Chapter 19. Through Hell and Back Part 1

Once they arrived at the mansion, Subaru and Hikaru both looked around to make sure nobody was around. Once confirming that, the duo approached the mansion and knocked on the door to which Frederica answered the door, but she noticed that the two boys were extremely cautious.

"Subaru-sama, Hikaru-sama. It's nice see you two again."

"It's nice to see you as well, Frederica. I know Subaru and I are early but I need you and Petra to evacuate to the village and take cover there."

"Wait what's going on?" Frederica asked in a serious manner.

"Subaru got information that someone might attack the mansion, so me and him are evacuating everyone here. We just want you to be safe."

Petra had noticed from one of the windows looking down on the entrance that Subaru and Hikaru had returned, making the young maid curious on what was going on. She quickly managed to catch up on the conversation with her giving Subaru a hug.

Subaru explained the rest of the details as Frederica nodded her head in understanding.

"I'm sorry to make you deal with this, but I know you can handle it." Said Subaru as he rubbed his head.

Subaru turned towards Petra and thanked her for the protective charm she gave him much to her delight.

"Really? I was useful to you?"

"Yeah. You saved my life... Well that's not totally accurate, but that's how helpful it was."

"I'm so glad! In that case, you can thank me with one date!"

"Got it. It'll be an honor to be your first date. I'll get fired up for it."

"Then it's a promise! Well, I'm going to go get ready! Petra said as she ran off.

"I-Is he a pedophile....?"

"Oh shut up Kaida! It's young love, and besides Petra seems to have a crush on him!" Hikaru inwardly yelled at his partner.

Hikaru turned towards Subaru and asked if he was ready, with him nodding his head. They both went inside the mansion with Frederica praying for their safety. Once Petra and Frederica were gone, the two boys nodded to each other as they were prepared to get Beatrice out of the library and leave before there were any casualties. The two looked around for a bit until they found Beatrice's door, before they went inside, Hikaru told Subaru he would wait outside while he went to talk to Beatrice. Subaru complied and quickly opened it so it wouldn't move to another location. Once inside Beatrice looked at the two as if she was expecting him here.

"You're finally here, I suppose."

"I'm here for a different reason than last time."

"Do as you wish. It's all quite ironic either way, I suppose."


"The end of a contract that lasted a long, long time... By bringing an end to the end of the end, I will truly be set free this time. Of course...the fact that it has to be with you of all people, makes it an ending far too ironic for me, I suppose.

In the hallway, Hikaru was leaning on the wall until he sensed a familiar Ki, but he also sensed bloodlust and malicious intent. Hikaru opened his eyes wide, grabbed his katana and turned his head towards the intruder.

"I know you're there Elsa, there's no point in trying to hide."

"Well, I never expected you to find me that quickly.~" Elsa said seductively while she licked her blade, freaking the young mage out.

"She's got issues."

"Yeah, no shit Kaida."

"So I'm guessing you're here to kill everyone hear right?"

"That's right, my client hired me to kill everyone here. And besides, I also came here to see my victims insides as well."

Elsa sensing that a fight was going to break out pulled out her Kukri Knives and got into a battle position with Hikaru doing the same. "Before we start, I'd like to know the names of my opponents before I kick their asses." Hikaru stated confidently as his grip tightened around the handle of his weapon.

"Very well then. You're facing the Bowel Hunter, Elsa Granheirt."

"And you're facing the mage of all elements, Hikaru Takahasi."

And with that they charged at each other, clashing blades.

"An ironic ending, huh?"

Beatrice turned to her small table and grabbed the her gospel and held it towards her chest as Subaru continued.

"Did you get that from your precious book too? Everything you say comes from that book. You have no damn will of your own. That's what you're saying, right?"

"Don't make me repeat myself."

"You really are stubborn. It's gonna be a chore getting you out of here."

"Getting me out? What are you talking about, I suppose? I never asked you to take me from-"

"Looks like you weren't expecting to hear that. Isn't everything I do written in that book?"

Beatrice said nothing as she looked at the gospel in her hands, tenderly turning the pages as Subaru started to get irritated the more he saw her do it.

"Quit clinging to that book."

He stomped his way to her, grabbing her gospel.


"No! When you're talking to me, look into my eyes, not some damn book! I'm sick and tired of you and Roswaal treating these things like it's the end all, be all, solution! I wanna see what has you so damn obsessed!"

He finally wrestled it out of her small hands and began to turn the pages.


He flipped through page after page only to see the same result no matter what.

"There's nothing in here."

The Gospel was empty. Completely devoid of even a single letter. He glanced down at Beatrice who began explaining that Gospel was actually a copy of the Book of Wisdom and was much more accurate than the Gospels the Witch Cultists carried around. However, for some reason, Beatrice's book stopped telling her the future.

"I've been waiting here for hundreds of years...waiting for "Them" to arrive...yet why?!"

Subaru tried to ponder who in the world could be the person she promised to...who this 'mother' was-

-then he remembered the Sanctuary...the large crystal and even the tomb itself...and a loop where he died in the library. He remembered Beatrice say "mother" before he died."



"You're a spirit contracted to Echidna, aren't you? There's nothing written in this book, yet you..."

"It was the last thing she told me, I suppose. "One day, that person will appear in the library." My job was to wait for that day."


