Another day wasted

Liam decided to stay home from school for another day so he could rest. Alex wanted to watch over him so he stayed home too. Alex was in the kitchen attempting to make a pancake, while Liam was sitting at the table patiently.
"You sure you don't need help?"
He asked as he watched Alex struggling to crack an egg. Alex shook his head.
"I'm good bro. I'm doing this so that you won't have to. It's almost done."
Liam rubbed his head irritably.
"So far you've cracked two the past 15 minutes."
Alex giggled.
"Come on! Just let me do this for you!"
"Okay, okay. Hey Alex.."
"You're breaking my concentration Liam. The only thing that should be breaking is this egg."
Liam chuckled.
"When are we gonna go out again?"
"As in...a date?"
"Uhhh I don't know. Where you wanna go?"
Liam twiddled his fingers and shrugged.
"I've never been to the museum.."
Alex rubbed his neck.
"Uhm, does it have to be the museum?"
Alex looked over at Liam who put on a set of puppy dog eyes.
"Fine, we can go this weekend if you want."
Liam clenched his fist in success. By now Alex finished the pancake batter and was pouring it over the smooth buttered pan.
"Liam how do you say pancakes in french?"
Liam blushed.
"My mom always said, Crêpe..."
Alex tryed pronouncing it. But failed. Liam held in a laugh.
"How do you say pancake in spanish?"
"My family says panqueques."
Liam tryed to say it. And succeeded.
"Eheheh! I like that!"
Alex blushed at Liam's cute giggle.
"I'm glad you like it, 'cause they're done."
Alex held up the pan with the fluffy golden brown pancake. Liam clapped in joy.
"Okay try to catch it on your plate!"
Liam held his plate ready. Alex took a step back and tossed the pancake in the air. Liam just barely caught it. Alex sighed in relief.
"You want some syrup? Maybe a little butter?"
Liam nodded at both. Alex gladly got him what he needed and even applied it for him. He took a butter knife and spread it across the warm fluffy surface, then swirled some syrup over it. Liam smiled happily.
"Merci mon amour."
"De nada mi amor."
Alex leant down and kissed him on the cheek. Liam returned the kiss on his nose. Once Liam finished Alex gave him another one. Liam laughed nervously.
"I don't think I'm hungry enough to eat this."
Liam rolled his eyes and began eating. Alex smiled. The only reason he gave him another one was so he could have strength. He looked so different from just a couple weeks ago. He had subtle pink circles around his eyes. He was definitely skinnier. And he looked tired all the time. He knew he wasn't sickly though. He just needed help recovering.
"Yep. Soon you'll be your cheerful self again."
Alex mumbled.
"I said do you want another pancake?"
Liam huffed and pushed his plate away.
"I'm full to bursting."
Alex slapped another pancake on his plate.
"What the- Alex! I just sai-"
Alex hushed him and put some of the pancake on a fork. He brought it up to Liam's mouth.
"Open wide."
Liam pushed it away.
"Alex if I eat anymore I will explode."
Alex didnt listen and just moved in closer.
"Here comes the plane."
Alex pretended that the soggy peice of pancake was an airplane and zoomed it around until it hit Liams closed mouth. Liam rested his cheek on his hand in annoyance.
"Do I looked like I'm five?!"
Alex forcefully opened Liam's mouth and shoved it inside. Liam gasped when he accidently swallowed. His face of surprise quickly turned into anger.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!!?"
"I'm just trying to feed you!"
"You're trying a little bit too hard Alex!"
Alex tryed to hold in a laugh. Liam raised an eyebrow.
"What is so goddamn funny about this?!"
"You're pissed cause I fed you a tiny peice of pancake..."
Liam rubbed his eyes in annoyance.
"Why are you doing this to me.."
"'Cause I love you lamb.."
"Did you just call me a lamb?!"
"Lamb sounds like Liam right? It's cute."
Liam rubbed his eyes, twice as annoyed.
"How would you like it if I called you alligator?"
"Yes please."
Liam chuckled.
"Man life sure is being a bitch right now."
Alex nodded in agreement.
"It's like I can never get a break. I literally almost died. Twice."
"Do you want something to drink?"
Loam smiled.
"Actually. A drink sounds perfect."
Alex gave him a confused look.
Liam got up and shuffled through the cabinets until he brought out a bottle of wine.
"Uhhhh, I don't think you should...drink."
"Shut up."
He brought out a wine glass
"No seriously. Something could happen if you get drunk."
"Nothing's gonna happen."
