Chapter 15. Imprisonment and Rabbits

Subaru woke up in the tomb again as he checked his surroundings, just to make sure he was right about one thing.

"My checkpoint hasn't changed. That would make this the second or third time."

Subaru quickly comforted Emilia as she started whimpering. Once they both got out the tomb they had the same discussion as before. Once that was taken care of Subaru went outside and met up with Hikaru.

Subaru and Hikaru discussed about the events in the previous loop. The Eye of the Midnight Sun, Beatrice's gospel, and Elsa.

"So Beatrice has a gospel as well?"

"Yeah, though I've gotta make sure to ask Roswaal about it this time, since I couldn't last time."

There conversation was cut short when Otto approached the two.

"Natsuki-san, Hikaru-san."

"Oh, hey Otto."

"Are you two all right?"

"Huh? Yeah of course! We're just great! Perfect, in fact!"

"Hikaru and I were just about to go off and train. Did anything look off to you?""

"No, nothing looks off at all. You appear very calm."

"Right? So-"

"Even with Emilia-sama in her current state. So am I wrong to find your calmness concerning?"

"Oh no, you're not wrong at all Otto. To be honest, Subaru and I been thinking about how to help her...but we're stuck."

"And besides, this is Roswaal we're talking about. I can't let him keep dodging the subject this time."

When Subaru was about to go and find Roswaal, Garfiel walked up to them with a lamp and called out to them. "Yo, you got a sec?"


"You're not one to fall into patterns easily, huh?"


"I mean, last time, you would've gone straight back if Hikaru and I hadn't stopped you."

"We got something important to do, y'know."

"Huh? You talkin' about your shady scheme with that bastard?"

"Huh? Shady scheme? We're not planning anything with the Clown Garfiel."

"Yeah don't call it shady. So, what'd you want? Is it about the Sanctuary?"

"What the hell else d'you think I'd wanna talk to you about?"

"Well, you might want some info on Ram. She prefers tall guys who wear clown makeup."

Hikaru had a deadpan face while looking at Subaru and just sweatdropped. "Yeah, no kidding."

"Cut it out! You're depressing me!"

"So on that note, we're gonna go chat about our love lives!"


"C'mon, Otto. Save it for tomorrow, okay?"

"Subaru, you sure you wanna go alone?"

Though Hikaru knew Subaru could fend for himself, he still had a feeling that something wasn't right here.

"Yep! Don't worry Hikaru, make sure to tell Rem that I'll be late."

"All right, if you say so."

Hikaru and Otto both walked away from the duo as they went back towards the Inn where Emilia was staying at. Once the two were out of sight, Subaru and Garfiel went towards their destination.

"Another change of events?" Thought Subaru.


"How long has it been since you last saw Frederica?"

"And why the hell should I have to tell you that?"

"I just thought it couldn't hurt to ask."

"Hah! She already left this place. She ain't none of my concern anymore."

"That's the thing. I know you're Frederica's brother, which means she meets the mixed blood requirement, too. So why isn't she here?"

"Why ask me? The barrier won't open unless someone passes the trial."

"Nothing's gonna change that."

"Knowing why will give us more options. I'm the type that want's to have all the information before I rack my brain for answers."


"We're here."

In front of them was an open plain of grass as a lone figure stood there. Subaru recognized the person to be Ryuzu but she was wearing white clothes instead. "You're the one who wanted to talk to me, Ryuzu-san?"

"You may interpret it that way if you wish. Young Gar is my attendant, after all."

"Is this where you come to relax or something? If you invited me to a place like that, are you going to start sharing your secrets with me soon?"

"What a smooth talker you are."

Wanting to get right to the point, Subaru asked Ryuzu the question he wanted to know. "So? Are you going to answer my question for me?"

"You mean the reason why Frederica left the Sanctuary? What do you intend to do with that information?"

"I'll use it to get everyone out of the Sanctuary. Then no one will have to undergo the trial, right?"

"Logically speaking, yes, you are right. But why are you so obstinate about avoiding the trial?"

"That's easy. Because I don't want to force Emilia to go through it."

"It's my own purely selfish reason."

