
Liam woke up on the train. His mother kept shaking him to wake up and look outside. He did so and was greeted by a city full of  large lights and smiling inklings. He was only 14 at the time. But it still interested him.
"Do you like it Liam? This is our new home."
"O-Oui. mais où en sommes-nous maman?"
"The city of colors, Inkopolis."
He felt a small smile form on his face when he looked out some more.
"I bet you're ready to meet everyone, and make alot of friends. Right Liam?"
She laughed and rubbed his shoulder.
"Me too. I'm sure your sisters will feel the same way once they're born."
The train came to a gentle stop. They quickly dispatched from it and took a taxi to their new home. It was small and cozy, not far from Inkopolis. They walked in and looked around.
"Here we are mon amour. Go upstairs and look at your new room."
Liam gladly did so. But was kind of disappointed.
It was dusty, and dull. The window was blocked out by wooden boards. And it smelled kind of funny. His mom came up and saw the dissapointment on his face. She gave him a gentle smile.
"It's alright honey. I promise, once we get settled in you'll really learn to love it here. You can decorate however you want."
Liam smiled as he imagined what it would be like.
"O-okay maman. Can I go to the city now?"
She giggled.
"Okay, but be careful. Alright? Don't wonder around places you shouldn't."
"Okay maman!"
Liam ran eagerly down the stairs and out through the door. He ran all the way down to the plaza but quickly came to a stop. He hadn't realized how big it was. He felt like everyone was looking at him, the only inkling without a friend or someone to talk to. He slowly began to turn back but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.
"Wait! Where're you going? You just got here."
He turned around to see a male inkling with blue tentacles and glasses smiling at him.
"My name's Alexander. You can call me Alex! What's your name?"
Liam was a bit dumb-struck at the moment though.
"What's the matter. Can't you speak?"
Alex laughed.
"O-oh. S-sorry. My na m e  i s-"

Liam woke up slowly. His eyes adjusted to the light as he tried to figure out where he was. He felt a hand tightly gripping his shoulder.
He whispered gently.
He looked over to see his best friend who looked worried sick. His hair was a mess and his eyes looked puffed up from tears.
"Liam! Oh shit I thought you'd never wake up!"
Liam could barely feel his body.
"Where am I?.."
"You're in the hospital Liam."
He looked around at the bright room. He was laying in a hospital bed with blood (or his color ink) being pumped in him from an IV bag. He couldn't remember anything. He had a throbbing headache and he could barely move.
"W-what happened Alex.."
"I don't know! I found you passed out on the bathroom floor. You wouldn't wake up! So I panicked and took you to the hospital. Then they hooked you up to that thing!"
Liam closed his eyes and tried to think. Then he opened them again when he realized what happened.
"My IDS. I'm an idiot..."
Alex gave him a confused look.
"I-ink deficiency syndrome. R-remember I was telling you about it earlier? About how my body struggles to produce enough ink?"
"Oh. But Liam, if you knew something was wrong why didn't you say anything?"
Liam looked away in embarrassment.
"I guess I was so convinced that there was nothing wrong with me, that I forgot that there is something wrong with me. And I dragged you into my problems. I'm sorry."
Alex grabbed his hand.
"It's okay. You know I'll always be here for you."
Liam gave him a weak smile. The doctor soon walked in with a clipboard.
"Liam. How are you feeling?"
Liam was too tired for words so he gave a lazy thumbs up instead.
"It's good to hear that. I know this might sound scary, but if your friend hadn't brought you in, I don't think you would've made it."
Liam frowned.
"But for now you're okay, and that's all that matters."
"When can I go home?"
"Well obviously right now you should be too weak to even move. So I'd say tomorrow, depending on how you're doing both physically and mentally."
"Can Alex stay with me?"
"No, sorry. He'll have to leave by midnight. But he can come back first thing in the morning to come see you."
Liam smiled up at his lover.
"I'll be fine."
Alex returned the smile and kissed him on the cheek.
"I know you will."

For the rest of the night they just spoke. Mostly about silly things in order to cheer Liam up. Eventually Alex had to go home. But Liam promised to call him straight away, before he could even leave the building.

"The bed feels cold without you Liam."

"Yeah same. It's so dark. And creepy. All I hear is that dumb beeping from the heart monitor."

"Heh, yeah. Well just be glad it's beeping."

Liam chuckled.

"Alex, promise me you won't hang up until I fall asleep. Please."

"Of course."

"I love you..."

"Love you too."

