start to the next journey

Thank you for the voting but sadly there was barely any voting that actually happened compared to the last votes I did for this fanfiction.

Both sides pretty much ended up in a tie so I decided to try something a little bit different for this fanfiction of how Naruto will go to where he'll go next.

I hope you all enjoy this new chapter and enjoy what I have planned for this fanfiction.

So please enjoy.

start to the next journey

Last time with Naruto

"Listen Naruto, I have explained what has happened to you and what's been going on, I have made my decision I will join you but after this is over you owe me big time," Han said as Naruto nodded his head.

"That's fine by me, I will make it up to you for that little accident I had earlier today," naruto said as Han pulled out his hand and both shook on it.

"So where will I be going now?" Han asks as Naruto hasn't thought of that yet.

"Honestly I haven't thought about that yet, when I was in the land of hot water I was thinking about going to Kumo first but I decided to go to suna since my friend garra was there," Naruto explained as she started to think about it Kumo wasn't too far away from hot water village there was only a small country between the two countries and they could make it there by the end of the day as for Kiri was a much farther country yet to it would take longer on foot but then again Kiri did had weaker jinchurikis since the two bijuu they are were much weaker.

"Hmm, I think it would be best for now  we rest for the night, I'll tell you where we'll go by tomorrow," naruto said as everyone agreed since they had just gotten out of a fight with two members of the Akatsuki, resting for the night and then discussing plans by tomorrow would be the best choice to make.

"Very well then, we'll talk about where we'll go next by tomorrow," Han said as he and the rest made camp for the night.

During the night, Naruto was fishing to gather up some food for Han and the others.

Fuu had come towards Naruto, "hey Naruto do you need any help?"

"No thanks I'm good," Naruto said as he saw the fish and as he reeled it up it was a boot, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME ANOTHER ONE!?"

Naruto took it off the hook and threw it next to the pile of boots, "I'm guessing this island is not so clean with litterbugs?"

"You're right about that fuu, I'm sorry that I'm not able to get any fish," Naruto said as fuu looked at the water and jumped in.

"If it's not going to work with fishing why don't you get in and just grab them?" Fuu said as she dived down the water.

"Fuu!" Naruto said as he started to use his light jutsu, "night vision," Naruto's eyes started to glow very brightly and shine like a lighthouse.

Naruto looked down in the water and saw a bunch of fish around and he decided to take off his clothes besides his boxers and jump in the water.

He started grabbing fish with his hands and thanks to his night vision fuu was able to see better as well and both were able to grab a few fish.

A few minutes after that both came back up to the surface and threw the fish onto the shore.

"Thanks for the idea, this definitely worked out," Naruto said as his night vision was still on and was shining bright on fuu face.

Fuu was covering her eyes, "Naruto can you please turn off the lights?"

"Oh yeah sorry about that," Naruto said as he shut off his night vision.

Both stopped back on the beach and gather the fish.

"Naruto I still can't believe you've been here all this time after six months you were banished," fuu said as she what's getting a good look at Naruto's body as she was blushing a little bit looking at him.

Naruto smiled at her, "yeah it was surprising but it was actually really great being here with all the other foxes, most of them treat me very nice except for that jerk Fox named varian."

Fuu giggles a little, "why is he always a jerk towards you?"

"Really he's just a little bit jealous, he always tries to make himself look like the most loyal and trustworthy out of all the other foxes but the way he does it, it gets very annoying many times even Kurama get annoyed at him a lot of times," Naruto explained as he laughed a little before he got himself back in his clothes.

"You are right about that but I honestly think he tries too much to bow to his King," fuu said as she could understand varian reasons as both of them were walking back to camp.

"Well you do have a point," Naruto said as the two got back to the camp as Han and Rōshi were already asleep.

"Dang  here I thought they would be up until after fishing," naruto said as he started cooking the fish and Ayaka had come with a plate of eggs.

"Ayaka what are you doing here?" Naruto asked as he thought she should be with the other foxes sleeping by now.

"Naruto I was here just feeding these two some of my great meals, after all, he was taking you forever to get fish," Ayaka said as she sat down next to them and offered Naruto and fuu some of her eggs.

Both tried some and definitely enjoyed it, "wow you're cooking is amazing," fuu said as she kept eating her eggs.

