Meet Lucky seven

Ok, guys, when I put a poll in, I expect more than one of each side to vote.

anyway guys hope you like this one

Meet Lucky seven

After Naruto gave the hot water village leader the report of what happened in the fight with him and pakura and said his goodbyes to them, he was back on his next adventure.

(waterfall village)

In the Waterfall village, there was a 16-year girl named fuu, She had tan-skinned, wore an orange clip in her short, layered mint green hair that matched her eye color, which was also orange, her ninja outfit consisted of a short sleeveless white midriff shirt with fishnet armor underneath, long white armlets, and fishnet shorts with a short white apron skirt over it, Her headband was on her right arm.

She headed to see her old-time friend and leader of the village shibuki, as she was running by the villagers she could hear what they were saying about her.

"Look there, It's that demon beetle again."

"Hey, she is not a demon!"

"Look here, a demon lover, what do you know."

"He is not a demon lover, fuu is just a girl that keeps the demon at bay, and you know that!"

"Yeah, right."

"So ungrateful, may I remind you she saved your life 5 times before, and you know it."

"Shu... shut up! She tried to kill me those times."

"Blaming her as always, what do you know."


Fuu had this village that both hated and loved her, She truly didn't care for the ones who hated her, but she would try to make them become her friends.

"Some of them just don't change but one day they will all love me when I turn the land waterfall into the 6 great Nation," fuu said to herself as she made her way to shibuki offers.

(shibuki offers)

"lord shibuki fuu is here to see you," a shinobi said.

"Good, please Let her in," Shibuki said as fuu came in.

"Hello shibuki, have you got any missions for me today?" fuu asks with a smile on her face.

"Well, yes, but sadly, it's a D-rank mission, I need you to go out of the village to find and pick up trash," shibuki said as fuu jumped up and started to yell in joy.

"A mission is a mission D C B A OR S! I will get it done for you lord shibuki!" Fuu said as she headed out.

'She never stopped being a cheerful girl, ' Shibuki thought with a smirk on his face.

(outside of the village)

Fuu was running around looking for trash as her secret bijuu friend wanted to talk to her.

"My little human friend is full of life and happy to be lucky just like me," the seven tails said.

"Thanks, it's nice to speak to you, my king of beetles, or by your real name Chomei," fuu said as she kept looking for trash.

Chomei sensed something was nearby, "WAIT FUU STOP!"

"Chomei is everything alright?" fuu asks, looking worried as this was not like him.

"I'm fine, but I can sense there is something nearby, It feels like a bijuu, close by but it's not?" Chomei said, getting fuu confused.

"What do you mean?" fuu asks as she wanted to know.

"I don't really know fuu, this energy feels like one but it's not, I suggested we should check it out," Chomei said.

"Okay then, let's go see what it is then," fuu said as she started running deeper into the woods.

(somewhere else with naruto)

Naruto had stopped for a break at the River, he took his clothes off and put on orange swimming trunks, reviewing he had six-pack abs, broad shoulders, pecks, he definitely was a hot man, he went swimming, as he left his clothes on rocks that were nearby the river.

'This is nice,' Naruto thought to himself as he was enjoying it until someone with four brown paws jumped on his back, "WHOA! WHO THERE!?" Naruto yelled and got his head out of the water, looking around, then he looked down to see a one-tail brown fox looking at him in the water.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something here? Blond fox?" the fox said in a snob's voice.

"You gotta be kidding me, yo ...ahh," Naruto was interrupted by the fox slapping him with his own tail as Naruto had his hand on his cheek, "why does that always hurt!"

"Lord Kurama wants to know how you're doing," the fox said.

Naruto looked pissed off at him.

"Aright jerk fox, in the land of hot water..." Naruto started to give his report to the fox until his story ended with him being slapped with a brown fox tail again.

(back with fuu)

"We're getting close!" Chomei said as they saw a river nearby, fuu stopped and started to walk when she saw some clothes on the rocks.

