Reincarnation And a New World

It was a normal night in Japan, at this time most people would be asleep but except one person. This 7-year old boy was wearing a certain tracksuit that seemed to be a trademark to his family's name. This young boy was none other than Natsuki Subaru. Tonight wasn't any normal night, tonight was a special night for the young boy, for tonight was where a celestial event in which a number of meteors are observed to radiate.

Subaru always loved looking at the stars, it was almost as if something was calling him towards them. As of now, Subaru was just in his backyard, laying on the grass and watching the stars from above.

"Whoah..." he awed at the sight of the meteors falling out the sky.

He sat there admiring the view until he noticed a shooting star. He remembered what his parents told him about shooting stars and that if you made a wish it would come true.

So the boy quickly put his hands together, got on his knees and placed his hands together in a praying motion as he said his wish.

"I wish...that one day, I'll be someone important. Someone that helps others... someone that others can look up to. I wish that one day, that one day I'll be a hero!"

Once he was done with his wish he got up and started walking back to the entrance of his home, unknown to the boy, was that very wish would come true and would allow Subaru to learn the truth of himself and become the very thing he wished to be, a hero.

That same shooting star suddenly came crashing down towards the boy as it was getting faster and faster the more closer it got to the ground. When Subaru turned around,  he widened his eyes in shock as he witnessed a meteor charging right at him. 

"W-What the-?!"

In a last ditch effort he tried to run, but he tripped and fell, before he could even get back up on his feet, everything went black.

Before he knew it, the meteor already made contact with him and knocked him out due to the force and impact of the landing. The meteor had a light yellow glow to it, with tiny stars shooting out of it. The light and the tiny stars then began to merge with Subaru, permanently becoming one with him. His appearance then started to change.

His hair suddenly had four pink highlights, his cheeks having a now small permanent blush, the black on his tracksuit changed from black to pink with the orange lines becoming yellow, on the back of his tracksuit, a big yellow star appeared and made itself known. And his normal black and  orange shoes became red and white.

Inside his subconscious mind, Subaru saw some very unfamiliar things. He saw something that looked like a pink puffball running around what seemed to be a field called dreamland that was part of a plane named Popstar. The pink puffball was inhaling objects and spitting them out, and riding a star. The creature seemed familiar to Subaru but he couldn't put his finger on it.

He saw everything that has happened to the puffball, starting off with fighting a penguin-like being wielding a giant hammer named King Dedede because he stole a bunch of food. To fighting a dark wizard donned in a spinning tornado like robe with something called the star rod, fighting a being named Dark Matter that terrorized Popstar by stealing the rainbow bridges that connected the rainbow islands of dreamland and taking control of King Dedede where the sinister being hid himself away in Dark Castle, plotting a future of darkness for Dream Land. Luckily the puffball was able to collect items called rainbow drops that later on formed a weapon called the rainbow sword and later on defeats Dark Matter.

And later on dealt with the same being that broke through the rings of Planet Popstar to get to the surface, and possessed King Dedede again as well as possessing the planets inhabitants. But the puffball once again defeated the being by collecting the heart pieces of each area of the planet and later on fighting the true mastermind named "Zero" and defeating the said being with something called the Love-Love Stick.

But this wouldn't be the end of Dark Matter as this would be the third time where the puffball had to save a planet from the said being. Rather than taking control of Planet Popstar, Dark Matter invades the equally peaceful home world of the Fairies, Ripple Star.

Since Dark Matter's first priority on Ripple Star is the destruction of the Crystal in Ripple Star's palace, it is apparent that Dark Matter knows the Crystal presents at least a credible threat to the plans in motion. The puffball ended so helping a fairy named ribbon collect all 74 shards of the said crystal.

Soon the fully reformed Crystal ended up blasting the Fairy Queen with a beam of light, knocking her unconscious and revealing that she was being possessed by a massive concentration of Dark Matter or the real mastermind Zero 2, which was similar to Zero but it had a halo and wings. With the help of Ribbon Kirby was able to defeat the being with a crystal gun and save ripple star.

From that point on, Subaru saw every memory that occurred, from those three moments to a lot more. The last one ended with an explosion with the puffball and his allies trying to escape, Subaru however woke up in a sweat. Taking a look of his surroundings, he seemed to be in his room.

"W-What happened...?" My memory is fuzzy but all I remember is getting hit by something,  and having a weird dream." said the very confused boy as he got up from his bed and walked to the bathroom. Upon seeing his reflection in the mirror he screamed.

"AHHHHHHH! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FACE?! M-MY HAIR?! AND MY EYES?!" Screamed the very confused boy as he checked himself up and down.

"Wait a second..." The realization came and hit Subaru like a brick.  The stuff that happened during the meteor shower was indeed not a dream. 

Subaru then ran to his room. So he could calm himself down and figure out just what the hell was happening to him. He sat on his bed with his hands placed on his forehead as he began to retell the events that transpired the other night to himself.

"Ok, So I got hit by a meteor. And I apparently wet through some physical changes. And while I was unconscious, I saw what seemed to be memories of someone, and I woke up shortly after in my room, meaning mom and dad must have brought me have."

Them more Subaru contemplated the more things he was starting to connect. That pink puffball seemed more familiar to him then anything...