"Well foxes do love eggs a lot, after all, we eat eggs and a bunch of chickens," Ayaka said as she transformed into her little fox and yawned to sleep.

"She must have been tired making my food for us," fuu said as she kept eating some of the eggs as Naruto grabbed Ayaka and put her on his lap, and gave her a few pets.

"She is very nice," Naruto said as soon as the fish was done and the two started to eat.

"So tell me fuu how was your life in your village, we haven't really got that much time to talk after what happened to him in suna," naruto said as fuu started to relax and lay down.

"Well to be honest it really was not bad, many of the villagers did hate me but none of them really tried to attack me some of them just threw insults, my kage took care of me and raised me right outside of the village so nobody would bother me, he's the one who taught me a lot of things I know, I always learned to be kind and helpful and never give up making friends, I was actually really happy when I got a chance to meet you Naruto, the jinchuriki of the nine tails was something I didn't expect, after you got banished it was a shame that we couldn't find you, literally every  other country was looking for you because they want to get their hands on you and make you the jinchuriki of their own village," fuu told Naruto as she gazes up to the Stars, "it is such a lovely night."

Naruto soon laid down and looked up to the sky as well, "you are right about that it is a lovely night out, honestly this was one of the best things that I ever did in the village, when I was alone at times sometimes I would just look up at the night sky and just wish for my dreams to come true, tell me did you ever wish on a Star once?"

Fuu looked at him with a little shock, "well actually yeah, honestly it was something that I really wanted to have one day."

Naruto smirks, "Let me guess to be the best in your village or have the most friends?"

Fuu looked at him and shook her head, "no, it was to have a family of my own, I always wanted to get married and have children one day but I just never really found the right guy, any guy that did not see me as a monster didn't really have a crush on me, some people find me ugly actually, with my eyes and hair color and all that."

"Well to be honest with you I don't find anything ugly about you, I mean I don't have a crush on you but honestly, I'm not even sure if I'll ever get married and have children, since I don't know if that will ever happen," it was hard to explain as Naruto never really thought about marriage or even having children except for that one time when he wrote that goodbye letter to Iruka saying if he ever had a son he would name it after Iruka.

"Naruto I'm sure we will find the right people who would truly love us one day," fuu said as she yawned right to sleep.

Naruto smiled, "yeah I'm sure too."

Naruto soon went to sleep and by morning Naruto woke up noticing it was sunrise.

He was the first one up, he got himself and got Ayaka off of him and put her right next to him fuu as he got up and did some stretches.

He went to get some more fish and came back with some for breakfast, soon everyone woke up with the smell of cooked fish.

"Good morning everyone," naruto said as he gave everyone a fish to eat.

After everyone was done eating Han got himself up and stood, "So Naruto, so have you thought about where we'll be going next?"

Naruto did have some time to think all night and he had thought how the plan should go, "if we go to Kiri first for a few certain reasons, I know which bijuu is where, but I doubt the Akasuki would go after the strongest ones first," Naruto explained as han nodded his head.

"Very well then, Kiri it is then," han said as fuu was excited and Rōshi came up to Naruto.

"Naruto, I can see what you're saying but I don't think we all should go to Kiri together," Rōshi said as Naruto didn't understand.

"What do you mean? Of course, we're all going to be able to..." Naruto got cut off by Rōshi.

"Naruto forgive me but since the Akasuki along with Orochimaru then I doubt they would Target one village at a time, I think we should split up to help the other jinchurikis, you and fuu should go together to Kiri as me and Han go to Kumo," Rōshi explain to Naruto as you look at han.

"What do you say about this han? Do you agree with this plan?" Naruto wanted to see if this was a good idea for them to split up into groups.

"Yes, Rōshi is right, we already have fought the Akasuki two times in two great Nations already, I doubt they would go one by one, splitting up will allow us to gather the rest of the jinchurikis much more quickly before the Akasuki could," han explained as Naruto thought about it, he knew that they were right.

"All right then, but here please take this," naruto pulled out a special kunai, "ones me and fuu get the two jinchurikis on our side and get them to come with us I will be able to teleport all four of us to you," Naruto explains as han and Rōshi nodded their heads.

"Good idea Naruto, that will definitely help out a lot," Rōshi said as fuu smiled.

"I cannot wait to go to see Kiri," fuu said as she hugged all three of them.

