queenies point of veiw
I threw my stinger on to a pole and flung my myself onto of a building and hid as my transformation ran off and tears were running down my face "my queen- chloe are you alright" my kwami asked me. I nodded but I was definitely not ok "I'm fine pollen I just got to get you charged up here I take a chocolate out of my jacket and give it to her she smiles and eats but very slowly like usual "pollen you need a bit faster please we need to get out there we need fo show them take Queen bee is not a force to be taken lightly" I an never nice to any one but my kwami i dont want her to leave or abandon me just like my mother... "my queen royalty takes time to eat" pollen says still eating i groan and rolls my eyes "pollen evilistrater is still out there and is looking for or maybe even has marinette already we need to save her so hurry up" i told her a bit panicked. Pollen looked at me and frowned "why do you even care you hate marinette" and with that i froze "w-what" I asked her making sure I herd her properly "why do you care you never have before" she asked and I froze again... why do I care. Marinette isnt even my friend. She hates me. And I hate her. But do I? She always super sweet. And it's fun watching her stick up for herself not just to me but to kagami and lila. I actually had a lot of fun that one time that she helped or tried to help get kagami away from Adrien. But that plan totally back fired. But anyway... why? It's a question I ask my self alot... why? Why do I do the things I do? Why do I act the way act to certain people? To any one really? Why do I have to be so cruel? I know exactly who to blame. My mother. My mother is the one to blame she abandoned me when I was very little... I've been it's not my fault... but I've also been told every things my fault so I dont know what to believe any more... "my queen?" She asked. Then I reslized... I was crying I havent cried in years I dont know why I was know but I decided to shake it off and pretend like I wasnt... just like always... "yes pollen" I say as I sniffle and pull a tissue out of my jackets pocket and wipe my eyes and rid them of tears I them blow my nose and throw the tissue away. "I'm done my queen- umm... chloe" she says and touches my face to try and calm me down while hugging my cheek she smiles "now come one we have to save paris" she says and I smiles and nods "pollen what are the words again" I say having one of those confused looks on my face haveing so many thoughts in my have i completely forgot it's just kinda slipped my mind the words to activate my miraculous. To turn into the amazing spectacular royal graceful exquisite QUEEN BE also know as me, the great CHLOE BOURGEOIS dauther of the most powerful man in paris, mayor Andrew Bourgeois. "-got it chloe" she says waving her stub hand in my face. "Chloe- chloe- chloe Bourgeois are you listening to me... my queen" I suddenly snap out of it "h-huh I- I'm s-sorry w-what" I asked her and began to shake my head vigorously to snap put of it and get a hold back on to reality "I'm sorry I wasnt paying attention" I tell her as the problem comes back to mind and I focus on the task at hand. Pollen smiles at me and nods "its alright my queen" I smile back at her then remebered what i was asking and then remebered I didnt pay attention to her response "w-what were you say before pollen" I asked and raised an eyes brow smileing at her she looked at me and then some thing hit her she remembered "o-oh right so all you have to say my queen is 'Pollen Buzz On' alright chloe you got that your listening this time right other wise I'm not repeating again" she says kind of annoyed so I scoff and roll my eyes "I'm positive I'm listening pollen trust me now are you ready" I asked her very visibly ready to get my hero transformation sequence on. She looks at me and smiles before nodding "I am ready I am always at your service my queen" she says and bows like some kind of royal suiter and I smile and let off a light laugh "good now POLLEN BUZZ ON" I yell but not to loudly I dont want anyone hearing me. I then feel pollen and her power and magic wash over my body from my head to my toes and I throw my arm to the side and dramatically and slowly bring my arm up and look petty...per usual... I flip my hair behind me and I bring me foot to cross behind the other one and click the tip of my shoe to the ground. I starts spinning and throw my hands to the side above my head and look down with a smile on my face you could tell...I love being queen bee I love being able to put my sorry life behind me even if it's only few a short hour or two maybe less but I like nonetheless less... with that I do a peace sign and run my hand against my face to create my mask I then run one finger from my left arm to my right to create the black strips that helps compare my heroine costume to a bee. I do some extra twirls and flips to add dramatic affect and then do some random pose and with that I'm now queen bee... I run over to the side of the building to see evilistrater on the Eiffel Tower so I throw my stinger over there and swing myself over there and flip then land on the ground right next to chat noir. "Good time for you to show up your highness" he says and smiles at me I groan. How does ladybug deal with him.i I roll