Meeting a new Friend or foe?

I hope you all enjoy the next new chapter I have here.

Meeting a new friend or foe

Naruto and Fuu were running across the Sea as they needed to get to the land of water before the Akasuki do.

Naruto and fuu had soon spotted three islands coming from the distance.

"Naruto we're almost there," fuu said as she started to run towards the three islands.

Naruto smiled and ran right next to her but then Naruto quickly went wide-eyed as he could sense something in the water with a high level of chakra.

Naruto quickly grabs fuu's hand to stop her from running, "fuu stop! Do you sense that?"

Fuu looked a little bit confused, "no I..." Fuu stopped as she could now start to sense something under the water and it definitely had a high-level chakra.

"Chōmei do you sense that? Could it be one of the other jinchurikis?" Fuu asks her bijuu.

Chōmei could sense it but it wasn't one of his siblings, "whatever it is it's definitely not a bijuu, I don't sense any demonic chakra anywhere nearby this area."

"Then what could it be?" Fuu asks.

"I'm not sure what it is but it's definitely has a high-level of chakra," Chōmei said as fuu looked at the water.

"Hmmm?" Naruto was looking down as he took a deep breath and put his whole head into the water and started to use his night vision to see everything thing under the water.

"Naruto, do you see anything?" Fuu asked as Naruto got his head out of the water and shook his wet hair dry.

"No I haven't," Naruto said as he saw fuu's eyes were pupils now.

"Maybe it's not as close as we thought, whatever it is though we should get on to land first," Chōmei said as Naruto got up looking a little bit confused.

"Chōmei is that you?" Naruto asked if he was speaking to the beetle King.

"Yes it is, Now come on let's go," Chōmei said as both made it on to the closest island.

Both were now on the beach of the island as Chōmei looked around the area.

"So this is my younger brother's territory, have to say it looks pretty nice," Chōmei said as Naruto was walking to him.

"So how close are we to finding your brothershere?" Naruto asked as he wanted to know how far away they were.

Chōmei couldn't sense any of them were anywhere close by, they were definitely far away still, "we're definitely nowhere close yet, I'm going to fly around and see where we are."

Naruto watches as Chōmei summons two of his tails that were a pair of bug wings and flies up high.

"Now why didn't we fly here?" Naruto asked himself as he watched Chōmei go up high in the sky.

With han, Rōshi and Ayaka

The two jinchurikis along with Ayaka were now in the land of Forest.

Land of forest was a really big Forest and the trees cover the sunlight making it very dark to pass-through

"How many countries until we get to the land of lightning again?" Ayaka asked as she was tired of walking.

"We just have to pass this small country and then we'll be there besides aren't you a fox? I thought foxes love walking or running a lot?" Rōshi said as Ayaka got mad as she crossed her arms together.

"Yeah but there's a certain limit to how long we enjoy it!" Ayaka said as Rōshi started laughing which made Ayaka a little bit more annoyed.

Inside of tail beast mindscape

Son Goku and Kokuō were there talking.

"Why is she so annoyed on this journey but yet she asked to come?" Kokuō asked her little brother.

"I don't know sis but she's definitely amusing on this journey to the land of lighting," Son Goku said as Kokuō smiled.

"Yeah that's true I'll give you that but there is something I do Wonder once we get there?" Kokuō started as son Goku had an eyebrow raised, "I wonder how our little sister twin tails and big octopus brother are doing?"

"I'm sure you're doing great right now," son Goku said as Kokuō shook her head.

"No that's not what I mean, I mean how come we haven't seen them yet, they haven't answered or called or anything to talk in over 20 years especially when we need to talk to them to emerge and they still haven't came here," Kokuō explained.

"Once they start sending us, they will have to come and talk and then we can explain everything to them," Son Goku said as Kokuō nodded.

"Indeed you're right about that," Kokuō said.

"Good, now by the way, what's with the nicknames you're not giving wasn't that shukaku who would usually do that when we were kids?" Son Goku asked.

"Back when we all were together we all used to give nicknames together, honestly remember back when we were all used to being on our little brother's turtle shell because we were all too afraid to swim?" Kokuō said as son Goku started to laugh.

"Good times," Son Goku said.

Back with han, Rōshi and Ayaka

All three kept on their journey to the land of lighting.

"So have you two ever been to the land of lightning before?" Ayaka asked.

Rōshi looked at her, "I have a few times, and one of the good things about it is it's a very peaceful village for jinchurikis."

"What do you mean by peace for jinchurikis?" Ayaka asked as she was now curious to know.

Rōshi started to explain, "Well one of the reasons why I came here was to help me with my bond with son Goku, back in those days me and him were not on good terms neither did we trust each other that much but I want to learn and understand more about him along with the other eight bijuu, so I came here to ask for help from killer B the jinchuriki of Gyūki the eight tails and king of octopus demons, during my time there those two were able to help me and son Goku become good partners and help us understand each other as well during my time there everyone was friendly towards us and bijuu the same way."

"Well this place is still going to be interesting once we get there," Ayaka said as she was now getting interested to see this place.

Suddenly all three could see a lit campfire.

"Huh, should we go see who it is?" Ayaka asks.

