the changes in Konoha

Okay, guys in this chapter it's going to be focused more around Konoha than Naruto and his friends for this chapter, remember the vote is still on.

Please enjoy the chapter.

the changes in Konoha

In Konoha village

Now that Danzo was the Hokage and things in Konoha started to change.

For starters with the academy, Danzo had Iruka replaced as the academy teacher and was put back on missions.

Nowadays the students in the academy were treated as weapons and not like children.

Rules got strict as now students had to wear uniforms, the students were allowed to wear gray or black long or short sleeve shirts, gray or black pants or shorts and just girls skirts.

The students can buy an academy gray hoodie that has a fire symbol on the front left side.

The students training was taken more seriously I need students depending on their scores we'll put it into a certain classroom that would help them match the others, the students that had the highest scores were put in the hardest class that would truly test their limits, the students that were put in the lowest class the academy teachers there would be able to properly make them useful and help their scores to rise up.

Students in the academy we're now treated to show less of individuals and more of the same.

To make things perfectly clear every student was to act a certain way depending on what score they were on, how to behave and act.

Many of the students didn't like the new changes but didn't have much of a say in it.

Next was his root.

Danzo now was Hokage; he no longer had to hide his root organization from the rest of the village.

Many root members we're given more responsibilities around the village.

Some became the new teachers of the academy to help the next generation of Danzo roots.

Others took the responsibilities as chunin and jonin depending on the rank of other states as anbu who are the highest ranking.

This does not affect the root members but the rest of Shinobi in the village.

They were all expected to take their jobs more seriously and not be punished for it.

Doing missions that they didn't want to do, would be considered treason or at least be demoted depending on the situation.

The genin training was taken more seriously even with their tests to become one, with the many criminals they had in their prisons, to pass the test to become a full genin they had to hunt down the criminal that was put in the forest of death and kill the criminal.

This was definitely something that a lot of genin didn't want to do at the very beginning of their career as Shinobi.

All of the new changes that were happening were not great for many but there was a reason why it was happening so easily.

Ever since Danzo became Hokage the village suddenly increased in income again, granted there were still problems with money but if it keeps going like this Konoha would be able to rise once again.

However this was only because of Danzo root spies, they were going by to the other great Nations and other villages outside of the land on fire and have been doing missions to get money under fake identities and from other villages.

The money has actually been stored up for the root for many years actually and when Danzo became Hokage he made sure a lot of it would go to the village.

This was of course to win over many of the villagers and make them see that he should have been Hokage from the beginning and not Tsunade who did nothing more but drink all day.

Danzo was happy to know he was actually winning the villagers over.

With Iruka

Iruka was back at his home drinking ever since he lost his job as an academy teacher he went into a deep depression but was forced to do missions for the village.

Iruka loved being an academy teacher as it was something he was very proud of doing and now it was taken away from him.

Danzo wouldn't give him a break nor would many of the villagers as they were all hard on him since he was known as a demon lover in the village.

Teuchi walked in and sat down next to him, "Iruka please stop drinking, you don't want it to become a habit."

Iruka took another big sip of alcohol before putting it on the table, "well maybe I can least drink my problems away since nobody in this village can give me a break, I love this village from all my heart as much as my parents did but now they're gone, Naruto's gone, yours and his favorite ramen diner are gone and my job doing the thing I most love doing is now gone."

Iruka drinks the rest down, "Iruka please, I and my daughter have been thinking and maybe it would be best if we leave the village and you should come with us."

Iruka looked at him as he was annoyed now, "that's just it, I CAN'T! Not after that new law, I can't quit being a Shinobi because of my status of being a demon lover. Danzo made it a law and forced me to do all these missions that I don't even want to do unless I prefer to go as a trader and be thrown into prison for it."

"He cannot do that!" Teuchi said as he was mad at this happening.

"Apparently there is, it's not just that I'm a demon lover but it's because of many things, one I'm too young to retire, two I'm still useful since I can use two chakra natures, three nobodies gonna even hire me, four if I did it quickly I would be seen as a traitor who has committed treason by abandoning the village in it's time of need and will be quickly thrown into prison for it, like I just said that all before, I can't, I cannot even leave unless I become a missing-nin but then I'll be certainly dead and bring you both along with me, I can't do that to you both, I'm sorry but I would just bring trouble to you and your daughter," Iruka finishes his drink and got up and left to his bedroom.

Teuchi looks guilty as he couldn't stand to see this happen to Iruka, he can only hope that things will get better for him.

Teuchi left and started packing the things he had left up.

With Hinata

Hinata was in her apartment as Neji came to see her, "are you alright cousin?"

"No, I'm not," Hinata said as she was sitting on her bed looking depressed.

"Are you still thinking about..." Neji was cut off by Hinata.

"By my Naruto or by my father or by me losing everything, even my career as a Shinobi as well my eyes if it's all that then yes," Hinata said as she was looking down.

"I am deeply sorry about what happened, I'm truly am," Neji said as he went to sit next to her and hug her.

"Thanks, cousin," Hinata said as she was starting to cry.

At a broken-down bar 🍻

Both Jiraiya and Tsunade were having a drink together.

"Here's to you no longer being the Hokage anymore, at least you don't have to worry about the responsibilities now," Jiraiya said as Tsunade had a drink.

"Well, that's true I'll give you that," Tsunade said as she was about to take another sip of the alcohol but Jiraiya stopped her from doing so.

"Tsunade, that is already your fifth bottle, how come this stuff hasn't poisoned me yet?" Jiraiya asked as Tsunade didn't care to answer and took another sip anyway.

