVINE WRATH!!!!

Zamasu threw a big ball of energy towards (Y/N), he did not move and only let the attack hit him. The attack caused a great explosion,of the smoke screen was shown to (Y/N) without any scratch but the green aura now you were much bigger

Zamasu:What the hell, how is it possible that you endure such a strong attack?!?! I will not leave any trace of your impurity!!!!

The swords are embedded around (Y/N) and another explosion was created, once the smoke dissipated (Y/N) was seen without damage but the aura that surrounded him led to the sky


All around began to tremble, Goku, Vegeta and Trunks took refuge where Shin and Gowasu were

Trunks:What is happening?

Goku:It's (Y/N), his power is increasing that I can not even feel it but it's overwhelming

 A green light enveloped (Y/N) and after it dissipated he showed (Y/N) another transformation

Zamasu:Again that transformation but now you will not be able to beat me!!


Zamasu:What are you laughing about?

(Y/N):What you have on your face

Zamasu:What do I have in my face?

(Y/N):MY FIST!!!

(Y/N) threw Zamasu through several buildings causing them to collapse on him,(Y/N) flew to the place where Zmasu had fallen and took him out of the rubble

(Y/N):I have not finished playing with you yet!!

(Y/N) began to punch Zamasu several times in the stomach and in a moment hit him so hard that he threw him into the sky


(Y/N):Oh Great

(Y/N) flew up to the sky to look for Zamasu

Vegeta:How weird, I do not feel that (Y/N)'s Ki is going down as fast as the other time

Shin:That's because of its transformation

Goku:Do you know about that?

Shin:Yes,I always asks me how this guy had so much power that I can even say that he would surpass Lord Beerus until I found the question,I asks Zuno what (Y/N)'s transformation was about

Goku:And what did he say?

Shin:That transformation is called Legendary Super Saiyan

Vegeta:Legendary Super Saiyan?

Shin:Yes,that transformation is extremely powerful, its power is capable of destroying a planet or rather several planets without much effort

Goku:And why is (Y/N) the only one who can have that transfromacion?

Shin:that's because of his birth power, I do not know much about that, but if a Saiyan was born with a very high level of power he is able to reach that form but it is also dangerous because if he uses that transformation for a long time can kill him

Goku:Then should we help? I must have a Senzu Bean here

Goku looked for a Senzu Bean in his pocket but took out another object

Goku:This can be used to defeat Zamasu

In that everyone saw how (Y/N) had grabbed Zamasu's head and was running at full speed to the ground,(Y/N) incrusted Zamasu's head against the ground

(Y/N):This is the end for you, let's see if your immortality can withstand this!!

(Y/N) threw Zamasu against a wall

Zamasu:......HeHe...You can not beat me, you can never defeat me, I am a god, I am justice given form,I am the world...the most noble,splendid,inmortal and supremaly powerful god...ZAMA!!...


Zamasu's body began to disappear

Zamasu:No,This can not be the end.....AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Zamasu was completely erased from existence,(Y/N) returned to his base form and fell to the ground

(Y/N):F-Finally, it was over

(Y/N) sat and saw in the distance Goku, Vegeta,Trunks and Zen-Oh flying towards the....ZEN-OH!!!

(Y/N):What the hell is Zen-Oh doing here?

The four landed in front of the

Goku:(Y/N), are you okay?

Vegeta:Where is Zamasu?

(Y/N):I-It is no longer

Trunks:What do you mean,It is no longer?

(Y/N):H-He will no longer cause you more problems, I-I will erase it from existence


Goku:How did you do that?

(Y/N):I use the technique that Lord Beerus uses to eliminate Zamasu from our timeline, he no longer exists,But thanks to that, I lost a lot of energy

Goku:Here, take this

Goku gave (Y/N) the last Senzu Bean there was, all the remaining survivors on Earth congratulated him and thanked him for ending the greatest threat that there was

(Y/N):I already told them not to thank me, after all it was Trunks the idea of going to the past, I just wanted to fight with a powerful guy, nothing more

Mai:Of course we have to thank you, you saved all the humans on Earth

Goku:That's right, how does it feel to have saved the Earth?

(Y/N):It feels pretty good, as if something big had been done, it's a strange feeling

Trunks:And you should feel that way, you do not know how grateful I am with you (Y/N) ... I mean brother

Trunks gave (Y/N) a hug while Mai kissed him on the cheek,(Y/N) saw how Zen-Oh was playing with the children who had survived.

(Y/N):Now that I realize, What do we do with Zen-Oh?

Goku:Hmmmmm...I have an idea


The time machine had landed at Capsule Corp,Shin and Gowasu came to place and quickly knelt down, this got the attention of Beerus and Whis who were eating

Beerus:What are you two doing?

Shin:We are kneeling before Zen-Oh,Lord Beerus

Beerus:But Zen-Oh is not he-e...

Beerus saw towards the time machine


Beerus ran to where Zen-Oh was and bowed before the

Beerus:B-But what a g-glorious d-day to see you great Zen-Oh

Goku:HeHe Hey Shin, can you do us a small favor?

Goku asked Shin to take the already Zen-Oh from the other timeline to the Zen-Oh palace of the current timeline,(Y/N) laughed at the moment and under the time machine, while Vegeta left he turned to see (Y/N) a moment

Vegeta:Hey (Y/N)!!

(Y/N):Y-Yes Vegeta?

Vegeta:....You did very well there,I'm proud

(Y/N):Uh? eeeh thanks

Vegeta:But I'll get over you someday, keep it in mind

Vegeta left the place without saying anything else, before (Y/N) could do something, Pyrrha pounced on the

Pyrrha:Are you okay, nothing bad happened to you?

(Y/N):Do not worry, everything is fine,I save the future HeHe

Pyrrha:I always knew that you could do it

Pyrrha kissed (Y/N) on the lips

Whis:What a beautiful scene

Beerus:To me it makes me sick


Autor Note:As you know the next arc is the Tournament Of Power, I can say it will be about four chapters or five so for that I will leave some questions and you can vote whether you want to see it or not in the following chapters.

1._What fusion do you want to see? Vegeto or Gogeta or any fusion.

2._Do you want to have the Ultra Instinct? just leave a NO if you do not want to have it.

This question has nothing to do with Tournament Of Power but it is important.

3._Do you want Salem to be the final villain of the book or another villain? If they choose another villain I will choose the one that best suits the story, it can be any villain that there existed even the non-Canon.

Those are all the questions I will leave, I hope you liked this chapter.



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