Chapter 14.Taking a Turn For The Worse
The group of four consisting of Subaru, Hikaru, Rem, and Ram made it to the garden area of the mansion where Petra greeted them.
"Welcome back, Subaru-sama. You returned much sooner than I expected." Petra said as she flashed him a smile.
Subaru was all ready having flashbacks to the previous loop, where they fought Elsa after finding out she killed Petra and the others. Subaru got off his land dragon and approached Petra as he hugged her with tears in the corner of his eyes.
"W-What!? What is this!? Subaru!"
"Damn! You have no idea what I've been through! Seriously... Damn it..."
Subaru looked down as he noticed Petra with the same handkerchief she gave to him wrapped around her left hand.
"Petra... is that?"
"Oh... It's to match the one I gave you."
Subaru couldn't help but wrap her into a hug again as he started trembling, the thought of this innocent child getting brutally slaughtered by that damn sadist would always linger in the back of his mind. He would never forgive Elsa for this and the same could be said for Hikaru, as he was thinking the same thing.
"Are you hurt?"
Subaru having calmed down replied to her with a smooth and gentle voice.
"No. I'm just incredibly relieved from the bottom of my heart, that's all.
"It's really good to be back Petra."
Ram decided to make her presence known as she walked over to the two.
"If I may be blunt, I don't like this."
"You know, I feel like I heard something like that before."
"Yes, because it was sarcasm. The cute sarcasm of a Ram who has been forgotten and left at a loss."
"Um, you're Ram and Rem-neesama, right? I was just hired as a new maid in service to the lord of this mansion. I'm Petra, it's a pleasure to meet you both."
Ram's stern expression quickly softened at the polite young maid in front of her. As Rem did a graceful bow as she greeted the young maid. "It's a pleasure to meet you Petra."
"You seem to know your place, unlike Barusu. Very good, I give you a passing grade."
"By the way Barusu, you fail. I won't allow you to cross this mansion's threshold."
"T-Then what was the point in coming back here then!?"
After their exchange with the little maid, the group made their way inside the mansion where they were greeted by Frederica.
"You returned sooner than I expected, Subaru-sama. Hikaru-sama."
Subaru, Hikaru, Rem, and Ram were in the living room of the mansion discussing things at hand.
"Since Emilia-sama isn't with you, I assume the trial is not yet complete?"
"No not at all, every time she enters the tomb she comes out crying.
Yeah. It's exactly how Subaru says, whatever she saw in there must've deeply traumatized her to that point."
"Yeah. Though there are things I want to ask you. First, about this."
Subaru pulled out the blue gemstone that Garfiel gave them when they left the sanctuary. When Frederica saw it, her expression wavered.
"That is..."
Frederica slowly picked it up and looked at it.
"Garf's stone.
"Yeah. So you really do know him... I mean you two really are related."
"Garf did not tell you so himself?"
"No he didn't, to be honest I'm pretty sure he hates me and Hikaru's guts right now."
"Yeah no kidding, the little punk is acting like we're going to do something to the damn place. Honestly, he's starting to get on my nerves."
Rem looked at Subaru with a protective and worried look on her face, she knew Subaru and Garfiel weren't getting along. It saddened her that Garfiel thought of Subaru as a threat instead of an ally, but what saddened her more was that she herself thought the same thing when she first met him, and if she didn't take the time to get to know him better and ended up jumping the gun, she would have done something regrettable. That thought always made her heart ache, to her it was her biggest sin. The same could be said for Ram except she was surprisingly worried for Hikaru, someone other than her Clown of a master Roswaal.
"And besides, it's easy to guess enough from your faces. And I imagine your the older sibling?"
"You are correct."
They kept discussing until Subaru asked the questions he wanted answers to.
"Oh right, that reminds me. Frederica, why did your stone glow and teleported me away from the carriage when we reached the barrier?"
"What? I don't know what you are talking about.
"Ok then here is another question, are you-?"
"Sorry to interrupt but I have some business here." Everyone turned towards the door, only to be horrified to see Elsa with one of her kukri knives pointed at Petra's throat. looking at the group seductively as she licked her lips.