"...That may surely work for the trial, but it does not do to constantly run away from hardship-"

"Hm? I'm not talking about running away."

"It may not be now, but Emilia will eventually have to face her past."

"You want to give her an escape, but not from the things that will hurt her the most?"

"She'll beat it without running away. I have complete faith that the girl I fell for can pull it off."

Garfiel was running out of patience as he exclaimed. "Tell 'im, old hag!"

"Tell 'im it's just a gadgy gwadzeadd tryin' to hid e in the mountains!"

"I appreciate it, but I have no idea what you just said."

"What Young Gar is trying to say is that there is no convenient path by which to escape. Frederica's exit was something of an exception."

"She does not meet the conditions for being held in the barrier."

"Conditions to be held within the barrier? So there's something else besides being half?"

"No, there are no exceptions."


"The barrier determines one's mixed blood status by the amount of each race in their blood. If they possess human and non-human blood in equal amounts, they will be held within the barrier."


"If you're, a quarter-blood or something, it can't hold you?"

"That means..."

"We have different dads. I'm Garfiel Tinzel. I'm pretty sure she uses a different surname."

Subaru had a flashback to his first time meeting Frederica.

"I'm Frederica Baumann."

"She was born to a human mother and a mixed-blood father. Therefore, she can enter and leave the forest at will."

"Hah! Enter and leave at will? Don't make me laugh! She hasn't been back here in over ten years! Frederica abandoned this place!"

"Young Gar..."

"Did something happen between them...?" Subaru thought

"And now you know. I apologize for making you listen so long to learn so little."

"Nah, it's alright. It's a lot better than just being stuck with unusable options forever. But I guess we still have to pass the trial, then..."

"Garfiel, Ryuzu-san...I'd like to offer a suggestion."

"A suggestion, eh?"

"I'm on my way to get Roswaal and Emilia on board with this, but it's really important, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone."


"Very well. We will tell no one. Tell us whatever you wish."

Subaru looked at Garfiel for a moment and looked back at Ryuzu, as he told them that he wanted to undergo the trial in Emilia's place. As he explained to them why, he stated that when he first went into the tomb he came out perfectly fine because he has the qualification to take it. He also said on top of all that he already passed one of them.

"You passed the trial?!"


"Things have gotten complicated. Is that what you're thinking, Ryuzu-san?"

"I cannot deny that you took those very words out of my mouth. But I now understand your point."

"Young Su, there is something important I must tell you, too."

"What is it?"

"Right now, I need you to keep quiet and behave yourself."

"Huh?" As Subaru was about to ask what she meant by that, he sensed Garfiel attempting to grab him by the neck. Thanks to Hikaru's training he was able to grab his wrist before it could make contact with his neck and headbutted Garfiel, making the young tiger take a few steps back.

Subaru got into his fighting stance as he exclaimed.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Without answering him, Garfiel charged at Subaru, going for a left hook. Subaru using his Ki, was able to counter it with his left hand. Garfiel then went for a right hook with Subaru countering that as well, with both of his arms being countered by him Garfiel kicked Subaru in his gut, knocking the wind out of him.

Subaru clutched his stomach in pain as he coughed. Seeing his opportunity, Garfiel quickly grabbed Subaru by tail, flipped him over and swung him around like a ragdoll and slammed him on the ground.


As Subaru was loosing his consciousness, the last thing he was able to hear was...

"Sorry Young Su, but to assure the safety of the Sanctuary, this must be done. I will not ask for your forgiveness but as promised, we will not speak of the things you told us here. I swear it on the name of Ryuzu Shima."

After that Subaru passed out as Garfiel and Ryuzu took his unconscious body somewhere. Unknown to them though, was that Hikaru was watching the whole thing. He concealed his presence and followed them because he knew something wasn't right.

"So that's what they were planning huh? Well you little punk you're not having your way any longer I guarantee that."

"Hikaru, you might want to tell the maids about this. Though I don't like the pink maid very much right now, she might be our best chance in helping along with the blue one.

"Way ahead of you!"

With that last thought, Hikaru quickly flew back towards the Inn where Emilia was at, to let them all know about the current situation.