Fuu suddenly heard POOF! white smoke came out on the side of the river, but some trees were blocking the view.

fuu decide to jump to a tree and hid there so she could see what it but she never expected herself to blush deep.

Fuu saw coming out of the water was a blond-haired teen with rock-hard muscles long Kyuubi ears and blond nine tails.

"That man looks like my big brother Kurama if was human but with his tails and ears with the whisker marks on his cheeks, wait why does he have nine tails, to begin with?" Chomei wanted to know.

"chomei, if I'm right that men look like Naruto Uzumaki, Let us go and talk to him," fuu said.

"With you blushing like that?" Chomei said as fuu just realized she was and got embarrassed.

"Well, he is hooo heeeeyyyyyy! Do not tease me here!" Fuu yells, making Chomei laugh.

"Ok, sorry about that but I couldn't help it, let's see if this guy really is naruto!" Chomei said as they looked to see the men were now gone.

"Where did he go?" fuu asked herself, not knowing he was right behind her.

"You know I can hear you from there, right?" he said from behind her.

Fuu looked behind her as the blond man was in his clothes, "Hi there," fuu was shocked that he was able to sneak behind her.

"Sorry for sneaking up on you like that, I just enjoy meeting new people," the man said to fuu.

"It's alright, I love seeing new people too," fuu said as the men looked happy to hear that.

"Can I ask who you are?" fuu asks, seeing the men about to say it.

"It's Naruto kitsune, but I once went by Naruto Uzumaki,'' Naruto said as he didn't really mind telling his identity as where he was now was a bit further away from the land of fire.

"I knew you were naruto, It's great to meet another jinchuuriki," Fuu said with joy that he wanted to hug naruto.

"FUU! Calm yourself, I don't think he is a jinchuuriki, not another one anymore, that is, I can't sense my brother inside him," Chomei said to Fuu as she was confused by him.

"What do you mean?" fuu asks.

"I don't know, for now, just go and talk to him, see if he is really as nice as he claims to be," chomei said, and fuu went on to talk to Naruto.

"It's nice to meet the jinchuuriki of chomei, the king of beetles," Naruto said.

"How the hell does he know my name!" Chomei yelled, back with fuu and naruto.

"It's great to meet you, Naruto, but I want to know where you are going?" fuu asks.

"I'm heading to a village to see an old friend of mine, but I'm stopping by other villages as I go,'' Naruto said.

"Well then, do you want to come to the waterfall village then? I know some villages, and shibuki would love to see you again," fuu said as she saw naruto have a smile on his face.

"Sounds great," Naruto said, then they went.

(in the tail beast mindscape)

"BIG BROTHER KURAMA! I NEED TO HAVE A WORD WITH YOU NOW!" Chomei yelled as Kurama rose from the ground to see chomei.

"Well, I'm then happy that my little lucky brother wants to talk to me, after all these years," Kurama said as chomei started talking.

"What did you do to your formal, jinchuriki?" Chomei asks as Kurama has a smirk on his face that creeps Chomei out.

"My Little Beetle brother, I have a lot to tell you," Kurama said he started to explain the whole story to chomei about what had been going on for the last three years, leaving chomei eyes wide open.

"K-KU-KURAMA!? is this a joke?... no human can ever survive eating a tail beast fruit! I gave several humans that fruit when I was just 200 years old!" chomei said with both fear and shock in his voice.

"do I look like I'm shukaku that makes jokes all day long?" Kurama asks him.

"NO! you... don't" chomei said as he knows for a fact his brother would never tell lies.

"Believe me there is a lot of stuff I been doing all this time, like getting rid of the toad summoning scroll and giving him a fox summoning scroll, made him into a Kyuubi shinobi, and Speaking of which I just sent one of my special earth fox to go and see him for a report to known how he been doing," Kurama said as chomei was creeping out.

