Chapter 18. I Know Hell

Subaru once again awoke in the Tomb as he sat back up, he noticed Emilia and felt like crying. But oddly enough he didn't have the energy to do so. Subaru continued the loop as he did in the previous one, but this time he lied and claimed he didn't gain the qualifications to take the Trials.

Hikaru seemed to notice this, so once they were done discussing. Hikaru took Subaru to their training spot to speak with him in private.

"Subaru why did you lie to them?

"...Because things have gotten out of control. I want to trust Emilia to complete the Trials and I'll help in anyway I can. "

"But I don't think we should force her into this Subaru."

"I know! But we have a limited time frame, if we don't do something... everything... everyone will be in danger."

Hikaru knew Subaru was right, they were on a limited time frame. Every loop they went through just revealed new problems. Elsa, The Mansion, The Eye of the Midnight Sun, and The Great Rabbit. And Hikaru had a feeling that Roswaal was somehow threading all of this together, but he couldn't accuse him without the proper evidence, so he was stuck.

Hikaru looked at Subaru and took a deep sigh as he went on to explain. "Alright, we'll have to come up with a plan for all of this. Lets try to go over everything we know from those timelines and see if we can come up with a Solution."

They both began discussing everything that was to occur and what else they learned in the previous loops. when they got to the Rabbits, Hikaru explained how once he woke up after Garfiel sent him flying, he immediately tried looking for him since they were split up. But during his search, he ran into a few Rabbits eating a deer. He ended up giving off his presence to the Rabbits, as a result they tried to eat him.

"I that's how you know about the Rabbits."


Hikaru knew Subaru was strong, he was able to fight Elsa on equal grounds. But if they wanted to defeat the Rabbit or stop the Eye of the Midnight sun, they both needed to be stronger.

"Subaru, once you're done doing whatever you need to do, lets meet back here to continue your training alright?"


Once Subaru was out of sight, his face darkened as he started talking to Kaida telepathically. "What do you think about this whole situation Kaida?"

"I think this is a really troubling situation, Emilia is a royal candidate for the throne. But for some reason he's really eager to make her become queen, and I don't like it. Whatever that Clown and his maid are planning isn't good, and if we don't stop them... then they could not only get everyone in the Sanctuary killed, but everyone in Lugunica."

"Yeah I know, but if Roswaal really is behind this...then..."

"He's the one that's been pulling the strings this entire time. We can't confirm anything yet, since we have no evidence. But remember, the blue maid is also being wary of them both."

"I see... then at this rate we won't be getting anywhere."

Hikaru was stuck on what to do until Kaida made a suggestion. "Hikaru, remember how Asta could transform into his Black Form?"

"Yeah what about it?"

"You remember most of his Anti Magic techniques right?"

"Yeah...? What about...them?" Hikaru slowed down his speaking as he caught on too what Kaida was suggesting.

"Remember Subaru isn't human, he's a Devil. A Devil with Anti Magic, as well as being a Devil host at that. If you can somehow get him to tap into more of his power as well as his Devil's as well, then we might have a shot at winning this."

"I see, though he might need to physically train his body everyday and keep using the form to get used to it. Since it might put a huge strain on his body."

"Who knows? It might have a different reaction."

Once they were done discussing about the whole situation regarding the Sanctuary, Hikaru decided to kill time by practicing on his magic, swordsmanship, and Ki sensing. That fight with Satella really had him fired up.

"Ram. Rem. There's something I need to talk to you two about."

Rem was more then willing to help, but Ram just looked at him with a disgusted look and called him a "Pervert". After what seemed like seconds Ram asked what he wanted from them, with Subaru stating it's about Garfiel.

"I'm about to do something behind his back, and there's a good chance he'll try to interfere. So I want you two to try and keep him here, at least long enough for Hikaru and I leave."

Without wasting a second, Rem volunteered. "Rem will help with anything Subaru-kun needs!"

Subaru walked up to Rem and started petting her. "Thanks Rem, I really appreciate it."

Subaru turned to Ram as he asked. "What about you?"

"...I don't like that look in your eyes, Barusu."

"Get over your weird suspicions, would you?"

"Very well, then."

Subaru thanked Ram and Rem as he was about to leave, not without Ram stating that he would do ten favors in return. Subaru ran threw the forest as he remembered when he was inside the shadow, he merged with many consciousnesses. He came to the conclusion that those memories probably belonged to her victims. It was a bunch of disjointed fragments, but he was still able to bring back more than his own life is worth. All that was left was to verify those memories.

