

As soon as Arata arrived in the classroom, he saw that he was the first to arrive from lunch.

Arata: {It seems like I arrived first. I'll take this time to check the System Store.}

He thinks, soon going to sit in his seat and opening the Store tab soon after.

He had unlocked the System Store some time ago. But as he wanted to gradually strengthen himself, and there were many Jutsus that used up too much Chakra for him, he chose not to spend too much in the System Store.

Time Break – A Few Hours Later

Sakura: He's late.

She said, sitting at the end of a table. While Naruko looked outside the room, trying to find her Jounin sensei.

Sakura: Naruko, why don't you sit down and be quiet?

Naruko: But why, of all the teachers, is only our 7th group late?

She asks.

Naruko: All the other groups are somewhere with their new teachers, and... Iruka-sensei is already home!

Arata: {That's true.}

Sakura: It doesn't matter.

It was then that Naruko took a stool, from I don't know where, and placed one of the blackboard erasers above the door, so that it would fall on the head of whoever was next to enter. With her getting scolded by Sakura.

Naruko: It's all his fault if he's late.

She then gets off the stool.

Sakura: And it'll be your fault if you get us into trouble.

She said, but inside she was loving the situation.

Sayuri: Pfft... A Jounin wouldn't fall for such an old and stupid trick like that.

Arata: {That's what you think.}

Sakura: Yeah! Naruko, you really are an idiot...

Suddenly, a hand entered the classroom, making the four of them gasp.

The door opened and the eraser fell onto a spiky-haired ninja with a mask covering his mouth and a forehead protector covering his left eye. This was Kakashi Hatake, the "Copy Ninja".

Sakura and Sayuri were perplexed that a Jounin had been caught for such a silly trick. While Arata was holding back, a lot, to not laugh. Unlike Naruko who, well...

Naruko: *Laughing* He fell! He fell!

Kakashi didn't say anything.

Sakura: *To Kakashi* I'm sorry, Sensei, I tried to stop her, but Naruko-chan didn't listen to me...

She said, while inside she celebrated that he had fallen for the trick.

Sayuri: {Really? Is he really a Jounin?}

Kakashi slowly picked up the eraser from the floor.

Kakashi: Um. How should I say... My first impression is... I hate you guys.

This left the four Gennins somewhat depressed.

Time Break – A Few Minutes Later

The four Gennins and the Jounin were on the roof of the Academy.

Arata and Sayuri sat next to each other, while Sakura and Naruko sat in front of them.

Kakashi: *To the Gennins* Let's see, why don't you start by introducing yourselves?

Sakura: Introducing ourselves? What should we say?

Kakashi: What do you like, hate, your dreams, and hobbies. Something like that.

Naruko: Hey, hey. Why don't you introduce yourself first, Sensei?

Kakashi: Me? My name is Kakashi Hatake.

Arata: {It's been a while since I last saw him.}

Kakashi: I have no intention of telling you what I like or don't like.

Sakura/Naruko: Huh?

Kakashi: And my dream... I have few hobbies.

Arata: *Rolling eyes* Wow, that helps.

Sakura: *To Naruko and Arata* Yes, that was completely useless. All we found out was your name.

Kakashi: Now it's your turn. *To Naruko* You first.

Naruko: I am Naruko Uzumaki. I like ramen. But what I really like is Ichiraku's ramen that Iruka-Sensei gives me. I hate the 3 minutes I have to wait after putting the hot water on. My hobby is eating and comparing ramen. And my dream is to become better than the Hokages! I will make all the inhabitants recognize me.

Kakashi: {I see she's grown up in a very interesting way.}

Arata smiled at Naruko.

Kakashi: *To Sakura* Okay, next one.

Sakura: I'm Sakura Haruno. I like... well, the person I like is... *Looks at Arata* My hobby is... *Laughs* Well, my dream is... *Looks at Arata; Screams*

Kakashi: And? What do you hate?

Sakura: Naruko.

