helping Han

let's get started with the next chapter that you all have been waiting for.

helping Han

Last time on Naruto the golden Fox demon.

both Shēn and murky were running to them.

"NARUTO! FUU! WE FOUND HAN!" murky yells to them.

"ROSHI VARIAN, WE FOUND HAN!" Shēn yells as they ran to them.

"Really, where?" Naruto asks.

"JUST FOLLOW US!" They both yelled and started to run.

They all ran to the other side of the village where they were at now was a private training ground and all saw Han fighting off two men in dark cloaks, but their faces were showing, and naruto knew who they were.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Naruto said as he knew who they were, "Kakuzu and Hidan."


(just to let you guys know that was a fourth wall joke, now let us get the real fanfiction started)

"We have you now, five tails jinchuriki!" both said as they ran up to him.

"do you both truly believe it's going to be this easy to seize me, you both have unfortunately mistaken me as something else than what i really am," han said as he uses boil release to make one big fog making it hard to see.

Naruto had to use light vision, naruto's eyes are now yellow, released light from his eyes so he and the others can see the fight.

After increasing his chakra temperature to the boiling point, he releases boiling stems from his body and delivers a steam-enhanced punch to Hidan, and sends him flying far away from him and Kakuzu.

han tried to do the same to Kakuzu, however, Kakuzu was quite fast ducking hans attack, Kakuzu went on ripping off his cloak revealing on his body he had stitches around and four masks on his back, hair-like tentacles came out from his body transforming him into a monster.

Kakuzu tentacles were able to grab Han, "these two are stronger than I thought."

Han couldn't believe how hard this fight was between these two.


Han was on his own private training, as he was training his bijuu Kokuō the queen of horses was talking with him.

"I must say my jinchuriki, you have greatly improved your skills of boil release," Kokuō said as she was proud of him.

"You always say that during my training," Han said as kept on training himself to his limits.

"I always say it because I'm very proud of you, how far you have come since we have started working together," Kokuō said as she had a kind smile on her face.

"That is indeed true, I will say that Kokuō," Han said as Kokuō suddenly felt three jinchurikis entering the village.

"Han do you feel that? I can sense three jinchurikis and one of them is roshi," Kokuō said as Han was surprised by this news.

"Is that so, then this is going to be interesting if roshi comes back," Han said as he was about to go and see them but all of sudden Han could immediately sense two people had entered his training ground.

He turned around and saw two figures in dark cloaks.

"Who are you both and what are you doing here?" Han demanded to know as he didn't like people coming on to his training ground without his permission.

The bigger one talked first, "I'm Kakuzu," Kakuzu had a smirk on his face.

"And I'm Hidan, we have come to take you back to our leader," Hidan explained as he had an evil smile on his face.

Han noticed they have cracks all over their body and their eyes were black.

"Wait a second, I heard about you both, your part of the Akatsuki," Han said as he got more serious.

"You couldn't have been more right, how about that but it doesn't matter, you will be coming with us," Hidan said as he pulled out his weapon.

"Do you both honestly believe you can capture a jinchuriki like me?" Han asks them as they came at him.

Flashback ends

Han was able to keep fighting them off but no matter how much damage he caused them they kept regenerating.

Naruto wasn't going to keep watching this, he jumped to the tentacles and pulled out his kunai and cut the tentacles off to free Han.

Both were surprised as Han and Kokuō didn't realize the other jinchurikis had come since they were too busy fighting.

Kakuzu was surprised by some blonde girl who just came out of nowhere to help the five tailed jinchuuriki.

"How dare you interfere with our FIGHT!" Kakuzu said as he was mad.


Naruto had transformed back into his true self, Kakuzu's face appearing to be now mad and shocked at who he was seeing right before him, "This can't be? Naruto uzumaki!?"

"Yeah it's me all right," Naruto said as fuu, murky and Varian was next to Naruto as Roshi and Shēn next to han.

"Hey are you alright?" Shēn asked as he was close to Han.

"Shēn give him some space," Roshi said as Shēn backed away on foot.

Kakuzu couldn't believe that there were now four jinchurikis?

Hidan was running back, "dang that bastard, Kakuzu why haven't you got that bas..." Hidan stopped talking when he noticed the man with blonde hair and Nine tails, it was Naruto he knew it couldn't have been no one else but Naruto himself.