Subaru woke up and noticed that his entire vision was dark, he couldn't speak, and that he was all tied up. Seeing this realization made him recall that he was knocked out by Ryuzu and Garfiel yet he noticed that she used Shima instead of Bilma, this thought was quickly pushed away as he realized that his inability to do anything will eventually lead to everyone's deaths if he didn't get out of here.

"You awake now? Garfiel spoke in a calm manner.

"I'll untie ya. And just so ya know, it ain't no use cryin' for help."

As Garfiel unties Subaru so he can speak freely, he began screaming for help which only annoyed Garfiel.

"I just said it won't work! This is a part of the Sanctuary no one knows about!" Garfiel exclaimed as he slammed Subaru against a wall after allowing him to see, he then showed off his claws to him in a threatening manner.

"Ain't no use in trying to save someone that want's to die, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You guys are pretty famous for being a bunch of weirdos."

"Hold on...I seriously don't get..."

"Don't play dumb! There's miasma oozin' out of every pore in your body! You're a witch cultist! The smell's been stronger since you came outta the graveyard!"

Hearing this Subaru had a weird sense of deja vu, as he recalled memories that he would rather forget. Especially when that person was his second love, that accused him of being a cultist and going so far as to murder and torture him because of the smell. He would sometimes have a slight migraine or phantom pains whenever he thought about it, those loops would always haunt him.With this sudden realization, Subaru realized that the Witch's scent would always be a huge pain in the ass for him to deal with no matter where he went. And sadly, it seems that he had screwed up in this loop since Garfiel is even more distrusting towards him.

"Not many people have this much miasma. So I was going to let you go if you swore you wouldn't try anything. But you wanna undergo the trial in the Princess's place?! There's no way I can trust ya."

"The witch's scent..."

"Ha! That's a funny way of callin' it. It just fits, don't it? The Witch's scent!" Garfiel pokes a bit of Subaru's neck, causing two small holes that are harmless before throwing him to the ground.

"What is it you wanna do in that graveyard?! What're you planning? Can't be anything good if the witch's tomb is part of it."

"Then why trap me in here then? Why not kill me and get it over with?"

Hah! 'Cause you have a way of winnin' people over! I don't wanna kill you and have it blow up in my face like the fall of the Tesla Fortress!"

"Then what are you going to do with me?"

"For now, I'll just say it's all up to Emilia-sama."

Subaru realized at this point, he was trapped and before he could do anything, he gets knocked out by Garfiel. As he was knocked out, Garfiel tied him back up and left him there to catch up with the others.



Word of Subaru's sudden disappearance spread quickly as all of the villagers of Irlam, Emilia, Rem and Ram with her clairvoyance searched all over the place, but they couldn't find him.

"Did you find him Nee-sama?" A very worried Rem asked."

"Sadly, no."

Garfiel explained to the group that wandering the forest alone can get a person lost, Otto made a small comment that reminded Garfiel that he was the last person that saw him with Subaru. Garfiel asks Otto if he could talk with him in private while Hikaru approached Rem and Ram to talk to them in private.

"Rem, Ram. I know where Subaru is."


Subaru has been in a cell for three long days. Subaru had flashbacks to all of his loops, every single death played as he tried everything in his power to break free from his restraints. Thanks to his new body, he would have been able to break free already with his newfound inhuman strength, but Garfiel made the rope to tight for that to happen.

While contemplating on this, he had a flashback to his previous loop where he talked with Beatrice.

"Have you...really just been following the Gospel's commands all this time?"

"I told you!"

"Yes, that is why, I suppose!"


"Even if that's true... I would give anything to hear your voice right now."

Everything was silent in that cell until Subaru heard a voice of someone call out to him, or rather two people.

"I suspected you would be in a miserable state, but this is even worse than I thought."

"I have to admit, though it took 5 days the plan worked. The damn punk underestimated us."

Subaru instantly recognized those voices to be Hikaru and Otto. As Subaru was untied and freed, he looks up with tired eyes and sees Otto and Hikaru, standing side by side. Both Otto and Hikaru were relieved to see Subaru was alive and well.

