Chapter 21
Gibbs skimmed through emails, trying not to wake a slumbering Tim, tucked under his arm like a football. Every now and then he would reach over and stroke his cheek if the little guy shifted or sighed. Suddenly there was a ding at the back elevator and two agents stepped out. They whispered between each other, but Gibbs could still hear their conversation. "Did I miss the memo, since when does Vance allow us to bring our kids to work?" The other agent shrugged his shoulders, "Gibbs always breaks the rules. Doesn't surprise me one bit that he has a baby in here." The two men looked up to see a very pissed off Gibbs staring at them. They both nodded as they realized they had been caught and split up to go their separate ways. Gibbs smirked, then turned his attention back to Tim as he felt the youngster start to wake up.
Tim was in a daze, as his vision came into focus he began to panic when he realized he was in the bullpen and not at Gibbs' house. His heart rate sped up as he tried to remember why they were at NCIS. It wasn't until he felt a warm thumb being rubbed across his forehead that he began to settle down. He looked up to meet Gibbs' eyes, immediately feeling safe again. "Hey kiddo, are you okay?" Gibbs whispered as he continued his ministrations. Tim took a deep breath and slowly nodded. Gibbs hitched Tim higher up in his arms "I bet you're confused huh? I told you I would wake you when we got to work, but the Tylenol knocked you out cold and I wanted you to get some rest. Especially after the rough night you had." Tim sighed and burrowed himself deeper into Gibbs' embrace. After a moment of silence, Tim spoke "Ba Ba Pwease." Gibbs laughed, could this baby be any more adorable he thought. "Sure kiddo, let's go take a walk and get it warmed up for you."
As he rummaged through the diaper bag, Gibbs decided Tim probably needed to be changed as well so he hung the bag over his free shoulder and started walking toward the elevator. Tim fidgeted in his arms as they waited for the doors to open. Gibbs gently tapped him on the nose; "I need to get a clean diaper on you, son. Your rash is healing and I don't think either one of us wants it to get worse because I didn't change you. Plus the backlash from Ducky if I allowed that to happen would be unfathomable. Don't worry I know just the spot, we can have a little privacy then I'll get you that bottle. Tim sighed in defeat as the doors opened and Gibbs stepped in. The little guy watched to see what button Gibbs pressed and became upset at his selection. Tears welled up in his eyes as the doors opened to the ground floor. "Shh...shh...sweetie we're not going to the lab, I was going to change you in autopsy." Gibbs felt Tim sag against his chest in relief; he ran his hand up and down Tim's back and continued his trek. They were both startled when Gibbs stepped through the sliding glass doors only to be met by Ducky, Abby and Palmer.
"Why hello there Jethro...Timothy! What brings you two all the way down here?" Ducky asked as he ruffled Tim's hair.
"Timmy!" Abby squealed as she stepped closer, but immediately stopped when she made eye contact with Gibbs.
Tim, who immediately tensed up when she approached, relaxed and laid his head on Gibbs' shoulder once he realized Abby wouldn't force herself on him. He smiled and whispered "Ab " before sticking his thumb in his mouth.
Gibbs beamed as he brushed his fingers through Tim's hair. Proud of the fact his little boy made an effort. "I thought there would be no one down here so Tim and I could have a little privacy." He said dropping the diaper bag on the table.
"Ahh well of course Jethro, anytime you need this room you're free to use it. Mr. Palmer and I were just on our way out to lunch."
Gibbs nodded, "Thanks Duck, we appreciate it. I need your advice on something before you leave."
Ducky smiled, "Anything for young Timothy."
"Tim woke up in a lot of pain last night, I believe he's teething, could you take a look for me?"
Ducky frowned and grabbed his penlight from the desk. "Mr. Palmer could you bring that chair over here for Agent Gibbs?"
"Certainly Doctor" Jimmy responded while he rolled the chair over to Gibbs who sat down and placed Tim in his lap.
Ducky turned on the penlight and focused his attention on Tim, "Now lets take a look shall we? Can you open your mouth like a good lad?"