"Now lets keep that promise we made, shall we?"
"Nee-sama, Subaru...." Petra took a deep breath as she exclaimed.
With that Hikaru and Ram were the first to react as they sent wind blades towards the Assassin.
"El Fula!"
"Crescent Kamaitachi!"
Elsa side stepped the two wind blades as they cut the door to pieces, with Elsa distracted, Frederica took her chance and transformed one of her arms as she charged at the Assassin. Allowing Petra a chance to escape.
"Partial beast have demihuman blood. How lovely."
Frederica got in front of Petra, as Rem sent her spiked ball and chain at Elsa. This caught Elsa by surprise as she couldn't dodge it in time, allowing the spiked weapon to cut her arm.
"Her arm..."
"Goodness, that hurt." Elsa placed her hand on her arm as she licked her blood.
"I thought I was a goner. I like it."
"Maids in large, medium, and small, and two boys. I'll put you all on a table and compare what's inside your bellies."
"Even Garf's pick-up lines are better!"
"Yeah! I know!"
Subaru summoned the Demon Slayer Sword and swung it towards the ground creating a huge smoke screen, catching the Assassin by surprise. With that they jumped out the window, not without Frederica being injured by Elsa's throwing needles. Ram sent another El Fula while Rem sent a El Huma in the building causing an explosion. Once they got out, Subaru checked to see if everyone was there. To his relief he saw everyone was ok, save a few injuries that Frederica endured protecting Petra.
"Well Subaru what's the plan now?"
"It's obvious isn't it? We're going back in there to get Beatrice."
"Beatrice-sama can handle herself Barusu, you need not to worry."
"For now, our best chance is to escape."
Subaru was about to reply but Hikaru beat him to it. "Ram, look I get your point I really do but that crazy lady came here to kill everyone that means Beatrice as well. And I'll be damned to let anything happen to any of you, the same thing goes for Beatrice too."
"Nee-sama, though I do agree with your logic. I'm afraid that I'm against leaving Beatrice-sama as well."
With Ram losing the argument and her sister going against her as well, they all decided to go back inside to get Beatrice out. Frederica tore off her maid clothing, so that way she could use her transformation. Once she fully transformed, it was decided that Frederica would go fight Elsa while Ram, Rem, and Petra would go get the ground dragons ready. With Subaru and Hikaru going to try and get Beatrice out of the library.
Frederica went back in through the window they jumped out off, while Subaru and Hikaru ran through the doors. Once inside they began running through the halls trying to look for the right door to enter Beatrice's library. When Subaru was about to open the right door, he sensed a magic bullet charging right at him. Subaru quickly moved out of the way as he summoned the Demon Slayer Sword and looked towards the source.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me..."
In front of Subaru and Hikaru was a black portal with Mabeast coming out of it, along with the Midnight Sun member and a little girl with blue hair. Subaru recognized the little girl as one of the village kids as he looked on in shock.
"'re the kid from the village!"
"Ah! Onii-san, I really had fun when you played with us that day."
"Hold're a Mabeast user?!"
"I'm Meili Portroute."
The Midnight Sun member slowly took off his hood to reveal a man with grayish skin with gray hair. The man also had black lines across his eyes as well.
"Subaru! Be careful, he's part of a group called the Eye of the Midnight Sun."
"Eye of the Midnight Sun?"
"Yeah, apparently they're a group of rouge mages that go around hurting people. They're like the Witch Cult, but they don't worship a Witch and they have a different goal."
"I see, and they're apparently working with the Assassins."
"Who knows? They might also be working with the Witch's Cult as well."
With the Mabeast and the Midnight Sun member now named Valtos charging at them. The duo braced themselves for the upcoming battle that was going to take place right here.
"Spatial Magic: Myriad Black."
Black portals surrounded the duo as Subaru slashed and reflected the magic bullets that were shooting at them, some were able to graze him but thanks to his experience in the previous loop, he somewhat knew the pattern of his opponents attacks.
"Though I somewhat remember his attack patterns, one of them still got through!"
