Three's a crowd
Anabelle's jaw hung open. She would have never suspected that Alex was actually gay. And to his best friend?! Alex's expression remained unchanged.
"Yep. Liam's my boyfriend. So now you know."
Anabelle was speechless. Her heart was broken.
"B-but, why didn't you tell me? I thought me and you could tell eachother anything..."
"We can! I was going to tell you! But...I guess I was sorta...afraid of your reaction."
Ana blushed akwardly.
"I-it's okay. I guess I am surprised...but, I'm not mad or anything. I told you I would always support you...and...and."
Anabelle sniffled. Alex rubbed the back of his head. This was definitely not the reaction he wanted from her. He hoped he hadn't crushed her soul for not telling her or because he just rejected her or anything.
"Ana you okay??"
Ana wiped her tears and nodded.
"I have to go now. I'll see you around okay?"
Alex smiled and nodded. She headed out the door.
Alex was about to close the door but Anabelle quickly stopped it with her foot.
"WAIT! Are you gonna be at Splatfest??"
"Yeah I'll be there, see y-"
"WAIT!! One more thing. I found this laying on the ground before we left the match."
Ana reached into her pocket and pulled out what seemed to be the controller to the vibrator.
"Is it yours?
Both Alex and Liam went wide eyed. Liam felt sweat start to run down his face when he realized what it was. Then color drained from his face when he realized the stupid thing was still in there!
"O-oh, yeah I must have dropped it."
Alex tried to snatch it from her hand, but she quickly pulled away. Anabelle's expression went from confused, to evil. Alex scrunched his eyebrows. Even in times like this she would mess with him. Anabelle smirked.
"Hey not so fast! What is it? What does it do??"
"Nothing! Now give it and get out!"
He tried grabbing it but was again defeated by her fast reflexes.
"No! I won't leave until I figure out what it does!"
Alex sighed heavily. She began to turn the knob all the way up. Liam flinched. He felt his face beginning to heat up.
"Uhhhm, Alex..."
Alex sucked his teeth and grabbed The annoying girl's arm.
"Okay! That's enough! Just give it to me already and go home!!"
Anabelle ignored him and began to prance around the apartment in search for Items it might control.
"Does it control heating?!"
"What about the lights?!!"
"NO! STOP!!"
"How about the-"
Anabelle continuously turned the knob up and down from low to high. The vibrator would move furiously, then stop, then furiously, then stop, something that made Liam drop and shudder. He tried his best to be as emotionless at possible, but his cheeks and groin still showed his obvious arousal. He hid as best as he could as Alex chased Ana all over the small apartment. She was like butter, always slipping from his reach. Finally, he had her cornered and took the controller from her. She fell to the floor laughing. Alex rolled his eyes. She was so weird. At one point she was on the verge of tears, and then she would be laughing her ass off.
"Okay, okay, haha it's funny. Can you please go now?!"
She got up and dusted herself off. Then she crossed her arms.
"Fine! I'll see you at splatfest. Don't be late! Your boyfriend better not be late either!"
She turned and closed the door. Her giggles could still be heard. Alex sighed in relief.
"Sorry about that bro. You okay??"
Liam was breathing heavy against the wall with his head thrown back and fists clenched.
"Yeah, could you please shut it off now?"
Alex nodded and turned the knob all the way down. Liam sighed and started walking to the bathroom.
"I'm gonna go take a shower. I have to wash this filth off of me..."
Alex laughed.
"Kay dude have fun."
"Shut up."
A few minutes later Liam was out the shower and clothed in his pajamas. He and Alex sat on his couch and watched tv. They sat peacefully until Alex decided to ask a stupid question.
"Hey bro.."
"What team did you pick?"
"For splatfest?"
"Team nice..."
Alex bursted out laughing. Liam crossed his arms.
"What's so funny??!"
"Dude! You're the naughtiest person-"
"I don't care! I want my fucking presents!!"
Alex chuckled.
"It's okay babe. I'll still get you presents, even if you're naughty."
Liam raised an eyebrow.
"Why would you get me presents? You're not santa."
Alex laughed some more.
"Haha! Good one!"
Liam's expression remained unchanged.
Alex eyes widened at him.
"Are you serious...."
Alex face palmed.
"Bro...santa isn't real. It was your parents giving you presents."
Liam's cheeks burned in embarrassment.
Alex began laughing again.
"This whole time I thought that some fat guy was leaving me gifts!"
Liam fell onto one of his pillows and hid his face in embarrassment. Alex patted his shoulder.
"It's okay bro. From now on I'll be the one giving you presents. I'll even give you this one early~"
Alex slid his hands under Liams boxers and rubbed his inner thighs. Liam quickly smacked him with the pillow.
"Ow! Wh-"
"Why do you have to embarrass me?!"
Alex cupped his chin in his hands.
"But you look so cute when your cheeks are red~"
Liam blushed harder and quickly pushed him away.
No don't fall for his bullshit. I can't be so submissive all the time."
