Chapter 4.Run in With The White Whale
After Subaru's little 'set up' with Anastasia, he and Rem acquired their driver a young man named Otto Suwen. They were also able to contact other merchant carriages as an attempt to evacuate the villagers. While they were riding Subaru couldn't get rid of this...feeling as if something was wrong, that's when he looked to the side and realized that one of the merchants driving the carriage was missing.
"Hey um what happened to the guy with the bandanna that was driving with us?"
Otto, Rem, and all the other merchants looked at Subaru confused as to what he was talking about, Otto was the most confused out of all of them.
"What are you talking about? There's no one their."
Subaru was about to protest but at that moment Subaru felt something he couldn't explain it in words but the best way he could explain it was by some sort of energy signature or the presence of something coming their way. Subaru decided to take out his phone and turn on the flashlight and what he saw made his blood froze.
It was large yellow eye staring staring right back at him.
Otto took the reins as they did their absolute best to get away from the unknown beast. At one point, when it got to close Rem would attack it with her morning star. It screamed in pain, only for it to seemingly run away into the fog. Subaru looked around noticing that all the carriages were destroyed.
"Why now of all times!?"
Subaru looked over and saw the beast was coming at them again at high speed. Rem waved her palm and fired a barrage of icicles at the creature, it roared loudly as it escaped back into the fog. Suddenly, it attacked from behind, causing the carriage to shake violently. Subaru lost his footing as he flew out from the back of the carriage.
Rem tossed her chain and wrapped it around Subaru, pulling him back in. As Rem was holding him, the beast came closer to the carriage, Otto saw this and screamed at the sight. Honestly the damn fish was so persistent it was starting to get on Subaru's nerves. As the whale was approaching them, Subaru thought of something. In one of his dreams Subaru heard of a thing called 'Ki'. Ki was a natural energy given off by people and objects when they move. It exists separate from mana. With the proper training, Ki-sensing could be used to predict attacks and others' movements, including natural objects and events found in nature. It could also be used to detect whether someone is lying. As this thought crossed his mine he came up with an idea he was unintentionally Ki-sensing that explains why he felt like something was coming. So this time he would try Ki-sensing but he needed to focus.
"Ok while Rem is holding of that thing I'm gonna try to sense it's movements but I need to focus."
In a matter of seconds Subaru was able to pick up on the Whales ki as he quickly turned around to it's direction, at the last second Subaru brought out his Anti Magic energy and coated it around his arm. Rem noticed this and couldn't help but wonder what Subaru was doing. As she was about to ask, Subaru called her name.
"Rem, I need you to throw me to that thing!"
"Subaru-kun! That's dangerous that's The White Whale, one of the three great Mabeasts!"
"Rem. Do you trust me?"
"Of course I do, always."
"Then throw me to that whale I have a plan."
Though Rem hesitated at first, she grabbed Subaru and threw him out the carriage towards the Whale. Subaru used his now covered Anti Magic arm and punched the Whale as it screamed in pain. The punch was so great that the Whale crashed to the ground forming a crater under it, stunning it momentarily. Rem quickly grabbed Subaru and pulled him back into the carriage as she was making sure he was alright.
"I stunned it. Only for awhile though, Otto move faster!"
As soon as he said that Otto quickly grabbed the reins and drove out of there. The group made it out alive but the same thing couldn't be said for the other merchants, in fact when Subaru brought it up Rem and Otto looked at him confused to what he was talking about. Subaru was extremely confused about this because he could've swore he saw the other merchants with them so something wasn't adding up. That's when he realized that the fog the Whale was using must have been some kind of magic.
"I see so that's why Rem and Otto don't remember the other merchants. They got hit by the fog so they were forgotten. But now is not the time for this we have to hurry up and get to the mansion and evacuate everyone."
Subaru and the others were able to make it back to the Mather's Domain but unknown to them the White Whale was still following them.
When they made it to the mansion the first thing they did was rush through the door's
"Emilia! Ram! Anyone!"
Ram and Emilia soon quickly walked down the stairs and met up with everyone. As soon as Emilia and Ram saw Subaru, what they saw shocked the both of them. Subaru was a lot more muscular and he had a black tail, they both knew Subaru was never that muscular he was average but not like that and he especially never had a tail.
