éperdument amoureux

There was a sound of hurried rustling as Ana shifted through the drawers, looking for anything she could find. She gasped in excitement when she found a laptop under the stacks of neatly folded clothes.

She looked back at the door to make sure no one was coming in, before crossing her legs and opening it.

Earlier, Alex had asked her to find out who this inkling girl is, since apparently she's been stalking Liam. Come to think of it, she didn't really know who this girl was either, which was strange since she'd talked to nearly everyone who lived here during her ongoing turf war battles. Of course she'd seen her plenty of times when she delivered magazines to her front door, but she never bothered to talk to her. She couldn't even remember the first time she saw her...
It's as if she just suddenly appeared out of no where one day.

Between the screen and the keyboard was an envelope, with nothing written on it. She reached inside and pulled out what looked to be a picture. Ana squinted and held it up to the light.

"What's this??"

It looked like a picture of inkopolis, if it were taken about 100 years ago. It was all faded and old looking. Underneath the picture were the words 'promised land' written in permanent marker.

Anabelle furrowed her brows.

'What the hell is that supposed to mean?'

She turned her attention back to the laptop, which was now displaying a password request for access.

'Oh shit' she thought. How the hell was she supposed to know. She suppressed a giggle and started typing, L I A M.

'Password denied'

"Cod dammit..." She huffed and glanced back at the photo, specifically what was written on it. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

'She wouldn't be that dumb...'

But still, it was worth a shot. Hesitantly, she typed out the words "promised land". The screen loaded, and loaded, and loaded, until she was brought to a callie wallpaper.

She fist bumped the air in excitement. Melon was probably still digging for her phone, naive enough to leave Ana alone in her room. She couldn't really understand how someone as cute and innocent looking as her could be a creepy stalker. Then again, looks can be deceiving. Even sexy looks...

Anabelle blushed and shook the thought from her mind. She looked back at the screen, which showed only two windows; a file search and an internet search.

She opened the files to find multiple unnamed documents. She clicked the first one, and another picture popped up. This time it was a better picture of inkopolis with text underneath it. It read;

'Congratulations number 10,008 on completing the required trials to reach the promised land. It's been an honor serving as your conductor during our time together. Here is a certificate of authenticity of your success, and I wish you more while your above ground.


'Trials??? Certificate???? Above ground????? What the hell is going on here'

She thought and exited the document. She opened the next one. For this one, there were paragraphs of text. Anabelle rolled her eyes. She would've stayed in school if she wanted to do all this reading. But then again, she loved being nosy. She stuck out her tongue playfully.

Her eyes skimmed quickly through the passage. From what she gathered they seemed to be letters, not written by her however, but by someone else. Whoever they were, they loved talking to her. Maybe they knew more about her..

Anabelle snickered. No way in hell was she gonna try and find this person now. And besides, she never even responded to them. Maybe they weren't actually friends to begin with.

She closed the document and opened another one. There was more text, and more weird pictures, however she couldn't read it, it was in some weird language. Kinda like inkling language, but the letters were all wrong. Anabelle narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Something fishy was going on here...

'If there's anyone who can decipher this, it's Leon..'

But how would she get him to see it? She couldn't just email them to him, Melon would see. Unless..

She looked around hurriedly. Her eyes lit up when she spotted a printer on the desk near the wall. She licked her lips evilly.

She had just enough time to press print before hearing footsteps thumping back towards the room. She panicked and closed the laptop, stuffing it back in the drawer. Then she sprinted to the printer to figure out what to do with the papers.

The door knob was jiggling now. She grabbed the papers in a frenzy, and stuffed them down her pants.

Just as she did, the door swung open, revealing the same mint tentacled girl that she'd developed a fondness for. She had an excited expression splayed across her face.

'Wait- I'm not FOND OF HER!!'

Anabelle looked up at her calmly with an elbow on the dresser, as if she'd just been standing there the whole time.

"Well, took you long enough." She stated casually and smirked at her. Melon was just about to respond before looking down with a puzzled expression. She saw the protruding bulge in Anabelle's pants.

"Uhh, What's..." she started.

"Hm?" Anabelle blinked innocently.

"Uhm, in yourrr..." She trailed off.

Anabelle furrowed her brows, "whuh?? Hey...my eyes are up here.."

Melon gulped, her cheeks pinkening as she forced her eyes away. Anabelle grinned nervously.

"Uhhh yeah... Anyway! You'll never believe it!-" She chimed, and held up her phone. "I found it under my couch, isn't that funny? My stuff always ends up in weird places." She giggled to herself. It was perhaps the prettiest sight Ana had ever seen...
Cod, what was wrong with her...

"Hehe, that's great- wait, what?" Ana asked. Didn't she put it in her laundry bin? How did it get under the couch..

"Huh?" Melon looked up at her in confusion. They both stared at eachother akwardly.