"This will go on forever...."
"Until you can't move anymore!" Valtos exclaimed, as he used his Myriad Black spell to send more magic bullets towards the duo. Subaru and Hikaru charged forward, Hikaru slashing the Mabeast while Subaru took care of the magic bullets. Though the fight was cut short as something came down from the ceiling, in fact something was charging at them from all directions. Hikaru couldn't react in time as something made contact with his right side, launching him through a wall and into another room. As Subaru felt something hitting him in his chest area, knocking the wind out of him as he was sent flying as the entire area of the mansion broke down.
When Subaru came to, the sight before him shook him to his very core. There were pieces and rubble of the mansion everywhere. That entire part of the mansion was demolished. Thanks to his extreme durability he somehow survived, but he was highly injured due to the damage he received when the mansion collapsed. Subaru got up and began walking through the hallway aimlessly, hoping to find someone that was still alive.
"W-What just...?"
Hikaru was feeling pain all over his body after getting flung through multiple walls, he couldn't even move. Using Reinforcement Magic to help him at least stand on his feet, he made his way out the room and into the hallway. As he was walking he sensed magic energy coming towards him so he quickly sidestepped the magic attack, and turned around only to see Valtos and Meili.
"Wow Onii-san! You're still alive after all of that?"
"Oh come one! You two again?"
"I must say, you and that Anti Magic boy are threats to Master Licht's plans so you need to be eliminated. And this time we will get the job done."
"Licht huh? Right the leader of the elves. But this doesn't make sense I thought the Eye of the Midnight Sun was defeated."
As he was thinking about all this, black portals surrounded Hikaru as magic bullets charged at him. Everything seemed to slow down for Hikaru as he stood there.
"Damn! My katana is broken, and my body hurts like hell! The only reason why I'm even standing right now is because of my reinforcement magic."
"At this rate I'll have no choice but to use my more powerful spells, if I want to get out of this."
Hikaru used his Elemental Magic, the element of choice being fire, covered his hands in flames as he pressed them on the ground.
"Flame Magic: Exploding Flames!"
A spiral of flames circled around him as the flames countered the magic bullets. As the spell died down, Hikaru looked at the two attackers with a cold look in his eyes.
"Well I'll be damned. Who knew I would have to use some of my advanced spells for something like this."
"I don't plan on taking you guys down anymore...all I care about now is burning you all alive!"
With that Hikaru charged at the two with his magic burning all the Mabeast that got in his way, all the while countering the magic bullets Valdos sent at him with his own.
Meanwhile with Subaru, was roaming the hallway as he came to a stop. Subaru was catching his breath as he heard a voice that would always send chills down his spine.
"Ah, you've finally found me!"
"Where's... Frederica?"
"You mean the big maid? Don't worry."
"She proved to be quite enjoyable."
"All right. Then at least tell me this, who sent you after us?"
"I don't speak of my clients, I do have that much courtesy at least."
"Though, since you came back sooner than expected, this didn't play out exactly as my directions specified."
"Not as... specified...?"
"Two maids and one shut-in..."
"It was supposed to be timed to you and that other boy's return."
"This is... enough..."
"True. I don't want Meili taking any more credit from me. So let's end this now."
"I'll send you to meet the angels."
"If I wasn't hurting all over right now, I would have summoned my Anti Magic swords or just used my Anti Magic energy. But that's not possible now."
Subaru readied himself as the 'Gut Hunter' slowly walked towards him, Subaru looked towards the door next to him as Elsa charged at him ready to cut his bowels open. Seeing this, Subaru made a run towards the door on his left and opened it quickly and closed it. And right before him was a little girl with twin drills sitting on her stool, with that same unimpressed look on her face.
"Why...Why did you save me?!"
Since he wasn't getting an answer. Subaru quickly turned around and tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge it was sealed shut. "Your motivation to leave is now gone, I suppose."
Beatrice walked over to Subaru to try and heal his hand, but Subaru retaliated and tried to push her away, only to end up crashing to the floor.
"Damn it! Why the hell are you trying to save me?"