Subaru? Why are you here? Weren't you supposed to stay-
She was about to finish but what she noticed shocked her, Subaru had no magic in fact he didn't even have a gate.
"Subaru, what's happened to you?
"Look now is not the time! The Witch Cult is coming! We have to get you and the villagers out of here!"
"Witch's Cult? How do you know-?"
Emilia trembled with fear as she heard Subaru yell at the top of his lungs but what scared her more was his eyes, they weren't the same... they were red with his pupils replaced as slits. Ram noticed this and was trying not to show how scared she was but she failed as she started trembling to.
Subaru noticed this and calmed down.
"Look now is not the time for questions we have to hurry and evacuate before it's to late!"
But at that moment they heard an explosion, they hurried to the cause of the explosion and to their absolute horror it came from the village. But at that moment something grabbed Ram and Otto, as they turned around they saw cultist already in the mansion but to Subaru's absolute horror was the same man that twisted Rem in unimaginable and brutal ways. This man was the Sin Archbishop of sloth Petelguese Romanee Conti.
Before they could even do anything Ram and Otto's bodies were torn apart, limb from limb. Seeing this Rem started to tear up.
"N-Neesama. NEESAMA!"
Rem fell to her knees and began crying as Emilia quickly summoned icicles and shot them at the cultist as they dodged the attack but to their surprised Subaru appeared right behind them and bashed their heads in. He was pissed, first he did that to Rem and now Ram. Making Rem cry, he would never forgive him as long as he lived.
"Ah a believer in love! You wouldn't happen to be pride would you?"
"No I'm nowhere near being your so called pride I'm nothing like you bastards!"
"The smell never lies."
Rem couldn't contain her anger anymore as she brought her morning star and summoned her horn. Emilia was backing her up by summoning more ice and pointing it towards the Archbishop.
As Rem rushed at Petelguese, Subaru could see two hands coming out of the Archbishop's back Subaru quickly noticed that he was attempting to grab Rem like he did in the other loop. So Subaru called out to her just in time for her to dodge.
"Rem! Move to the left!"
As Rem heard this she did as Subaru told her, as she dodged to the left she and Emilia couldn't believe what they saw. Right where Rem was supposed to get hit was a crater, but somehow Subaru could see it and they couldn't. But the one that was shocked out of all of them was Petelguese.
"Y-You can see it!? How can this be!? No one should be able to see the Unseen Hands but me me me me me! AH MY BRAIN TREMBLES!"
Right when things couldn't get worse Subaru sensed a familiar Ki, as it was heading towards the mansion, his blood froze as he slowly turned around.
"Y-You gotta be kidding me?"
Emilia and Rem heard what he said and they turned around and what they saw terrorized the both of them. It was the White Whale coming right towards them at high speeds. Subaru couldn't figure out why or how the White Whale catch up to them let alone find them, but that's when he had a flashback when they were being chased by them.
"The White Whale is on the three great Mabeasts!"
Subaru forgot that he has the Witch's scent and because of that the Whale was able to find them in no time. While Rem and Emilia were distracted, Petelguese took the opportunity to use his unseen hands and grabbed Emilia by surprise.
Subaru ran right towards her trying his absolute best to try and reach her, but he was to late. Right at that moment her neck snapped. Petelguese snapped her neck.
Subaru punched Petelguese so hard he sent him flying to the wall. He grabbed Emilia and regrouped with Rem. As Subaru was cradling Emilia's body in his arms Rem was comforting him she to was crying not out of pity but sadness.
As Petelguese emerged from the rubble he summoned more unseen hands to try and kill both Subaru and Rem. Right when they were about to grab them Puck came out of nowhere freezing everything around him. He grew into a large beast as he looked at Petelguese.
"Ah it appears I'm about to meet my end. How a miserable way to go, but it doesn't matter the ordeal has been complete and my love will live on for my beloved witch. HEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."
Petelguese was just laughing as he froze death. Puck looked over to Subaru and Rem with disdain. Puck went to freeze Rem first, as Rem felt herself getting colder by the second she looked over to Subaru with frozen tears and placed her hands on his cheeks.