Naruko screamed with tears in her eyes.

Arata: {Well... that was ridiculous.}

Kakashi: {Some girls at this age are more interested in love than ninja training.}

Kakashi: *To Sayuri* You.

Sayuri: My name is Sayuri Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and there aren't many things I like, except Arata.

She said, blushing slightly at the end. But soon recovering.

Arata: {She looked a little emo just now.}

Sayuri: My hobbies are probably hanging out with Arata, I think. And, I have an ambition that I have no intention of leaving as just a dream. The return of my Clan, and of... killing a certain person.

Arata looked at the ground, while everyone else looked at Sayuri.

Naruko: *Scared* {I hope she's not talking about me.}

Sakura: {Sayuri-chan is so cool.}

Kakashi: {Just as I thought...}

Kakashi: *To Arata* The last one now.

Arata: *Smiles* My name is Arata Uchiha. I like eating and hanging out with Sayuri. I hate annoying people and bullies. My hobby is sleeping and training. My dream is to help Sayuri with her dream, and also to become the best ninja I can.

Kakashi: {He hasn't changed one bit. I bet he doesn't even remember that I was the one who found him in the forest that day...}

Flashback On

Kakashi was in the forest, heading back to the village, when suddenly, he saw a figure lying on the ground.

He landed next to the figure and saw that it was a black-haired boy around 9 years old.

Kakashi: *Confused* What is a boy like that doing here?

He quickly picked up the sleeping or unconscious boy and ran back to the village.

Kakashi went to the Hokage and showed the boy to him.

Hiruzen: *To Kakashi* You said you found this boy alone in the forest?

Kakashi: Yes.

Hiruzen: What was he doing out there?

The boy suddenly groaned. He opened his black eyes and looked around.

Boy: Where am I?

Hiruzen: Don't be afraid, my boy. You are in good hands.

Boy: Who are you?

Hiruzen: I am the Hokage of Konohagakure.

He said.

Hiruzen: If I may ask, what is your name?

Boy: My name is Arata.

Hiruzen: Good. We're making progress. And the name of your Clan?

Arata: Uchiha.

He responds, surprising them both. Making them look at each other, worried. It was then that Arata felt his head suddenly hurt. Soon images began to appear in his mind. Images of the Uchiha Massacre.

When the images stopped appearing, Arata felt his eyes burn in a way that made him cover them with his hands and feel a lot of pain.

Kakashi: *Worried* What happened?

Arata: My... eyes... are... burning!

He said, suffering from the burning in his eyes. When he starts to cry. But the tears that came out of his eyes... were of blood.

Seeing such a thing made Hiruzen and Kakashi worried for the boy. But when Arata discovered his eyes and opened them, his eyes were different from normal. But they weren't the ordinary Sharingan either.

It was the Mangekyou Sharingan.

This left Hiruzen and Kakashi very surprised. Because a member of the Uchiha Clan awakening the Mangekyou Sharingan so early in life was something very rare to happen nowadays, unlike the time when there were wars, where the chances were greater, but not much.

Not long after, Arata's eyes returned to normal and he stopped crying blood. But his breathing was a little labored. After a few moments, his breathing stabilized.

Hiruzen: Maybe we can get him into the Shinobi Academy? You could make new friends there and start a new life.

Arata: *Nods slowly* Yes, I can do that. B-But I want to know what happened to my Clan.

Hiruzen: Of course. How old are you, young man?

Arata: 9, sir.

Kakashi: *To Hiruzen* I don't know if it would be a good idea to put him in a class with other kids his age. He may not be as advanced as them and may have trouble keeping up.

Hiruzen: It doesn't matter. Let's put him in a class with other students a year younger than him. *Strokes Arata's head* But first we have to see the skills he already knows.

They then take him to an empty training field, where Arata is shown to have knowledge of at least one Jutsu from each Chakra Nature, and has a basic knowledge of Taijutsu. Which left them somewhat impressed.

