Chapter 19: The Plan
After I had figured out I was the other power source, everyone started to come up with a plan to protect me, which turned into an argument. Soon, the arguments turned into a yelling match as they all were now in front of each other faces. For once, I was speechless. I didn't know how to respond to this situation, and it started to scare me. I left the room when no one was looking. I was sitting on the roof with my legs dangling off the back side of the house, staring at the sky slowly shifting from daytime to nighttime.
The day would soon end, and a plan was still not made. I looked down in the distance to Liam's incubated to see his vitals, which were the same. The more I stared at Liam's body, the more I knew he had always known how this would play out. Since he was his other power source, is this why he always knew where I was? Did he always see what my plans were? There were so many unanswered questions I still had. No one had the answers except Liam, and as desperate as I was, I wasn't going to risk going into his mind to get those answers.
"There you are," Ethan's voice came behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see him heading towards me. He then sat beside me, his eyes on Liam, before looking towards the sky.
"Are they still arguing?" I questioned.
He nodded his head, and I released a sigh. "I was arguing, too, but I realized it was pointless. You are the only power source left, and there was no denying it," he admitted in a sad tone. I stayed silent as I, too, couldn't deny the truth.
"Are you scared?" he asked, looking at me. I forced a smile on my lips, "No. If anything, Liam should be scared when he wakes up," I lied. I was scared but didn't want my little brother to know the truth. I knew he was worried already, and there was no reason to make him more worried.
A smile rose to his face, "Good, because you have nothing to be scared about. I've seen you do so many impossible things that are unexplainable, and you know how I love explanations and the scientific reason behind things," he joked causing me to chuckle slightly.
Despite forcing myself to smile and laugh with Ethan, I felt like I was falling apart inside. I felt every emotion possible, and I was going to break down any second. I couldn't let Ethan see me fall apart. I refuse to.
"Can you give me a moment with Victor," I softly spoke with a smile.
Ethan's eyebrow rose in confusion as Victor was nowhere near us. Using my powers, I teleported Victor a few feet behind us, who was yelling in the air. Ethan and I looked to see Victor frantically looking around in confusion as he didn't know how he ended up on the roof. Victor's eyes settled on me, and he quickly relaxed. He realized it was me who had teleported him.
"Badass. Well, I'll leave you to it," Ethan mumbled before vanishing.
As Victor approached me, I stood up and met him halfway.
A concerned look took over his face. "Are you okay?" He stood in front of me with his hand on my cheek. I held his wrist and closed my eyes. I wish I could be in the moment forever. I wish I didn't have to worry about anything else. I wish I didn't have any responsibilities.
"Freya," Victor's words called to me softly. The hot stream of tears rolled down my face as all it took was for him to say my name. I looked up at him through my blurred tears to see a look of pain in his eyes.
Without saying a word, he pulled me into his chest and embraced me in a tight hug as I was now full-on bawling. I felt my heart physically hurting as if I had been stabbed.
"It's going to be okay," Victor whispered, trying to comfort me.
I spent the next couple of minutes crying in his arms as he tried to whisper soothing things to me. It eventually worked, but I now had the hiccups. Embarrassed was the new feeling that took over, but Victor didn't seem to care since he kissed my forehead with a smile.
"Talk to me. What's going through your head?" he asked as we sat down, facing each other.
I fiddled with my thumbs momentarily, hesitant to express how I felt. It was bad enough that I fell apart in front of him, so did I want to take this a step further? Would he think less of me if I told him what I truly felt? Would he think I was weak?
"Don't do that," he sternly spoke, causing my eyes to flicker over to his. My eyebrow rose at his order, "Do what?"
He glared at me, "I recognized that look on your face. You're trying to debate whether or not to talk to me about what you're feeling. You'll do it until you talk yourself out of it." I stared at him, shocked at how well he knew me. I hadn't realized how well he observed me.
"You can talk to me," he offered a smile as he took my hand.