"Subaru-kun, Rem loves you-"
She couldn't even finish her sentence as she was frozen to pieces. With Rem out of the way Puck then turned to Subaru with nothing but disgust written on his face.
"All right Subaru lets have a talk, you committed three sins. You broke your promise with Emilia in the capital. You tarnished her feelings. And now you have killed her!"
"In accordance with my contract I shall now destroy the world. But first I must deal with you...!
The White Whale Emerged from the now destroyed mansion and charged at Puck, releasing a large amount of fog as it did.
"You even brought gluttony here to? Oh I suppose you guys call it the White Whale now. You are absolutely useless."
After hearing that Subaru began laughing at himself. He was laughing at his own uselessness.
"Why am I laughing? Oh I know why, I got Emilia, Rem, Ram, and Otto killed. Even with this new power I still couldn't protect them in this loop. But in the next one I will master this power and I won't fail!
"...You truly are slothful Subaru."
With that Subaru froze to death and shattered away as he heard this.
Subaru awoke in the Marketplace with Rem right next to him.
He grabbed her hand and ran off with her, running through the streets as he continued. When Rem finally stopped him, he turned around and apologized. They found a spot in some old ruins that overlooked the city, Subaru apologized again for his behavior. But then, asked Rem to run away with him.
Some time passed, but Rem couldn't do it. She said that had Subaru asked her with a smile then she might have accepted, but the way he was now she didn't. Subaru lost his composure at this point as they both began to argue with each other.
"What do you know!? Just what the hell do you know about me huh!? Do you have any idea what I done before I got into the situation with all of you, do you have any idea what I done!? Nothing that's what I had all that time all that freedom I could have done something but I didn't do a damn thing! Do you know what it's like to be absolute failure of a person and still believe you can do more than you already could!? It's a joke! It's pathetic to not realize and just laugh at yourself when they realize this, right Rem!? RIGHT!?"
"Even with this new power I still can't do anything. I'm the lowest of the low...nothing but a fraud. I'm absolute scum! And I'm no damn hero! I know myself better than anyone could!
"How much do you know about the Subaru-kun that I see!?"
"Why?...Why do you love me so much?"
"Because, your my hero Subaru-kun."
"You had the courage to face a group of Mabeasts alone, even without the strength to do so. You fought hard to give Nee-sama and me a chance to escape."
" also said the words I needed to hear the most when I needed them. Subaru-kun your my hero! And I love you! No matter how much you fallen, or how much others don't believe in you...Rem will always believe! Rem will always be by your side!"
Subaru began to cry and fall over but was caught by Rem who hugged him tightly. She then smiled as she gave him kiss on his forehead.
Subaru slowly rose up as he stared at Rem.
"Let's begin again, okay? Starting over from here Subaru-kun.
"Starting over?"
"Yes Subaru-kun. Lets start again from the beginning. No...FROM ZERO!"
It was those words that made Subaru return back from the abyss of his sadness and back to reality. In fact he was so happy that his tail was wagging back and forth, Rem noticed this and giggled.
"I love Emilia."
"I want to see a future with her alive and happy. But..."
"I want to see a future where your by my side to. Not just you, but Beatrice, Ram, hell even Roswaal...probably."
Rem giggled at that comment.
"I want to see a bright future where everyone can smile and be happy, without any more pain. Rem will you help me?"
"...Geez, Subaru-kun is a horrible person asking this of someone he just rejected."
"It's hard to ask this of a person who rejected my once in a lifetime proposal."
The two laughed together, returning back to their usual selves.
Rem gave a polite bow and took Subaru's hand, only to be surprised by a sudden hug from him.
"Watch Rem! Watch as the man you fell in love with, become the greatest hero in this world!
Rem heard this and began to cry into his chest.
"I'm watching you and you Emilia. And Rem, your watching me. So I can't back down from here!"
Subaru looked up at the blue sky over him, with a new determined expression.
"I'll master this power and use it to protect everyone that's dear to me, to protect Rem."
"My life in another world starts again...FROM ZERO!"
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