Where Are You
Alex heard the outpouring of sobs behind him as he stormed away. He couldn't believe that the love of his life practically just confessed to liking someone else. And all that bullshit about not listening to him?! it's always about him! He did practically everything for him. And now it seems that all his efforts went unnoticed.
He wiped away a stray tear threatening to roll down his cheek and headed for the front door, leaving his boyfriend alone in their shared apartment. He didn't even want to call him his boyfriend anymore. that selfish brat, he thought as he exited and slammed the door shut.
In the hallway he let out a deep sigh. He didn't think it could end like this. Because of some petty fight over someone he didn't even know. Who was that Melon chick anyway?! This was all her fault. And to add to it all, Liam was leaving him. In a few days he'd be in another continent, focusing on more important things. His family.
He wanted to build a family with him... he wanted to create something he was never lucky enough to have when he was younger. But fate wasn't on his side. For a span of time that seemed to last only a moment, he thought it was. But now everything seemed to be falling apart..
He cried into his hands and felt cold metal press against his cheek. He lowered his hands to gaze at the ring he'd spent practically all the money he had on. It was a fair deal. Spending everything on his everything...
He stared down at the small piece of jewelry before chucking it at the ground in frustration.
"DAMMIT LIAM!" He screamed and raced down the apartment building stairs. He couldn't sit there and watch his life slip away. If Liam was going to leave, he couldn't watch him go.
Liam heard the loud screaming coming from just outside their home and was shaken out of his bawling. He slowly dragged his feet to the front door, all motivation and happiness was drained from his body through his tears and onto his pillow. He opened the front door, expecting to see the infamous blue-tentacled face he'd (after much denial) come to love.
Instead he came face to face with an empty corridor.
He caught a glimpse of something in the corner of his eye and turned his gaze towards it. He stared dumbly at the discarded piece of jewelry on the floor, that once meant the whole world to him, now meaning nothing but painful regret. He felt something soft glide across his legs and looked down to see Mochi innocently making her way towards the ring. She gave it a little sniff out of curiosity. Liam sighed and rubbed his eyes, now red and puffy feom tears.
"He's gone Mochi, I don't know where he went. But I know he probably hates me." He choked out. His eyes, still vulnerable to tears, threatened to spill again. He carefully kneeled down to retrieve the ring and slipped it back onto his finger. He sat cross legged in the empty space and Mochi crawled into his lap.
"I can be so stupid... what's wrong with me. He handed his life over to me and I crushed his spirit.." he sighed.
"So what should I do..." he said to himself as he gently stroked his cat's soft fur. "I should go after him right..but what if he doesn't want to see me."
He looked down at his silent pet for advice, who's only response was a purr and an innocent meow. He felt the corner of his mouth tug into a pleased, small smile.
"Okay I'm gonna go get him. And I'm gonna bring him home." He wiped his his nose with his sweater and gently took her into his arms.
"I'll be back soon, please don't rip up the curtains with your claws again, I think we actually are broke this time." He chuckled and glanced at the ring on his left hand. After locking the door, he quickly set out for his boyfriend down the stairs and into the plaza.
Alex sat by the steady lake, in one of the closed stages. He'd been staring at his reflection for what seemed to be hours now. His face had an evident frown on it. A sulk of frustration and confusion. He sighed shortly and tried to skip a stone across the water. To his disappointment, it landed with a plop and sunk down into the blue depths.
He began to worry about leaving Liam alone back in inkopolis. He knew he was probably out looking for him. Well... he didn't know where he was. He hoped he was looking for him. He wanted nothing more than the presence of his beloved boyfriend.
As if the world was listening, he suddenly felt two warm hands on his shoulders. He didn't have to look back to know it was him...but he did anyway. He saw the dried tear stains on his boyfriend's cheeks, mirroring his own. He couldn't help the small smile that claimed his lips. To his relief, Liam smiled back. He wanted to ask how he'd found him, but the words were caught like a lump in his throat.
Liam kneeled behind him, with his arms snug around Alex's torso. He pressed his face against his back and sighed.
"Im sorry..." he mumbled. His small voice was muffled against the fabric of Alex's back.
Alex felt a remaining tear escape down the corner of his eye, slightly in shock that his boyfriend was the first to apologize. He wanted to apologize too..
But before he could respond, Liam was spilling words (and maybe tears) into the fabric of his shirt.
"Alex, I mean it. I didn't mean to drive you off like this. E-especially after what you told me...what you gave me." He admitted.
Alex felt his heart beat in his chest.
"Wait!" He cut him off. "Just listen..."
"I know I hurt you. I didn't mean to, I swear."
"Liam I-"
"-and im sorry! Because the whole truth is, you mean everything to me okay! You're my whole WORLD. I couldn't imagine myself without you. I know it may seem like I don't sometimes, but I love you. I love you in every way possible. You're my future, and im not letting you slip between my fingers because of some girl!" He sputtered out. His face was red, and ripe tears were streaming down his face.
Alex wiped the tears from his cheek with his hand and opened his mouth to speak. "Liam I know." He breathed out. All the sorrow seemed to leave his eyes from his words. "And im sorry too."
Liam blinked, and then smiled with relief. He wasn't mad. They were okay. Everything was okay. He immediately leaned in to press his lips against his boyfriend's.
Alex flinched as he felt his boyfriend kiss him suddenly. He smiled widely into the kiss and pressed back. Then he let out a muffled chuckle.
Every good apology always ended with them making out.
They broke away and pressed close to eachother, gazing out at the crystal water that glistened from the sun. For a second Alex thought he saw the great zapfish swimming against the waves.
Liam nuzzled into his neck and closed his eyes. Then he was speaking, "Next time you storm off somewhere, please go someplace where you're not trespassing." Liam joked. Alex chuckled in response.
"You mean where we're trespassing?" He smirked.
Liam laughed earnestly. "I don't know how I ever got tangled up with you. And I sincerely hope I never get untangled." He sighed and raised his left hand over the sun. The band around his finger sparkled.
Alex smile suddenly felt from his face upon the reminder of his proposal. Liam looked up with worry.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he watched his boyfriend's eyes shift to the ground.
"I just remembered, in a few days I won't be seeing you again.." he breathed gloomily.
Liam kissed his cheek softly. "Don't say that, you know that's not true." He assured. "You know we'll see eachother again."
Alex turned to gaze into his eyes. "And I'll be waiting in a black suit." He said sheepishly. Liam looked at him puzzled.
A smile spread across Alex's face. "Because the second you get back, I'm gonna marry you." He stated. Liam smiled as he felt a blush form over his face.
Just like Liam, I knew I'd be back one day.
(And instead of writing smut I wrote this peice of fluff)
I hope the conclusion of this story was worth the very very long wait
And if it wasn't....
There could be more to come
Thank you ♡
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