the land of sea journey part three

the land of sea journey part three

Naruto and fuu were keeping their distance from the old man and Isaribi, as they were both spying on them to see what was going on.

"Look Amachi, I have been helping you for years now with attacking all those ships, but you still haven't found a cure to turn me back!" Isaribi said as she was getting frustrated.

"You have no idea how long it took me, do you? How long it took to make these experiments with all the results I have, if you believe it's easy for a cure to be found. You are mistaken, Isaribi, but don't think I'm not doing anything," Amachi said as Isaribi looked down in despair.

Naruto had enough and slammed his hands onto the ground, using his golden chakra chains to bind them. However, Isaribi jumped out of the way just in time, but Amachi wasn't so lucky; he got caught and was restrained to be on his knees on to the ground.

Naruto came forward, Fuu was right behind him, "Alright, what are you both talking about?"

Isaribi's eyes widened, "You!" She recognized the two from the other island earlier that day.

"And you! Isaribi! Why are you helping this man if he experimented on you?" Naruto asked, wanting answers from her.

Isaribi Looks angry as she gritted her teeth, "You don't understand! He is the only one who can turn me back!"

Naruto look confused, "But Isaribi, After everything you have done do you think your village will accept for all the horrible things you have done to their ships?"

Isaribi had a calm but angry face, "Why? Do you really think I care after what they did to me? I escaped and they cast me out. Do you know why I wear these bandages? his experiments left behind permanent scarring of fish scales all over my body. He's the only one who can find a cure and make me look normal again."

"Look, I understand that you don't know me or my friend at all, but we do understand what you've been through." Naruto said as he took a step forward.

Isaribi was only getting angrier as she growled at Naruto, "How could you possibly understand what I've been through!?"

Naruto took a deep breath and revealed his true form after undoing his transformation jutsu. All nine of his tails were pointing in different directions so Isaribi could see them all and fuu revealed her true form as well.

"Do you believe me now?" Naruto ask but Isaribi didn't care about his appearance.

"So what? A jutsu you used to hide your real form even if this is your real self or not, It doesn't matter to me because I don't want to keep hiding I want to finally look and be my old self again," Isaribi told Naruto as she wanted the real thing and not some kind of cover-up.

Naruto sighed, "Okay, I have no choice then." Naruto slammed his hands down and released his golden chakra chains, sending them to restrain Isaribi.

Isaribi quickly move out of the way and use a jutsu, "Waterstyle world servant Jörmungandr!"

A large water blast came out of Isaribi mouth And took the form of a large water snake heading directly at naruto.

Naruto grabs Fuu and jumps up to the ceiling, phases right through it, and heads back down to the surface.

Before any words could be spoken, the ground shook, and Naruto jumped with Fū still in his arms. As the water exploded from the ground, it went up high like a geyser.

Both Isaribi and Amachi came up from the water together, and now they're standing only a few feet away from Naruto and Fuu, as it starts to rain from the geyser water coming back down.

Naruto knew It was going to be a challenge, but he had to restrain her before she could use another water jutsu.

It was too late for that, though, as the leftover water on the ground rise back up and shot at both Naruto and Fuu.

Naruto jump back as fuu fly up, "What should we gonna do? I'm waiting on command Naruto."

Naruto look up and yelled, "Quick, shut your eyes!"

Fuu understand, she close her eyes tight but as for Amachi, he quickly realized what Naruto was planning to do.

"SOLAR FLARE!" Naruto yelled out as the light blinded everyone who see it.

When it was done naruto look and see both Amachi and Isaribi were gone.

"where do they go!?" Naruto ask himself, fuu open her eyes and saw them running to the beach.

"They're trying to get away!" Fuu pointed to the direction.

Naruto started running, he had enough
Of this, When he saw them, he Before on the hand signs to summon his golden chains and restrain Isaribi.

Amachi was lucky enough to get away, naruto made a shadow clone That would go and get Amachi.

"Let me go!" Isaribi demanded as she struggled but the chains were to strong, naruto look down at her and frown.

"Is this really worth it to you? Even after everything you have done, Do you still think this is worth it?" Naruto ask but Amachi respond with a growl.

"Why? You really think I care? After everything they have done to me, After how they treated me? You really believe there's a part of me that's Regrets it? Well I do not," Isaribi said all of that with a growl.