Subaru was unsure how to process all of this since he had been trapped for three days. Otto gave Subaru some water for him to drink. Once he finished it all he asked the two.

"How did you guys find me."

"It wasn't that hard, I followed you two because I knew something wasn't right. I concealed my presence and stayed out of eyesight and watched the whole thing go down. Once I went back towards the group, I told Rem and Ram what happened. And let's just say Rem wasn't to happy when she found out what that damn punk did to you. And Ram was just disappointed."

Hikaru sweat dropped when he had a flashback of a very pissed off Rem getting ready to bring hell onto Garfiel and save Subaru, while he and Ram tried to hold her back.

"She was really pissed off."

"Anyway, word went around of your disappearance, causing everyone to look for you. Emilia was actually struggling with this but Rem and Ram were able to help whenever she lost her composure. Once I told Rem and Ram what happened, Otto also told us his side of the story and how he turned down an offer Garfiel gave him to keep quiet. After that we came up with this plan to save you and get you out of here, sorry it took so long though."

Subaru was confused as to why Otto would help him, he could have accepted Garfiel's offer which could have gotten him hurt or possibly worse. Seeing the confused state he was in Otto answered.

"Listen, Natsuki-san...Is it really such a strange thing to try and help a friend?"


"Wh-Why are you standing there like a statue with such a shocked face?"

"Well, you just brought up someone I don't know out of the blue. I don't, um... know who "Eugene" is..."

Hikaru couldn't help but laugh while Otto started stuttering explaining how Subaru was his friend until Subaru started laughing as well, leaving Otto more dumbfounded than he was before. After a while of laughing, both Subaru and Hikaru calmed down but with Subaru still chuckling as he was still recovering from his laughter.

"Sorry Otto. I just had to laugh, I don't know why I just had to." Said Hikaru wiping a tear out of his eye.

"I'm so exasperated with myself, I have to laugh!" Subaru said as he chuckled a bit more and calmed down as he looked at Otto.


"Sorry. You really are my friend, Otto. Thanks for coming to save me."

"And you to Hikaru, thank you."

Hikaru smiled at him and raised his fist towards him. "Of course! Remember we're not just brothers, we're rivals remember?"

"Yeah!" exclaimed Subaru as they fist bumped as they walked out of the cell.

"Garfiel is at the graveyard right now, so we can get you two out of the barrier."

"But the question is whether that's even possible."

"Oh, no need to worry about that Subaru. We have two reliable helpers after all."


Once they made it out the woods, Subaru saw Rem and Ram waiting for them.

"I was starting to wonder if you'd arrive before I became an old granny. Of course, even as an old granny, I'd still be cute." Ram said smugly as she looked at the group.

Subaru was about to reply until Rem tackled him to the ground and hugged him as tightly as she could while she wept.


"I'm so glad you're alright, I was so worried about you!" Rem wept.

"Hey it's alright. I came back to you safe and sound, and besides Hikaru and Otto also helped me too. He also told me about how pissed off you were when you found out what Garfiel did to me."

At the mention of Garfiel, Rem's eyes darkened as she scowled. "Rem was angry with Garfiel when she found out, and I still am!"

Subaru petted her on the head as he comforted her.

Back at the cell, Garfiel went in to check on his 'prisoner' as he became furious seeing that nobody was there. He slammed his hand on the wall as it grew fur.

"Roswaal. I won't let you hide anything from me this time."

"Reunited after 3 days... it doesn't quite feel like a miraaaaculous return."

Subaru exclaimed as he didn't want to deal with the Clown's crap. "Quit joking around!"

"I don't have time to put up with your games right now."

"It was Ram who let you in, yes? I did order her to help you."

"But you didn't order Rem to help, she did it on her own accord." Subaru inwardly smiled at this since he knew Rem was suspicious of both Ram and Roswaal. And besides the beautiful Oni (Demon) maid was never that loyal to Roswaal to begin with, she was more loyal to Subaru as she was to the 'Clown'.