He began go pour the crimson liquid in the glass. He filled it up to the brim. Alex got up and tried to take it from him but Liam held him away with one hand and chugged the hole glass.
"Ahhh. Delicious."
"Okay no more."
Alex walked to the table to clean up Liam's dishes. While his back was turned Liam drank more, straight from the bottle. When he turned around he quickly set down the bottle. Alex narrowed his eyes at him and walked to the sink to start doing the dishes. His back was turned to him again.
"Don't worry Liam. From here on out I promise things will get better."
Liam began drinking from the bottle again. He loved the feeling of the cool liquid gliding down his throat. And the taste just made him feel like he was in heaven. After about 4 long sips of wine he began to get tipsy. He held the counter behind him to balence himself. Alex dryed the last plate and put it on the rack.
"By the way, don't forget to take the pills the doctor gave you alright? He said to take them after you had a full meal right?"
Liam took the bottle away and wiped his mouth. His was a little blurry.
"Y-ye- *hic* yep. Heh I have hiccups."
Alex rolled his eyes and moved put of the way so Liam could get his pills. For some reason he was struggling to find it.
"Uh, it's right there Liam."
He pointed in the direction of the pills. Liam mistakenly followed his finger to the cookie jar.
"Oh it's in *hic* here?"
"What? No! It's literally sitting right in front of you!"
"Why would it be sitting? It doesn't have a butt to sit with."
He looked at the bottle of wine and gasped.
"What the fuck?! How'd the bottle get half empty?! LIAM!"
"Did you drink more?"
"N- *hic* no! I wouldn't do that.."
"Well I thought you wouldn't! You can't take your pills now!"
"It says, 'do not take while intoxicated'."
"They're just pranking you bro."
Alex slapped a hand on his forehead.
"I can't believe this..."
"What's the big deal?"
"You could pass out again if your Ink isn't stable."
"Pills don't help..."
"Yes they do! That's why the doctor prescribed them!"
Liam placed his hands on his ears.
"SHUT UP!! I don't care what you or the doctor thinks! My problem won't get any better! It'll just keep getting worse until eventually I won't even be able to survive anymore!"
"Don't say things like that! You'll get better in time! You jus-"
Alex clenched his fists. His eyes began to sting. He shoved Liam on the ground.
Alex huffed and felt tears run down his face.
"I- I love you so much... I just want you to be okay."
Liam's eyes were wide.
"I love you too Alex. I-"
"If you love me than why are you torturing me like this. I get panic attacks...My blood pressure is going through the roof...that's how much I care about you."
Alex dropped to his knees.
Liam couldn't say anything. He knew that what Alex said was true. He saw the stress begin to weigh him down ever since they were locked in that dumb storage room. In his drunken state, Liam couldn't think of the right thing to say so he just hugged him. Alex returned the hug needily.
"S-sorry Alex."
Alex didn't say anything. Instead he decided to connect their lips. Liam pulled away.
"I don't deserve this Alex.."
Alex smiled.
"Can you please just take it for once..."
Liam smiled. He leaned in and closed his eyes. Alex reconnected their lips. He grabbed his boyfriends waist while Liam wrapped his arms around his neck to pull him in closer. He made a mistake when he playfully bit Alex's bottom lip though because he took it as a challenge and bit him back harder. Liam groaned into the kiss and pulled away.
"I- I think you drew blood Alex."
Liam said rubbing his lip. Alex shrugged and pulled him back into the kiss, this time poking his tongue between his lips. Liam flinched in surprise and accidentally bit Alex's tongue. Alex immediately pulled away in pain.
"OW! geez Liam."
Liam laughed.
Alex glared at him, then suddenly tackled him to the ground. Liam immediately flipped them over so that he was on top.
"Nope! Not this time naughty squid! I'm on top!"
He threw one of Alex's legs over his shoulder and ground himself against him. Alex moaned and bit his lip.
"I-I want you Liam."
Liam blushed and nodded. He pulled off Alex's t-shirt and licked his chest. He kissed around his stomach and bit around his chest.
"A-ah, Liam please no foreplay."
Alex pleaded.
"Foreplay is the best part though."
He said while rubbing his nipples. He purposely pressed against Alex's hard member underneath his shorts while he kissed and bit his neck.
"Ahhhh fuuck Liam!"
Liam smirked and moved down to his belly button. His kissed his way down to his shorts. He rubbed his obvious erection with his hand. Alex threw his head back.
"I'm gonna explode if you don't do something, ANYTHING!"
