Suna is attack

Ok, it's me here. I hope you all like this one.

Suna is attack

(Suna village)

It's been five long days since Naruto and his new waterfall shinobi friends had arrived in suna, fuu and the other two waterful shinobi had passed, and now they were going on to the next part of the chunin exams, Naruto was training with Roshi and catching up with Gaara.

(private training ground)

Naruto and Roshi were fighting in Gaara's private training ground in the late afternoon with his permission.

"Naruto kitsune see how good you are as a rogue ninja," Roshi said as he charged at Naruto.

Naruto immediately jumps over Roshi, Roshi managed to grab Naruto tails and throws him over 35 feet away from where he stands.

"Dang it, you are good but not good ENOUGH!" Naruto yelled as he immediately performed five hand seals, "TAILS ROCK TECHNIQUE!" from the tips of naruto's tails and going down 45 percent, turning into solid rocks.

Naruto begins running towards Roshi, "Let's see if you can dodge this old man!" he swung all of his tails at him, but Roshi caught them all without getting hurt.

"Nice try, golden fox, but it's not going to be that easy!" Roshi said thinking he got him again but this time naruto's nine tails went through Roshi's grasp and body like a ghost and came back hitting Roshi's feet tripped him down to the ground.

Roshi pulled himself together; he immediately quickly performed hands seals, "fist rock technique!" Roshi's right arm turned into solid rock, quickly throwing a punch at Naruto's face, but it just went through him.

Naruto just smirks and uses his tails to smack Roshi's face, but sadly it was an earth clone.

"What the? Where are you!?" Naruto yelled as Roshi appeared right behind and used fist rock, surprising him and sending him out of Gaara's private training ground.

"Are you kidding me? How did I get beaten by an old man!" Naruto yelled as Roshi came over to him.

"I have been training since I was a child, and you still have a long way to go, little boy," Roshi said.

Naruto looked at him with a piss-off look on his face, "little boy? I'm 16 YEARS OLD!"

"And I'm 40 years old, but I move like I'm in my 20's so what's your point?" After Roshi was done he started to laugh.

Naruto just started laughing too, "I guess you're right, just like my old men can teach me new tricks," After that was done, Gaara had some time off and wanted to speak to them, He told them to come to his offices to cool off.

(Gaara offices)

Naruto and Roshi were talking with Gaara in his office.

"So Gaara, where are your two older siblings,'' Naruto asked.

"Temari has been getting everything ready for the last part of the chunin exams, and Kankuro has been working on his new puppets, but what about you, naruto? Where do you live now? It has been three years since your banishment, I would think you would have found a new home by now?" Gaara asked.

"Well, you see, I have been traveling the shinobi world, I'm not ready to stay and live in one place to call home yet,'' Naruto explained as Gaara felt a little disappointed, he was indeed hoping naruto was going to ask to live in the land of suna, Roshi started to talk.

"Hey Naruto, there something I want to know? Do you miss Konoha at all?" Roshi asked since, unlike him, who chose to leave his village, Naruto was forced to leave his.

Naruto just shook his head, "no, I only miss those who did not hate me, I will miss them, but that doesn't matter anymore since I'm not going to see them again, but at least I have you guys." Naruto said with a sad smile on his face.

"I see, you have changed in the last time we met," Gaara said.

"Tell me, what are your plans for in the future?" Roshi asked.

"Really at this point of time, nothing more but still traveling around the shinobi world wanting to show people like me and others who are seen as demons are not evil as they say, I do want to find a new home where people like me can live peacefully," naruto explained.

"Naruto, where are you going after you leave suna?" Gaara asks.

"I'm going to help my waterfall shinobi friends get back to their village first, then maybe going to iwa or somewhere else? Not really sure yet," Naruto explained.

"You know Naruto, I can help you to meet Han, who is the jinchuuriki of the 5 tails or known as han of steam, and help you meet the other jinchuurikis too as well," Roshi was offering to help Naruto.

"That sounds great to hear," Naruto said as Gaara started to talk.

"Well, Naruto,  there something I want to know from you? Why are you not telling us about this new look of yours? Are you stuck like this or something?" Gaara asks.

"Well, yes, but I could just use a transformation Jutsu if I wanted to hide my new appearance but I prefer not hiding who I am," Naruto told him  despite it did took some time for him to adjust and accept his new form he had grown proud of who he was now.

"No, Naruto, I want to know why you look like that?" Gaara asks.

"It's a very personal story that I'm not ready to talk about yet," naruto said  despite these two were also jinchuuriki he wasn't going to talk about kurama being free or what happened to Akatsuki as it might get them in trouble if people start to find out that secret of his.

