the mask fox

Ok, first, I want to apologize for it being months since my last update on this. I had a lot of stuff I was doing that I didn't have time to work on this.

Anyway, this chapter is a time to skip where three years have passed now, I hope you all like it.

The mask fox

It has been three years since Naruto was banished. Things have been changing for the worse throughout the Shinobi world. What is going to happen now? Read and find out.

In a deep dark forest

a young boy was running for his life from two thieves, both were completely dressed in black.

"STOP YOU BRAT!" one of the thieves yelled out.

"NO!" The poor little boy yelled back at them as he kept running away from them until one of the thieves threw a kunai at the boy's right leg causing him to collapse onto the ground and scream in pain.

Now that he was on the ground they were able to catch up, The boy turned his head and looked up to see both of the thieves behind him.

"We got you now you little brat, now hand over our mourning," the thief demanded as he also stomped his foot on the little boy's gut.

"N-NO Y-YOU STOLE THIS FROM MY FAMILY! WE NEED THIS FOR FOOD!" the poor boy yells out in pain with tears coming down his eyes.

"Oh, believe me, kid, you won't be needing food, where you are going," the thief said, as he pulled out a kunai and he was about to kill him.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" the little boy yells and begs in the hope that someone would hear and come to save him.

"SHUT UP YOU BRAT NO ONE CAN HEAR YO...WHAT THE AHHH!'' the thief was interrupted by a masked man that came out of nowhere and punched the thief into a nearby tree in a split second.

The other thief was in shock that someone had just done that, but he pulled himself together and got into his fighting stance, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" the other thief yelled and ran up to him, thinking he had just caught them by surprise.

"HOW DARE YOU SCUMBAGS TRY TO HARM A CHILD!" He yells in anger as he grabs the thief's arms, and he throws the thief to a nearby tree as well.

He started to perform a jutsu, "golden chain prison jutsu!" As golden chains came out from under the trees where the thieves were, the chains wrapped around them quickly their arms and legs and mouths so they wouldn't be yelling, just in case there were more than close by.

"I'll deal with you two later," he said as he turned his attention to the poor child who was a young boy who had light skin, light brown hair, and brown eyes, he was wearing a green shirt, gray shorts, wrap bandage arms, brown boots, he looked no more than 8 years old.

The poor little boy had a look of fear in his eyes not from the thieves but from the one who just saved his life that was a few feet away from him.

The masked man had spiky blond hair, black ninja sandals, khaki pants on the right leg were pounchs for a kunai, golden pocket chains, a yellow shirt with a nine-tailed seal symbol on it, an orange short sleeve jacket with black flames on it, his arms were long black armbands with Wraped around chains, black fighting gloves, and last a golden fox mask with a black diamond on it.

However, that wasn't what made him scared of this masked man, what truly scared this boy about this man was he had multiple tails that look like to be nine feet long, with fox ears on each side of his head.

The boy got even more scared when this mysterious masked man walked over to him, he was indeed scared because he did not know what he was going to do to him.

The masked men saw the kunai in the boy's leg, "Don't worry, kid, I'm not here to hurt you but I need to get this out, hold still, it might hurt a little."

He quickly pulled it out, and the boy did scream a little. After that, the man put his hands on boy's injured leg and started to heal it. The boy felt his leg was starting to feel better, he got up slowly, he looked at the masked men, and started to talk.

"T-thank you, s-sir," the boy said as he was still a little afraid of him.

"You're welcome, kid, but may I ask, where are your parents?" the masked man asked him.

"T-They're back at my village," the boy said as he took a step back from him.

"Where is your village then?" the masked man asked.

"It's...I don,t know?... oh no, I'M LOST!" the boy yelled out.

"Kid, don't worry, calm down, I can help you find your village, do you know the name of it?" the masked man asked.

"It's called hot water village, sir," the boy said, being a little shy as he was getting less scared talking to him.

"Ok, I think I know where it is. Let's get you back home to your family, I bet your parents must be worried sick about you," the masked man said as he picked the boy up and let him ride on his shoulders.

"Ok, sir, but can I ask you what your name is?" the boy asked.

"For now, just call me the golden fox, so what is your name kid?" the golden fox asks, keeping his real name a secret for now.

"My name is assan. It's nice to meet you, golden fox," assan said.