"Fuu why are you so childish?" Han asked as he was getting annoyed by her happy childish behavior.

"I'm just excited to go to make more jinchurikis friends han," fuu said as she kept hugging all three of them until han broke the hug.

"All right we get it you like making new friends, now anyway we have a long way to go so..." Han got cut off by Naruto.

"Not as long as you think," Naruto started, "back when I was in hot water village before I left I had one of my special kunai in a tree, you three will just have to pass through the land of Frost to get to Kumo."

"Okay then, now let's get going here," Han said as Ayaka had now finally said something.

"Hey if it's alright with you too can I come along with you both? I would like to help out, I do know some places around Kumo, I used to be a spy around that place," Ayaka said as she wanted to help them.

Han looked at Naruto, "Naruto is she able to keep up with us?"

"Well she is strong, if she wants to help then ok, I'm sure Kurama wouldn't mind her going with you too," Naruto said as he then teleported them away back to the hot water village.

At hot water village

Everyone was slowly rebuilding their village homes as some of the kids were helping with the crops, Assan was helping his mother gather food but then he noticed three people appeared in the trees.

Assan got close to his mother and whispered, "Hey Mom, do you see those two in the trees?" Assan pointed in the direction but the three quickly left.

"No I don't it's probably some of our Shinobi doing watch control," Assan's mother said as she got her son a basket full of food and told him to take it back to the village.

"Ok Mom, I'll be back to help out with the next load of food," Assan said as he went back to the village.

at Iwa

In the Tsuchikage office was the Third Tsuchikage, his name was Ōnoki had discovered that han had left the village without permission.

Ōnoki also got a note from the Kazekage about the Akasuki being back and have attacked their village.

Tsuchikage had decided to call out his best men and order them to find han as there were reports of a fight in han's personal training ground.

Ōnoki believed that Han was captured as well roshi was spotted in the village earlier before Han disappeared.

"This is certainly not good for the village," Ōnoki said to himself as he was annoyed by this mess he was in now.

At suna

Garra Was in his office doing work like the rest of the village was still rebuilding itself.

He had sent letters to the other great Nations about the Akatsuki being back and going after the other jinchurikis, gaara had asked for a meeting with the other kages to discuss this matter with all of them.

"I hope they accept this request for a meeting," gaara said to himself as he needed to discuss this with them.

Back with fuu and naruto

The two went to the beach as Kimiko followed them, "hey are you two going already?"

Naruto looked back at Kimiko, "yes we are, we're heading to Kiri to get the jinchurikis there to join us."

"Then here please take these," Kimiko handed them black cloaks that had the fox symbol on the back, "the village is very foggy as well please be careful there, there's a lot of danger in the land of water, some of the foxes who went to it once told me and some of the others about a sea demon and has been destroying fisherman ships."

"Don't worry we'll be careful," Naruto said as Naruto and fuu put on the cloaks, "also thank you, Kimiko, I will summon you if we need any more help."

"I would be more than happy to help you anytime Naruto, please take care of yourselves and again be careful," Kimiko said as Naruto smiled before he put on his mask.

"Don't worry we'll be fine," Naruto said right before him and fuu ran towards the land of water.

To be continued

I'm glad I was actually able to make this chapter so soon as it was something I was planning on doing.

Im planning multiple things to happen on Naruto and fuu's journey to meet the other bijuu and their jinchurikis.

Han and Rōshi I don't have that much planned for them but I do have a few things for them.

The reason why I decided to split up the group was for a couple of reasons.

With  barely any votes I  ended up in a tie between the two, so it got me thinking of them splitting up instead of staying together.

By the way now that we're this far in I can start reviewing things and start showing things I had planned that the earlier chapters foreshadowed.

Like when han and Rōshi got teleported to hot water village along with other kunais Naruto left in other villages.

I am sorry for the people who were disappointed in Iwa village, it was because of how busy I was I honestly couldn't really think of how it should play out.

Also, some of you are probably are wondering when will Naruto finally meet his old friends and when Sasuke finally finds him?

That all will eventually happen but not now as well and in future chapters I want to go more in depth with Sasuke since I haven't really done that much with him yet.

I hope everyone had enjoyed this chapter as well have a nice day.

Please leave me reviews and ask me questions if you want.

I really would love to hear them.

Once again have a nice day.

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