Tim nodded, opening his mouth so Ducky could peek inside.
"Ahh good boy!"
"Can you show me where it hurts Timothy?"
Before Tim had the opportunity to show Ducky, Gibbs was answering for him. "Bottom left, smack dab in the middle."
Ducky couldn't help but chuckle as Gibbs' paternal instincts kicked into overdrive. He raised his eyebrows, gave Gibbs an exasperated look, then addressed Tim. "Go ahead and show me where it hurts young man."
Tim opened his mouth, pointed to the vicinity of the pain and waited patiently while Ducky finished the exam. "You were correct Jethro; it seems there is a tooth that is just below the gum line waiting to pop through."
Gibbs sighed, "Well I've been giving him Tylenol and a wet rag to chew on, but do you have any other ideas? I hate seeing this little guy in pain."
Ducky ran the back of his hand over Tim's cheek, "I'm sorry little one, I know it can't be fun. Unfortunately Jethro you've been doing about all you can do. Instead of using the wash cloth, they do make teething rings that you can put in the refrigerator or freezer and those will help soothe his gums."
Gibbs leaned down and kissed the top of Tim's head. "I'll try and keep you comfortable buddy."
Tim was getting impatient; he was thirsty, wet and not feeling well. After awhile it was getting to be too much for him and he began whimpering.
The four adults in the room turned their attention to Tim who was at the beginning stages of a meltdown. Gibbs soothed, "Shh...shh Timmy you have been such a good boy! I'll get you cleaned up and then you can eat."
Ducky stood up and squeezed Tim's hand; "We will get out of here so Jethro can tend to you." He motioned to the other two, "Come along my dears."
Jimmy quickly followed Ducky out the door, while Abby didn't move. Gibbs spun around on the chair. "Abs, you need something?"
Abby was nervously playing with the rings on her finger. "Well I thought I could go at lunch time and get Timmy some teething rings. You know... if that's okay with you."
Gibbs smiled and wrapped his arms around Tim, "That would be really nice of you, Abby." He leaned in closer to Tim and whispered "Don't you think that's nice of her?" Tim blushed then looked at Abby and slowly nodded.
Abby smiled as she tried to control her excitement. "Great! I'll be back soon and hopefully they'll help lil' Timmy."
Gibbs noticed a renewed bounce in Abby's step as she bounded over to the doors. She was almost gone when she stopped and turned back toward the pair.
"Something else you need Abby?"
She slowly walked back to where Gibbs was sitting and squatted down. "I was also planning on getting Tim some toys." She shrugged her shoulders, "I thought if I choose the right ones they could help with his hand eye coordination and probably his speech. Plus he's got to be bored, I know you don't have any toys at your place Gibbs."
Gibbs laughed, "No, I don't have any toys...been a long time since my house has been cluttered with them."
Tim's bright green eyes lit up when Abby suggested buying some toys for him. She was right, after a few days he was bored out of his mind. He loved hanging out with Gibbs, but it was also nice to know that there would be different options for him.
Gibbs looked down at Tim. "What do you think? Are you ready for some fun?"
Tim giggled, clapped his hands together and started chanting "Doggy! Doggy! Doggy!"
Gibbs laughed, "Obviously he loves dogs so if you could find a stuffed one, I think you would make him a very happy little boy."
Abby couldn't contain her excitement any longer and ruffled Tim's hair. Immediately withdrawing her hand once she realized what she had done. Tim didn't seem to mind so Gibbs wasn't going to make a big deal out of it.
"Alright Abby, I need to get this little guy cleaned up so we'll see you when you get back from the store."
"Of course Gibbs, I'll see you guys later!"
Convinced that Abby was gone for good, Gibbs stood up, moved Tim to one shoulder and used the other hand to get the changing mat out of the diaper bag. He unfolded it on one of the autopsy tables and gently laid Tim down on it. He collected his other supplies and turned back to Tim, who was proudly sucking his thumb. Gibbs removed Tim's sweats and sighed, "I bet you're starving by now, huh? I didn't plan for distractions." Tim mumbled, but with his thumb in his mouth it was hard to hear what he said. Gibbs winced when he unhooked the tape on the sodden diaper. "You're soaked Timmy! I'm sorry you had to sit in this for so long."