"Kurama, did you tell the others about this yet?" Chomei asked to know.

"just you and one other for now the others we'll be finding out soon when they meet him," Kurama said.

"Okay then, I need to go now to process all of this information, I hope we can talk again," Chomei said as he left Kurama alone.

"I can't wait to know how the others are going to take this in, I wish I could see the look on all of the faces," Kurama said to himself.

(back with naruto)

"wow waterfall village looks the same as I left it the last time I was here on a mission with team seven," Naruto said as he and fuu went into the village.

"Um, what is that?" a villager said, seeing naruto.

"He with fuu? What is going on?" another villager said, seeing naruto as well.

'Stay away from me.' a villager said in his head as well taking a few steps back.

Most of the villagers were shocked by him, can he be good or not? But then a few villagers started to look at him again.

"Hey wait, is that Naruto Uzumaki the banished jinchuuriki?" a shinobi asks some others they look and said.

"It can't be?" another shinobi said.

"It is him!" another shinobi said.

"what was Konoha thinking of banishing their own jinchuuriki!?" another shinobi said.

"It doesn't matter we need to tell lord shibuki about this at once," another shinobi said as they all left.

Fuu was giving Naruto a tour of the village, Naruto loved it as well as spending time with her, After the tour around the village, Naruto wanted to ask for fuu smothering.

"Hey, fuu, can I ask you something?" Naruto asked as fuu turned around to see him.

"Of course, what is it?" fuu asks.

"Fuu, I would like to have a sparring match with you?" Naruto wanted to fight for fun.

"You want to see how good I am, am I right Naruto?" fuu asks with a smile on her face.

"Just for fun but also yes," Naruto said.

"Very well then, come with me," Fuu said as they went to the training ground that no one was using.

Fuu was 10 feet away from Naruto as she started to talk, "ok, blonde, let's see how good you are when it comes to the Lucky seven FUU!"

"Then let's start then," Naruto said before the fight began.





Fuu first released chomei, two of his wings, to fly up and came back down with a kunai, "Let's see if you can dodge this!" Naruto quickly disappeared in a yellow flash.

"Where did you go!" Fuu asks as she glanced around but could not see him until one of his tails grabbed her by the leg and threw her over him to the other side of the ground.

"Good trick up your tails you had," fuu said as she put her hands together and formed a big green cocoon around her.

"What is this?" Naruto asked himself as he could hear something from the ground.

"SURPRISE, I'M HERE!" Fuu yelled as she popped out of the ground in tail beast chakra three tail mode and pouch naruto in the face making him go a few feet away from her, and fuu got up high in the air.

"Now we're really getting to start here!" Naruto said as he jumped now standing on his hands, and his tails started to release wind chakra wrapping around his tails forming small like tornadoes, "now you try to dodge this!" Naruto said he used his hands to spin around to form all the small tornadoes into one big tornado, going after fuu getting her trap in, and spinning her around.

"I got you now, fuu," Naruto said, then stopped it as he got back to his feet with his eyes closed, "That was fun, I think you are too daisy to fight me now ... I," Naruto stopped talking as he noticed she wasn't there, "Where are you?" Naruto asked as I looked behind to see fuu.

"I have learned not to get daisy when I'm in that type of situation, blonding boy if you got any more tricks up your sleeve, I would use them now," fuu said as naruto had a grin on his face.

"Find by me, come at me with everything you got! and I will not move every move from this spot!" Naruto said she went in five tails mode and ran at him to pouch him in the face, but out of nowhere, she just went right through him.

"WHAT WAS THAT? IS THAT A GENJUTSU!?" Fuu yelled to look back to see Naruto grab her tails and throw her over 50 feet away from him, but as she did, Naruto had two more jutsu to use on her.

"That is a light release jutsu, and this is my other one, SOLAR FLARE!" Naruto yelled as he blind fuu eyes.

The next thing fuu knew she got wraparound golden chains and was held down to the ground.