"Alright, fine, but you can talk to us if you want we will always be here for you," Gaara said as he wanted Naruto to know that.

"When I'm ready, I will tell you all but I need to get some rest for tomorrow," naruto said as he wanted to see fuu competing in the upcoming battle tomorrow.

After Naruto left, Gaara and Roshi continued talking.

"Well, Gaara, now that he is gone, I know what he is probably not telling us about his secret," Roshi said.

"What?" Gaara said he was confused, having no idea what he was talking about.

"Well, you see, the truth is about him," Roshi started to talk about something very important information.

(in naruto hotel room)

Naruto was sitting in his bed with his Journal writing down what had been happening until...

Poof, Poof, Poof!

Three foxes came to see Naruto, and the first one had brown fur, brown eyes, the next one had a purple mix of white puffer fur, silver eyes, the last one had red fur, pink eyes, all three were one tail foxy.

"Hey there, blond fox." jerk fox said (not his real name, but  a nickname naruto gave him and the others)

Naruto looked to see the other two foxes.

"Well, well, if it's a fashion fox and a feisty fox.

"Naruto, I get why you call me fashion fox because I made you those new clothes, but you know I was just older by that loud Kurama," fashion fox said as she got on naruto's lap.

The feisty fox got up on the bed, looking at the fashion fox. "Sis, you know it is not loud Kurama, it's LORD KURAMA! GET IT RIGHT!"

"Well, big brother, it's not my fault that he talks so loud at all of us," the fashion fox said as naruto started chuckling, "well, that is true. He does talk so loud to us,'' Naruto couldn't stop chuckling until the jerk fox came over to Naruto and used his tail to slap him in the face.

"Come on, jerk fox, I was joking!" Naruto yelled as the jerk fox slapped him again.

"Don't disrespect lord Kurama again!" the jerk fox said, then went poof away. Poof feisty fox went away too.

"You foxes love coming and going," Naruto said.

"Well, Naruto, that's what foxes do," she said.

"Why did you come here again?" Naruto asks.

"I needed a break from that loud Kurama, so I came here," she said before going to sleep on naruto's lap.

(later at night)

Outside of sunagakure village, two cloak men.

"So this is Sunagakure village." the first one said.

"It's just like how I left it, so how do you want to do this?" the other asks.

"Let's surprise them." the first one said before they vanished Into thin air.

(Gaara offices)

10, 9, 8,

"So that happened to him, but where has he been then with him for the last three years then?" Gaara asks after hearing a long story from Roshi.

"That I don't know, son Goku didn't tell me. I doubt he even knows," Roshi said.

(fuu hotel room)

7, 6, 5,

Fuu, yoro, and kegon were excited about entering the tournament tomorrow.

(Temari and Kankuro)

4, 3,

Temari and Kankuro were at the kazekage tower in another room, talking about tomorrow's tournament and how great it was going as planned.

(in naruto hotel room)

2, 1,

Naruto was lying down with his fox friend about to go to sleep.

(the entire sunagakure village)


Pow! Pow! Boom! BOOOOOMM! Loud explosions were happening every way.

(Gaara offices)

"WHAT HELL IS HAPPENING!?" Roshi yelled.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! ANBU COME WITH ME!" Gaara yelled out for backup.

Anbu came in. "yes lord kazekage."


"YES, LORD, KAZEKAGE!" All the Anbu said then left in a black flash, Roshi and Gaara ran to the rooftops where they found Temari and Kankuro all looking up to see a big white bird in the sky, and two people jumped off to the same rooftops just stood a few feet away from them.

"Well, this is great. Two jinchuriki instead of one." the first one said.

(in naruto hotel room)

All the loud explosions woke up scared naruto and feisty fox.

"FEISTY FOX, ARE YOU OK!" Naruto yelled from being woken up.

"Yes, I am naruto. We need to get out of here now!" the feisty fox said fast. Naruto nodded and ran out of the building to find the village parts of it were on fire.

"Shadow clone Jutsu!" Naruto yelled out his Jutsu and created over 500 Shadow clones scattered using simple water jutsu to extinguish the fire and save the village in danger as feisty fox and real naruto heading to Kazekage tower to help.

Fuu, yoro, and kegon all got out of the burning hotel and saw the horrors the village is going through yoro and kegon started to use their best water jutsus to save the village, fuu saw naruto going to the kazekage tower she was following him.

(Kazekage tower rooftop)

Gaara, Roshi, Temari, and Kankuro were about to fight the two people, but then the bird came down and almost hit Temari and Kankuro. Still, Gaara could catch it using his magnet release, and then it explodes and launches Temari and Kankuro away from Gaara and Roshi.

