Knowing the Teams
Arata woke up to the annoying sound of his alarm clock. Which was soon turned off by Arata himself.
Arata rolled out of bed, rubbing his eyes. He looked around his room.
He opened his eyes, completed most of the Daily Quest, and left the room.
When he finished breakfast, he changed into his usual clothes. He yawned, opened the door to his house and left.
The sun shone brightly on his face. He squinted his eyes and started running towards the Ninja Academy to complete the Daily Quest. With him remembering a conversation he had with Hiruzen, after the incident with Mizuki.
Flashback On
He had been called to the Hokage's office by an Anbu the day after the incident between Naruko and Konohamaru. The reason? He did not know.
He soon arrived in front of the Hokage's office, knocking on the door and then receiving a muffled "come in".
Arata: Did you want to see me, Hokage-sama?
He soon notices the two advisors, Koharu and Homura, and the leader of Anbu Ne, Danzou. Or as Arata called them, Three Mummies.
Hiruzen: Yes. I'm glad you're here, Arata-kun.
Arata then approached the Hokage's table and asked:
Arata: So why am I here?
Hiruzen: I was informed of your fight against Mizuki.
Arata: I wouldn't call it a fight. It was a humiliation.
Hiruzen: Results aside, I was informed that you used a Jutsu never seen before. We would like to know where you learned it.
Arata: This Jutsu is called Raiton: Raichō (Lightning Style: Thunderbird). It's a Jutsu that I developed myself.
This caught the four of them by surprise.
Hiruzen: And what Rank would you give for this Jutsu?
Arata: Considering the time it took me to complete it, and the amount of Chakra needed to use it... At least Rank B.
Danzou was becoming increasingly enthusiastic about gaining control over the young Genin, as if him being an Uchiha wasn't enough, he also created a Rank B Jutsu, which Jounins often use.
Hiruzen: And how did you develop this Jutsu?
Arata: I took a Lightning Jutsu that I saw once as a basis. I tried to replicate it, but it didn't turn out as expected.
Hiruzen: What happened?
Arata: I ended up using a weaker version of the original Jutsu. So I took this opportunity and created a totally original Jutsu. Which can be used both for close combat and for a ranged attack that I can guide with a simple movement of my hand. I just don't know if I would be able to teach it to anyone.
Hiruzen: Impressive, Arata-kun. I am impressed with your development.
Arata: Can I go now? I have to continue my training.
Hiruzen: Very well. You can go now, Arata-kun.
Arata then bowed as a form of respect to Hiruzen, and when he straightened up he revealed his 3 Tomoes Sharingan. Surprising the four of them again. Arata soon disappears in a Shunshin.
Flashback Off
In the classroom.
Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka ran into the classroom, getting stuck in the doorway for a few seconds in the process.
Sakura/Ino: *In unison* I'll go first!
The two gasped, before Ino smiled mischievously at Sakura.
Ino: I won again, Sakura.
Sakura: Give up. I had to look back to see you. My toe was at least a tenth of an inch forward.
Ino: Have you always been this delusional?
Sakura looked around the room and saw someone. She smiled and ran towards the person.
Ino: *To Sakura* Hey, wait. Where are you going?
A blonde girl, Naruko Uzumaki, stood up and waved at a running Sakura.
Naruko: Hi, Sakura. And there?
Sakura pushed Naruko out of the way and looked at the black-haired girl sitting next to her.
Sakura: *Blushing; To the girl* Good morning, Sayuri-chan.
The girl, Sayuri Uchiha, looked at Sakura, without speaking.
Sakura: *Blushing* Do you mind if I sit next to her?
Before Sayuri could respond, Ino went to Sakura and pushed her a little.
Ino: Back off, Testuda. I'm sitting next to Sayuri-chan.
Sakura: I got here first.
Ino: I entered the classroom before you. Everyone saw it.
Sakura: Keep dreaming.
Girl 1: *Approaches the two* Actually, I got here before any of you.
Girl 2: *Walking towards them* Me too. I'm sitting next to Sayuri.
Girl 3: *Approaching them* No, I am.