Alex smirked and came back at Liam for more. Liam quickly pushed him off again but this time Alex took him with him. They fell to the floor with Liam sitting ontop of Alex. Alex quickly flipped them over so that he was above his boyfriend. He began to leave bite marks all over Liam's body. Liam struggled to push him off. Eventually Alex made it down to his waist and pulled off his boxers. Liam gasped as his vital regions were now exposed. Alex licked his lips. He leant down and licked up his limp member. Liam winced as his lover's hot tongue glided around him.
"S-stop it Alex."
The blue haired male halted his actions.
"I'm gonna suck all the nice out of you, so there's nothing left but naughty~"
Liam blushed and closed his eyes as he felt his member slide into Alex's mouth. Before anything could get started however, the doorbell rang. Alex sucked his teeth in aggravation.
"Seriously?! What the hell?"
Liam sighed in relief. Alex got up to get the door.
"Who is it?"
He looked through the peep hole to see a Pale, blue haired girl smiling on the other side. He opened the door.
"What do you want Anabelle..."
Anabelle responded cheerfully.
"To hang out! We haven't hung out in foreverr!!"
"WHAT?! Ana, I-"
Liam cut in.
"No, it's okay!"
Alex looked shockingly at his friend.
"But why Liam??"
"Why not?"
Alex hung his head in defeat.
Anabelle lit up like a light bulb.
"Yes!! This will be fun."
Liam rubbed his hands together evily.
Yes, it will definitely be fun. For me~
They all watched tv on Liam's couch. All that was airing were dumb Christmas specials that they'd probably seen a million times before. It was pretty toasty so Liam asked Alex to get him a popsicle. He slowly undid the wrapping, revealing the long red cold treat. He licked around the tip and slowly made his way down, and back up. Once he was sure that Alex was starring at him however, he began to slower slide it in and out of his mouth. He slurped and licked around the melting parts, then put it back in. His long tongue swiveled around it. He shoved it deep in his mouth, so that the icy tip almost touched the back of his throat then he pulled it back out with a pop. By now Alex was blushing fiercely. Liam smirked when he saw Alex's sweat drenched face and tight pants. He continued to tease him, until Alex eventually had to get up to 'use the bathroom'. Liam finished the popsicle before Alex's return. Ana, who had been fixated on the tv this whole time, got up suddenly and stretched.
"WELL! This is boring, don't you guys have anything fun to do?"
Alex flicked a booger from his finger.
"Why don't you go home? It's probably more fun there..."
Anabelle placed her hands on her hips and huffed. Liam chuckled.
"What about truth or dare?"
Anabelle looked like she was going to jump out of her socks. Alex groaned and sunk in his seat. They all gathered around the middle of the floor to choose who would go first.
"Okay Liam! How bout you? Truth or dare?"
Liam pretended to think about it.
Alex choked on his spit. Liam nodded and kissed Alex on the lips. Alex blushed violently. He couldn't believe Liam just kissed him in front of his friend!
Anabelle clapped in entertainment.
"ALEX! Truth or dare?"
"When did you first start liking Liam?"
Alex shrugged.
"I guess there was always that part of me that liked him. But I never really acknowledged it until a couple weeks ago..."
Anabelle nodded. Liam turned to Anabelle.
"Truth or dare?"
Liam smirked.
"I dare you to sit on Alex's lap for the whole game."
Alex's eyes widened.
Anabelle gladly abliged and sat on Alex's lap.
"Okay Liam, truth or dare?"
"What's the naughtiest thing you've ever done?"
Liam shrugged and looked to Alex.
"I guess it would be- "
Alex immediately blushed and pushed Ana off of him.
Anabelle crossed her arms.
"no! you said I could stay. so I'm staying."
"yeah Alex, stop being a jerk."
Alex slapped his hand against his forehead.
"well you know what? fine! you two best buddies can sit here and play your twisted game, but I won't!."
Alex turned his back to them and began to march to the bedroom.
"Alex wait we didn't mean it that way! babe please!"
"No! You guys can have fun without me! Call me when it's time for splatfest!"
"No it's okay. All I've done is ruin everything. I'm sorry. See you at splatfest..."
She quietly let herself out.
Liam sighed and got up. He walked over to his room, where Alex was currently moping. He sat next to him.
"Dude, what's your problem? Your friend just wanted to hang out!"
"Well she kinda interupted something! And I didn't want to hang out with her in the first place!!"
"Yeah well you didn't have to yell at her like that. You hurt her feelings..."
Alex rested his cheek on his hand and sighed deeply.
"I'm sorry Liam. I just don't want anyone to come in between us."
"No one will ever come in between us."
Liam kissed Alex passionately. He felt kinda bad for wanting to tease him like that. Now he wanted to make it up to him.
"It's my fault bro. How can I make it up to you?~"
Alex smirked.
"Oh I'll tell you how you can make it up to me."
Alex went to the other side of the bed and started rustling around. Liam thought he was reaching for the lube and began to pull off his boxers. He was proven wrong however when his splatroller was thrown in his face.
"You can make it up by putting up a good match in splatfest!"
Liam raised in eyebrow in confusion. Alex raced out the room, before yelling;
Liam heard the door slam behind him. He rolled his eyes.