Liam smirked. He began stroking him through his shorts.
"That's not enough Liam..."
Liam moved down and licked along with stroking.
Liam decided that he'd teased him enough and pulled his shorts off along with his own. He licked his fingers and rubbed them on his entrance, then positioned himself over Alex's cock.
"What are you doing! I said to do ME!"
"I- I thought I wa-....wait y-you want me t-to go inside...YOU?!"
"Yes! Damn I thought that was obvious!"
"W-what?! NO!"
"Why not?! I thought you said you wanted to be on top."
Liam blushed.
"I....can't! I'm not...ready to-"
"juST DO IT!"
Liam swallowed hard.
"A-are you sure?"
Alex nodded and smirked hungrily.
"Go get the lube..."

When Liam came back Alex had his legs open for him. He blushed and looked away.
"Stop being a slut."
"Ha! You're the only one I'd fuck bro."
"Hm, I guess we will never get married."
"What? Why!?"
"No point in building a marriage on lies."
Alex chuckled.
"You think I would cheat on you?"
"No, but when you say 'you are the only one I would fuck' I know you're lieing 'cause if you had the opportunity, you would have both callie and mar-"
"OKAY OKAY GEEZ! Just hurry up!"
Liam laughed quietly and moved between his legs. He spread lube all over his fingers and pressed them at his hole. He slowly pushed inside. Alex laughed nervously.
"Next time start with one finger.."
"Shut up! You can handle it."
"Wow! You're so mean!"
Liam laughed and stretched him wider, earning a moan. He pulled his fingers out.
"I think you're ready now.."
Alex nodded.
"Good enough."
Liam positioned himself.
"What are you waiting for?!"
"A-are you sure you want to do it on the floor?"
"Yes! Just hurry!"
Liam felt sweat roll down his forehead. He sighed and slowly pushed in him. Alex rolled his eyes. He wrapped his legs around Liam's waist and forcefully pushed him in all the way. Liam yelped in surprise. Alex moaned at the feeling of being filled up completely. Liam's arms shook and he struggled to support his weight.
"S-so h-hooooot."
Alex grinned.
"Does it feel good?"
"I-it feels's s-so warm. I'm being squeezed."
"Nnnnmn, sounds good. It hurts a little for me."
"Make it feel better then."
Liam slowly pulled out and moved back in. Alex clenched his fists.
"I know you want to go faster."
Liam groaned and pushed in harder.
"A-ahhhh, Liam..."
Liam placed his hands on Alex's thighs and moved faster.
"Ahhh! It feels so good! Harder Liam!"
"Ugh! I-I'm glad y-you like it but, ngh! I'd rather it be me getting fucked right now!"
Alex laughed.
"Why do you want to hog all the fun?!"
"S-shut up!"
Liam fucked Alex harder.
"NnnNNNNG!! Liam! Right there!"
"Am I hitting the right spot?"
Liam panted out. His hands trembled on Alex's legs. Alex moaned a response.
"I- I said y-yes!"
"Ah Alex!"
Liam grabbed his hips and slammed into him harder. Alex screamed his name. Liam felt light headed as his orgasm approached.
"I'm coming! I- I can't- NGH!!"
Afte one final theust Liam exploded inside his lover. Alex felt his orgasm peak and ripple through him.
"Mmm you filled me up mi amor~"
Liam chuckled and pulled out.
"profiter pendant que ça dure , mon amour~ I'm never doing it again."
"What? Whyyyy?"
Alex whined with puppy eyes.
Liam laughed and kissed his nose.
"'Cause I want my cake, and I want to eat it too."
"Whatever, you're gay as f-"
Alex stopped when he saw Liam rub his head.
"What is it?"
"Fatigue, I need my pills."
Alex pulled his shorts back up and rubbed his neck.
"Do you think you'll be okay?
"I-I'm sure I'll be fine."
Alex sighed and went to go get the pills and a glass of water. Liam swallowed the pill and drank the glass of water. He set the glass down beside him and leant against the wall. Alex sat next to him.
Liam smiled.
"No prob."
"Thanks for always looking out for me. I forget to say that sometimes...because I don't really pay attention at times.."
Alex rubbed his back.
"It's okay bro. Nothing you could ever say or do would make me want to leave your side."
Liam huffed and pulled away. He wrapped his arms around his knees. Alex frowned. The early setting sun shined through the kitchen and onto their faces.
"Hey Liam."
"The sun's still out, and it's pretty cold today.."