my eyes but decide to play nice "I know you probably couldn't handle him with out me what did I miss" I looked at him and smiled. But he gave a different emotion... sadness and fear "just look up he found that girl..., marinette I think her name was, and he is know threatening to throw her off the side of the Eiffel Tower" he says and I look up to see him holding marinette bye her right hand and holding her with only OnE FRICKING HAND... Crap... I need to save her I quickly turn to chat have come up with a plan "I know what to do" he looked at me and you could see the shook and inevitable happiness in his eyes that no Parisian would be getting hurt on our watch. "Alright what's the plan" he says with a determined smile on his face. I smile back at him and furrow my eyebrows thinking how this could go wrong seeing no problem with it I decided to roll with it "well you distract him I'll deal with him" he furrows his eyebrows this time "how am I supposed to do that? What do i say? What do i do to distract him?" He asked as I got up from my crouched position and threw my stinger to a poll and I looked at him and gave a mocking smile "just do what you always do" and then looked at him like he was an idiot "starts talking" I told him and gave a lugh before swinging to the other side of the Eiffel Tower I hear him yell from behind me "Hey!?what's that supposed to mean" he yelled and I gave a quiet laugh and walked around the ground of the Eiffel Tower and stealthy walked behind the akumatized Nathaniel and I yell "VENOM" and sink my stinger threw my necks and he freezes but not before letting go of marinette.. as if my job isnt hard enough he goes and drops a Parisian of the side Eiffel Tower... GREAT... ever thing slows down and I freeze what do I do. I should probably help her. Chat then yells me snapping me out of my haze and helping get a grasp back onto reality "QUEENIE!!" and I immediately look at him and shake my head and I then do a dive off the side of the Eiffel Tower and grab on to a screaming marinette and swing my stinger to the side of a building and swing over there and on to the ground and set marinette down and she looks at me with pure fear in her eyes I feel bad so I bend down to her as chat noir takes care of the akumatized victim "A-are you alright Miss" marinette looks up at me and smiles slightly "Ch-Chloe? Y-You saved me!? Th-Thank you" she says and I smile "of course ladybug chose me to be queen be and i dont want to let her, paris or the civilians down... that includes you marinette" I say and help her up and smile and so does she"well thank you chloe-err queen bee you decently havent let me paris or ladybug down today I'm very proud of you chlo- queen bee" I smile brightly at her she smiles sweetly at me "thank you marinette I'm glad I'll see you tomarrow at school have a good rest of your day I would advise you to avoid Nathaniel tomorrow" she smiles and nods "thanks queen bee well I should get going before the reporters show up I'll be sure to look for you on the blog bye chloe see you at school tomarrow" she smiles and runs off into an alley way... why an alley way? Weird... anyway I look back up and lady bug and chat noir is standing infront of me... wait!? When did she get here... weird... I walk behind slightly between them and get ready for them to be asked questions while I stand back here and smile.. getting ignored.. per usual. The reporters strat surrounding us and we all smile at them "so lady bug what was it like to defeat evilistrater again" ladybug smiles and looks at me as I raise an eyebrow. What is this girl doing. "I wasnt here I didnt do anything but purify it it was all queen bee here" she smiles and put an arm around my shoulder and I looked her shooked. Reporters starts swarming me lucky my miraculous beeps and I only have a minute and a half till I detransform. So I throw my stinger and salute them "sorry got to go buzz off" and I flung to the grand peri hotel to wait for night fall when lady bug would come and take back the miraculous. After she does I fall asleep.
*time skip to tomarrow after class provided by cookies here take one🍪🍪🍪🍪*
The bell has rung but I'm stil sitting there I dont know why but I am lost in thought till I hear some one slide into the seat next to me I figured its sabrina so I continue staring forward and getting more and more lost in thought. What was I think about that go me so kicked out of reality. I didnt even know my self. I hear a cough come from the person next to me like they are trying to get my attention. Who dares disrupt me. RIDICULOUS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS. turn to the person ready to blow my head off at them but realize its marinette. I roll my eyes and keep my usual nasty bitterness up. Even though it's all a facade. "What do you want brat" I say she looks hurt. I feel bad. Then she smiles brightly at me. I feel worse for what I said. She hold her hand out to me as if she wanted me to shake it. "Hya!" She smiles I raise eyebrow visibly confused "I'm marinette I was hoping we could start over... be friends so what do ya say chloe" she says being serious I slightly smiles at her and shake her hand "hi I'm chloe" friends with marinette... maybe this won't be so bad...
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