"Found it."

In front of Subaru was tomb with a very old texture. He steeled his nerves before walking in. Inside the tomb, the walls were a lot like the walls inside the Witch's Tomb. At the end of the hall, there was a door with a butterfly symbol on it, Subaru looked to his side to see some sort of hole in the form of a gem. Subaru had a memory of someone placing a blue gem in the hole, with that, he grabbed the same blue gem and placed it there.

The gem started to glow, temporarily blinding Subaru. Once the light dimmed down, the door in front of him was opened, revealing a blue light. Once Subaru walked inside the room, he saw a giant blue crystal, with Ryuzu inside.

"I-Is this...Ryuzu-san?"

"I never expected you to discover this only half a day after arriving here, Young Su."

Subaru turned around, only to see Ryuzu and a clone standing behind him. Subaru stated that it was only a memory of someone who was swallowed up by the Witch of Envy, someone who knew of that location.

"Is the girl on the left the one who led me here this afternoon?"

"That is unlikely. This girl is one of the guards assigned to this place. It was another who met you in the forest. One of the Sanctuary's eyes, nothing more."

"I see, there's something I want to ask you. After that, I'd like to request your help as soon as possible."

The grip on Ryuzu's staff tightened as she stated that she shall not ignore his request, stating that he was the "Apostle of Greed" as she went on to explain that, that has been written in the contract that binds them.

Later, Subaru and Ryuzu made it to her house, where they discussed about Echidna and her experiments on immortality. With Ryuzu explaining that their replica bodies were built upon cores of artificial od that has been produced by magic. She stated that those cores are wrapped around in mana and given physical form, resulting in those bodies. Ryuzu also stated that Echidna filled Ryuzu Meyer's body with her own being, and each time a body perished, she would make a new vessel to inherit it's soul, which would basically make her immortal.

"Basically immortal? So that's it! That's why she kept being so familiar with me! My return by death makes me basically immortal, too. And adding to the fact that I'm a Devil, and all the knowledge I got from those visions that I keep having. Devils are an ancient race of beings, so I won't die by old age because I most likely won't age. But I can still die by other means though."

"So was Echidna's experiment a success?"

With a shake of her head Ryuzu continued. "No, Echidna's soul was not inherited. The witch's plans only came to pass in an imperfect form." Stated Ryuzu.

"An imperfect form?"

"Ryuzu Meyer was an insufficient vessel to house the Witch of Greed."

"And she couldn't have figured that out before she tried it?"

Ryuzu looked at Subaru before continuing, stating that after Echidna's death, the Sanctuary still remained, and more copies would continue to be produced. Since their bodies were made of mana, their saving grace was what they required. No resources to survive.

"Hm? But it looks like you're drinking tea, though." Said Subaru as he chuckled.

"This is merely a hobby of mine. An individual quirk that I acquired over my long life. I was one of the first four copies made, 400 years ago now. I was given the wisdom and personality to manage the ever-increasing copies, as well as the Sanctuary."

"You were created that way?"

"Yes...I did suffer at first. I had no memories, only a job to do. I know not how many years passed before I truly felt as if I were alive..."

After hearing this, Subaru looked down with a sad look on his face.

"Now, don't look so sad. In my own way, I have come to find significance in fulfilling my purpose."

Before Subaru left, he asked one more question. He asked what Ryuzu meant by "Apostle of Greed" with her replying that it refers to the one who has the right to command the copies of Ryuzu Meyer. She went on to explain that Echidna gave him apart of her body, such as a strand of hair or a fingernail.

Subaru automatically had flashbacks to when Echidna made him drink tea during their first meeting. "You mean the Chidna tea?!" Subaru exclaimed.

"Chidna tea...?"

"She got me to drink her bodily fluids cleverly disguised as tea, two times already."

"So you ingested a part of the Witch. All joking aside, that surely must be it."

"Just what the hell did she make me drink?!"


"Hey Ryuzu, if the right to command the copies is what makes someone her apostle... Did Garfiel enter the graveyard and undergo the trial, too?"

Ryuzu looked at Subaru and nodded her head. As Subaru was about to leave he asked Ryuzu that the original surname was Meyer but her surname was Bilma, with Ryuzu replying that to go by the name Ryuzu is the duty that has been instilled in her. Therefore, they must express their individuality in other ways, such as hobbies, preferences... and names.

"Say Young Su..."


"If you do not mind, would you ask me the same question again... after tomorrow?"