Tim continued sucking on his thumb contentedly and Gibbs couldn't help but smile when he looked up to see a small line of drool leaking from his mouth. He kept his thoughts to himself, but he noticed that Tim was either becoming more comfortable in his current situation or he was in fact regressing even more so than he already had. Gibbs thought back to the conversation between the Greys. He began wondering if it was indeed the double dose of medicine causing further regression.
He pulled Tim's sweatpants up, reached down and began tickling him. Tim giggled, squealed and kicked his legs as Gibbs moved from his stomach to his knees and finally to his arms. "Gib zilly" Tim giggled in between breaths. Gibbs laughed, "Yeah, you caught me. I'm silly!" After a few minutes, Gibbs could see Tim was worn out so he packed away the supplies, lifted Tim up and headed for the elevator. As they waited, Tim laid his head down on Gibbs' shoulder and looked up at him lovingly. The look Tim had on his face was so sweet and innocent, Gibbs couldn't help but pull the baby closer to him. They rode the elevator back to the bullpen level and stopped in the break room so Gibbs could warm up the bottle. As they waited for it to finish, Director Vance's secretary walked in to heat up her lunch.
"Agent Gibbs, who is this beautiful baby and why is this the first time I've met him?"
Gibbs could feel Tim bury his face further into his shoulder trying to disappear.
As he watched the seconds tick away on the microwave, Gibbs politely looked over to her and replied, "This is my godson, Timothy."
The woman raised her eyebrows "Oh I didn't realize that Agent McGee had any children."
Finally the microwaved beeped, signaling it was done as Gibbs reached in to grab the bottle, "He doesn't, they just happen to have the same name."
As she prepared to put her lunch in the microwave the woman looked up, "Well you could have fooled me...that child is a dead ringer for Agent McGee."
Gibbs laughed, "Well I assure you the two are not related. Now if you'll excuse me, the little guy is hungry."
As Gibbs walked out of the break room, they both took a deep breath and exhaled relieved to be done with that encounter. Just as they rounded the corner, Tony and Ziva were coming off the elevator. "Zeba!" "Toey!" Tim squealed reaching his arms out for whoever would take him. Since Tony was able to hold Tim that morning, the two agents had a silent agreement that it was Ziva's turn. She dropped her gun and backpack on the desk, and then reached out to take Tim.
Gibbs handed her the bottle, slightly envious Ziva was going to be the one to feed him. "You're just in time for a feeding."
Ziva nodded and sat down at her desk. She leaned Tim back so he was stretched across her lap then leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "Did you have a good nap, Tim?
Tim nodded but then started whining.
Ziva bounced him on her lap, trying to calm him down, "Aww what is wrong?"
Gibbs watched with amusement from his desk, "Give him the bottle Ziver! The poor kid has been waiting for the past 45 minutes."
"Oh, I am sorry sweetie I did not know you were that hungry." She said raising the bottle to his lips as Tim began sucking contently. The bullpen was silent except for the loud sucking, grunting and growling sounds that were coming from Tim.
Tony laughed, "Wow is that growling I hear coming from Probie?"
"You just shush Tony!"
Ziva gently brushed the youngsters hair off his face, "Tim is a growing boy he is obviously very hungry!"
Gibbs sighed, "So I take it you didn't find Ella at Lucy's house but were you able to find anything useful to our investigation?
Tony dug through his backpack and pulled out a few evidence bags, "It looks like Ella was indeed at her sister's house. We found a receipt from a hunting store, it doesn't list specifically what she bought but I could call the store and see if they have any surveillance footage or ask if anyone remembers her."
"You think DiNozzo?
"Yes Boss... I'll get right on that...I was just going to get lunch..."
Tony nodded, "Calling right now boss."
Gibbs stood up and walked over to Ziva's desk, "I'm going for coffee Timmy but I'll be back before you know it."
