Meet My Sisters

"Finally the weekend!"
Alex said walking from work towards the train station.
"I wonder what Liam's doing."
He pulled out his phone and opened his messenger.

'Yo Liam!'

'Hey, How was work?.'

'It was fine. Hope I can get that promotion soon. Can't wait to get home though ;^)))'

'Sorry I'm busy, got things to do.'

'Since when?!'

'...since just now? Can you hurry home so you can get rid of these gross things in my drawer..'

'You mean the sex toys?'


'You're tired of those already?'

'What?! No! I want them out my house! We'll be having company later.'

'Really? Who??'

'My sisters are coming over for the weekend. So can you please just get here?'

'Kay. I'll be over soon. Ttyl.'

He locked his phone and walked a little faster.
"I don't remember him even telling me about his sisters.."
He boarded the train and sat down.
"I hope they're hot, like him." 

Liam was vacuuming his rug when he heard the knock on his door. He opened and saw his boyfriend grinning on the other side.
"Hey babe, I'm home."
Alex leaned in for a kiss but nearly fell when Liam turned to get back to vacuuming.
"Yeah, hi. Can you take that bag and put it on the top shelf in the closet."
He walked over to the bag and peeked inside.
"Damn, we haven't even used some of these!"
Liam's ears turned pink.
"Just put them in the closet!"
"Hey! Don't be bossy. Well actually I kinda like it~"
Alex walked over to him and grabbed his waist, pulling him against him. Liam blushed.
"Y-you also have alot of clothes on the floor in our room too, so if you could-"
"Gee, I wonder how they got on the floor~"
His grip on his hips got a little tighter. Liam felt his heart rate pick up.
"Y-you know how..."
"No I don't remember, maybe you should show me how exactly they got on the floor~"
Alex moved one of his hands down to his butt. Liam pushed him off and blushed in embarrassment.
"I can't right now, or probably for the whole weekend."
He went back to vacuuming.
"What? Why?! Are your sisters that clingy?"
"What did you say??"
He couldn't hear him over the loud vacuum. Alex sighed.
"Never mind!"
After he finished vacuuming he moved on to cleaning the bathroom.
"I can't believe you spilled all that water on the bathroom floor. I had to go out and buy new mats and everything."
"It was worth it though."
"Not really."
"Whatever. Just take it easy."
"Because the last time you cleaned like this, something bad happened.."
"Right. I'll be careful."
"Just let me know if your not feeling right."
"I will."
" I'm gonna go take my work clothes off, be right back."

Alex came back and Liam was still trying to tidy up his apartment.
"How much cleaner could you make it?!?!"
"Calm down, all that's left is the kitchen. What time is it?"
"It's almost 5 o'clock"
"What?! Okay I have to go pick them up, can you please take out the trash, wipe down the counters and do the dishes?"
"What?! Does it matter?"
"Yes! Please Alex!?"
Alex sighed.
"Thanks amour."
He gave him a quick kiss and rushed out.
Alex groaned at all the chores Liam left him to do. Oh well, he knew it was important to him and he'd kick his butt if he didn't do it so he mightaswell.