I nodded my head. Releasing a sigh, I gathered my words before talking. "I'm scared. What if I let everyone down? What if I end up doing something wrong, and the whole world suffers for it? What if someone dies during this? I can't lose anyone else," I muttered, thinking about the possible scenarios. What if this whole thing ends the way my parents ended? I could never live with myself if that happened.
"My sweet Freya," Victor's soft words pulled me out of my thoughts. "I can't imagine the amount of stress you are going through right now and how overwhelmed you must feel. I wish I could take some of the burden off you. I promise you whatever choice you make will be for the best. It is okay to feel scared or lost. No one expects you to expect anything of you. How I can't promise we will all make it out alive. We never know when this could be our last moment on this Earth. Heck, I could jump off the roof and die if I wanted to," he tried to lighten the mood with a joke, but I didn't laugh. I stared at him blankly.
His chuckle quiet died down. "Kidding! But in all seriousness, whatever happens, is not your fault. To carry the world's responsibility is not something anyone should deal with. I'm sorry you're in this position."
As much as I wanted his words to make me feel better, I knew they were lies or at least some part of it. I knew the worst was yet to come, no matter what I said or how emotional I came across. I was wasting time.
"You're right," I chirped, standing to my feet with a forced smile. There was no point in useless conversation. I was going to push my feelings aside and find a way for us to win this, no matter what.
Victor looked up at me from the ground, studying my behavior as I had quickly switched up.
"I feel better after crying. Come on, let's go," I waved off his concern as he stood up. He opened his mouth to say something, but I quickly cut him off. "I'll see you inside. I need to use the bathroom," I lied before teleporting him back inside the house. Turning on my heels, I walked to the roof's edge and jumped off the two-story house. Landing on my feet, I walked towards Liam's incubated body. I paced around at his side, watching the lightning surge around him. Time was now of the essence.
How was I going to win this? How was this world going to survive this? I know the news stations were probably going crazy, and people were probably scared, but I've chosen not to look at any media, knowing it would just make me uneasy. I didn't want anyone to get hurt. Liam didn't care who he hurt as long as his plan worked. Imagine having a staff for yourself that is so powerful that you don't want to share it because you know the power it holds. I mean, look at Kai's dumbass when he got control of it. Liam knew what he was doing when he didn't want to share it with Kai.
I stopped in my tracks as my eyes widened at the plan that just occurred. I quickly teleported myself inside the house in the dining room, where everyone was now settled down and casually talking.
"I got it!" my voice interrupted their conversation, causing them to look at me. "I figured out how we're going to kill Liam," I informed them. Their eyes lit up with hope, and for once, I was hopeful.
"Well, any day now," Ethan snapped his finger beside me. Chase rolled his eyes from his seat while looking at the phone on the table. "I've never encountered someone so sassy and dead. No offence," he glanced over to me.
"Pff, you're telling me. I had to live with him," I muttered, causing Ethan to roll his eyes.
"Anyways," I went back to the original topic. "I was thinking, what if I shared my powers with you guys? Liam was about to snatch my powers and put them in a staff to use, so what if I use them to give you guys powers like your own staff? That way, you can fight against him and his people. I know you guys were probably going to use guns, but these people have powers, and there's no saying how intense this may get," I informed them of my plan.
Leo nodded, "It's not a bad plan. My only concern is, what if they find out where our powers come from and try to break them?"
He was right. I didn't think about that.
"We can do it another way, but it's risky, and that is completely up to Freya," Ethan's tone hinted at the danger in his plan.
I looked towards him, waiting for him to continue while everyone stared at the phone awaiting him.
"Freya can try to rewrite your genetics. In doing so, she can add her power source to each of you so the power comes from within you instead of an inanimate object. You wouldn't have to worry about losing your source of power," he explained.
My eyebrow rose, "You really think I could genetically rewrite them? That's impossible, and even if I could, what are the chances something could go wrong?"
"Honestly," he paused before looking at me, "What are the chances it could go right? So far, this is our only plan, and there are no other options. The more I think about it, the more I realize this is literally the only plan that can work." Ethan emphasized that we only had one plan and had no option but to follow through. No one could think of any other way.
"He's right. It's your call, Freya," Kyle agreed.