Tim, whose eyes had been closed while he nursed, opened them briefly to acknowledge Gibbs and then immediately closed them again. Gibbs smirked as Tim's tiny hand played with the end of Ziva's ponytail. "
"Tony was right; McGee definitely has a thing for women's hair."
Gibbs tapped Tim on the knee "I'll be right back son." And with that he left to catch the elevator. Tim was at the end of the bottle so Ziva sat him up and patted his back a few times. They were all surprised when Tim let out a loud burp. He was immediately embarrassed and buried his face against Ziva's chest. She ran her hand in circles on his back and leaned in close. "It is okay Tim, babies burp, not a big deal."
A soft knock on the door startled Ella. She dropped the files she was reading on the table, grabbed her gun and crept to the front door. She took a deep breath before looking through the peephole. Exhaling she unlocked the door, allowing the man inside.
She grabbed one of the bags the man was carrying and placed it on the table.
"Did you have any problems finding all the items on my list?"
The man set the other bag down and began pulling out the supplies.
He drew a gun out of the bag and looked it over, "Well this isn't all of it, but I have an early shift at the hospital tomorrow so I'll be able to finish up the list."
Ella nodded and began unpacking the other bag. "Remember, this plan could go into effect at anytime. I need you to be focused and ready."
The man nodded, "When do I get paid?"
Ella laughed, "You'll get paid when the job is complete. I'm still missing the most important piece to this puzzle. Do what ever is necessary to get the last piece of equipment."
The man sighed, "Why are we targeting Federal Agents? I really hope you know what you're doing Ella or this could completely blow up in our faces."
"Don't worry, Lucy taught me well. She practically raised me and I can't let her down. I owe it to her and have nothing to lose. You worry about doing your job and let me worry about everything else."
The man opened the door to leave then turned back toward Ella, "All right but I don't want blood on my hands so you better be damn sure before we attempt this. Plan for the unexpected."
Gibbs barged into Vance's office, coffee in hand ready to go to blows over Lucy Grey.
Vance looked up from his computer, "I was wondering when I would be seeing you."
Gibbs took a sip from his coffee, "Well here I am, Leon. We need to talk about Lucy Grey."
Vance folded his hands, resting them on the desk in front of him. 'What can I do for you Gibbs?"
Gibbs paced back and forth across the office, running his fingers through his hair. "I need to interrogate Lucy Grey."
Vance raised his eyebrows, but allowed Gibbs to continue.
"Tony and Ziva returned with video footage of Lucy's sister Ella visiting her at the jail yesterday. Based on what they discussed, McGee was given a double dose of the drug that caused him to regress. Lucy's bond hearing is scheduled for tomorrow, I need to make sure she isn't released. I'm sure after the judge views what's on that tape there is no way in hell he will let her out on bond."
"Why do you want to interrogate her Gibbs?"
Gibbs stopped pacing and leaned forward so he was only inches from Vance's face. "Because we need to find her sister Ella."
He pounded his fist on the desk and yelled, "Because that's my baby they plan on hurting."
Gibbs took a deep breath and moved back when he realized the words that came out of his mouth. He took a moment to compose himself then continued.
"They're up to something and if I don't do everything in my power to prevent it then we might as well just hand McGee over to them now."
Vance smirked and leaned back in his chair. "Remember the conversation we had earlier concerning Agent McGee? If you got too close to this case or him then you would remove yourself."
Gibbs ran his hand down his face. "McGee is one of my agents, I have a right to be concerned for his safety, I'm not removing myself from this case."
Vance sighed, "I'll send the footage over to the prosecutor who is handling Grey's case. As far as interrogating her..."
Gibbs interrupted him before Vance could finish, "What are you worried about Leon?"
"If you would have let me finish, I was going to say that I'll have them bring Lucy over to NCIS so you can interrogate her."
Gibbs nodded, picked up his coffee and headed for the door, "We need her today Leon, tomorrow might be too late."
Vance picked up the phone to make a few calls and leaned back in his chair. This is going to be a long week he thought.
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