(y/n) - your name

(l/n) - last name


"Harry, what's going on!?" (y/n) calls out as she runs after him along with Hermione and Ron, speeding up to catch up to him.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger turns up who just happens to have one? I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pocket? Why didn't I see it before?"

"He has a point actually." (y/n) says, the kids stopping in front of Hagrid as he was playing the flute.

"Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg? What did he look like?" Harry asks, the hugable giant pausing his playing as he answered the boy's many questions.

"I dunno. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up."

"This stranger though, you and he must have talked."

"Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him, I said, after Fluffy a dragon's gonna be no problem."

"Did he seem interested in Fluffy?"

"Well, o' course he was interested in Fluffy!" Hagrid explains, going on about how to calm down beasts. "Take Fluffy, for example, just play him a bit o' music, and he falls straight to sleep." The kids look at each other with concern at the information, Hagrid realising his mistake quickly. "I shouldn't have told you that." The group quickly runs off, Hermione taking hold of (y/n)'s hand as she complains about running everywhere. The group rushes off to the Transfiguration classroom to talk to McGonagall, pausing before her desk as (y/n) drops onto a desk to catch her breath while the golden trio tell the professor everything.

"This is about the Philosopher's Stone!" Harry exclaims, McGonagall looking at the kids with shock.

"How do you know-"

"-someone's going to try to steal it!"

"I don't know how you three found out about the Stone, but I assure you it is perfectly well protected. Now, would you go back to your dormitories, quietly." the golden trio walks out of the classroom, talking about what they need to do next while (y/n) just watched them leave. "Well, Miss (l/n)?"

"No offence miss but if a bunch of 12-year-olds found out about the stone, I think it might be in danger if someone out there is actually pursuing it. Someone, and not something, was drinking Unicorns blood during our detention with Hagrid. I'm sure he told you about that so maybe some precaution might need to be taken. Just a suggestion." (y/n) shrugs, quickly jumping up from the desk to walk out and back to her dorms. While she was walking along the corridor, someone harshly tugs her into a dark and empty hallway which makes her yelp in fright, quickly taking out her wand to hurt the intruder. "Who-"

"-It's just me!" Draco exclaims, raising his hands as he steps into the light.

"Jesus Draco! I keep telling you!" (y/n) moves her wand away from his neck and he sighs in relief. "I could've blasted your butt." the boy shakes off the girl's weird sayings, deducing a long time back that she wasn't originally from England. "What's with the sneaking around?"

"What else did you find out? About You-Know-Who?" Draco asks, looking around with fear like the one he mentioned might jump out at him.

"How'd you know we got more info?"

"Ok, I saw you with the idiots go to Hagrid and then to talk to McGonagall." Draco shrugs but fiddles with his fingers, obviously lying.

"Were you spying on us!?" (y/n) gasps, grinning at the fact Draco wanted in with the adventure.

"No! You guys are always causing trouble! It's so obvious!"

"Well Mister Detective, yes. Harry managed to figure some stuff out." (y/n) tells Draco what the group learned, including the fact that Dumbledore was gone at such a convenient time.

"So what's going to happen now?" he asks her and she shrugs.

"If I know the group, and sadly I do, they're gonna sneak down to the trapdoor themself. Maybe tonight?"

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Are you going with them?"

"Hell no! I'm not risking getting caught again! I'll be sleeping soundly in my bed tonight!" (y/n) lies right to Draco.


These dumbasses...

(y/n) groans softly as she follows the golden trio to make sure none of them gets in trouble or dies, hovering above them with her powers as they hid using Harry's invisibility cloak. They were sneaking down the corridor of the forbidden room on floor three, heading up to the door that locked off Fluffy from everyone else. Hermione casts the spell to unlock it, slowly opening the door as the group hustles into the room. (y/n) quickly files in after them, shocked to see Fluffy fast asleep with an enchanted harp playing a soothing melody.

"Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp!" Fluffy breathes heavily and blows the cloak off, Ron gagging at the terrible smell. "We have to move its paw!" Harry urges his friends to shove the paw away, (y/n) flicking her hand to help them a little as she lands down behind them silently. "I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign." Harry says and (y/n) notices that Fluffy was awake, cursing lightly as she holds him down to not attack the kids. Harry, Ron and Hermione jump in after Harry signals them to follow, Fluffy barking at (y/n) and breaking free from her powers to lunge at her.

"How are you seeing me right now!?" (y/n) flies up into a corner, concern growing on her face as she hears her friends scream out in a panic from beneath the trapdoor. "Damnit!" she pushes Fluffy back against the wall as he howls and barks at her when she drops back down on the ground. She doesn't notice its tail, yelping in shock as it hits her into the dark pit and she falls through the trapdoor.

"There's something else here!" Ron screams out in a panic as the vines choke him, noticing a dent in front of him which actually was (y/n) as she panicked from the moving vines.

"You need to relax Ron!" Hermione and Harry yell up at him from below, Ron and (y/n) panicking even more. The Hufflepuff couldn't use her powers in fear of being caught, trying to claw off the vines as they wrapped around her limbs, gasping for air as it choked her around her throat. Dark spots circled her vision, Ron screaming at the invisible figure in front of him as a vine shuts (y/n)'s mouth off.

"Lumus Solem!" Hermione casts a spell to save Ron, a beam of light shooting out and erupting around the Devil Snare.

The Snare shrieks and recoils letting Ron to fall below along which (y/n). "There's something else up there!" he scrambles back, looking up and (y/n) bites down on her bottom lip hard to not shriek in pain from the fall. She hits the floor beside her, slowly getting up as she rubs her back to ease her pain.

"What? I don't see anything else?" Hermione says, looking up as Ron quickly jumps up on his feet.

"The snare was wrapping around something invisible! Like a clear body!"

"There's nothing there Ron. You must've been blinded by the light." Hermione says.

"Lucky she pays attention in Herbology." Harry tells Ron, the golden trio turning to the sound of rapid fluttering.

"What is that?"

"I don't know. Sounds like wings." Harry answers Hermione, the golden trio opening a door and walking into another room while (y/n) quickly follows behind them. The kids look up and see strange golden flying creatures, unsure of what they are.

"Curious. I've never seen birds like these." Hermione says.

"They're not birds, they're keys. And I'll bet one of them fits that door." the kids come across a broom, confused about what all this was about as Ron tried to open the door using a spell but it doesn't work

"Ugh! What're we going to do? There must be 1000 keys up there!" Hermione complains.

"We're looking for a big old-fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle." Ron explains and Harry looks up, finding the exact key they need and points up to it.

"There! I see it! The one with the broken wing!" (y/n) hides behind a pillar and drops her powers to let herself rest, Harry being too hesitant to get on the broom. "It's too simple." Ron urges him on since he was the youngest seeker in a century and Harry nods, grabbing the broom.

All the keys suddenly go in one direction, right at Harry and he climbs on the broom while swiping at them. He pushes off into the air, flying after the old key while the others follow him rapidly. He manages to grab hold of it, flying low enough to throw it to Hermione as she catches it before quickly opening the door while he distracts the other keys away from her. Ron urges her to hurry up and she finally manages to unlock the door, (y/n) cloaking herself and flying through with her friends. Harry quickly rushes through and Hermione and Ron shut the door closed on the keys as they lodge against the wood on the other side, walking down the corridor to another door before they open it.

The kids enter a dark room with broken pieces of debris all around it, walking around cautiously as the door behind them closes again. "I don't like this. I don't like this at all..." Hermione says warily.

"Where are we? A graveyard?" Harry asks in confusion while (y/n) hides behind a pillar again to rest.

"This is no graveyard," Ron explains as he walks forward out onto the floor. "it's a chessboard." The room lights up with flames illuminating the marble chessboard and the giant game piece players, Harry and Hermione joining him on the board.

"There's the door!" Harry points out to the other side of the room (y/n) was at, looking behind her to see it before looking back to see her friends stopped by the line of pawns bringing up their swords against them.

"Now what do we do?"

"It's obvious, isn't it? We've got to play our way across the room." Ron says to Hermione.

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