Sayuri: {Clueless.}
The girls started arguing and shouting at each other.
About that.
Arata opened the Academy doors and entered the building. He made his way to his old classroom. He heard screams and screams.
Arata rolled his eyes.
Arata: {These girls are still the same. Most of them are annoying beyond belief.}
He shook his head and sighed. He opened the door and entered the classroom. No one noticed he entered the room because of the shouting.
He rolled his eyes when he saw the many girls arguing with each other. Probably because of Sayuri.
He walked to his usual spot. Next to Sayuri. Your longtime friend.
Arata: *To Sayuri* So, I suppose the girls are doing the usual?
Sayuri: *Noticing Arata; Blushing; Sigh* Yes. Always the same thing.
Sayuri smiled at her best friend. Arata did the same and sat down next to Sayuri.
The girls stopped arguing when they noticed Arata sitting next to Sayuri.
Girls: *Blushing* ARATA-KUN!!!!
Arata slowly turned his head towards the girls. He smiled at them and said:
Arata: Hi.
All the girls fainted.
Girl 1: Oh my god! Arata-kun and Sayuri-chan, the hottest boy and sexiest girl in the village, are right here in front of me!
Arata: *Smiling* I'm not that much.
All the girls screamed.
Girl 3: Ahhhh!! Sooooo hot!!
Arata and Sayuri just started sweating.
Arata: {Girls. The universe doesn't matter. I'll never understand them.}
Unbeknownst to anyone, Naruko grabbed her aching head and went to sit down. But when he looked at Arata, she couldn't help but blush.
Suddenly, the sensei, Iruka, entered the classroom.
Iruka: Alright, class, calm down, calm down.
All the girls began to sit down, with Sakura sitting next to Arata and Sayuri, and Ino sitting behind Sakura.
Iruka: *To the class* From today onwards, you are all ninjas. To get here, you faced difficult trials and suffering. But that's nothing. What comes next will be much more difficult. Now you are just Gennins, first level ninjas. All Gennin will be grouped into three-person squads. Each squad will be led by a Jounin, an elite ninja.
Arata: {A squad of three people. Let's see which team I'll be on. Maybe I'll stay with Shiro.}
Ino: *To Sakura* Well, someone must be in Arata-kun and Sayuri-chan's group. I wonder who.
Sakura: I don't know.
Sayuri: {Ah, groups of three. This will only slow me down. He should just get Arata and me together, and we'd be ready.}
Iruka: We want each squad to have a balance of strengths and abilities, so that's how we set them up. I will now announce the teams.
Arata groaned and thought:
Arata: {This will take forever.}
Time Break – Some Time Later
Iruka: *Looking at a paper* Team Seven. Naruko Uzumaki...
Naruko: *Looks up from the table* Huh?
Iruka: Sakura Haruno...
Sakura: *Shocked* Uh.
There was silence in the classroom. Sakura lowered her head in depression.
Sakura: *Sad* I'm doomed.
Iruka: And Sayuri Uchiha.
Sayuri is surprised, while Sakura applauds and Naruko looks down in defeat.
Arata: *To Sayuri* I guess we're not on the same team, then.
Sayuri: I know, it sucks. Now I'm with the two most annoying people in the class.
Arata: I wonder which team I'll be on.
Sakura looked at Ino and smiled.
Ino: *Angry* Oh. How did you join her group?
Sakura just smiled.
Ino: *Growls* Well, there's still a chance that Arata-kun is in my group. *Mumbles* Arata-kun is hot anyway...
Iruka: Now, Team Ten. Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Chouji Akimichi.
Ino: *Whimpering* Augh! Arata-kun is not on my team!
Iruka: Those are all the teams.
Arata was immediately surprised, as neither he nor Shiro had their names called. But before he could raise his hand, a bunch of girls' hands shot up.
Ino: Wait! Iruka-sensei!
Iruka: *Sighs* Yes, Ino?
Ino: You forgot about Arata-kun.
All the girls murmured in agreement.
Iruka: Huh? *Looks at Arata* Oops, you're right. I forgot. *Nervous Laugh*
Arata's head hit the table. Catching everyone's attention.