"Same here, assan," the golden fox said as continued to walk to find assan's home village.

Later, Both golden fox and assan find their way to the hot water village, they were both now walking around to find assan parents, the golden fox looked around the village to see broken windows and saw some houses were destroyed or burned down to the ground everywhere.

It looks like a bad storm came through here he saw no villagers to be found, "Assan, where are all the villagers at?"

"I don't know? Earlier today, me and my mom were getting some food, then two thieves came out of nowhere and attacked my mother and stole her money, I went after them and after a few hours, trying to find them, I saw them just sitting on a log, I was able to sneak up close to them and take my mother's money back, I started to walk away from them quietly, as I thought I won but then they looked back to see me, They notice I had got the money back, I started to run away from them soon after that you saved me from them," assan explains.

"you are a brave boy, I know you will grow up to be a great man one day kid," the golden fox said as assan was happy to hear that, he soon found assan mom.

"MOM!" Assan yelled out for her and ran towards her, assan's mom did not notice the masked men standing a few feet away as she was too relieved that her son was safe.

"Assan, there you are, my baby boy," assan's mom said in relief as now wanted to know where he was, "Assan were you?"

"I was being chased by the thieves who stole our money earlier today, and this man named golden fox saved me and brought me back home to you," Assan said as his mother, in shock saw the masked man now.

She was surprised by his look and was even in fear, but since he did save her son's life she was not going to be ungrateful for what he had done, "Thank you for saving my son's life."

"Don't mention it, I was just protecting your son from scumbags, but can I ask the both of you something? What happened to your village? It looks like something bad happened here?" the golden fox asked.

Assan's mother started to talk, "well earlier today out of nowhere thieves came to our village and started to attack our homes and kidnapping or killed the villagers, as for the rest are at the shelter, for our shinobi they are trying to find the ones who did this, there we're heading to the land of sound.

"Thank you for telling me lady, Before I go, here you two should have this," the Golden Fox pulled out his pocket and handed her a few golden shillings that had Uzumaki symbols on them.

She looked surprised to see he had solid gold shillings on him, "you're giving us money? For what?"

"It's my way of saying thank you for the information you gave me, please take care," the golden fox said.

"Why thank you so much," she said as the golden fox looked at her one last time.

"I hope you both have a good day," the golden fox said to them and started heading out of the village.

(thieves camp)

It was starting to get dark, The camp had over 50 thieves, they had kidnapped 26 villages, and captured 38 shinobi who tried to fight the thieves but failed in the end.

A thief that had black hair, dark eyes, and brown skin, wearing black clothing, started to speak, "It's about time we got them all tight up."

another thief that had white hair, green eyes, and tan skin wearing all black clothing too, "Yes, it's about time, if it wasn't thanks to our new boss for helping us attack that village and to get what we needed from it."

A tighed-up shinobi with light skin, light brown hair, and brown eyes started to yell, "You monster won't ge ...!" before the shinobi could finish, one of the thieves grabbed his head and slammed it back down to the ground, then he put his foot down on the shinobi's head.

"All talk but no action," the thief said.

"GET YOUR DAM BOOT OFF OF ME!" The shinobi shouted.

"Or what?" the thief said as he just started to laugh at him, as all the thieves were enjoying seeing their prisoner suffering, Then he started to speak, "no matter what, none of you can beat us and I thought you were all strong shinobi!"

"Maybe not us but someone will!" a shinobi shouted.

"shut up, like that is going to happen," the thief said as he used his boot to stomp on his head over again.

Suddenly everyone could hear someone coming towards them.

"GOLDEN LIGHT! SOLAR FLARE JUTSU!" An unknown voice came out of nowhere along with a big flash of light came blinding everyone.

"You thieves think you're all unstoppable? well let's see if you can beat me," an unknown voice said.

"What's happening?"

"I can't see!"

"Who said that!"

"Show yourself!"

"You all will see me soon, but first, "golden chain prison jutsu!"




After a few minutes, everyone regain their vision, All of the 50 thieves were tied up in golden chains as well to see a masked man with nine tails.

the thieves and prisoners were shouting at the masked men.




The chains started to cover the thieves' mouths so they couldn't speak.

"First, my name is the golden fox, and second I'm guessing you are all the villagers that got kidnapped from the hot water village, am I right?" the golden fox asks.