The next morning, Alex skipped school to go see Liam in the hospital. Thankfully he was doing much better. He could sit up, and he finally had color in his face. Alex flooded his neck with kisses, explaining that each one represented every tear he shed when he was unconscious.
"You're gay."
Liam said pushing him away. Alex rolled over laughing.
"Shut up! What if the doctor came in and saw you chewing on my neck like that?! I don't think you would've been laughing then."
Alex folded his arms.
"I'd still be laughing, you know why?"
Alex leant in and whispered in his ear.
"Because I know you'd be turned on by someone catching us like that."
Liam's face turned crimson.
"Th-that's not true!"
"Oh yeah? Let's test that."
Alex snickered.
"What?! Are you crazy?!!"
Alex ignored his complaints and moved his hands under the sheets and over his nipples. Liam flinched and quickly tryed shoving him off.
"Stop! thats not funny!"
Alex scooted closer so he could have more access. He ran his thumbs over Liam's soft pink buds repeatedly, before pressing down and pinching them. Liam felt a bead of sweat run down his cheek.
"Ah-alex. The doctor could come in any moment.."
"Yeah I know, that's what you want right?"
Alex moved one of his hands down to Liam's crotch area and squeezed gently, so he could feel his growing boner.
"That's not what this says. Close your eyes Liam."
"Just do it."
Liam huffed and closed his eyes.
"Imagine the doctor coming in right now...and seeing you like this. and bothered~"
Liam clenched his teeth.
"S-shut up Alex."
"But I can help you Liam. I can make your fantasies come true~"
He began to slowly rub around his cock now. Liam gasped and opened his eyes. He looked at Alex with pleading eyes. Alex returned his gaze with a mischievous one. He quickly leant in to smack his lips on his mouth. Liam returned the kiss forcefully. Suddenly the door swung open.
"Alright, I'm back with the-"
Liam and Alex quickly broke apart and looked in the direction if the doctor. Liam felt like his soul had just left his body. He had never been this embarrassed in his life.
"O-oh um, excuse me. Do you need a minute?"
Liam couldn't answer. Alex waved a hand apologetically.
"N-no. Sorry about that."
The doctor nodded and continued on with what he was going to say.
"Yes well, thankfully, Liam, you're doing much better. We just want you to come back in a couple of days to make sure that your IDS is under control."
Liam nodded.
"A-alright. When should I make an appointment?"
The doctor took off the bandages for the heart monitor.
"Probably around next month."
Liam nodded and tryed getting out of bed. Alex rushed over to help him.
"Okay you can check out at the front desk."
Liam walked out with Alex snickering in his ear.
"Oh my squid bro, that was hilarious!"
Liam felt like jabbing him in the eyes.
"What the hell is wrong with you!? Seriously that wasn't funny, don't ever do something like that again!"
Alex pouted like a child who just got in trouble with their mom. Liam walked up to the front desk and asked for a doctors note. Once they checked out Alex immediately took Liam home to rest. Not without Liam complaining though. Liam was laying in bed with the covers wrapped around him with care, being monitored by Alex to make sure he wouldn't move.
"C'mon Alex. You heard what the doctor said, I'm okay no-"
"Seriously! I'm f-"
"I just-"
Liam huffed and threw his head back against the pillows in defeat.
"Can you at least get me something to eat?"
"Ugh fine. I'll be right back then. Just don't get out of bed. Okay?"
Liam smiled. At least he'd gotten his way for something. He nodded sheepishly. Alex left the room. Once he heard the door close he carefully got out of bed and moved to the window seat, where he had the largest view of Inkopolis. He felt extremely guilty, because he knew that on the inside Alex was worried sick about him, even if he didn't show it on the outside. Liam sighed. His eyes automatically wondered off to the very front of the plaza where he first met Alex. He smiled and layed down. His eyelids got heavy and began to close, until he fell into sleep. The memories came flooding back to him.

"My name is Liam."
"Cool. Is this your first time in Inkopolis?"
Liam nodded shyly.
"It's pretty big though...I didn't think anyone would want to talk to a newbie like me."
"It's okay, I'll show you around. From now on we can stick together, alright?"
Liam smiled and nodded.
"Sure, okay!"
"What's your name again."
"It's Liam."
"I promise to never leave your side Liam! I'll always be here for you."
Liam blushed and beamed at him.
"O-okay, I promise to never leave your side either!"
Alex chuckled.
"You have funny hair."
Liam gave a sly smile and raised an eyebrow.
"You have a funny laugh.."
Alex stopped laughing and covered his mouth, making Liam practically howl with laughter. Soon Alex started laughing again. The whole plaza turned their heads to them, wondering what was so funny.

Short chapterrr.
I'm terrible at love stories, I know

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