"That was an exploding clay bird, Gaara and Roshi, be careful he is an explosion user!" Kankuro yells at them.

'This is not good. Who are these people' Temari thought, "Kankuro, I will be back." Temari said before Vanishing.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING WHEN WE NEED YOU!" Kankuro yelled and got back up to Gaara and Roshi.

Both the cloak men began running to them, Gaara uses magnet release to stop one, and his hands hit in the sand as the other gets to Roshi and pulls out a kunai and tries to attack him, but that easily fails. Roshi grabs him and throws him into the sand.

"Well, that was a good distraction." the first cloak men said.

"Well, your idea was going to be fast anyway." the other said.

Gaara and Roshi had no idea what they're talking about until Gaara saw three white snakes.


Gaara was safe with his magnet release forming a dome protecting him, but the other the first cloak men, Broke Free from Gaara sand.

The other cloak man pointed to Roshi, and he says, "Puppet Technique Prosthetic Arm Senbon!" his arm fires fast to Roshi.

Naruto came with one of his tails out of nowhere, grabbing it and throwing it back to the cloak men who tried to hurt Roshi.

"Take this back!"Naruto yells at him in a demon voice.


"Well, that really can't work?" the first cloak man said.

"What the hell do you mean?" Naruto asks, confused, but then the smoke clears up.

Naruto saw pieces of crack paper reforming back onto the cloak men.

Roshi and Gaara were shocked, but Naruto was even more shocked by it.

Naruto was in his thoughts slowly and quietly in the 'that, looks, like.

(flashback naruto fight with pakura)

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Pakura said as they were surrounding her and quickly wrapped around her arms, then heard the last thing, " 20 GOLDEN PAPER BOMBS!"



After that a pile of smoke clear dawn, a fox came to see Pakura was in her normal form, her arms blown off with pieces of her body cracking like paper, but the thing that creeped him out was Pakura was still alive sitting down looking at the fox with a grin on her face.

"HO MY GOD...h.h...HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE FROM THAT?" Fox asked in shock.

"Well, there is so much you don't know. Pakura said.

"You're a zombie, are you?" Fox said.

"I guess you can say it like that you win this time, but we will meet again, and next time I will win, "Pakura said as a coffin appeared where she was and vanished with her in it.

"Wait, what just happened?" Fox said to himself.

(end of flashback)

Still in Naruto's mind, 'wait a minute, that looks like the reani....' Naruto's eyes blink back, in reality, getting yelled at by a feisty fox.

"EARTH TO NARUTO WE HAVE A FIGHT TO WIN HELLO!" feisty fox yells at him. Naruto comes back to see Kankuro and Gaara fighting the first cloak men. The other is about to be done with his reforming.

By now, fuu came flying down to the first cloak men giving him a back kick in the head.

"How many jinchuurikis are here!" the first cloak man said, already knowing who she was.

"There are four of us here!" fuu said in return.

"What four? Are you talking about it?" the first cloak men said, then over to naruto. "Wait a minute, Naruto, is that you?" The first cloak men ask, but before naruto says anything, the first cloak man already start talking again. "IT IS YOU! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU SINCE THE DAY YOU KILLED ME AND THE OTHERS! WHEN YOU TRY TO USE MY ART AGAINST ME!"

Naruto was just confused. "I'm sorry, but who are you again?" Naruto was trying to figure out what he meant.

Both the cloak men reveal themselves. The first one had full demon black eyes and long golden blond hair, which he wore drawn into a half ponytail with the rest hanging down freely. The bang hanging over his left eye is what concealed his eye scope. The other had wide black eyes which, short mousy red hair.

"Wait, you're Deidara from my old village as an S-rank Missing-nin, there were rumors that you were dead!?" Roshi said.

"I was, thanks to him," Deidara pointed to naruto. "When he said he made a deal with Kyuubi and now we're going to die, you said to us. Deidara said.

They all looked to see the other one was Sasori, who started to speak. "Well, now, thanks to us being reanimated, it's our turn to kill you."

"I don't think he is trapped, and we outnumber you," Naruto said as Deidara just smirked.

"Who do you think that is?" Deidara said he already had more c1 bombs around them in snacks over the sides of the Kazekage tower rooftop, then Naruto, Gaara, a feisty fox, Kankuro, and Roshi all saw all the snacks come to them fast.

"EVERYONE JUMP OFF!" Naruto yelled.