"Yes, we are what is it to you?" a tied -up shinobi asks, sounding mad as he didn't know he was trying to help them.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not here to harm you if that's what you thinking, I was sent here to save you, now let's get you all untied and get you all back home," the golden fox said as he walks over to them but Before he could get to them, a fireball came out of nowhere between the golden fox and the prisoners.

"I'm impressed by your skills, but none of that compares to me," a female voice said as the golden fox saw a woman appear.

She was a young female, She had fair-skinned with black eyes, she had green hair that she tied in a bun on top of her head with a hair needle running through it and one short and long strand of hair with orange tips framing each side of her face, her typical attire consists of a sleeveless, backless top and short tight pants, with two labels on the front and the back, She wears an obi around her waist and purple arm-warmers that extend up to her shoulders and has bandages around her tied around her ankles.

"Wow, you caught me by surprise, I'D say that," the golden fox said as he pulled out his same trick, "golden chain prison jutsu!"

A bunch of golden chains was coming to wrap around her, but not this time. The unknown woman summoned 4 big red fireballs that caused the chains to melt into a golden liquid.

"MY FOXES! How did you do that with those fireballs? My chains cant handle the heat!" the golden fox shouted at her.

"Im pakura, I'm a scorch release user," pakura said.

"I have heard stories about scorch release users," the golden fox replied, "but I never thought I would meet one in my life."

"Then let's see, if you know how to fight one," pakura said with a calm voice and an evil smirk on her face.

Pakura started to run to the golden fox to hit him with one of her scorching balls, but the golden fox quickly vanished.

'He's fast,' She thought as she began to yell, "Where did you go!" pakura demanded to know in surprise.

"I'm up here, LADY!" the golden fox yelled as he was above her with 3 shadow clones forming a Rasengan, "let's see, you dodge this!" he shouted at her as he came back down.

"Seriously?" Pakura said as she launched her fireballs at him but it was a clone.

"That was DUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMM!" Before Pakura could finish, she was hit in the back with a Rasengan as she fell facedown to the ground.

"Golden Chain jutsu," the golden Fox said as Pakura was Chained up and rolled over to see the golden fox in her view.

Pakura was demanding to know, "How did you survive that? it should have burned you to nothing."

"Simple, my sensei told me once to make your enemies think it's too easy to win then surprise them behind their backs," the golden fox said as he started to laugh.

Pakura grew angry as she looked like she was turning red, "DO YOU THINK I'M GOING DOWN THIS EASY!" Pakura yelled as her body really became red, causing the Chain to melt again.

"AGAIN!" the golden fox yelled as Pakura's body now looked like a silhouette engulfed by the flames and transform into a bright light red silhouette form.

"SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" The golden fox made over 80 clones, most of his clones ran towards all the thieves and prisoners to get them to safety as eight stayed to fight back.

"Let's see how long you can last here BEFORE I CAN KILL YOU!" The Pakura voice started to sound like a demon.

'Dang, now I'm scared,' the golden fox told himself in his mind.

"LET'S BEGIN THIS!" Pakura said as she went after the real golden fox.

The golden fox could dodge her attack just long enough to use his clones for their water jutsu known as the water bullet Technique, All fox clones were aiming at pakura.

"WHAT THE HELL, AAAAHHHHHH!?" Pakura yelled in pain.

Thinking it would disperse her flames, but it only slowed her down for a moment, Pakura overcame the water jutsu and dispersed all the clones, Pakura looked back to see that the golden fox was nowhere in sight.


The golden Fox was hiding behind on a nearby tree branch.

The fox was thinking of something. 'I can't let her touch me when she is in that form, or she can evaporate the liquid in my body, there is one idea I can try,' the golden fox summoned nine shadow clones, and all started to run around to other nearby trees where Pakura countered, Seeing them when they all were needed to be, they all pulled out of their bags small pieces of paper, fusing it with his chakra.

Pakura was trying to see the fox. "COME OUT! AND FACE ME!"

As she was trying to send his charka, she noticed yellow golden lights that had symbols on them, gold, light, and a bomb coming out of the trees.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Pakura said as they were surrounding her and quickly wrapped around her arms, then heard his voice, "FIFTY GOLDEN PAPER BOMBS!"