After Subaru was done talking with Ryuzu, he walked through the woods, meeting up with Hikaru so they could train. But he had a lot of things on his mind, he was trying to think of ways to evacuate everyone from the mansion and everyone from the village safely so they could avoid any deaths, but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Emilia call his name, causing Subaru to jump from surprise.

"It's a real shock when you act super-duper spooked like that."

"Super-duper? Who says that in this day and age?"

"I guess I worried for nothing."

"I wasn't doing anything worth worrying about though. I just had a lot of stuff on my mind, that's all." Subaru was about to continue until he saw Emilia's smile under the moonlight, it was without a doubt...

"Beautiful..." Subaru thought as he continued to stare.

"You almost look like a fairy, Emilia-tan."

"Hey! You shouldn't say mean things like that about someone! Even I can get angry, you know."

"W-Wait what?! It was supposed to be a compliment!" Subaru exclaimed, as he tried to tell Emilia he didn't mean to in any way offend her, in his world fairies were actually told in stories you tell to children.

"Fairies are a type of evil spirit, aren't they? You won't fool me into thinking that's a compliment!"

"Another pick-up line foiled by the cultural barrier!" Subaru said as he sulked, allowing his tail to drop down as well. Emilia noticed this and looked at his tail with a curious expression, not once since she's met him, has she ever seen him with a tail. When she left him in the capital, it was at least two to three days before he came back with a new muscular body, to the point that it looked like he trained his whole life and a tail, as well as some mysterious power he used while fighting Sloth. To her it was still weird seeing Subaru with a tail since he's never had one before. His tail was the one thing that mostly piqued her curiosity.

"Hey Subaru, when did you have a tail...?" Emilia asked curiously.

This question caught Subaru off guard. He knew he would have to tell Emilia and the others one day about it, but know wasn't the time. He remembered when he first got it, it was when he was screaming in rage and despair, cursing the Witch Cult, swearing he would kill them. Subaru didn't want to tell Emilia yet.

"O-Oh...! I just woke up like this one day, that's all!"

"I see..."

"A-Anyway, what're you doing all the way out here walking by yourself so late at night? If Puck were here, he'd tell you that's bad for your skin."

"I guess, um... I have no excuse for that. I just haven't been able to sleep since then, so I went for a walk to feel the breeze for a bit."

"Because you're worried about the trial?"

Emilia slowly nodded as she went on to explain how she wasn't entirely sure herself about the entire situation.

"I really wish... Puck was here."

"..." Subaru just stayed silent as those words left her mouth.

"I guess, no matter where I go, I'll always be a pinch-hitter." Subaru thought as he stood up and faced Emilia, telling her that she was amazing and that no one would blame her for wanting to run away. But he also stated that she faces the trials head on, even knowing what'll happen to her whenever she failed but still didn't give up and he respected that.

"W-What brought this on all of a sudden?"

"It's not sudden. I've always thought that. I just couldn't say it until now."


"I don't know how much help I can be to you, but I'll say what I feel out loud. You're gonna be fine, Emilia. I know you'll get it done. I along with everyone else is on your side."

Emilia stood shocked for a moment before placing a hand on her chest and slowly smiling. "Yeah. Thank you. Really, you've given me so much courage."

After Subaru and Emilia's conversation, Subaru ran back to he and Hikaru's training spot. There, he found Hikaru using his "Elemental Magic" to train. Subaru called Hikaru over to get his attention as he ran up to him.

"So, you done doing with what you had to do?"

"Yeah. I got some information that might help us later on. Also Rem and Ram agreed to buy us enough time to leave while they distract Garfiel."

"I see. You planned out everything."

"Indeed I have. I'm quite the strategist when it counts you know." Subaru stated pridefully.

"Yeah, yeah, Subaru, we are going to be training on your physical strength."

"Hm? But isn't my strength already inhumane? In fact, I think I'm perfectly fit in all categories."

"Yeah, that may be true but you have to train your body everyday, starting right now. I already have your training regimen planned out. Firstly, we'll start with push-ups."

"Alright then, how many will I do...?" Subaru asked, fearing his answer.

"Simple. A thousand."

"W-What...? Can you say that again...? I didn't quite hear you. I'm doing how many now?"

"A thousand." Hikaru simply said with a blank look on his face.

"H-How the hell am I supposed to do a thousand push-ups?! That's to much!"

"Subaru, did you really forget about your inhumane strength? You possess a high level of physical strength, you should be able to do a thousand single-handed handstand push-ups right now if you wanted."