That pink puffball was none other then...

"KIRBY! I REMEMBER NOW IT'S KIRBY!" Subaru screamed as the realization hit him.

He then walked back to the bathroom to look at his physical appearance again. Pink highlights in his hair, small pink blushes on his cheeks, his pupils looked the same, but he had stars behind them. And when he looked at his tracksuit, its colors changed. The black changed from black to pink. And the orange changed from orange to yellow. And when he turned around, there was a big yellow star that was on the back of his tracksuit.

"Holy crap..."

Subaru didn't want to believe it, it was just too unbelievable. But here he was, standing in the mirror with a new permanent appearance to his body and clothes. He then realized that the memories he saw, were his, they were memories he forgotten until what happened with the meteor. And there was no denying it, Subaru was indeed Kirby and still is Kirby through reincarnation, so in other words, Subaru is Kirby. He received memories of his past life, and he seems to be going through some changes at the moment. His appearance said it all. But now he wanted to discover and unlock more of his powers, but that would have to wait.

The reincarnation of Natsuki Subaru or Kirby, was complete. For this was the day, where everything for the young boy would change. Whenever his parents woke up,  he would have to keep the part about him being the reincarnation of Kirby a secret, he wouldn't want to burden them. And he was sure they wouldn't believe something as ridiculous as that.

When his parents woke up, they immediately ran to Subaru's room to check on him. When they saw him awake, they ran up to him and hugged him. Making sure if he was alright, after they came home and saw unconscious next to a meteor, they feared the worst.

Subaru replied saying that he was fine, and truth be told he did feel fine.

'Did the inside of my body change as well?'
Subaru thought to himself as he felt completely fine as if nothing happened. He must've developed a healing factor of some sort.

As time went on for the young boy, he discovered that along with his changes, he developed some physical capabilities that were beyond human standards. One time when he was sick and his mother brought him some food to eat, he was so hungry that he ended up inhaling the food, much to his shock. Along with that he discovered that he has a really big appetite, something he never had until the whole meteor and discovering he was reincarnated thing.

During school he got into a fight trying to protect a kid from the local bully, everyone thought Subaru would lose but to their surprise and his, Subaru completely demolished the bully, it was even more shocking since the bully was way bigger then him. Because of that, Subaru became friends with the boy that was being bullied.

Another moment was during gym class where Subaru and his classmates were doing the long jump exorcise. Subaru surprised the class and his gym teacher when he ran faster and jumped further and higher then the rest of them, which surprised Subaru himself. Subaru was known as a really cheerful and good kid, he would help anyone any chance he had although some of the students never liked him for it. However, some things happened and Subaru ended up getting homeschooled.

Three years later, when Subaru was 10, he discovered parkour. He decided to give it a try so whenever he had the chance he would try to jump from building to building. He had a few trials and errors which is where he discovered the next ability which he immediately recognized as the float ability he had as his time as Kirby. Except instead of inflating himself, he was kicking off of the air.

He also discovered that his flip phone also went through a change as it was now pink but kept its original color in some areas, as well as having a star on its antenna. It still had his parents and friends contacts but the phone also had some upgrades to as Subaru could literally call his means of transportation which Subaru remembered as his time as Kirby to be the warp star. But he never called it because it would bring to much attention to himself and people would find it weird to see a human riding a star.

Four years later, Subaru was now 14 as he was leaving his house to go to the store, as his mom requested him to get groceries. The boy was now at the door getting ready to leave, but before he did, he gave him mom a hug saying how much he loved her and his father.

"Alright I'll be off then!" said Subaru as he waved off to his mother. With her replying for him to be safe.

As Subaru ran to the nearest grocery store, he bought everything that were on the list his mother gave him, being things like green onions, tomatoes, eggs, flour, baking powder, etc. Once he bought all the things he needed, he ran back towards his home, Unaware that after today, he wouldn't be able to see his parents for quite a while.

He gave the groceries to his mother as she thanked him. And soon after gave him permission to go the convenience store to buy whatever he wanted, due to how he helped out with the groceries.


"Well of course, after all it is your reward for helping out your father and I with the chores, but make sure to be back by midnight ok?"

"Ok!" said Subaru as he ran back out the house and towards the convenience store. Once he entered, the stores owner happily greeted him.

"Oh! Hey Subaru!" Said the store owner as he smiled at the boy.

"Hi mister!" replied Subaru as he made his way towards the counter.

"So the usual?"

"Yep! A cup of ramen, a soda, some candy and a lollipop, and chips!"

"Haha! You got it."

Once Subaru payed for his items. He said goodbye to the store owner and left the building. As Subaru was in the drive through, he watched a car drive by as he suddenly felt the need to close and rub his eyes.

Once he opened them, he stood in shocked silence, he was surrounded by a crowd of animal looking people with giant lizards pulling carriages. Everything looked medieval to say the least. Once Subaru registered what happened, he uttered the only words that could come out his mouth.

"W-Where am I...?"

For Subaru was no longer in Japan, he was transported to the Capital of Lugunica. This is where the story of Natsuki Subaru, the reincarnation of Kirby officially began. This is the story of Natsuki Subaru:Hero of the Stars.

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