I let out a sigh as I thought about the plan. I could split my powers and equally divide them amongst the 7 of them. If I manage to do this properly, I could transfer all my powers to them, and in doing so, there would be a chance it would weaken Liam since I am his power source. I couldn't tell them this part of the plan because I knew they would all disapprove.
"Okay. Let's do it. How do I genetically change them?" I asked Ethan.
He studied for a moment as he tried to think. I watched as his face drained from any expression. He didn't know.
"It's okay," I offered a smile, trying to put his mind at ease. Forming a portal, I walked through it, which led me to the roof again. The guys followed behind. We all looked to the sky to see that the sun had set and was now dark.
"At sunrise, I'll come to get you guys, so get some sleep. Right now, I need some time to figure some things out," I said softly, turning to look at them. Victor's face turned to concern as he walked up to me.
"I can come with you," he offered. I shook my head and tiptoed before planting a kiss on his lips. "I need to do this alone," I whispered. He slowly nodded, understanding.
"Where's the staff?" I asked, looking at him and the guys, trying to recall where the broken pieces were.
"I believe it's where you killed the creature," Richard offered. "Thank you," I mumbled before holding my hand out.
Within a brief second, the two broken pieces appeared in my hand. My eyes focused on the part of the staff that had snapped. Slowly turning it, I pushed it together where the two pieces had now fit into one again. Using my powers, I shoved the staff harder together before mending it. Lightning surged around the staff and sealed itself together. Turning on my heels with the staff in one hand, I fly up before power flying away from the house quickly.
I spent the next two hours sorting through the night sky, trying to figure out how to genetically change the guys without harming them. I was now standing in my town, in front of my parent's house. The last time I had been here was when they died.
Walking up to the door, I used my powers to unlock the door before stepping in. Closing the door behind me, the house was pitch dark with a cold draft. The smell was also eerie. I tapped the staff to the ground once, causing light to illuminate throughout the house. Walking through the house, I saw everything was left the same.
I headed to the stairs and stood in front of them as I recalled the traumatic events that took place the last time I went upstairs. I couldn't help but wonder if their body was still where I left them. Were they going to skeletons or maggots feeding off them? My brain then recollected that Victor had taken care of the situation, but the thoughts remained in the back of my head.
Walking upstairs, I stopped in front of my parents' room before pushing the door open. Holding my breath, I did not know what to expect. As the door opened, revealing the room, I exhaled. The room was thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom. The sheets were changed along with the floor and walls. I headed to the bathroom and saw it was also cleaned.
I saw the small details around the room that Victor had changed, trying to erase the pain that was caused. The tub was changed to a bigger size and style. The floorboard in the bedroom where my father lay had been cut out and replaced with new wood since the old one was probably stained. The bedroom walls were painted soft beige, and the ceiling and molding were white. The bathroom walls were also repainted.
Stepping back into the bedroom, I sat on the bed as my heart sank at the memories that flooded my mind. I quickly wiped my tears away and headed out and into my room. Stripping from my clothes, I walked into the bathroom, placed the staff against the wall, and entered the shower.
I scrubbed myself clean, feeling like I hadn't showered in days, even though I had. No amount of scrubbing could wash away the pain and thoughts I had. After an hour, I got out and got dressed in green camo pants and a black tank top. I grabbed the staff and, walking down the hallway, I stomped it twice against the floor, causing sparks to ignite from the bottom and the lights to flicker.
I heard a noise coming from downstairs. I calmly walked down the stairs and headed into the kitchen, where the noise came from. Making my way to the kitchen table, I watched my mother and father cook. Setting the staff on the table, their heads turn to my direction with a smile on their face.
"Sweetheart, you came home," my mother squealed excitedly as she ran towards me. I let out a chuckle, "I did." She bent down and kissed my forehead. My father smiled at me before making his way over to me and planted a kiss on my forehead.
"Want some dinner, kiddo? It's your favorite," he grinned like a child, causing me to giggle. My mother rolled her eyes and slapped his arm, "He meant his favorite."
"I guess I'll suffer," I smiled.