Anabelle cleared her voice. "Er...nothing.. I should uh.. probably get going." She stated, and started to walk towards the door.

Melon nodded, "oh uh, kay! Cool..." She answered. She looked kinda sad. Anabelle was just about to leave when Melon started speaking again.

"I guess I'll see you later then?" Melon added suddenly. She stopped dead in her tracks.

"Later?" Anabelle reiterated, a blush spreading across her nose. Melon rubbed her shoulder. "Uhm, I don't know. I-I guess, if you want?" She murmured. "It was cool, uh.. hanging out today.."

Anabelle stared at her. Someone actually wanted to hang out with her? She nodded and smiled. "Sure, maybe."

It felt like there were butterflies in her stomach. She was happy to see Melon blushing too. She would've been more embarrassed if it were just her. "Well, bye!" She chimed, and left.

Only after she left the apartment had she realized what she'd said. And she sounded so vulnerable while saying it too. Did she do that to Liam too?

Ana shook her head again, however she couldn't shake the blush off her face.


"I said I was sorry!" Liam whined, as he cuddled against his boyfriends chest on their squishy couch. Mochi rubbed her cheek into Liam's arm and purred while he petted her. Alex, who was currently ignoring him, stared idly at his phone. Liam sighed.

"Alexxxxx" He whined again, dragging out the 'x' at the end of his name. Alex hated it when he did that. "Babyyyyyyyy" Liam continued to whimper. Alex groaned in annoyance.

However, he still refused to look at him. Liam shifted to his knees and crawled over him. Mochi moved to Alex's lap as well. He wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry, forgive me?" He asked again sweetly. Alex blushed and stayed quiet. Liam smiled a little. He kissed him again, this time on his nose. Alex made a face of discomfort. Liam smiled a little wider.

When Alex still refused to acknowledge him, he grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down into a hug. He squished their cheeks together and wrapped his legs around him too.

Alex struggled to wiggle free, Liam was holding onto him for dear life. "IM SORRY!" He yelled and kissed him all over his face. Alex pushed his face away.

"Get off!! I forgive you okay, just let go!" Alex yelled back. Liam let go of him, giggling. Alex couldn't help but smile and lay top of him. Liam smiled too, petting his head lovingly.

"I love you.." He stated softly. He waited for Alex to say it back, which he finally did after another sigh of annoyance. "I love you too."

"I can't wait to get married to you." He cooed. Alex's blush deepened. "Really?" He responded. He felt Liam's stomach tighten as he scoffed. "Of course!"

"I hope we're together forever." Alex mumbled into his soft stomach. Liam's cheeks dusted pink at his confession. "You're so cute" He replied softly. Alex laughed, his face still buried in his lover's stomach. Liam laughed too as a result.

"Whatever, you're the cute one" Alex said and looked up at him. Liam looked away and smiled nervously. "No I'm not.."

Alex smirked and lifted his sweater, kissing the soft skin underneath. Liam laughed again. "Stop!" He squeaked playfully. Alex lifted his sweater more and started kissing his stomach. Liam laughed loudly and tried pulling his sweater back down. Alex continued to kiss him, slowly moving upward to his flush chest. He rested his hands on his hips and he softly teased his pink nipples with his lips. Liam's blush deepened.

Alex smoothed his hands over the inner part of Liam's thighs, massaging the squishy flesh there. Liam mewled softly as Alex groped him, and left feather kisses all over his chest and neck.

Liam moaned and suddenly sat up. Alex leaned up and gave him a puzzled expression. "You okay?" He asked, at the abrupt expression on his fiancé's face. Liam looked away worriedly.

Alex cupped his cheek in his hand and locked his gaze with his. "Hey, What's up?" He asked again, stroking his cheek. Liam thrust forward into his arms and burried his face in his chest, murmuring something. Alex, now even more confused, pulled him back up to face him.

"What??" He beckoned.

Laim sighed. "Nothing.."

Alex chuckled, "c'mon, tell me" he lured. Liam blushed. "Do you think it'll always just be us?" He asked nervously.

"Huh?? What do you mean just us?"

Liam huffed. "Never mind." He breathed and got up from the couch. He walked out into the hallway, towards their bedroom, mochi following close behind. Alex got up too.

"Wha- wait! What's wrong-" He called after him, but he phone buzzed before he could pursue him.

It was a text from Ana.


< yoooo hot stuff, answer ur phone.

> what u want ana?

< i found some weird stuff in that girls house

> what the hell?! I didn't say to break into her house!

< uh, well I didn't obviously. She let me in Herself. Well more like dragged me in... i dont mind tho... she's pretty strong now that i think about it. Strong for a girl i mean. I MEAN girls ARE strong, but she didn't really look strong. But she was... i wonder if she thinks I'm strong...

> ...whut?

< never mind, look i got the stuff. If u know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

> no! I really don't

< l o o k. Just meet me at leons house tmrow  k?

> why?


> holy fuck, ok!



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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