"It's about time you're back, Hidan, we have four jinchurikis to capture now," Kakuzu said as both were looking at jinchurikis.

"Well this should be fun now, after all I've been wanting to see you again little Nine tails," Hidan said as his eyes made direct contact with Naruto's eyes.

"Who are you calling little?" Naruto said as he was pissed off.

"Who else has nine tails cuz I think I'm looking at him," Hidan said.

Hidan got smacked by one of Kakuzu tentacles, "Hidan stop talking to the Nine tails jinchuriki and let's capture them ALREADY!"

"Fine by me," Hidan said as Kakuzu couldn't agree more.

"Yes finally let's get this over with," Kakuzu said as his tentacles grew much bigger, "LET'S FINISH THIS!"

Everyone can sense their chakra levels rising, "oh boy, this is not good," Han said as he got up.

"Sos Naruto, you are definitely going to need all the help you can get, little bastard. After what you made me stare under the rubble I was in three years ago, it's your turn to go to hell!" Hidan said as he ran towards him and Kakuzu used his tentacles to try to hit them all at once.

Everyone quickly jumped back so they wouldn't get hit by the tentacles but Hidan was still coming at Naruto.

Naruto was surprised by how fast Hidan was, Naruto had to quickly dodge every swing from Hidans weapon, "is this the best you can do? What happened to you had three years ago? Honestly surely you can beat me like you did before oh well guess not?"

"Will you please do me a favor, shut up! You're better when you're not talking!" Naruto quickly uses his light release jutsu.

The next swing went through Naruto but nothing cut through as the weapon went through Naruto's body with no injuries, "what is this? A genjutsu?"

"Not really," Naruto said as he had a smirk on his face, he ran right through Hidan's body and then quickly turned around and grabbed his weapon.

Both Naruto and Hidan each had both of their hands on the weapon, "let go of it! You little runt!"

Naruto was struggling as Hidan even though he was reanimated he was still quite strong.

"Sorry but I'm not going to have you keep swinging that thing at me!" Naruto said as Hidan tried to head butt him but it didn't work as Naruto was not going to let go of it.

Naruto used his tails to wrap around Hidan legs and arms so Naruto can keep him still as he tried to take the weapon from him.

"KAKUZU! I CAN USE SOME HELP HERE! WITH THIS ONE!" Hidan yelled out to his teammate.

Kakuzu heard him and sent three tentacles to attack Naruto but Varian knew what was about to happen.

"Why must it be me to save him!" Varian said as he used an Earth style jutsu, he slammed his hands onto the ground to summon a strong and thick earth stone wall in front of Naruto and Hidan so the tentacles would have to break it down first.

"Thank you varian! But I'm going to get more help here!" Naruto yelled as the tentacles were slowly breaking down the wall.

"Thanks all my foxes! That wall is very strong, Naruto, you better be grateful for helping you!" Varian said as Shēn and murky quickly ran.

Varian created multiple stone walls around everyone and the whole training ground so Kakuzu tentacles wouldn't easily attack everyone all at once.

Fuu, Han and roshi we're all taking cover behind different walls.

Shēn and murky were both able to get to Naruto and Hidan, both were in front of Hidan and grabbed his weapon.

"Naruto let go of his weapon and tried to pull him back! We'll get his weapon out of his hands!" Shēn said as the two green foxes were trying to pull the Hidan weapon away from him.

Kakuzu tentacles we're starting to break down the wall that is Naruto.

Kakuzu couldn't stop thinking about what he wanted to do to Naruto, 'I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR HEART OUT!'


Kakuzu had lived over 90 years and he had fought so long to get immortality by stealing other people's hearts but he didn't realize that this nine tails jinchuriki was going to be the one who was going to end his life.

Naruto put both of his hands together and said, "demon style five-tail beast bombs jutsu!" Naruto created five tail beast bombs and launched them, Two of them hit kakuzu.

When that happened, Kakuzu exploded, destroying all the hearts he had inside of him to keep him alive.

He was able to still be alive just for a few more moments to watch The hideout had collapsed on top of him.

He died from all the rubble and what Naruto did to him with that last jutsu.

Everything had gone black for him as he could see nothing more but the flame of hell.