I watched as both of my parents went back to cooking. After cooking, they placed a plate of meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy in front of them. I was sitting at the head of the table while my father sat on the right and my mother on the left.
"Honey, please take your stick thing off the table," my mother softly ordered.
I apologized and took it off the table. I watched as she and my father casually talked to one another. Occasionally, they asked me questions, but other than that, I stayed silent. Although I didn't have a good relationship with them, I still missed them. It would be so easy to ignore the war and live in this moment forever despite it not being real. But, if you live in something unrealistic, it will start to become authentic for your reality after a certain amount of time.
"Sweetheart?" my father called, causing my eyes to snap to his. His face was filled with concern, along with my mother's.
"Yeah, Dad?"
"Your eyes are glowing blue," he choked out in shock.
"Fuck," I muttered as I grabbed the staff and slammed it on the ground twice as I stood up. I watched as my parent's projection disappeared. Anger took over me, knowing I would never be able to live in this reality as it would destroy everything around me, trying to make it come true.
Gripping the glass table with one hand, I threw it straight across the room, causing it to shatter against the vintage cabinet. The lights started to flicker as I felt my anger growing. I needed to leave here before I destroyed the house or even the town. Forming a portal, I walked through it, leading me to the middle of the sea. I hovered in the air, trying to calm down.
"Still can control your emotions," a chuckle came behind me. I turned to see Liam standing in the air a few feet away. I studied him for a moment, wondering how he was here.
"Don't worry, I'm still in your little prison, nice and toasty," he joked, circling me. "Fuck off," I growled, narrowing my eyes to him.
"But it's so dull back there. Watching you emotionally suffer is more entertaining right now. Did you know your eyes are blue," Liam informed me as he was inches from my face.
His hand then reached for my chin, which I pulled away. He dropped his hand with a grin. "Have you made up with the pretty boy yet?" he asked, referring to Victor. I stayed silent.
"Ah, you did. Are you sure you want to? He's going to die anyway. Might as well pursue someone else," he hinted towards himself.
I scoffed, "You think so highly of yourself too much."
Liam grabbed my chin gently, "I'm going to win this." He paused, tilting his head as he looked into my eyes. "I bet you if we were together, I could've made the blue glow brighter," he winked, referring to something sexual before disappearing.
I felt my blood boil in anger. Under the moonlight, the clouds grew gray, and the ocean grew into strong tidal waves before swirling around me.
I have to calm down. I have to calm down. Calm down.
Looking up at the sky, I saw lightning flickering through the sky, as the water was now in the form of a tornado around me.
I am tired.
I am sad.
I am upset.
I am angry.
I wanted to give up as I was mentally drained, but everything depended on me, and I still hadn't figured out how to genetically change everyone. I was now feeling hopeless again and more angry than ever.
Lightning struck around me. I thought for a moment. If I charge myself full of energy, I could transfer it to the guy using the staff.
Focusing on my powers, I created a stronger water tornado with lightning surging around it. Preparing myself, I held on tightly to the staff with both hands. Closing my eyes, I controlled my breathing before looking at the sky. I summon lightning from the sky, causing it to strike me along with the rod. Each lightning bolt that hit me became more potent than the other. My body felt tingles with the first few but soon felt like a stronger zap after.
Pushing the pain aside and using all my strength and power, I forced out a last lightning from the sky. As he slowly approached me, I saw how beautiful it looked. It imitated a thick white light with a blue aura. As it struck me, I felt my whole body going numb as the lightning remained on me. The surge around the tornado was now also shocking me. I stared at the lightning as I fell further down to the water.
What felt like minutes as I fell turned into seconds quickly as my back crashed into the water. I watched as the lightning still connected to me as my body submerged into the pitch-black ocean. Slowly sinking and unable to move, I felt myself becoming unconscious.
The outcome of this would be three things: It wouldn't work, and this would be for nothing, or it would work. The last would be this is how I drown and die. The idea of dying like this amused me in so many ways. I could imagine the guys waking up in the morning wondering where I was, and then it just flashes over to me, ass up, face down, floating in the sea, dead. Now that shit is funny.
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