Naruto had to make her see there is another way but knowing the reason why she doing all of this for her to become sure again and become a normal human.

Fuu came over and ask Isaribi A question, "You know something Isaribi, There's something I gotta ask you, How come you've been doing this For this long and yet he has not figure out way to reverse it?"

Naruto eyes Look at fuu as Isaribi got angry and continue to growl, "You know she's right, Isaribi, Seriously Think about it, how come he keeps you doing this and has not found a way yet to cure you?"

"You know nothing!" Isaribi shouted as she try to spit at Naruto, It went through him like he was a ghost.

Naruto sighed, "There has to be a way to make you understand."

Fuu look at naruto and said, "Maybe there is, I have an idea."

Naruto was listening as Isaribi was hearing about the plan.

At the ocean

shadow clone naruto was exhausted chasing this old crazy scientist, "get back here!"

Amachi smirk, "oh, now Why would I do that?"

"There is nowhere left to hide! Isaribi cant help you now!" Naruto explained as you release his golden chakra chains at him.

The water that Amachi was standing on quickly rise up like a geyser, naruto look up as he hears amachi laughing.

"What the hell is so funny!?" Naruto Demanded, but then a powerful water dragon was the size of kurama head Came at Naruto.

"What the hell was that!?" Naruto yelled as he created more shadow clones, dodging the water dragons as they kept coming.

Soon Naruto was able to see Amachi But he look completely different, His clothes were ripped apart, he skin turn fishy like green scales and he had red fish eyes.

Naruto now realize what was going on, 'he experiment on himself like he did to Isaribi, of course he wanted to have that same ability as well!'

Naruto knew he had to do something quick or he was going to lose, He created a few more shadow clones , but they were under the water.

The remaining clones under the water swim to Amachi as the ones on top Of the ocean kept the water dragons distracted.

The shadow clones were close but Amachi eyes spotted them, "I see you fools!"

The water dragons came at them as the clones eyes whiden in fear, Amachi Believe he had one but then The clones went right through the dragons and summon their golden chakra chains at him And they quickly wrapped around him.

The last clone came right to him and punched him hard in the face as the water dragons disappeared.

"You are coming with us now!" naruto said as he take Amachi back to the island.

Back onto the island

Amachi went back to his normal form and was tied up to a tree thanks to Naruto golden chains.

Naruto stood there until the real one came and the clone disappeared, "You're going to prison and Isaribi has been done with, she dead now."

Naruto cross his arms, before Amachi had a chance of saying anything, naruto spoke again, "So tell me, how close were you of turning her back to normal? she has been here for years, I'm surprised you haven't figured out to reverse the effects you did to her."

Amachi roll his eyes, "That's because I never plan on making an antidote for her, I was just using her the whole time, When she was no longer of use, I was going to harvest her organs for further research."

Naruto had a calm look but was boiling Is with rage underneath, "Wow, you really just blew it, Now she'll definitely never help you again."

The bushes from behind them, fuu came out with Isaribi restrain, Amachi look surprise and Naruto turn his head to look at them.

Fuu smile, "I told you the plan would work, But I didn't think it would be that easy."

Naruto nodded, "same here I thought it would take a couple minutes before he would confess," naruto turn his gaze at Isaribi, "Tell us, do you really want to keep working with him? now that you know the real reason?"

Isaribi couldn't believe anything anymore, her mind was racing of everything, she had done so many Horrible things Just So she could be cured and have a normal life again.

There were no words that could come out of her mouth, Isaribi just simply shake her head.

Out of nowhere, Amachi started laughing like crazy a man. Everyone was looking at him. "What the hell is so funny?" Naruto yelled, both confused and annoyed.

Amachi Look at narwhata smog smirk on his face, "You really think this is the end? You think It's over? You're so wrong, I still have one experiment I've been saving for something like this to happen!"

Naruto eyes widen as he felt something arising from the water, It had high levels of chakra and Naruto Remember what him and Chōmei were sensing from before.

Looking towards the ocean, the water started to rise up into a blob of water, "What the hell is that!?"

Amachi had a smug smirk on his face, "This was one of my best experiments, its made of pure charka and water."

The experiment went towards the docks of village, "Oh, you got to be kitting me!" Naruto knew He had to act fast and decided there was only one thing to do.

Naruto ran to the water and slam his hand down, "SUMMONING JUTSU!" A giant cloud of smoke appeared and out of it came Kurama.