Kakashi: *Surprised* Wow! He is really very skilled.

Hiruzen: *Nods* Yes, indeed. Very well, he will be placed in a class with students one year younger than him. Hopefully he will be able to develop more skills and become a very powerful Shinobi.

Arata was a little breathless after demonstrating his skills. Hiruzen then summoned one of his personal Anbu and ordered the Anbu to take Arata to the hospital for a check-up. To make sure he was healthy.

Hiruzen: *To Kakashi* You must follow him. He will sleep at your house tonight. I will prepare a house for him. Keep an eye on him. He has a lot of potential. There is also something about him that is different. I have a feeling there's more to this kid than meets the eye.

Kakashi: Yes, there's something about him that's... powerful. But I don't know what it is...

Flashback Off

Kakashi: {I'm glad he's better. I'm also surprised that he's friends with Sayuri. But they are from the same clan, so it's understandable. It also appears that he is very popular with women. When training them, it seems I must remember that Arata is a year older than Naruko, Sayuri and Sakura. It can be more advanced and powerful. A way to make my job harder...}

Sakura looked at Arata, blushing.

Sakura: {He's so cute!}

Kakashi: Well, you four have different personalities, I like that. We're going to start a mission tomorrow.

Naruko: *Cheerful* What kind of mission, sir?!

Kakashi: First, we'll do something the five of us can do.

Naruko: What? What? What? What is it?

Kakashi: Survival training.

Naruko: Survival training?

Sakura: Why are we going to train if this is a mission? We have already had the necessary training at the academy.

Kakashi: This is no ordinary training.

Arata: So what kind of training is this?

Kakashi just laughed.

Sakura: Hey, what's so funny, Sensei?

Kakashi: Heh. Well, if I say that, I'm sure you'll be surprised.

Naruko: Huh?

Kakashi: Out of 28 graduates, only 10 will become Genins. The other 18 will be sent back to the academy. In other words, it will be a very difficult test with a 66% chance of failure.

Naruko and Sakura made shocked faces, while Sayuri and Arata furrowed their eyebrows and looked down.

Arata: *Mumbling* Great.

Kakashi: See? You were surprised!

Naruko: No chance! I've already gotten myself into so much trouble... So what's the final exam for?

Kakashi: That? It serves to qualify those who are ready to become a Gennin.

Naruko: *Shocked* Whaaaat?!

Kakashi: Well, I will determine whether or not you will pass the training area tomorrow. Bring your ninja gear and meet me at 5 am!

All the students started telling themselves that they wouldn't fail.

Arata: {I'll show Kakashi-sensei that I can do this.}

Kakashi: *Getting up* So, see you later. Oh that's right, don't eat breakfast. You will vomit if you eat it.

Arata: Oh, hell no.

But Kakashi already jumped off the building and ran somewhere.

Sakura and Naruko sighed.

Sakura: I don't want to fail. I worked hard to get here.

Naruko: Do you think Kakashi-sensei is joking?

Arata: I doubt it. It looked like he was serious. *To Sakura and Naruko* You better not make me fail.

Sakura: *Blushing* Oh, I won't make you fail, Arata-kun! In fact, I'll help us pass! We will become Gennin in no time.

Naruko: Believe it!

As soon as Sakura and Naruko left, Arata turned to Sayuri, who was still sitting.

Arata: *To Sayuri* You know, you should learn to talk more. You look emo being quiet like that.

Sayuri: I don't need to talk. I just need to become a Shinobi so I can finally kill Itachi.

Arata: *Sigh* Sayuri, just focus on what's happening right now. You will get your revenge soon, so focus on spending your time here with me. *Smiling*

Sayuri looked at Arata and smiled a little back, blushing.

Sayuri: Whatever, Arata.

Arata: Well, I'll eat whatever I can since I can't have breakfast tomorrow. You come with me?

Sayuri stood up.

Sayuri: Sure, why not?

The two smiled at each other and jumped off the building and ran into the city.

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