Chapter 12.A Long Awaited Reunion
Subaru continued his morning in the past, as they attempted to eat some peas, even though no one in the family even liked them.
"So Mom, why on Earth would you cook us peas if not a single one of us likes them?"
"Wellllll, I thought that maybe if we ate a bunch of them, we'd begin to like them...or something like that."
Kenichi and Subaru could only sigh at the clueless woman standing before them.
The morning went on as Subaru felt something in the pit of his chest, when his father left to work and he was alone with his mother. He gazed at Naoko, who seemed to have sad pleading eyes with him. Subaru felt guilt, soul crushing guilt for making his mother look at him like that. Subaru could only head back to his room.
He was going to skip school again.
He could only stare at his clock, as it ticked away.
"Once it hits 8, I'll be late and there'll be no point in going..."
Subaru continued laying down on his bed, but the searing pain in his chest chest continued. Then voices he knew reached out to him.
"Annoyance, I suppose."
Subaru got out of bed and decided to venture out into the city. He walked around and saw places he could remember from his past. The park, the local restaurants and of course the convenience store he was too familiar with.
Then, he met up with his father when he was heading back home.
"Hey son!"
"Hey Dad."
The two walked back home together as they began having a conversation. Kenichi eventually got curious about his son's personal life.
"So, is there a girl you like?"
Subaru got quite red faced, but relented as he spoke about it.
"Well I...I have someone I like."
A silver brightness, was leading Natsuki Subaru by the hand
"And there's also, someone who told me they loved me, even in spite of what I am."
A warm, sky blue radiance, was tenderly pushing on Natsuki Subaru's back.
"What about friends?"
"Yeah, I got quite a few...including my new best friend."
"That's good to hear, I was always you'd end up as a loner surrounded by cats in his later years."
"It's not comforting to hear that at all!"
As Kenichi played around with Subaru, it finally hit him...the moment he had been summoned to the Parallel World, where his two new stars existed, where his new friends hailed from...he could never return.
His two parents would never know where their beloved son went, it was just the two of them and he had brought a new pain he could never remedy.
"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...Forgive me...Please."
"Despite all of that, I...I can't repay you for anything...I will, never see you again...I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry!"
Kenichi hugged his weeping son, whose tears never stopped falling, which made him have a tender smile on his face.
"Geez, you can still be a pain in the ass son you know..."
Outside of the Tomb everyone was waiting for Subaru and Emilia to come out as, Rem would be worried, Ram would be anxious, Garfiel would be getting more frustrated as he waited, and Hikaru was just sitting there with his eyes closed, waiting for them to finish.
"So what do you think about this place so far?"
"Well for starters, something is really wrong with this place, ever since we got here I had this bad feeling, and I can't shake it off either."
"Yeah, I don't blame you. That clown is really suspicious, it's as if he's planning all of this to happen. And the same thing goes for the pink maid too. They might be planning something that could get everyone killed if we're not careful so keep your guard up. Make sure you tell the same thing to the Devil boy with Anti Magic."
"Yeah. I'll make sure to warn Subaru, but what about Rem?"
"Well, she seems to suspect the clown and the pink maid. So my best guest is that she doesn't know about what their planning."
"I see, well I'll just have to ask her about it with Subaru present. Until then, I'll just wait until Subaru and Emilia come out."
The next morning Subaru was in his school outfit, intending to fulfill his promise to make his last day in the past as wish fulfilling for his parents as he could.
Naoko walked him out home as they chatted for a bit.
"So your father told me how you have some lady friends. Is that right?"
"Um, well, I um..."
"Ahahaha. Awww, my adorable son is finally experiencing the complexities of love huh?"
"Ehehe, letting two stars guide you is pretty tricky you know?"
"Well, for me, you and your father are my stars."
Subaru smiled at his mother's comment.
"So Subaru, your dad also tells me that you have a new best friend right?"
"And how is he? Does he go to your school?"
"No...I met him outside. He's actually older than me."
"How old?"
"Um...the same age as me I think."
"Ohhhhh, I see ."
"Yeah, he's a really cool guy, pretty serious at times, but he cares so much about people. He's a good person."