They continued to talk until Subaru asked Roswaal the one question that's been on his mind since his last encounter with Beatrice. He could still remember how she held on to that damn book like her life depended on it. So steeling his nerves he asked Roswaal if our beloved drill loli was a member of the Witch's Cult. Subaru stated that when he saw her in the Forbidden Library, he saw her with a Gospel. Coming to the conclusion that if she was a member then that made her their enemy.

"My enemy."

"Those are strong words. Words that took true resolve to say. And...Even if you say them with such a pained expression, they are nit very convincing. The idea that you and her should become enemies is truly awful. So I would like to offer you a helping hand."

"You, offer me a helping hand? That's gotta be one of the shadiest statements I ever heard."

"It is true that what you saw was something closely resembling a Gospel. It makes sense that you would suspect it to be one."

"But you have my word, that she is not a witch cultist."

"Y-You really mean that?!"

Roswaal explained that the book Beatrice had wasn't a Gospel, but a magical text that told the future or predicted it. He also explained that there were only two copies that existed closest to the Tome of Wisdom.

"Tome of Wisdom? But she definitely said it was a Gospel!"

"Everything I do is in accordance with the Gospel's guidance, I suppose!"

"That is because it lacks an official name. Thus, it is given the same name used for the defective versions."

"Defective? Well as long as she's not a witch cultist, it's fine. The question is, how can I get her to help me?"

"Roswaal said you are to ask that question."


"If you say this to Beatrice, she should respond."

"You mean..."

"I see, it appears these words are insufficient for you."

"H-Hang on... Insufficient?"

Roswaal then told him to tell her that he was ''That Person.'' As he went on to explain to Subaru that if he got Beatrice to ask the question then answered it affirmatively, there would be no doubt that she would ally with him.

"...How can you be so sure?"

"Because it is in the contract that she is powerless to override."

"Contract? What kind of Contract?"

"...If this doesn't work, I'll punch you right in the face! That I can promise you, no matter what you say!"

"Very well. Do as you please. Once you have allied with Beatrice, she will surely be a great help in solving all the problems concerrrrning the Sanctuary."

With that Subaru left not without asking Roswaal if he wasn't actually their enemy, with him responding that he wasn't and that he was an ally with all of them. Once Subaru left he saw Hikaru in the hallway.

"So you heard everything right?"

"Yep, Beatrice isn't a cultist so that's one thing we don't have to worry about. But the stuff about ''That person" and the other stuff he talked about is bullshit."

"Yeah I could tell he was lying about that when I was reading his Ki."

Once they met up with the maid sisters and Otto. They came up with a plan to get Subaru and Hikaru out of the Sanctuary. Subaru said that once they were out, their first stop was the mansion, stating that they can't leave Frederica to fend for herself. They continued to discuss the matter at hand until they were interupted.

"Havin' a cozy little chat while ya take a walk? Well, since I'm here, why not let me in on the fun?"

Subaru, Hikaru, Ram, Rem, and Otto all turned their heads towards Garfiel, seeing a red glow around his body to show that he is beyond angry at this point. Subaru pulled out the Demon Dweller Sword, while Ram and Rem were curious about the sword. They never saw anything like that or someone pull a sword out of thin air. But questioning would have to wait as they had to deal with Garfiel.

"The brighter it shines, the farther away the margrizza goes, as they say!"

Rem scowled while she looked at her childhood friend that harmed her beloved. She gave Garfiel a cold look while she pulled out her morning star. With Ram and Hikaru following soon after.
Everyone looked at Garfiel with caution as they know how much of a threat the boy has gotten.

"Shouldn't you be overseeing the trial right now? You're just wasting your time you know?"

"My job is to protect this Sanctuary! So if the Sanctuary's under threat, you better believe I will take care of that first! You can't escape the eyes of this Sanctuary!"

"Eyes of the Sanctuary?"

"I'm just sayin' your little plans were leaked. So? Where d'ya think you're headin' off to? Well?"

"We're going to get Barusu outside the Sanctuary. He'll cause trouble for you if he stays here, too, so I'd say this works out perfectly for you."