What an asshole.
He appeared at the spawn with a random team. They were counted off. They all bursted from the spawn when it was time to start. Liam immediately headed for the enemy base.
They'll all be so busy killing eachother that they won't even know I'm here.
At first they were doing pretty good. They nearly had team naughty in the danger zone, until things started to heat up. They slowly began to get pushed back. Soon Liam could barely leave his base without getting ambushed by a team of fierce shooters.
Time ran out.
The map was drenched in enemy ink and the winner was obvious.
Liam groaned. Maybe the next few battles would be better?
Unfortunately he was wrong. Each battle went the same. They would start off winning but get defeated in the end. It went on for hours of endless matches until finally the overall results were in.
Liam wanted to screm. So far he'd lost every single splatfest! And the wort part was that now he'd have to listen to Alex gloating over him.
He returned to his apartment and flopped on the bed. It was late as hell and he felt crumby as hell. Soon his dumb friend would come over and aggravate all the crumby hell out of him.
Liam must have predicted the future because not a few moments later the door bell rang. Liam forced himself up to go get the door. Behind stood his all too happy boyfriend with a smirk plastered on his face.
"What do you want Alex? If you're here to gloat theres no need. Almost everyone on my team who chose naughty already did"
Alex chuckled.
"Damn. Maybe I just wanted to see you."
"Knowing you, you don't just want to see, you want to touch."
Alex grinned.
"I guess you got me there."
He grabbed Liam's waist and closed the door behind him with his foot.
"But for real. I came to talk"
"About what?"
"Christmas. Are you going to visit any family or friends or anything?"
"Nope why-"
"Then why don't you spend it with me!"
Liam blushed in surprise.
"R-really? You're not going to visit anyone either?"
"No, I actually got you something! So what do you say?"
"Yeah of course!"
Alex smiled.
"Cool. Now about splatfest."
Liam groaned.
"You just had to ruin the moment didnt you."
Alex chuckled.
"C'mon man, don't you think I deserve something? Anything?"
Liam smirked.
"You deserve a kick in the balls."
Alex sucked his teeth.
"You're so mean."
"Whatever, I'm too tired anyway. You can have your reward or whatever tomorrow."
Liam yawned, turned from him and started walking back to his bedroom.
"Wait! But I want something nowww!"
Alex grabbed Liam's hips and attempted to pull him back.
"Ah! Alex get off! I said no! And I'm still sore from battle!"
"Please?! Even a handjob will be okay!"
Liam groaned at his persistent boyfriend.
"Fine, get your ass to the bed."
Alex lit up and ran to the bed. Liam sat in front of him. He pulled his shorts down and grabbed his warm length. Alex flinched.
"Ugh! Why are your hands always so cold!"
Liam sucked his teeth.
"Do you want this or not!?"
Alex pouted.
Liam went back to what his was doing. He stroked the shaft and rubbed the tip with his finger. Alex moaned.
"Liam more, please."
Liam licked his lips and pulled his hands back to the ponytail holding his tentacles up. He pulled off the elastic and released them. They settled to the sides of his face. Alex raised an eyebrow. Before anything could be said, Liam had lubed up his tentacles and was wrapping them around Alex's cock.
"Y-you're gonna-"
Liam smirked and began to move up and down.
For a couple of seconds all that could be heard was the slick sound of Liam's tentacles moving around his lover's cock, and the soft moans that left Alex's mouth each time it went over the tip. It felt so smooth and warm and GOOD. Alex soon found himself biting back more and more moans. Liam always found a way to make him feel out of this world. Sometimes he didn't even have to lift a finger. Not to mention how sexy he looked with his tentacles down like that. Dirty thoughts entered his mind, and he soon found that the pleasure transferred straight to his cock. Liam noticed Alex's dream-like state and began to pick up the pace.
"Nng~ does it feel good Alex? Cause it feels good for me! Oh Yes~! It's so sensitive! I love the feeling of your cock sliding in and out of me like this!"
Alex began to drool. Dirty talk was his weakness. He imagined sliding in and out of Liam's tight ass. He wanted nothing more than to just fill him up! There was no possible way that he could feel any better right now!
Of course Liam proved him wrong when he started to suck on it along with rubbing his tentacles on him. Alex loudly moaned Liam's name. He began to buck his hips into the thrusts. Liam responded by sucking harder and moving faster. Alex could barely hold himself upright at this point.
Cum burst out of him. Liam removed his mouth, allowing It to splurt all over his tentacles and face. Alex panted heavily over Liam's laughing.
"You made a mess again Alex..."
Alex smirked.
"S-sorry. Could you please clean up after me?~"
Liam chuckled and licked some from his finger. He immediately regretted his decision.
"Ugh! That's so disgusting! How could you swallow that?!"
Liam said running to the bathroom.
Alex shrugged.
"Maybe you should just stop being a picky eater."
He heard imitations of gagging coming from the bathroom. He bursted out laughing.
Nyyyyeeeeee, I'm so late! Christmas is overre nuuuuuu!
I hope you liked it anyway!
Sorry for not updating sooner!
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