"Probably not, we should just go around them," Han said as all three were planning to do that but then they could hear someone's voice.

"WHO'S THERE!" A woman in a dark cloak appeared in front of them withholding a kunai as all three saw her face, her skin and hair were white as snow, her eyes were Byakugan.

Everyone was surprised but then Ayaka quickly noticed something about this woman, "wait a second? Akari, is that you?"

The woman looked at Ayaka, "Ayaka? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question but are there other people with you?" Ayaka wanted to know if Akari was alone or not.

"I do have some friends here," Akari said as someone with a mask came right behind her.

"Akari, who are these three?" He asked.

Akari looks at him, "An old family mother and some of her friends I guess?" Akari looked back at the other three, "Ayaka, are these two your friends?"

"Yes, they are," Ayaka said as she came over to Akari and gave her a hug, "Akari it's so great to see you again."

"Same to you, sorry for surprising all three of you. It's just that you have to be careful in the woods to make sure who you can trust," Akari said as Ayaka looked at the man with the mask.

"So who is this friend of yours?" Ayaka asks.

"This is Sasuke Uchiha, I'm not sure if you read my letters but he's the one who saved me and I have been with him ever since," Akari explained but Ayaka's eyes went wide.

'That is the person who naruto fought three years ago,' Ayaka thought as she couldn't believe she was actually standing a few feet away from Sasuke Uchiha, "hello Sasuke Uchiha thank you for saving my Akari."

"Don't mention but may I ask, are you three looking for Naruto?" Sasuke asks.

"I haven't met Naruto," Ayaka asked as Sasuke looked at her and the two men she was with.

Both Han and Rōshi knew something was off with Ayaka saying she didn't know anything about Naruto as both definitely knew she was hiding it for a reason.

"My team are heading to the land of lighting, would you three want to follow us?" Sasuke asks.

"That's okay thank you, we don't want to bother you," Ayaka said to both Han and Rōshi, "it was nice seeing you again Akari but we should get going, maybe we'll meet again soon."

"All right, bye," Akari said as Ayaka quickly left with Han and Rōshi.

Sasuke watches them leave, "hmmm?"

"Is everything all right Sasuke?" Akari asks.

"You could tell she was lying right? I think she knows something about where Naruto is?" Sasuke said.

"I could tell she was hiding something so if she does know where Naruto is then let's follow her, maybe she'll actually lead us to Naruto or at the very least we could hear something that could tell us where he is," Akari said as Sasuke knew that was a good idea.

"All right then let's go," Sasuke said as they got the rest of their team and started following the three to the land of lighting but making sure Ayaka, Han and Rōshi didn't know they were being followed by Sasuke.

Back with Chōmei flying

Chōmei and fuu could see three islands with all the villages that had them, he noticed close by where Naruto was there was a house just half a mile away and close by to the house with a village.

Chōmei flies back down to Naruto.

"So what do you see up there?" Naruto asks.

"There's only just a few villages and a small house up the beach here, we can Cross by and go further to find the two we need," Chōmei said as fuu took back control of her body again.

"Ready to go Naruto kun?" Fuu said in her cheerful voice again.

"Yes let's go," Naruto said as both walked down the beach until they reached the house where they saw the door open, both saw a woman that had purple hair and black pupil less eyes, Her face, arms, and legs are wrapped in bandages scales and she wore a sleeveless tunic-blouse with brown shorts, She also wore a simple yellow sash around her waist.

She didn't notice them because she was looking the other way and she started walking towards the village.

Fuu started going as naruto stop her for a moment, "wait before we continue on I should disguise myself," Naruto knew how the other villages are a new Naruto immediately he didn't want to be noticed and everyone in the woods trying to get them to join them.

Naruto transform just into a 16-year-old teen that had brown hair, dark eyes, tan skin, wearing a brown t-shirt with a grey short sleeve pudding holder, black shorts, black ninja sandals.

"Um, Not... bad," fuu said but she honestly prefers Naruto's real appearance over his disguise.

The two soon got to the village as a ship came on the docks where a woman with purple hair that wore a custom-made outfit that is crafted of thin metal mesh to fit the lines of her body, that covers her from neck to thigh, Over this, she typically wears a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam and a pocket on each side, a dark orange mini-skirt, a dark blue belt, and pale grey shin guards, she also wears a small pendant that looks like a snake fang.

"The land of sea, it's been a long time since I was last here, Anko is back," Anko said as she got off the ship.

To be continued

If any of you are probably wondering Naruto team going to the land of water as Rōshi team is going to the land of lighting each team has to pass a few journeys in order to get there.

I'm so excited for the characters I have finally now been able to bring in this fanfiction, I'm finally glad we have got to the land of the sea as it was something I had planned for the characters to introduce.

Also later on I am thinking about making a chapter or doing a flashback about all nine bijuu back when they were kids just for a little fun as well with some sibling drama in it.

One of the things I have realized I decided to put into this chapter is why hasn't Naruto really been talking to the other tail beast yet, I decided to put that in here where he starts talking to Chōmei as well I'm thinking of Naruto trying to talk to the others as well soon.

I hope you all have joined this if any of you have any questions that you want to ask please do, feedback or just leave a comment or review please I would like to hear it.

Until then bye 👋

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