Arata: *Depressed* What did I do to deserve this?
All the girls gasped.
Shiro: I wasn't called either!
She said, with her hand raised.
Iruka: *Looking at their papers* Well, there seems to be a problem... If we put Arata and Shiro into teams, there will be two teams of four.
Ino: Arata-kun can be on my team!
Sakura: No, mine!
Girl 1: Actually, mine!
The girls started arguing among themselves about which team Arata will be placed on.
Arata: *Sighs* Oh, great. Today is the day I will die.
Sayuri looked at Arata and raised her hand.
Sayuri: Iruka-sensei?
The girls stopped arguing and looked at Sayuri. Iruka too.
Iruka: What is it, Sayuri?
Sayuri: *Blushing* Could Arata be put on my team?
Everyone gasped, except Sakura, who smiled widely.
Arata: *Smiling* Yes, can I?
That smile made almost all the girls swoon. But soon another hand was raised.
Hinata: Um... Iruka-sensei?
Iruka: Yes, Hinata?
Hinata: If it's okay... can Shiro join my team?
Arata was impressed, mainly because Hinata was, naturally, very shy.
Iruka: {Well, Sayuri is one of the best students I have... but if Arata and Sayuri are put in a group, that means team seven will have two of the most powerful students on one team. Hmm... then again, Arata and Shiro might report that I forgot to put them on a team, so I guess it won't be a problem.}
All the students looked at Iruka in anticipation.
Iruka: I think I could put Arata on Team Seven and Shiro on Team Eight.
Sakura cheered while Ino and the other girls sighed.
Ino: *Mumbling* It's not fair! Forehead has both of them in her group, while I'm stuck with Glutton and Shikamaru.
Arata: {Looks like I did well. Just like Shiro.}
Iruka: Ahem. Now, after lunch, you will meet your new Jounin teachers. Until then, class dismissed.
While everyone got up and left the classroom, Arata remained seated.
Arata: {I couldn't be on a better team.}
As soon as Arata got up from his chair, Ino jumped on his back and put her arms around his neck.
Ino: Arata-kun! Why don't you leave Forehead's team and join mine?!
Arata: Why don't you get off my back so we can talk?
Ino quickly got off Arata's back.
Ino: So, what do you say?
Arata: I'm sorry. But the answer is no.
Ino: Eh, what? N-No? Why?!
Arata: Because I was assigned to this team by Iruka-sensei.
Ino: At the last minute! Come on, Arata-kun. We could spend some quality time together. Heh.
Arata: It's a tempting offer. But I'm sorry. Now I'm going to get something to eat.
Ino: Good idea!
She ran and put her arms around Arata's neck again.
Ino: We could be together.
Arata: I would love to.
Ino: *Blushing* So where should we eat?
Arata: I don't care. You choose.
Ino: *Happy* I know the place. This will be like a date!
Time Break – Some Time Later
Ino and Arata sat on a park bench. They were eating sushi. That Arata paid, because he wanted to.
Ino: So, Arata-kun, when do you think we can kiss?
Arata stopped eating immediately.
Ino: Arata-kun, are you okay?
Arata: Are you sure it's me you want to do this with?
Ino: Of course I'm sure.
Arata: Even if you had to share me with others?
Ino: I don't care. As long as I have a space in your heart. I'm already happy.
Arata: *Smiling* That's just what I needed to hear.
Arata then gently touched Ino's cheek, looking into her eyes, making her blush heavily. All this while they both brought their faces closer to each other, until they sealed themselves in a calm and romantic kiss. They stayed there until they ran out of air. Separating, with a thread of saliva connecting them. He then brought his mouth closer to Ino's ear and whispered:
Arata: *Whisper* Know it, Ino. That you're not the only one my heart desires.
Arata then stood up and said:
Arata: See you another time, Ino-chan.
Arata soon headed to his classroom, where he would meet his Jounin sensei. While he left a happy and passionate Ino behind. If her screams of joy meant anything. This made Arata smile a little.
Arata: {I've already won over Naruko, Shiro and Ino. Now all that's left is the others.}
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