Encountering a Theif

"Where...Where am I?" The confused boy asked as he looked around his new surroundings. At the moment Subaru was in a state of shock as he was literally transported to a different place in a short amount of time. Although this stuff has happened to him before as his time as Kirby, he just didn't really expect it to happen again.

"Ok, Ok... calm down... I'll just explore the place and see where I am. It's always good to get information." The curious yet confused boy began exploring the streets. Everything around him was completely new to him, there were different species, different from the ones he's seen from Popstar. And the architecture of the place pretty much screamed "medieval times".

'So this is a completely different place. It's either I was brought through time or flung to a different world, if that's the case, then how did I get here? And how do I get home-?' The boy thought to himself as he heard a voice that cut him off from his thoughts.

"A thief! Someone help! A thief!"

The young boy turned towards the voice that screamed. The voice came from a woman with brown hair near an apple stand with an man with green hair and beard helping her stand. Seeing this prompted Subaru to run towards the two to see if they were alright, he may have been reincarnated but his personality, memories and experience as the pink puffball never changed.

"Miss! Are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine dear, just caught by surprise is all." The woman reassured the boy that ran to her that she was ok. But the man that was currently supporting her gave Subaru a skeptical look as he was wearing clothes he's never seen before.

"Hey kid! Are you a traveler or something?"

"Well actually yeah! I'm not from here actually... anyway, miss I overheard you screaming about a thief. Did they steal anything?"

The boy asked, prompting the woman to put her attention back to what she had stolen from her as she answered the question.

"Yes, they stole my purse which had all my money and savings in there. I was talking to my husband right here until I felt a strong wind blow past me... next thing I knew, my purse was gone."

"Did you see what the the thief looked like?" The boy asked again.

"Well, the thief had blond hair, that's all I can say."

"I see, it's fine. I'm sure the thief couldn't have gotten that far-!"

The boy quickly rolled out the way of an incoming breeze as the man and woman were shocked and confused about the sudden breeze.

Subaru turned to the culprit, only to see someone with the features that the woman he questioned described. The thief had blond hair, red eyes, and in it's hands was a brown purse. And from the looks of it, the thief was a indeed a young girl, she looked even younger then him.

"That's the one! The thief that stole my purse!" The woman screamed as the group were surrounded by a swarm of people that came to see what all the commotion was about.

Hearing the woman's claim further convinced Subaru that this girl was the thief. Before he could even say anything the girl made a "tsk" sound and bolted towards the opposite direction.

Subaru quickly snapped out of his shocked state and began running after the blond thief. Not before turning back to the women and claiming,

"Don't worry miss! I'll get your stuff back, I promise!"

The boy exclaimed running after the thief, leaving the woman and the man as they looked at the direction the boy ran.

"What a weird kid..." the man said as he went back to helping his wife.
We now cut to Subaru as he began chasing the blond thief through the busy streets. This entire situation reminded him of the Squeaks. A infamous group of treasure-thieving mice that stole his cake, and made him go on a journey that took him all over Dream Land.

Eventually he ended up fighting the leader of the Squeaks, Daroach at least twice due to how a dark cloud that came from a chest and pretty much possessed him, and Daroach became Dark Daroach.

Once beaten, the dark cloud let go of the Squeak's leader and floats away in the form of a small, black-colored star. He then followed the star to a crystalline arena, where the black star transforms into its true form: Dark Nebula, ruler of the underworld and a specimen of one of his old enemies, Dark Matter.

Thinking about that situation, made him get shivers down his spine as he began to wonder how Popstar was doing as it's probably been decades or eons since he's been there.

'Man I really hope a situation like that never happens in this world.'  The boy thought to himself, after all, he may have been naive as well as a child but he's fought deities and beings that could easily wipe out or destroy the galaxy or the universe, multiverse even. So if one of his old foes were to appear here, it would be really bad.

The thief then took a right turn into an alleyway with Subaru following close behind. The blond thief then jumped wall to wall and began running on the roofs. Now normally, Subaru or a normal human would be stuck on what to do or just give up at this current predicament. But Subaru is not a normal human. After all he's Kirby reincarnated. He just has yet to unlock his full abilities but was able to unlock them and train them enough to use them to their capabilities.

"Heh! This is nothing to me!" The boy exclaimed as he jumped and kicked off the air and landed on the roof the blond landed on and ran after the thief.

The thief then turned around only to be shocked, seeing Subaru right behind her.