After the pile of smoke cleared dawn, the golden fox came to see Pakura was back in her normal form, her arms blown off with pieces of her body cracking like paper, but the thing that creeped him out was Pakura was still alive sitting down looking at the golden fox with a grin on her face.

"HO MY FOXES...h.h...HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE FROM THAT?" the golden fox asked in shock.

"Oh, there is so much you don't know about me," Pakura said to him.

"Are you a zombie?" the golden fox asks.

"I guess you can say it like that, you have won this time, but we will meet again, and next time I will win," Pakura said as a coffin appeared where she was and vanished with her in it.

"Wait, what just happened?" the golden fox ask himself.

Back at the hot water village

Team golden fox clones got the villagers and shinobi untied and brought them back while keeping an eye on the thieves who were still chained up, as all the villagers were going to the shelter as for some of the shinobi were staying with the golden fox to keep their eyes on thieves too.

when the villagers got to the shelter with other villagers who were already there wanted to know how they got back save, they all explained what happened many of the villagers were shaking from who saved them, most of them don't know if they could trust this masked man or not.

When the real golden fox came back and dispersed all of his clones.

A hot water shinbone came to the fox, "Hey Fox, our leader wants to speak with you."

"Ok," Fox said as he went to find his small office and met Io.

"Hello, golden fox. I am Io, I'm the leader of this village, I want to ask you a few questions if you don't mind?" Io asked.

"I don't mind," the golden fox replied.

"Well, first things first, I would like to know your real name, I know the golden fox, It's just a nickname you gave yourself," Io asked.

"Well, I'm not really comfortable with that," the golden fox said.

"You have nothing to worry about, for  helping us with those criminals you're proving that you're not an enemy with us," Io said.

"fine," the golden fox said as he took the mask off, revealing his face, he had a long orange headband with black yang symbols on it in the middle had a symbol nine on it, blonde hair that looks exactly like the fourth Hokage, the golden fox had night dark blue eyes, he also had three whisper marks on each side of his cheeks.

Before the golden fox could say anything more, Io started to yell, "OH MY GOD, NARUTO UZUMAKI THE NINE TAILS JINCHUURIKI! IT'S REALLY YOU!?"

"Oh, crap," Naruto said.

"UM.....sorry about it, it's a pleasure to meet you, Naruto," Io said.

"What!? I didn't expect that?" Naruto said, confused.

"Well, you see you being banished got around fast, after a year I sent some of my shinobi to find you, to invite you to join us, anyway I want to ask you three questions, first what happened with the fight you and this girl name Pakura had, two why were you hiding your identity from us, and three would you join our village we could use strong men here," Io said.

"First I can write down everything about the fight later, two your village is near the land of fire, so was trying to keep myself Secret, but I change my last name from Uzumaki to kitsune, the last thing i am sorry, but no, I prefer traveling around being my own shinobi,'' Naruto finishes.

"Ok, I understand, How long are you going to stay," Io asked.

"Until tomorrow, I will be camping outside the village for the night," Naruto said.

"Ok then," Io said as Naruto left his office.

As Naruto left, he saw some villagers outside the shelter looking at him, some were still scared of him, and some were hoping he would stay and help the village.

Naruto started to make camp while looking at the village as he thinks he can do more for this place.

Naruto was walking around outside the village looking for a clear spot of flat land to do one of his new jutsu.

"Here is a good place to do it," Naruto said to himself, "GOLDEN CREDITING JUTSU!" as he slams both of his hands on the ground causing over half a mile to see many gold rocks coming out of the ground.

"Men, my new kekkei Genkai gold and light release today have been getting better," Naruto said, knowing all that gold the villagers will mine it out and use it to fix their village.

Naruto jumped onto a tree branch and stuck a special kunai in the tree, "that will do."

Naruto soon went back to his camp and just looked at all the stars thinking about where he was going next.

to be continued.

Ok, I know there are a lot of questions in this chapter.

One, why didn't you see Kurama training naruto?

That will come in flashbacks.

TWO, what are new abilities?

You will find out all of them in a few more chapters.

THREE, who is pakura, and what was her plan?

She is from the anime Naruto, and you will have to go and find out.

Lastly, this is a vote to tell me guys where you want Naruto to go next.

Kumo or waterfall.

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