"You wanna go ice skating?"
Alex smirked at him.
Liam looked up and grinned.

They snuck into camp triggerfish, which was currently closed for repairs. The water was frozen solid. Alex made his way down to the far end of the map with Liam following close behind him. He put on his ice skates and jumped down. "Hurry up Liam!"
Liam struggled to get the ice skate on his foot.
"G-geez! How long has it been since we've done this?! They barely fit!"
He finally squeezed on the skate and carfully hopped down.
He held onto one of the wooden pillars for balance.
"Do you even remember how to skate?"
Alex asked playfully.
Liam blushed.
"I- I might need a little help. I don't have alot of strength like I used to."
Alex smiled and skated over to him. He grabbed his hand and pulled him towards him. Liam quickly grabbed onto his shoulder so he wouldn't fall. Alex took the hand from his shoulder and began pulling him across the ice.
"D-don't you dare let me fall."
Liam warned.
"Don't worry babe, I got you. Try moving your feet."
"I remember how to skate Alex!"
Alex smirked and let go of his hands. Liam saw his life flash before his eyes when he almost fell face first and hit the hard ice. Luckily Alex caught him before he could fall.
"Doesn't look like you remember."
Liam crossed his arms. Alex grabbed his hands again. They glided smoothly around ice. Soon Liam let go of Alex's hands himself. Alex quickly went to catch him but to his surprise Liam began skating around him.
"See? I told you I remember."
Alex sighed in relief.
"Fine! Let's put your skills to the test!"
Alex skated off. Liam quickly followed behind him.
"Not so fast!"
"I see. You're still rusty huh?"
"What?! No!"
"Then try and catch me!!"
Alex zoomed ahead of him.
Liam chased after him. Alex swiveled and swirled circles around him. So much so that Liam began to get angry.
"Will you cut it out you asshole!"
"Not till you can catch up with me!"
Alex kept skating away from him, while Liam kept trying to catch up. Soon snow began to fall and it made it even harder to see.
"Alex? Where did you go?"
He looked around but all he saw through the heavy snow falling was ice. He couldn't even see camp triggerfish anymore. He began to get scared.
"A-alex?! I can't see anything where are you?"
He desperately looked around. Until suddenly something came up from behind him and grabbed onto him. Liam nearly jumped out of his skin. Luckily it was just Alex being and ass as usual.
"Alex! Don- GAHHH!"
Alex lifted him up and threw him over his shoulder.
"What the fuck?! Put me down!!"
"Nope! Loser has to get carried! Remember? Back then we used to do this?"
Liam sighed in aggravation.
"Yeah whatever. But honestly, this means I don't have to skate back to camp, so thanks."
Alex laughed.
"I guess. The views not bad either!"
Alex slapped Liam's butt playfully.
"Ah!- okay no! Put me down!"
"I was just kidding! Geez!"
"Yeah well- wait.."
"Do you hear that?"
Both boys closed their mouths and listened carfully. The heard a faint 'rrrring' sound.
"What's that?"
"I don't know.."
They listened again. It was getting louder. Alex put Liam down.
"Well whatever it is, it's coming straight for us!"
They turned and looked towards the noise. They saw something small and blurry moving towards them slowly.
"Is that a-"
"Wait no! Alex we have to get out of here!"
Liam said grabbed his arm and trying to pull him away. Alex didn't budge.
"But what is-"
He looked back over at it. Turns out it wasn't that small and it wasn't moving that slowly. Charging towards them right now was a big ice plow, throwing sharp ice shards out like bullets.
"Okay yup! We should go!"
They began to frantically skate away. Every now and then Alex would look back to see if it was still charging for them. To his dismay, it was. And it was coming fast.
"Liam! It's getting closer!"
"Don't look back just keep going!!"
Alex tryed his best to move quicker but it was just too fast! He looked back just like Liam told him not too and realized something bad. Liam was nearest to were the ice shards were being shot out. And they were coming right for him. If they were to hit him he'd be-
"Oh no, LIAM!! MOVE!"
The sound of the buzzing machine had become so loud that he couldn't Liam couldn't here him.
Alex frantically screamed at his unknowing lover but it was no use, and the machine was getting closer. Alex began to panic. He grabbed Liam's arm and flung him out of the way. But he couldn't get away fast enough.. The shards scraped through him like a shredder. Liam looked up and was about to get pissed because Alex pushed him but his anger turned into trauma and fear when he realized what Alex had just done. He placed his hands on his forehead.


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