The rage aura around Garfiel disappeared as his attention turned towards Ram, "Think you know what's goin' on in my head, do ya? Damn, there ain't nothin' lovable about you at all. That's what I like about ya, though."

"So what are you saying, you little punk?"

"The name's Garfiel jackass! On the matter of your friend, I know damn well it'd be a pain in my ass to keep him here! The thing put it another way, Hoshin was Banan's sunset!"

Otto, Rem, and Ram were shocked to hear this while Subaru and Hikaru were completely dumbfounded by what they heard. Hikaru looked at Otto, Rem, and Ram to see what Garfiel meant and saw that they were uneasy by what they heard.

This made him realize that this was something that shouldn't be said. Subaru on the other hand began to speak with a smile on his face. "Oh, really? I still don't understand your idioms at all, but as long as you realize-" Subaru was cut off when he saw Otto, Rem, and Ram get more protective over him.

"What's with you guys?"

"Given your lack of education, you might not have understood that, Barusu."

"'Hoshin was Banan's sunset' is a saying based on the tale of how the legendary trader, Hoshin, brought the small nation of Banan to ruin. It gives your opponent two options: surrender or face an all-out attack."

"Surrender or an all-out attack?" Subaru says in a slightly nervous tone as he can see the red aura in Garfiel's body intensify as his anger is beyond him.

"Garf, are you so dumb that you didn't understand me?"

Garfiel being more agitated than he already was exclaimed at the pink maid. "You're the one who'd better watch what you say, Ram! Just 'cause I'm hot for ya, that don't mean I won't twist yer arm. Take him back to where he was!"

"Y-You're really fixated on keeping me confined, aren't you? Keeping me here is bad, so if you can let me go right now for free, I won't cause you anymore trouble."

"I dunno what the hell you are! That means I can't let you outside!"

Rem, who was quiet the whole time called out to Garfiel, getting his attention.


"Huh?" Garfiel looked at Rem with confusion in his eyes since Rem only called him by his nickname "Garf" but since she was calling him by his name, he could tell she was serious.

"I can not ignore what you just said. Subaru-kun is not a threat. He's a hero, Rem's hero! He may have the Witch's scent but he is not a cultist, and he'll never be! You may be my childhood friend, but you will pay for harming my beloved!"

"Ha! Ya don't got any power against my amazin' self, you will die for protecting someone who is a threat to all of Sanctuary."

Rem was about to lash out for what Garfiel said until Ram interjected and spoke.

"Roswaal-sama would be upset with this-"

"It would upset Roswaal? The hell? How much do you think he cares about this place, about the old hag or anyone else?! He doesn't give a damn! Not about you either, Ram!"

"Roswaal-sama i-"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Garfiel's rage made him punch a nearby tree with enough force to cut it in half, causing it to fall.

"I don't give a shit about that bastard! We're done here! Hand him over!"

"I'm gonna tie him up and-"

Garfiel couldn't finish his sentence as he was suddenly lifted up into the air by a wind attack,

"Wind Magic: Towering Tornado!"

Everyone looked towards Hikaru as he had his hand outstretched to where Garfiel was once standing. Everyone except Subaru looked at him in shock, especially Ram.

"Wind Magic?"

Ram has seen her fair share of  Wind Magic, but she has never seen Wind Magic that worked like that. The only question that ran through her mind was what kind of spell it was, her thoughts were cut short as she heard Hikaru speak again.

"Sorry, change of plans. Otto you take Subaru, hop on Patrasche and get out of here."

Otto grabbed Subaru, got on Patrasche and ran away, while Hikaru, Rem, and Ram would stay behind to fight Garfiel. Once Garfiel landed, Rem and Ram immediately took action. Rem swung her Morningstar at him while Ram sent a wind blade at him as well. Garfiel barely dodged the attack as it grazed his skin.

Ram pointed her wand at him as she calmly said to him. "You can't afford to be distracted, Garf."

"Sorry Garfiel, but you just pissed me off for the last time. So we can't let you go after them."

"Get outta my way!"

Garfiel charged at the trio, fully intending to go after Subaru. The three braced as a battle broke out between Hikaru, Ram, and Rem against Garfiel.