'Jeez! How persistent is he?!'

The thief then decided she had enough as she suddenly boosted way ahead of him catching the boy by surprise.

"Whoah! Whoah! Hold on a second." The boy came to a stop as he nearly tripped and fell off a building.

Subaru was going to continue his pursuit after the blond but was once again, cut off as he heard a scream below him?


When Subaru looked down he saw a woman being harassed by a common thug with a knife in his hand.

"Give me everything you got right now! Before I stab your ass!!

"I-I don't have any money on me right now...!" The woman replied as she looked on in terror as the thug's face contorted into one of anger before screaming.

"Well, then I guess you can just pay with your life!" The thug thrust the knife towards the woman as she screamed and closed her eyes.


But the knife never made contact.

"H-Huh?" the woman uttered as she opened her eyes only to see a small boy in front of her standing on the thug that was now unconscious.

"That should teach him a thing or two! Honestly, is threatening to kill people a common thing in this world or something?" the boy wondered out loud.

The lady simply stayed shocked in silence, she couldn't believe it but no matter how much she looked at the scene in front of her...this boy had to be the one that knocked the thug out.

The boy suddenly turned towards her and asked.

"Are you okay miss?"

The woman took a moment to recompose herself as she was surprised how a small child could do something like that.

"Y-Yes...I'm alright young man."

Hearing this, Subaru smiled as he replied.

"Well, I'm glad I could help! Anyway, I gotta get going, have a nice day ma'am!"

The woman tried to call out to the boy but he was already gone. After that whole situation,  the child continued his way following the thief that stole that ladies' purse. Luckily he was able to remember the way that blond thief was going before he stopped to help out the woman being harassed by that thug.

He simply jumped from building to building and ran all the way to slums on foot, which didn't really take any effort at all. He was a bit out of breath though, which told him that he needed to train his body again if he wanted to use the abilities that he could use in his past life again to their max abilities, sure he was stronger than the average kid, as he could take out a grown adult.

But that didn't mean he wouldn't get his ass kicked to the curb if he wasn't careful. Shaking those thoughts away, Subaru looked around to see if he could find the blond thief. Taking a look at his surroundings he could see everything in a poor state, and some children looking malnourished as well.

He continued his way around the slums until he saw a random person and asked.

"Hey Mister! Have you seen a girl with blond hair?"

"Hm? Blond Hair? Well the only person that comes to mind is Felt, she went to Old Man Ron's loot house not too long ago." The man stated as he pointed to the direction of where the Loot House was currently located.

"I see, thanks Mister!" Subaru thanked the man as he ran off.

"No problem kid! And live strong!"

The fourteen year old boy finally made it a big house as he knocked on the door and waited patiently for the door to open. Soon enough, he was met with the face of the blond thief that he was chasing earlier.

"W-What the hell?! How persistent are you?!" The blond thief stated as she jumped back a fair distance away from Subaru and the door.

Subaru soon walked in as he came across a giant who's size was comparable to that of King DeDeDe standing behind the blond thief as the thief herself had a small dagger in her hand.

"Huh? Who are you kid?" The big giant asked the fourteen year old.


"He's the guy I saw at the capital, the one I told you about! I already told you to just give it up already!"  The thief  yelled as she charged towards Subaru, as Subaru got into a defensive position.

"Take this!"

She swung the dagger horizontally left, as Subaru dodged it by jumping backwards. She then swung again, only for Subaru to dodge it again as he laid on floor.

"Rrrrggh! Stand still damn it!" The blond thief then swung the dagger in a downwards position.

Subaru quickly used his hands to push himself off the ground as he sprung the lower part of his body upwards, using his left foot to kick the dagger out of the blond thief's hand.

The thief's face contorted to one of shock and surprise.


But she couldn't finish her sentence as she fell limp as Subaru chopped the side of thief's neck with his hand. As he caught the thief, he managed to get a good look at the thief's features. He saw that the thief was a girl, and she looked to be at least 12-13.

Before he could do anything, he had to dodge an oncoming strike from the old giant that was swinging his club downward.

"Whoah?! W-Wait a second mister, I only came here for-!"

"Shut yer mouth you damn brat!" Old Man Rom screamed as he swung the club again, horizontally.

The fourteen year old boy quickly reacted as he jumped over the swing, this in turn resulted in the table and that has a few objects fly off of it.

The moment Subaru landed, a few medium sized stars landed next to him. He looked at the stars in shock.