Alex plopped down onto the couch when he was finally finished. Mochi tried to jump on with him but he pushed her off.
"No Mochi, you and I both know that Liam's gonna be mad if he sees you on this couch. And let's face it, he's gonna be mad at me."
He rolled his eyes and looked at the time.
"It's been over an hour already. Where is he?"
Just then he heard the door unlock and swing open.
"Hey Alex! we're here."
Alex quickly got up to greet Liam's sisters but couldn't find them.
"Uh where are they?"
"Right here."
Liam motioned down at the two squids, barely out of their third phase, clinging onto his legs.
"O-oh...they're pretty..tiny."
Alex laughed.
"Yup! Their only about 5."
They both mumbled shyly and moved further behind Liam.
"Hi! I don't think they like me."
"Their just shy. Come on!"
He motioned towards the couch. They all walked over and sat down. One of them took a seat on Liam's lap while the other snuggled in next to him. Alex sat on the love seat next to him.
"This is Asriel."
He pointed at the purple one sitting on his lap.
"And this is dianne"
He patted the teal one snuggling next to him.
"ceci est mon petit ami, Alex. (This is my boyfriend Alex.)"
They both looked up at him surprised, and they giggled. Then they smiled and started making kissie faces at him. He blushed and laughed.
"I- I think they want us to kiss."
Alex smiled and leant in. Liam put a hand on his cheek and kissed him. The two girls squealed with happiness. Liam's blush deepened and he kissed them both on the cheek.
"Are you guys hungry?"
The both nodded.
"Okay then, I'll go make them something to eat. After that you guys can wash up and then bed."
"peut-on aller dans votre chambre grand frère? (Can we go into your room big brother?)"
Liam hesitated but nodded.
Both girls got up and ran excitedly down the hall. Alex followed Liam into the kitchen.
"You need any help?"
"Nope, I'll just make mac and cheese."
"I didn't think your sisters would be that small, I thought they be around your age."
Liam chuckled.
"Nope! There my baby sisters. Do you like them?"
"Yeah, there really cute and sweet! Just like you~"
Liam rolled his eyes.
"Thats gay."
Alex laughed and hugged him from behind as he turned on the stove.
"Ah! Alex not while I'm cooking please. Plus my sisters might walk in on us."
"I'm just hugging you~"
"Yeah but it would be embarrassing!"
Alex chuckled and began kissing his neck. Liam blushed and his hands shook as he poured the pasta in the pot.
"A-Alex that tickles, please not here."
Alex moved his hands under Liam's shirt and ran them up and down his sides, tickling him.
"Ahhahahah s-stop haha seriously!"
Alex laughed into his neck. He turned him over and kissed him. Liam kissed back happily. The smell of the macaroni cooking attracted the girls who came waddling down the corridor. They saw Liam kissing Alex and shrieked with excitement. Liam quickly pulled away and blushed, his face turning almost completely red.
The two girls covered their smiling mouths to try and hide their giggles. Liam smiled.
oui oui. son drôle! venir chercher votre nourriture. (Yeah yeah it's funny. Come and get your food)
They sat at the table and waited to be served. Liam put a plate of macaroni in front of each of them and watched them dig in. Alex leant in Liam's ear.
"I'd rather be eating something else right now~"
He whispered and moved and over to grab his ass. Liam gasped and pinched his side.
Alex laughed, but rubbed his side from the painful pinch.
After the girls finished eating they all watched a french. So Alex was pretty bored. He had to keep asking what was happening, annoying Liam who was trying to watch but had to keep explaining because he didn't understand. Liam soon fell asleep, like he always did when they decided to watch a movie (which is why they never watched movies). Surprisingly the girls fell asleep too. Alex chuckled.
"Does it run in the family?"
He gently shook Liam awake. Liam rubbed his eyes and stretched.
"Oh, sorry I fell asleep.."
"Yeah, they did too."
Liam gently woke them up.
"Okay guys, lets get ready for bed."
The two girls whined in disapproval.
"Allez, demain je vais vous prendre quelque chose de spécial. (Come on now, tomorrow I'll take you somewhere special.)"
Both girls smiled and waddled over to the bathroom. Liam followed them over. He turned the faucet and warm water began to flow out. He grabbed two towels and their pajamas while they got undressed and settled into the bath.
Asriel frowned whe she found no bubbles for their bath.
Both girls groaned in disappointment. He apologized and began scrubbing the girls.
"I'll get some tomorrow"
"pouvons-nous avoir un autre bain de demain? (Can we have another bath tomorrow?)"
They smiled happily at eachother.
"vous baigner avec nous? Will you bathe with us?")
"U-uh well.."
They looked up at him with pleading eyes.
"S'il vous plaît? (Please?)"
He sighed and nodded in defeat to their cuteness.
They splashed with joy.
After their bath they got dressed in their pajamas and brushed their teeth. Liam set up their futons in the guest room and plugged in a nightlight. They snuggled into their beds, happy that they get to rest. Liam rubbed their foreheads and closed the door. He looked at the time.
"It's already 11:00 o' clock."
Alex was sitting on the bed with his phone. Liam came in and closed the door behind him. Alex looked up.
"Are they sleeping??"
"Yeah. I hope so. Those two can be- GAH!"
Alex quickly got up on threw Liam on the bed. He pinned his arms down and loomed above him.
"Good, cause' I'm making you mine tonight~"
"What?! No way are you kidding?!! Not while their here you're not!"
He kicked him in the stomach. Alex let go of him and grabbed his stomach in Pain.
"Oww! But you said their asleep!"
"That doesn't mean they won't wake up! I have to go to sleep anyways, I'm taking them out tomorrow and I don't want to be tired..or sore!"
Alex sighed.
"So not tonight.."
"Alex you're such a baby."
"C'mon we won't wake them up!"
"I don't even know if they're asleep."
"Lock the doors??"
"No they'd get suspicious."
"I want you so bad..."
"Sorry mon amour."
He took off his clothes so that he was left in a t-shirt and shorts.
Mochi jumped onto the bed with them, snuggling in with Liam.
"Ugh I'm not even tired."
"Shhh! Will you shut up! You might wake them!"
Alex groaned. Liam rolled his eyes.
"Do you want to come with us tomorrow?"
"Of course."
"Then you should get some sleep."
"B-but I can't sleep.."
"Just close your eyes."
Alex groaned and laid down next to him. He wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed his neck.
"Why do I always end up doing whatever you want..."
" because you love me, and I love you too."
Liam snuggled back into his chest.
Alex smiled and undid his boyfriends ponytail.
"Why don't you wear them out?"
"I don't like it like that. I'd look all sloppy, like you."
He gently grabbed one and kissed it.
"Ah! W-what are you doing??"
"They're so soft!"
"Yeah, that doesn't mean touch them!"
He kissed the other one making Liam yelp.
"Ahh! Stop!"
Alex laughed. Liam smirked and tackled him.
"Listen you little shit!-"
He stopped when he heard the door creek open. He turned to see the two tiny girls rubbing their eyes and holding their pillows.
"frère? Qu'est-ce qui se passe? (Brother? what's going on?)"
Asriel said yawning. Liam blushed and let go of Alex.
"R-rien, désolé, je vous suis réveillé. retourner au lit maintenant (n-nothing, sorry I woke you. Go back to bed now.)"
"grand frère peut-on dormir avec vous? S'il vous plaît!! (Big brother can we sleep with you? Please!!)"
Both girls asked pleadingly. Liam shrugged.
"bien sûr, pourquoi pas? (Sure, why not?)"
They smiled tiredly and waddled over to Liam's side of the bed.
"Wait what?! What's happening?"
Alex asked in confusion.
"They wanna sleep in our bed tonight. Is that okay??"
They put their arms up for him to lift them. He grabbed both girls and placed them in front of him.
"Yeah it's fine I guess.."
"Good. Alex can you move over?"
Alex sighed and shuffled over.
Both girls got comfortable and Liam turned off the light. He snuggled his sisters close, praying that they wouldn't fall off the bed. Alex smiled and wrapped his arms around Liam again. Maybe this wasn't so bad. He felt Mochi move to his side of the bed, her floofy tail hitting him in the face as she got comfortable.
"Never mind.."

Baby squids have entered the story X3
Do you like them?
I don't know if I'll do a part two ;w;
Let me know what you think in the comments :3
Thanks for reading~

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