While Subaru and Otto were riding Patrasche through the forest. They could both feel something from their back side, as if a powerful opponent had just arrived at the scene. Before they could turn around, a large amount of dirt headed towards them. They couldn't react in time so Otto, Subaru, Patrasche and all of the other villagers got caught up in the landslide.

As they are attempting to get up, all of them look up to see a large transformed Garfiel.

"Gar...fiel..." Subaru spoke in utter horror, his Demon Dweller Sword has long since dissipated, and he was too afraid to make it reappear. Subaru concluded that being captive again would at least keep the villagers and everyone else safe, right? Well fate had other plans for him.

"I' as you say. So please, don't hurt...anyone else..." Subaru got up and approached Garfiel with a lot of fear in his body and in his eyes. The giant beast moved his hand up, ready to kill Subaru yet Otto ran at him and pushed him out of the way.

"You complete idiot!"

Otto pushed Subaru out of the way, getting sliced in half in his place. Subaru stared at Otto's now decapitated body as his eyes turned into his red demonic ones and turned towards Garfiel with tears running down his eyes.


Garfiel roared at the group as it was powerful enough to create a shockwave, sending the group flying. The now transformed Garfiel slowly walked towards the group with the villagers of Irlam doing everything they can to buy time for Subaru to escape.

Before he could do anything though, Patrasche was already pulling him by the collar of his jacket. Subaru watched in horror as Garfiel killed the villagers that charged at him.

"Stop it! Please! No one needs to die but me! That's enough! That's enough, Patrasche!"

As Garfiel was walking towards Subaru and Patrasche to finish them off, a huge fire blast. The beast screamed in pain as Hikaru flew in with his katana covered with flames. Garfiel doing everything he can to kill Hikaru couldn't do anything as Hikaru dodged his strikes and landed flame based blows on his face. Hikaru kept fighting until he noticed a bright blue light glowing behind him.

Hikaru had a flashback to when they were in the carriage. The necklace teleported Subaru out of the carriage and took him to god knows where. Hikaru taking his eyes of Garfiel, ran towards him before he was to late.

Hikaru heard a growl as he quickly turned around to see a hand coming a him. Hikaru quickly reacted in time as he moved his flamed katana in front of him to block it. Subaru watched as the transformed Garfiel backhanded Hikaru, as he was sent flying towards the woods. As he was thrown into the air, the last thing Subaru saw was Patrasche getting killed by the transformed Garfiel before he was teleported away from the area.


Subaru woke up and realized that he had returned back to the cell he was once trapped, making him realize that he isn't dead yet. He gets up and before long falls to his knees as he remembers what happened the previous night. He began to cry as he remembered that all the innocent villagers, Otto, and most likely Rem and Ram were dead.

After having a moment to grieve for the many people that were killed, he got up and left the cell only to realize it was snowing.

"Damn it... How long have I been asleep?"

Everything was covered in snow as looked everywhere for anyone that was still alive but everything was empty. He continued to walk around endlessly until he came across... a rabbit. (Oh boy...)

He noticed that the rabbit had a small horn on it's head making him more confused. He questioned why the only living thing he's seen was a rabbit.

Subaru knelt down thinking it was a "normal" rabbit and tried to touch it. Little did he know that this was going to be the biggest mistake of his life. Within a few seconds the rabbit bit his hand off. He only processed what happened only for the pain to kick in. He backed up screaming in pain as he looked at the rabbit.

Holding his arm with his remaining hand looked at the rabbit that was chewing on his thumb before he fell over and looked in pure horror as he saw two more rabbits eating leg. There was nothing he could do, he had no leg so he couldn't run, and he lost his hand so he couldn't summon any of his swords either.

Within the next moments all the rabbits jump at him and start devouring his flesh with all they got, leaving Subaru to feel all the pain for a very long time while screaming in agonizing pain. He felt the rabbits entering his body and devouring his organs as well, losing his sight first before he lost his voice and then sound.

The agonizing pain lasted for minutes until finally he was able to die once the rabbits finally reached his brain. Thus Subaru's life ended in the most brutal way possible, he was eaten alive.

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