"I've been waiting for it all this time. But "that person" never came, and the book didn't tell me who it would be. Time just continued to pass, and then..."

"So...I don't care if you're not "that person." If the one who can finish me, who can bring an end to my contract, who can take my life, is you...I will settle for that, I suppose."

"W-What...?" Subaru was at a lost for words, did he just hear what he think he just heard? Beatrice wants him to kill her? Subaru knew what it was like to die, he tasted death many times, but Beatrice didn't. Feeling a flash of anger he exclaimed at the spirit.

"What are you...? Are you saying you want to die?!"

"To say I want to die is not strictly accurate. I only want you to free me from the contract that  has bound me for eternity, I suppose."

"How the hell is that any from wanting to die?!" Subaru exclaimed as he threw the Gospel towards the floor, allowing the blank pages to scatter all over.

"Don't you dare joke about wanting to die! You can say that to other people, but I won't let you say it to me!"

"...That's a very selfish thing to say. What do you know about me, I suppose? I have lived here in accordance with my contract for four hundred long years."

"Four hundred years?"

Beatrice went on to explain how it never worried her because she had the book. She stated how she had dreams of it's last page being filled in, but every time someone has laid a hand on that door, her heart has been betrayed every single time. As time went by she realized something.

"Realized what?"

"The reason nothing further has been written is because that's where the owner's future ends."

"No, you're wrong! Why do you always jump to your own conclusions like that?! If you wanted to leave so much, then screw the damn contract and-" Subaru was interrupted as Beatrice glared at him.





"...Please do something." Beatrice said with her voice wavering.

"That's it! Just come right out and ask!"

With a shaking hand, Beatrice reached out while she pleaded. "Please help me."

Subaru grabbed her hand and exclaimed. "That's right! If you just reach out your hand, I can-"

"Then...I want kill me, I suppose. Beatrice forcefully removed her hand out from Subaru's grasp as she looked at him with tears falling from her eyes.


"Do you have any idea how long I've waited for that? Did you think I had just given up, I suppose?! Are you saying you'll pull me out of this darkness that's so deep, I can't see my own outstretched hand in front of me?! If you say you'll do that for me, then why... why... Why did you leave Betty alone for 400 years?!" She sobbed

"You're going to help me? Save me? Then why didn't you do it sooner?! My pleas for help and salvation I've hoped for are wishes that have long since died away!"

Beatrice looked down as she continued.

"If you still say you want to save me..."

"...What can I do?"

"Make me... the first."


"Put me first! Think of me first! Choose me first! Overwrite my contract! Paint it over! Blot it all out and take me from here! Pull me toward you! Hold me!"


Subaru was silent. He didn't know what to say to comfort her, she wanted him to put her above all else, but he knew he couldn't do that. Or maybe he could, but he had to find another way to do it.


"There's no way you can do that, I suppose. So instead... I want you to destroy this utter failure. Or are you going to be "that person" for me? If you can't, then I want you..." Beatrice said as she lifted her arms into the air.

"To kill me with your own hands, I suppose."

"Spirits aren't even capable of dying on their own."

Subaru was beyond shocked, Beatrice really wanted him to kill her. But he didn't want to hurt Beatrice, let alone kill her.


"Why must it be me?"

"Why I suppose... I know why. The reason I entrust my end to you is..."

Beatrice was interrupted by the doors being flung open as Hikaru was sent flying and crashed into one of the shelves. Subaru and Beatrice looked on into shock as they both looked at Hikaru.

"Ow! Damn it, you never told me it would be a two on one Elsa."

"It's the other one, I suppose." Beatrice thought to herself as she turned towards the door along with Subaru doing the same."

"So sorry to interrupt, but could I become "that person" for you?"

Beatrice narrowed her eyes at the assassin as she questioned her. "Who gave you permission to come here, I suppose? This is my forbidden library. No one may enter without permission."

The magic you use to isolate spaces uses doors as it's maximum, does it not? Once I knew that all I had to do was leave every door open. Though I had a bit of help." Said Elsa as she licked her lips.

Hikaru realizing that he was to focused on Elsa to notice that someone was opening the doors quickly stood up and called Subaru's attention.

"Subaru! Get ready, I think I already know who's helping her!"

Subaru having the same idea complied as he got into his battle stance.

"Let me ask, was the person that helped you look like an old corpse of a person and uses magic that literally opens portals to anywhere?" Hikaru asked as he slowly got up.

"Why yes, he is. How would you know that?"

"Let's just say I have some history with that person or the group that he's apart of. So this pretty much confirms it, you're working with a group called the Eye of the Midnight sun aren't you?!"

Elsa was stunned into shocked silence. She was brought out of her thoughts as a black portal appeared next to her, and out of it came Valtos.

"What are you doing women? I figured you would have gotten the job done by now."

"I was having a nice conversation with that young man right there. And I must say, he really is quite the fighter, he entertained me longer than I expected."

"No matter, we'll just dispose of them quickly and report to Master Licht and that other women."

"So what business does a member of the Eye of the Midnight Sun and the rest of his members have with the assassination organization?

Valtos was about to answer but Elsa beat him to it. "We'd like to keep that information private, you already know to much as it is."

"Eh fair enough. So how about we go for round to?"

"I agree." And with that, Elsa and Valtos charged at the duo fully intent on killing them.

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