"I...want to be that kind of person. A person who can do anything he can for his friends and even total strangers."
Naoko was completely stunned by Subaru speaking so highly of a person. She could see she looked up to him.
"So your father has competition huh?"
"I like Dad a ton and I still look up to him. Buuuuuuut, this guy is way stronger than Dad, Mom, it's ridiculous."
"Really now?"
"He sounds like a really good man."
Naoko put on a cheerful smile as she looked at Subaru as he began to walk away. But as he was about to walk away, he turned around and gave Naoko one last hug.
"I wish I could start this all over."
Naoko cupped her dear sons face as she looked at him as tender as ever.
"What's important isn't the beginning. It's the end."
She smiled and nodded at Subaru. Subaru quietly agreed and waved his mother goodbye, with small tear droplets forming in the corner of his eyes.
Subaru made it to his classroom and found no one inside, even though he was so late.
"Ah, I see you have arrived finally! In all that time spent facing your past, have you learned anything?"
"Ah! Echidna, long time no see."
"Y-You remember me?"
"Yeah of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"
"The spell should've worked on him, but it didn't. Very interesting indeed Natsuki Subaru."
Subaru and Echidna talked some more until Subaru asked about the trials since he still didn't completely understand how they worked.
"One last thing before I go, this entire Trial...?"
"Well it's mostly viewing through your memories and seeing the past that needs to be conquered. And to face one's past, and how to come to some kind of answer about that past. If they are afraid of finding the answer, loathing it, or hesitating and at their wit's end, then the Trials could never be overcome. However, if they could accept their past, or if they could deny it completely and sever themselves from it, then I would see them off with my praises. That, is the first of the Trials."
"Ah! Sorry about that, I seem to have gone a bit overboard on that one."
Subaru shook his head letting the Witch know he didn't mind at all, but had a question.
"So this world here?"
"Ah, that's right. This is a fabricated world created based on your memories, meant to be an extremely faithful reconstruction of reality. Which means, of course...your real parents still have no idea where you are or what you're doing, and must be worried to no end about their son, who had simply disappeared."
"It was just too ideal, and to convenient...don't you think?"
"Don't belittle my parents, Witch."
Echidna seemed astonished to what Subaru said at this point, as Subaru placed his hands on a desk as he faced Echidna head on.
"I've already told them all of my answers. And my Mom and Dad both received it. I've told them everything that I was never able to say, and they told me to give it my best, and then wished me on a safe journey."
"Their voices, their smiles, everything from those moments shattered my imaginations. My parents, are not some empty casks that can be filled with my fantasies. Don't you underestimate them!"
Echidna seemed to shake her head as if slightly accepting defeat as she congratulated Subaru on successfully passing the first trial. He began to disappear from the fantasy as he looked at Echidna one last time...and bowed his head.
"Even if it didn't really happen, and my words didn't really reach those two, I was able to say the things I wanted to say thanks to you. Even if it was because of your crappy-gossip-deprived curiosity, I was able to see the people I thought I would never see again, and say my goodbyes. So thank you."
"...You're a human I can't understand at all, it's very fascinating. It's almost frightening, in fact."
"Hehe, let me correct you on one thing you said Echidna..."
Subaru said as he turned around with his eyes now red with pupils replaced as slits.
"I'm no human...I'M A DEVIL!
With that Subaru faded away from the fantasy world around him, leaving Echidna shocked at the revelation.
Echidna got up from her chair as five other shadows were standing behind her.
"Hmmmmmmm...a Devil huh? I heard of Demons but not Devils."
"A young man snared by Satella, and he's a completely different race I've never seen nor heard about. That boy is oh so...interesting!"
Echidna blushed madly at the sheer thought of it all.
Subaru woke up on the floor still inside the Tomb, he began to hear Emilia whimper and cry so he began moving her. He grabbed her as she trembled in his arms.
"It's okay Emilia...I'm here."
"I didn't recognize...any of it...I don't know!"
Subaru could tell Emilia was really doing really bad and had no choice but to carry her out. Since he was a lot more muscular and physically stronger in all categories thanks to his new body, picking Emilia up bridal style wasn't hard at all.