Naruto just started laughing, "Looks like I won this round," Naruto said and released fuu from his chains, "I must admit fuu you really were great as a real true jinchuuriki," Naruto said as he helped fuu get up.

"I can say the same thing about you, you definitely have good tricks up your sleeve," fuu said as they headed to get some ramen.

"Sir, how much is miss pork ramen here?" Naruto asked the cook.

"Well, it's about 14 dollars," the cook said as Naruto pulled out a bag, and the cook looked inside to see a lot of gold shillings in it that made the cook wild."

"Well, this cover it?" Naruto asked.

"Sir, these are solid gold coins! This is for one or is worth a few hundred bowls!" the cook said.

"Then you know what, sir, RAMEN IS ON ME!" Naruto just yelled out loud making everyone cheer for him.

(one hour later)

Naruto and so many people fell from eating so much ramen, 'Men, I have not had ramen since I went to train with Kurama,' both he and fuu were setting together until a few shinobi came for them.

"Naruto Uzumaki lord shibuki wants to see you and fuu now."

"Ok then we go," Naruto said as he gave the cook another bag of gold as a tip and then left.

(shibuki offers)

Naruto and fuu walk into shibuki offers, shibuki was surprised to see naruto's new appearance and had questions he wanted to be answered.

"Naruto, it's so great to see you again, after last we see each other, but I want to know where were you after I got word that you were banished, I sent out over a hundred shinobi of mine to find you and so I can offer you to join us, but we couldn't find you where were you this whole entire time?" shibuki ask as naruto started to talk.

"Well, to be honest, it's hard to explain, a lot had happen to me over the last 3 years even how I got my new form but I prefer not to talk about it and just to let you know I prefer being my own shinobi, I travel around helping others who need,'' Naruto explain.

"If you don't feel comfortable talking about it, I understand, but I do have some questions about other stuff naruto some of my shinobi had an eye on you when you and fuu were sparring together, they heard you have a new kekkei Genkai that called light release but what is it exactly?" shibuki ask.

"Well, actually I have three kekkei Genkai," The first is the gold release, the next is the light release, and the last it's a secret for being a part of my story that I don't want to talk about," Naruto said.

"Well, go explain with the other two then please," Shibuki said.

"With the gold release, I'm able to make gold from the ground or make them into any form I want, like gold shillings or golden chains, The light release allows me to from sources of light, I can have night vision with it, I can make solar flare to temporarily blind people with, I can even use the light release to mix it with a paper bomb to make it where it can't be destroyed since it is made out of light, I can use it to make my body into the light, so people go right through me, but I can do it for a minute,'' Naruto explained.

"That is interesting. I never heard of those before, but I must ask you something else. Can you do me a favor?" shibuki asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Naruto asked.

"I need your help at night for smothering," Shibuki said.

(later at night)

Naruto, shibuki, and fuu were outside of the village, "This is the spot right?" Naruto asked shibuki.

"Yes, I need you to fill this part of this ground with so much gold so my village can rise and get out our debts from the other villages," shibuki explained.

"All right then, let's do it," Naruto said as he put both of his hands on the ground causing over a mile of lot gold rocks to come out.

Shibuki was amazed by this, "Thank you, Naruto, for this."

"don't mention it," Naruto said as Shibuki handed him a key.

"Here take the skiing it's to our best motel room, I'm going to need to talk to you tomorrow about something else,'' Shibuki said and gave him a room key to the motel.

"Ok, then I will," Naruto said as he went to the motel when he got there the room was nice but after a long day, all he want to do now was sleep for the night away.

(somewhere else)

"I will get all nine tail beasts to complete our plans." A male voice said.

"Don't worry, you get what you want as long as you help me with my plans as well." some other male voice said.

To be continued

So what do you all think about this so far?

What does Shibuki want to talk about?

What will happen next?

You'll just have to wait and see.

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