"R-Really...?" Subaru looked at his hands.

"Alright then...if you say this will help me then I'll trust you."

"Alright, lets get to it!"

Subaru undergone his strict training with Hikaru. He had trouble at first, but he was able to get used to it and actually do more push-ups. He made it to at least nine-hundred push ups before dropping to the ground.

"H-Hikaru...*pant* how much longer will I *pant* be doing this...?"

"Once you make it to a thousand push-ups, we'll move on to a thousand sit ups. After that we'll move on to your Anti Magic control."

"Oh, come on...!"

Subaru got back up again and started over from the beginning, after what seemed like hours, he was able to do a thousand push-ups and sit-ups. Subaru himself was quite surprised that he was able to do a thousand.

"Maybe I could go even further...?"

"Alright Hikaru, you said after this was my Anti Magic control right?"

"Yep, summon both of your swords?"

"Ok." Subaru complied as he summoned both the Demon Slayer and Demon Dweller swords. He looked at Hikaru as he unsheathed his katana and got into his battle stance.

"Alright Subaru. I'm taking you seriously now! So make sure you don't hold back and used everything you learned alright?"

"Yeah..." Subaru said as he got into his battle stance.

There was a moment of silence before they both clashed at each other, sparks flying every time their blades would clash. Hikaru went for a slash on his left side, using his Ki, Subaru used the Demon Dweller Sword to block it. Hikaru instantly vanished and appeared on Subaru's left side as he kicked him, causing him to be sent flying towards a tree.

Letting out a grunt of pain, Subaru quickly recovered as he looked up, only to see Hikaru generating a huge ball of fire magic and launched it towards Subaru. With his quick thinking, Subaru used one of his Anti Magic spells "Black Orb" and threw it towards the ball of fire, completely negating it as it went through it. Hikaru was able to dodge the attack and charged down at Subaru, going for a slash from above.

Subaru rolled out of the way before the slash could touch him. Once he recovered, he used another "Black Ord" and charged at Hikaru. Hikaru turned around and and reacted in time by grabbing Subaru by the arm, and lifting him up high into the air. He threw Subaru a few meters with Subaru throwing his "Black Orb" the very moment he threw him.

"Heh. Got ya." Said Subaru as he tumbled on the grown and came to a stop.

"Huh?" Hikaru was about to charge forward until he felt something send him flying. He looked down and realized,  that the "Black Orb" Subaru created had hit him in the stomach.

"I...I really didn't see that coming, I couldn't use my mana the moment that attack hit me." Hikaru thought to himself as he knew for a fact that he couldn't let Subaru land his hits on him anymore.

"Alright Subaru. Let's take this up a notch shall we?"

"What are you-?" Subaru was interrupted when he Hikaru suddenly appeared behind him, grabbed him and launched him into the air. And in the next moment, Hikaru was next to him, Subaru was able to react in time as he used the Demon Slayer sword to block the attack. This pattern of Hikaru jumping all over the place and Subaru blocking or countering them went on until Subaru saw Hikaru on the ground sending a full powered blast of Fire and Wind Magic at him.

"H-He's sending more then one element?!"

"Let's see if you can handle this!" Hikaru exclaimed as he sent the blast towards the a Devil. Time seemed to slow down for Subaru as he couldn't think of anyway to dodge.

"Shit! Come on! Think, think!"

Subaru looked at his arms and thought back to when he coated his arm in Anti Magic. Once he remembered,  he already had an idea.

"If I'm right about this, there should be Anti Magic flowing through the swords since it's covered in Anti Magic. Add the fact that Anti Magic constantly flows through my body as well, maybe I could..."

Subaru closed his eyes as he concentrated and used his Anti Magic energy along with the Anti Magic coursing through the swords and coated both his left and right arms with Anti Magic. The rusty appearance of the swords became pitch black, with Anti Magic emanating from it.

Subaru made an x-like slash towards the blast as it negated it and went through it. Hitting Hikaru in the chest and sending him flying towards a tree,  creating a huge dust cloud on impact. Once Subaru landed on the ground and looked over to the dust cloud fading. He saw Hikaru standing on his feet.

"Well, you certainly surprised me there..."

"Are you alright...?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need some rest and I'll be good as new. Oh and by the way,  congratulations."

"Huh? What are you-?" Subaru stopped talking as he looked at his arms covered in Anti Magic. As well as the swords with Anti Magic emanating off it.