Kazekage tower rooftop and a good top half of it was gone, everyone was on the ground, but then two more c1 bombs came as a Beetle and went at one of the naruto tails Kankuro right arm.

Booom! Booom!

Kankuro was still alive, thank god Gaara and fuu came to help him, and the same with naruto and Roshi went to naruto's side, who now looked exhausted as the feisty fox got off trying to see where Deidara was.

"AAAHHHH!" Kankuro yells in pain.

"M-m-m-my sage of six paths, he knew where to hit me." Naruto is exhausted as Roshi gets him up.

Deidara came out of the smoke on a new big bird. "Did you really think you could beat my art again?"

"M-my art? What is he talking about?" Naruto said.

"Deidara is a bomber, and he sees his explosive as his own art," Roshi explained.

"w-WHAT! You're kidding me." Naruto said.

Gaara was going to make Deidara pay for almost killing his big brother.

"Fuu keeps an eye on Kankuro for me," Gaara said. He used his magnet release to fight Deidara as the rest had to deal with Sasori, who came at them, and the naruto tail regrows back.

"That feels better." Naruto used his golden chains on Sasori, but since Naruto was in a weakened state, Temari came with yoro and kegon, holding rolls of cloth.

"I think you guys need some help!" Temari said she threw it to Sasori, wrapping it around her body like a cocoon and putting a seal tag on it.

"Thank you, Temari, for the help." Naruto said.


"I was getting the binding cloth, and I found there's two here and..." Temari stopped talking when she saw her brother's arm was gone. "KANKURO, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM!?"

"It got blown off by that guy." Kankuro pointed to the sky where Gaara and Deidara were fighting, then soon after that.


Deidara was able to get a small bird to Gaara without him doing anything. It exploded, knocking out Gaara, and he was falling from the sky to the ground. Naruto ran over and caught him with his tails as naruto was on all fours.

Naruto looks up to see more c1 bombs are coming down at them.

"Are you kidding me!" naruto said, and he was able to make a golden dome around them.

"Ok, that's it, I have had it with him!" Naruto said as Temari came over.

"Naruto, do you have anything planned?" Temari asks.

"I do have something, but I'm going to need your help with this," Naruto said, and Temari nodded. Naruto opened the dome up a little for Naruto and Temari to get out after the dome closed again.

"So what's your plan, Naruto?" Temari asks.

"I know he is not going to come easy, so we're going to make him come down by force, so Temari gets back!" Naruto said as Temari did what naruto told her.

Naruto got on his hands and started spinning around, forming a wind tornado going up towards Deidara, "what the devil?!" Deidara said he got caught in the tornado and got separated from his bird. As he was brought down to the ground, Naruto launched Rasengan at Deidara.

"You will pay for that!" Deidara yells.

"Golden chain jutsu!" Naruto said, forming Golden chains at Deidara. "Temari, NOW SEAL HIM!" Temari uses binding cloth but not before Deidara had one last thing to say.

Deidara looks at the angel on his face that he knows he lost. "Naruto Uzumaki nine tails jinchuuriki the others we'll find out you are still alive and we'll come to an end your life once and for all!" After that, he was now fully wrapped up with a seal tag on.

Naruto was surprised by that and shocked in his mind 'wait. The others are back!?'

"Naruto, I got him, you can now bring the dome down now." Naruto did what Temari said.

Everyone was ok in the dome and saw then again not Kankuro with his arm gone, fuu, Roshi, and feisty fox were with Gaara, yoro, and kegon were with Kankuro trying to help him.

Both Naruto and Temari went over to Kankuro.

"Kankuro, I'm sorry what happened to you," Temari said, looking sad.

"Temari, it's not your fault. I was just mad that you left like that without telling me why?" Kankuro said.

Naruto was looking at Kankuro's wound. "Um, Kankuro, I do have something that could help you with that.

"I don't think you can help me with this naruto," Kankuro said.

"Well, at least let me try." Naruto said as he put his right hand on Kankuro's wound. Naruto closed his eyes and said, "yin and yang master healing arts jutsu" Kankuro started to feel a lot of pain in his arm, and then skeleton arm bones immediately formed with flesh on it within a few minutes, it was restored.

Everyone was shocked, fuu, Roshi, and feisty fox were looking over to see what was happening, and yoro, kegon, and Temari were too shocked to say anything, but Kankuro clouded it in.

"OH MY GOD NARUTO! HOW DID YOU DO THIS!?" Kankuro yells at Naruto in shock and joy.

Naruto looked happy to know he has his arm back. "Well, you could say I'm a mea....." Naruto did not get a chain to finish what he was saying. He went unconscious.




To be continued

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