Subaru recognized those stars from his time as Kirby to be stars that enemies would drop after they attacked, which allowed him to inhale those stars and spit them out. Now the real question was how they were appearing here now?

Of course, he didn't question it as he didn't have time to waste as he opened his mouth and inhaled the stars, there were three in total.

The moment he did that, his cheeks were stuffed as he dodged another attack from the club the old man was swinging around. Subaru landed on the table as the old giant ran towards him and swung the club again as Subaru jumped into the air to dodge it again, destroying the table Subaru was standing on.


Old Man Rom then quickly noticed that Subaru was nowhere in his vision. As he looked around his surroundings to find the boy.


Subaru thought to himself as he spat out the stars he inhaled. And due to that fact that he inhaled three stars...


The attack made contact with the old giant as it collided with his head.


Old Man Rom recoiled in pain as his eyes whitened out as he feel over on the floor, completely knocked out from the attack Subaru landed on him.

As Subaru landed on the ground, he felt accomplished, he felt pride in beating his opponents so...

He did a victory dance as he moonwalked and did a few flips over the unconscious bodies of the blond thief girl, and Old Man Rom.

Once he was done with that, he looked around to see if he could find what he came for. He checked the blond thief girl's body and indeed found the purse that belonged to the woman back at the capital. Once he grabbed the purse he made his way back towards the door and stopped at the entrance and looked back at the two unconscious people.

"Hopefully next time whenever we meet. It'll be on friendly terms and not end like it did now."

With that out of the way, he walked out the Loot House as he looked up at the sky, the sun was currently setting and it was about to be night soon.

"Hm...let's see...if I want to get back to the capital quickly, I guess I'll need to use my Warp Star."

Subaru pulled out his phone as he pressed on the Warp Star icon and then placed it on his ear as he began calling it. And in a matter of seconds, a glowing yellow star made it's way towards the child as it skidded to a stop and floated in front of him.

He then smiled.

"It's been such a long time since I road the Warp Star..."

And he wasn't wrong, it has been who knows how long since he's been on the warp star road it. He quickly hopped on it as it flew off in the distance, instantly leaving the slums as it made it's way back to the capital.

"The breeze feels nice, wait...now that I think about it, the Warp Star is forged of my own energy, so while it is delicate, if it was destroyed, then I could easily make a new one. Which kinda makes the cell phone kinda useless...

Nah...there were some other important things in the phone that he didn't notice yet. He also had some snacks in his bag that he hasn't eaten yet either, but he would eat those later, especially the lollipop. It would be important later on, he had a good feeling.

He quickly made his way back to the capital as the bystanders stared in shock and awe. Because for starters, they never seen a kid use magic like that before, let alone actually riding a star.

"Whoah! Is that a giant star?"

"That's some very impressive magic right there!"

"Is that kid a great spirit?! I mean, there has never been magic like THAT before!"

"He probably is a great spirit..."

"No way! It's probably the kids' divine blessing or something!"

All these murmurs didn't bother Subaru, if anything he wasn't listening, because currently, he was landing right in front of the woman that was robbed earlier as well as the man that ran the apple vendor.

"K-Kid...you actually-!"

"Of course I did! I promised to get your wife's bag and return it to her!" Subaru replied as he smiled.

"Anyway, here you go miss!"

The boy handed the bag back towards the woman as she checked the contents of the bag. Seeing everything in there, she smiled and looked at the smiling boy in front of her.

"Thank you...Thank you so much! Is there anyway we can repay you?"

"Hmmm...actually, yeah! Could you tell me where I am currently?"

"Um...yeah." The woman replied as she was kinda shocked that he didn't know where he was.

She told Subaru everything, about the Kingdom of Lugunica and about how he was currently in the capital.

Taking the information in, Subaru nodded his head as he thanked the woman and hopped back on his Warp Star,  but before he flew off, the woman called out to him again.

"Wait! What is your name?"

"Oh? My name is Subaru Natsuki! Or you can just call me Kirby as a nickname! Anyway, it was nice meeting you miss!"

"Mhm! You take care of yourself, and thank you for getting my purse back!"

Subaru responded with a wave as he quickly flew out of the capital and far off into the distance. He already had a chaotic first adventure, but now he wanted to learn more of Lugunica, of course he didn't know where he was going, but all he knew was that whatever his next destination was, then it would all be in the hands of Fate,  Subaru braced himself as he had a determined smile as he flew off in the far into the distance, not knowing what the near future would hold.



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