Beatrice being the tsundere she is replied with.
"Because you look so pathetic I just can't bear the sight of you I suppose."
"Oh, there you go again looking down on whoever the hell you want! Be honest with yourself for once and tell me! Why would you save me of all people?!"
At this point Subaru was crying tears of pain and anguish.
"If you really wanted to save anyone then why didn't you saved them?! You know you could have done it!"
"Why in the world should I have to do that? There is no reason I can think of for me to leave this room and help anyone, I suppose."
Without intending it, Subaru's eyes turned red with his pupils replaced as slits as he shook in anger.
"Oh really...? Then why the hell did you make an exception for me?! Who asked you to save me because last time I checked I sure as hell didn't!"
Beatrice shook her head as Subaru kept talking.
"Do you have any idea what you done?! Everything might be ruined now because of you! Everything will be rewritten, and this horrible present will be set in stone!"
"You should have just killed me!"
"...I don't understand. I don't understand!"
"Fine then. If you're not going to help, then...."
Subaru walked over and kicked over Beatrice's small table, as he attempted to kill himself only for Beatrice to stop him by attempting to take away the broken glass of her tea cup from his hands. As the two were fighting over it, Subaru questioned why Beatrice was trying to stop him.
"I won't let you die here! I have no intention of letting you!"
"Let me go right now!"
Somehow Beatrice was able to grab the broken piece of broken glass as Subaru fell over and breathed heavily looking at Beatrice with his demonic eyes. Beatrice could stare in utter silence since she never seen that look on Subaru before. As Subaru laid there, he noticed a black book and had flashbacks to when he fought Petelgeuse.
"Why the hell... is that here?"
Beatrice grabbed the book and held it closely to her with a smile while Subaru's attention was now on Beatrice.
"Why? Why the hell are you holding THAT book like it's so precious to you?"
"That's not the same book the Witch Cultists had... is it?"
"It only looks like one, right?"
Subaru kept asking but Beatrice didn't answer him, she just kept hugging the book.
"Why aren't you denying it?"
"I haven't been commanded to answer that question."
"What's written in that book?"
"What's it telling you to do?"
"That question isn't in the book either, I suppose."
"Are you not allowed to do anything that's not written in the book?! Then why are you even talking to me right now?! Why did you save me from death's door?!"
"I don't know!"
"Are you saying you can't do anything that's not written in that book!?"
"Yes, I suppose! That's right."
"Everything I do is in accordance with the Gospel's guidance, I suppose! That is the meaning of my life! That is the purpose of my existence!"
"Did you try to save me because the book told you to? And when you saved me after I'd been cursed, and when you helped me when I couldn't even stand up?!"
"And when we goofed off, yelled at each other, acted like idiots together-"
"I told you!"
"Yes, that is why, I suppose!"
"Everything I've done, everything I've seen, everything I've said..."
"All of it was written in this book! As if you ever could have moved my heart on your own, I suppose! Don't be so full of yourself, human!"
Since Subaru didn't tell Beatrice that he isn't human anymore, she still thinks he is. Subaru kept silent as Beatrice kept talking.
"Everything I do is for Mother!"
"You are just ...You are just..."
"A human! A human! A human!" Subaru didn't even react, he felt sick. He's never felt this betrayed ever since he found out Rem was the one killing him. So he just laid there not moving at all. He heard the door open and to his horror it was Elsa.
"What a shame."
She went to go towards Beatrice but Subaru grabbed her leg. Since he was in no condition to fight, it was the only thing he could do.
Beatrice didn't even pay them no mind as she hugged the gospel.
"How wonderful. He truly cares about you." Elsa said as she turned towards him laughing sadistically and stabbed him in his gut, only then did Beatrice care and turned towards Subaru as she saw him dying.
The last thing Subaru saw was the look of pure horror and sadness on Beatrice's face as he closed his eyes, thus Subaru's life in that loop ended.
Hikaru was about to finish off Valdos and Meili until everything froze around him, and he was instantly back at the tomb with everyone else.
"We looped back again."
Thus the 3rd loop of the Sanctuary began.
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