"Does this mean I...?"

"Yep! You surpassed your limits and learned some new ways to use your Anti Magic."

Subaru made his Anti Magic and swords dissipate before he sat down with Hikaru to take a break from their training session.

"Once we're done taking our break, let's see if you can develop that new skill into something alright?"

"Yeah! I already made it this far! I won't back down now!"

The next day, with the duo riding Patrasche to the mansion, Hikaru turns towards his rival and brother and begins to ask.

"Subaru, are you sure it's a good idea to leave Emilia on her own here?"

"Yeah of course, I trust both Rem and Ram, and Otto to keep her safe while we're gone. Not to mention, before we left, I left her a note. So we should be-"

Subaru was cut off as he saw Garfiel jump in front of them, causing Patrasche to stop in her tracks.

"Oh boy, here we go again..." Hikaru thought as he looked at Garfiel with a blank look on his face.

"Hah! So much energy first thing in the morning. That's one damn gutsy ground dragon ya got there."

"There seems to be some kind of misunderstanding between you and me."

"A misunderstanding? Like hell there is! You and your witch stench are goin' out to do somethin' evil, aren't ya."

"Alright that's it... Garfiel, you best watch where your coming from. You don't even have proof that he is a cultist, take away the smell and what do you have?!"

"Huh? Th' hell are you talkin' abou-"

"I'm not done talking. I can assure you if me and Subaru were "Cultist" then you would-"

Hikaru was interrupted by Subaru who jumped off Patrasche and walked towards Garfiel.

"It's alright Hikaru, I can handle this." Subaru said as he turned to Garfiel.

"I won't deny that I smell bad, but why bring it up now? You didn't say a damn thing about it yesterday."


"Looks like that was an inconvenient question for you. It's written all over your face, Garfiel."

"Stop it. Don't go makin' me more pissed off than I already am."

Garfiel grabbed Subaru and pinned him to a nearby tree as Patrasche was about to react but was stopped by Hikaru.

"If things go to far, I'll step in."

Subaru just smirked at Garfiel as he looked at him.

"You...You're so read..."


"Now I've got a good idea of what gets a reaction out of you, and what makes you mad."

It brief moment of silence as the two stared at each other. As Subaru opened his mouth to say something, Garfiel opened his eyes wide as he let Subaru go.

"You bastard! You were testing me?! You're insane! What the hell d'you think you're riskin' your life for?!"

"If my life was enough, it'd go pretty damn well with the end result."


"Keep an open mind and let me off the hook, would you?"

"If I let you go now, can you guarantee you aren't gonna do anything bad to us later?"

"Who said I was going to do anything bad? I won't betray Emilia or anyone else they're my friends after all, and I won't do anything bad to the Sanctuary. Trust me."


Garfiel stayed silent as Subaru continued. "I know you're hiding something. And I'm going to find out what it is. I swear it."

"Shut up."

"So long as I don't give up, there are no secrets."


"You'd just be wasting your time trying to stop me."

"What do you wanna do to this place?! To us?" Garfiel angrily asked as he looked at Subaru.

"I already told you: to help Emilia and my friends. I have no intention of doing any harm to the Sanctuary. I might put you guys through some hardship, but I want to help you all." Subaru countered.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! You don't know shit about this place, or the old hag, or anyone else!"

"What I don't know, I'm going to learn. I consider that the reason I'm doing this."

"What the hell are you gonna accomplish with that uppity bullshit?! You have no idea pain or suffering even are! Quit running your damn mouth as if you do!"

In a flash, Hikaru was standing on the left side of Garfiel with his katana pointing towards him. When Garfiel turned to look at him, all he saw was a cold emotionless look in his eye as it sent shivers down the blond demihuman's spine.

"You're overstepping your bounds you damn punk!" Said Hikaru in a cold voice. Hikaru was pissed, if anything he knew at least a fraction of how much trauma Subaru endured all the way to this point. And only god knows how many times he died up till now.

Before Garfiel could say anything, Subaru said something that caught his attention and caused him to turn back to look at him.

"I do know."


Subaru's eyes turned red as his pupils were replaced with slits, as he had an angry look in his sharp eyes.

"I know hell. I've seen it many times."

After Subaru said that, Garfiel said nothing as he and Hikaru got back on Patrasche and road off to the mansion. Not without Subaru saying...

"I'm the only one that needs to know hell. That's what I'm here for." And with that they rode off towards the mansion.

Unknown to the duo, only hell would await them when they arrived.

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