"Look Jiraiya I don't know why it's a big deal that I drink a lot after I've been always doing this," Tsunade explains as Jiraiya just shook his head.

Jiraiya had enough of this nonsense with Tsunade, he grabbed the bottle of her hand, "HEY I'M NOT FINISHED WITH THAT YET!"

"Tsunade," Jiraiya said in a sharp tone, "ever since you banished Naruto it seems like you have been doing nothing more but getting worse with this drinking problem! So what has been going on with you?"

"YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT MY PROBLEM IS! IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE BLAMES ME FOR THE DECISION I MADE I THOUGHT WAS BEST FOR NARUTO!" Tsunade yelled as everyone in the bar was looking at her but no one cared since they were too drunk to really understand what she was saying.

"Tsunade what are you talking about? Ever since Naruto was gone you have been doing nothing more but saying forget about him and let's focus more on other things, honestly, that's all you've been talking about really, every time someone brings them up you change the subject with something else," Jiraiya explained as Tsunade looked mad now.

"That's because he was banners and there was nothing more but that, every villager wants him to be put in the bingo book and wanted for dead and I said no he was exiled for failing a mission, villagers haven't tried to hire hunters to go and find him, honestly that's all the villagers want to talk about wanting him dead and not banish," Tsunade said as she now looks down looking depressed.

"Were you actually glad when you banished him?" Jiraiya asked as he had to know.

"No of course not, I had little choice because everyone else wanted him dead, it was the only way I could protect him but at the same time I didn't know what he was going to do, I didn't know he was going to leave before I thought I was going to have the anbu take him out of the village for him refusing as well I couldn't try to explain to him then but instead he left his apartment completely trashed with my necklace broken in a note," Tsunade said as she still couldn't believe Naruto did that still.

"Well Tsunade, that's a big confession, you finally meant why and..." Jiraiya got caught off by Tsunade.

"No you really don't understand it, everyone here hates the choices I made, letting naruto live was apparently a big mistake to everyone else in this village besides a few, the ones who cared about Naruto are getting punished for it now, and I have no doubt in time Danzo will put Naruto in the bingo book soon," Tsunade said as she got up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Jiraiya asked as Tsunade took one last look at him.

"I am no longer the Hokage of this village therefore nothing is keeping me here, now you excuse me I'm heading back to my apartment," Tsunade said as she left the bar.

Jiraiya finished the rest of his drink and got up to, "I am getting too old to do this."

Back with Danzo

Danzo was in the Hokage office now wearing the Hokage robes as he was sitting down.

Suddenly five anbu appeared in his office bowing down, "lord Danzo."

"Do any of you have updates about Naruto Uzumaki location?" Danzo asked.

"No we have not but we have discovered something that we aren't sure if it's true, it appears he has been seen in a couple of villages, hot water and waterfall to be exact, they all been saying that going to have to come out unlock a new tail beast transformation and been using its power to create gold, which means this golden Fox and Naruto Uzumaki are the same people," the head one explained.

"I see... Keep looking for him," Danzo said as all left, Danzo turned to his window and looked over the village, "hmmm what has that brat been doing all this time if he hasn't been found yet?"

As this went on Danzo had no idea that two green foxes were hiding in the vents listening to everything.

"This is not a good brother."

"You don't think I know that sister."

Poof! poof!

At Tsunade apartment

Tsunade was packing everything up until she got a knock on the door.

"Who is it? I'm busy right now," Tsunade asked as she heard a familiar voice.

"It's me Hinata," Hinata said as Tsunade quickly went to the door.

"Why are you here? Is everything alright?" Tsunade asked her as she knew something was worrying her.

"No... it's just... I know that you are leaving soon, I was asking can I come with you? I am no longer a Shinobi of this village as I resign as well. I want to go somewhere for a new start," Hinata explained as Tsunade let her come in.

"Please sit down, I'll help you pack anything you own," Tsunade said as she got the rest of her things.

"Thanks, Tsunade," Hinata said as she relaxed on the chair as Tsunade kept on packing her things.

With Kurama

Shēn and murky had both returned on their spy mission.

"Lord Kurama, we have some news about Konoha new changes we have learned," Shēn said As Kurama looked at them.

"What has happened now with the new changes? Has their village even got worse than what it is now?" Kurama said as he was laughing to himself as it was too good to know how horrible things have gotten back at Konoha.

"What we're going to tell you might shock you," murky said as she sounded worried about what they're about to tell her.

"Well, what is it then?" Kurama asks them both gulps before murky starts to speak.

"We were listening in some of the conversations through the vents of the whole county office and it seems anbu have been spying on The villages that Northwest been and helping them with giving them gold and appears the main two villages hot water and waterfall they know Naruto has been there already," murky said as Kurama suddenly looked a little bit worried.

"That is not good if they get them, send naruto a message about this, tell him to be careful where he is now," Kurama explained as they bow their heads down and leave.

To be continued

That's the end of this chapter hope you all enjoy this one

Some of you guys are probably wondering how is Danzo able to do this so fast?

He has been able to do things and had things planned for a long time. You can't deny him that.

Why did only five anbu come to report to Danzo about naruto and does the rest of the village know?

More people are looking for Naruto but the five are the main people who Danzo put in charge of groups to find naruto.

Also, the villagers don't know about Danzo trying to find Naruto because Danzo doesn't want the villagers to know about it unless it becomes necessary.

Also, remember guys the vote is still on.

Where should Naruto go next?

Kumo or Kiri

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