"You better have a good reason for summoning me Naruto!" Kurama said as Kurama took notice of the Blob, "What the hell is that?"

Naruto quickly explained the whole story, "So now that you know sensei Kurama, will you help me?"

Kurama thought about it for a moment and then said, "FXXX NO!" Naruto went pale Before turning red.

"Are you kidding me!? I haven't bother you all this time since I left and when I need you You now, you say no!?" Naruto Continue yelling until a large paw almost claw at him.

"NARUTO! I have a bad rash and my whole entire bodies itchy right now!" kurama yelled as He keeps scratching himself.

Amachi Laugh, "Wow, he can't even control what he summons, now I'm surpr....!?" Isaribi knock him out cold with one punch in the face.

The blob of water attack Kurama, "I don't know what you're expecting me to do!? With this painful edge and with this thing you should have just used your fire elemental jutsu!"

"Sensei Kurama, I never learn any fire elemental jutsus, It was only my main three and the two ones that I created," Naruto naruto was explaining as he was trying to fight off the water that kept splashing onto him.

Kurama realize that as he summon a red fox on top of this head, that was the size of a Wolf, "ENŌ! I ORDER YOU TO LIT THIS OCEAN BLOB ON FIRE!"

Enō wasted no time and yelled out, "GIANT KITSUNE FLAME JUTSU!"

A flaming giant fox head emerge out of the enō mouth, it blast and evaporate the ocean blah monster.

Naruto smile, "That was amazing fire jutsu," enō nodded before going poof, "I knew I could count on your help as well sensei Kurama."

"Ummm... Naruto, I'm not sure you known about this But... We're in WATER! MY FUR IS ALL WET!" kurama yelled as He was clearly piss off.

"Oh, please, You're were due for a bath anyway, I did you a favor sensei Kurama," naruto said as he rest himself down kurama head.

"what was that!?" Kurama yelled and toss Naruto across the ocean, "you deserve more then that but I'll let you off easy for now."

Kurama went poof

Naruto god back to the island and made it to the others.

Isaribi Look defeated, "I still can't believe this, I did this all for nothing?"

Naruto approach Isaribi, "Look I understand what it is like that you want to be accepted by The people of your village you were born into."

Isaribi shook her head, "No, you don't, Everyone hated me just because I survive and they didn't even know what happened.But they treated me like a monster, I just wanted things to go back to normal."

"I wish my life was like that in one point, being normal, For as long as I can remember, my village always treated me like a monster and the worst part of it is I didn't even know for the first 12 years.Why until I found out I was the jinchuriki of kurama the nine tail fox bijuu, Soon after almost a year later i was thrown out of my own village for something That wasn't truly my fault either, But as time went on i Soon realize no matter what I do I have to learn to find others that will accept me for who I am even if it's not from where I was born," naruto explained.

"It's too late for me now, After all the help I did for Amachi, I'll be lucky if i'm giving life in prison," Isaribi said as she Look down defeated and depressed as she had accepted her fate.

Naruto shook his head, "No, If you really want to be accepted I know people who could help you, leave here and get a fresh new start."

Naruto summon Kimiko who was more than willing to take her back with the other foxes.

Soon after that naruto and fuu both knew they had turn in Amachi, "How are we going to explain everything that he has done?"

Both were wondering until they heard a voice coming from behind, "Oh, I can take care of him but I want to know something about you naruto."

Naruto turn around and saw, "No, way?"

Anko and the rest of the members of a team were surprised to see naruto, "Yes, though I got to ask are you really naruto or that fox demon?"

Naruto look surprise, "A lot of things had happened to me during the last three years, I went through some changes, But if you're here for the criminal who causing all the trouble he's right here."

Anko look piss seeing the old man, "I despise him, I know what he did, I know about the sea monster he has, do you know where she is?"

"She's gone now, I already took care of her," naruto said before vanishing with fuu.

at the ocean

Fuu and naruto were walking together, "naruto why did we ran away?"

Naruto sigh, "I'm not dealing with anyone from konoha, Not for now, We have to get back on what we are doing."

Fuu nodded As they approach the next island and they notice a few bubbles.

"I can sense another jinchuriki, close by," naruto said as they both ran to the island.

To be continued...

Sorry for the wait, so tell me guys. What do you think of this?

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