Once the two made it outside the Tomb Rem instantly ran up to Subaru to make sure he was okay. Once Emilia calmed down, the group went back to her housing to discuss the current events.
With that the group made their way back to Emilia's housing...unaware of Garfiel staring at the backs of Subaru and Hikaru, with a menacing look.
The next morning, after letting Emilia get some rest, they all discussed on what had happened.
"So it looks like I passed the first trial."
Everyone just stared wide eyed at Subaru.
"...I don't understand?"
Otto raised his hand to make himself known.
"I thought Garfiel said that only those with qualifications could take the Trials? How did you do it?"
"Obviously, I'm the main protagonist of this story, so I get all the perks."
"And my role in this story?"
"...An expendable side character."
"Oh my gosh, what sort of unlucky role is that?"
Subaru pulled out a thumbs up as he smiled at Otto.
"The role fate has given you since the moment we met!"
"Wah! Fate is such a harsh infallible mistress!"
"You said it!"
Subaru made mocking gestures at Otto as he continued complaining.
Emilia seemed confused about the whole thing as Subaru spoke up again.
"So in other words, me and Emilia are the only other people here that can take the Trials. Other than my well...incident, I felt like I still had some energy left."
"Then from what we can tell, the only ones here who can take the Trials are Subaru and Emilia, since they're the only ones here with the qualifications."
The day had gone by with everyone preparing for the night and Emilia's trial.
When the time came and Emilia took her trial...she came running out, crying into Subaru's arms.
She had failed once again.
Subaru helped her to bed as she peacefully rested.
"Subaru...could you hold my hand? It'll help me fall asleep."
"Sure Emilia-tan, anything you want."
Subaru held her hand as she began to relax, Subaru went further and gently brushed her hair with his free hand.
She let out a quiet gasp...but she still smiled as she drifted into a slumber.
Subaru exited the room and saw Hikaru leaning on a wall with his arms crossed.
"How is she?"
"Asleep...but, she's really shook up."
Hikaru and Subaru pondered on what in the world they could to help Emilia. Both of them hated seeing her in so much turmoil over her past. It was decided that more information would be needed in order to get some things straight in order.
Tomorrow Subaru would speak with Lewes, and Hikaru would investigate the Sanctuary.
Until then Subaru and Hikaru decided to head out to their training spot to continue their training. Subaru and Hikaru got into their battle positions and charged at each other. Subaru went for a right punch to the face as Hikaru blocked it and grabbed Subaru's other hand as he flipped him over.
Subaru saw this coming and planted his feet on the ground to stop the momentum. Subaru quickly punched his Hikaru in the stomach forcing him back a few feet.
"Well I see you improved with your Ki-sensing and your hand to hand combat."
"Well what I can I say? I learned from the best."
"So should we move on to swordsmanship?"
Hikaru unsheathed his katana and got into position.
"Yeah I'll show you how much I improved right here right now."
Subaru summoned the Demon Dweller Sword and got into his position.
After a moment of silence, both Hikaru and Subaru charged at each other dodging and swinging each other's blows. Hikaru decided to go for a downwards slash as Subaru sidestepped to the left, once he regained his footing Subaru noticed Hikaru was nowhere to be found.
"W-What the hell? Where'd he go?"
Subaru suddenly sensed someone behind him and quickly blocked a slash from Hikaru.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to get more serious."
Just as Hikaru said that he sent Subaru flying, as Subaru quickly recovered he realized he was getting more faster and a lot more quicker with his reflexes.
"All right Subaru. Can you keep going? Or are you too tired?"
"Yeah I can keep going. I just realized that I'm getting a lot more faster, so lets keep going!"
And with that Subaru and Hikaru charged towards each other trading blow for blow for the rest of the day.
Meanwhile at the Mathers Mansion two assassins were hiding in the shadows, getting ready to attack.
"Ara ara, I wonder what their insides will look like."
Unknown to Subaru and Hikaru, the Mansion was about to be under attacked as a gut loving killer and a little girl carrying a puppy were already there, waiting for their time to strike.
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