To suffer for all eternity for his sins but suddenly he was pulled out of hell and came back to life.

He wasn't actually alive though he was sitting on the ground and he was just reanimated by none other than orochimaru.

Next to him he saw his teammate Hidan, "what!" Kakuzu was confused as he didn't understand what was going on.

Kakuzu saw three people behind orochimaru in Black cloaks.

"There it is done," orochimaru said as the three walked closer.

"Welcome back, kakuzu," the one said on the left side of orochimaru.

"I don't understand? what's going on?'' Kakuzu asked as the same man in the black cloak came a Little closer.

"We had orochimaru reanimate you and Hidan as well," he started as both kakuzu and Hidan got up, "we have a task for you both to do."

Flashback ends

kakuzu couldn't believe he was now a walking zombie being controlled by orochimaru, he wanted to rip out Naruto's heart himself.

Back with naruto

Hidan was struggling to hold on to his weapon, Naruto kept using all his tails to pull back Hidan as Shēn and murky were holding on and trying to pull Hidan weapon away from him.

"Come on, give it up!" Shēn said as he kept trying to pull Hidans weapon.

kakuzu tentacles finally broke the wall just at the same time Shēn and murky got the weapon and jumped away quickly, same goes with naruto as he let go and threw Hidan to the tentacles.

kakuzu tentacles brought Hidan to him, "are you kidding me!?" Kakuzu said that it wasn't Naruto.

Kakuzu threw Hidan to another wall, "you didn't have to throw me!"

"Shut up and get your..." Kakuzu was cut off when he sensed three chakra levels rising.

Kakuzu looked up and saw Fuu, Rōshi and Han and their tail beast cloak form.

All three of them together use their Bijuu chakra and release a tail beast bomb right on top of him.


The Explosion was so loud the whole entire village heard it.

The explosion caused Shēn and murky to be thrown away as they went flying away from everyone else.

"Where blasting off again!" Shēn and murky said.

Varian was quick to use an earth style jutsu that would keep him on the ground and would not be flying away like his two Fox team mates but the walls that he created broke off from the ground and came at him and knocked him out.

Naruto was able to stand his ground thanks to him withstanding the blast. Thanks to his training to be strong like a tail beast, his tails were able to block the walls from hitting him.

All the walls have been destroyed from the explosion as well.

Hidan was on the ground on the rubble from the broken walls that broke, "well this brings back memories!"

Fuu, Rōshi and Han all returned back to their normal form.

Shēn and murky ran back to the others after the explosion was over.

Fuu was happy that they won, "did you see us Naruto? We won?"

Han wasn't convinced though, "I don't think it's over just yet, he needs to be restrained so he can't continue on fighting."

Rōshi agreed with Han, "You're right about that, Naruto, you should use your golden chains to restrain them."

Naruto nodded his head and used his golden chakra chains to keep Hidan from using any jutsu, "damn you little runt!"

"Shut up," Han said as he was tired of fighting.

Naruto went to the crater and saw Kakuzu laying at the bottom of the crater and quickly used his golden chains to tie him up and bring him out of the crater.

"Well it looks like we definitely won this," Naruto said as Kakuzu was having problems regenerating.

Kakuzu and Hidan didn't look all that impressed by Naruto or the others.

"Oh come on, don't you really believe you actually won, you all just got lucky since we could not be at full strength, that is the only reason why we lost," Hidan said as Naruto didn't really understand.

"Are you both telling us you are holding back?" Naruto asks them as both looked pissed off.

"Of course not losers, we couldn't be at full strength when we are reanimated," Hidan said as look away from them being pissed off.

"This is all your fault that we're like this to begin with!!" Kakuzu said as he was mad at Naruto.

"Hey! I'm not the one who decided to be captured by you all to be killed, I did have to defend myself from you all!" naruto said.

"There's something I don't understand with you, how are you able to use that much chakra before but you weren't able to now? I mean seriously you could have ended this fight from the beginning when you got here?" Kakuzu asked as he didn't know what really happened three years ago.

"Hey! I had help from my sensei, that's all you need to know," Naruto said as both Kakuzu and Hidan had no idea what the hell Naruto just said.

"What are you even talking about, only us and the other members of the akatsuki were there... Wait that damn nine tail fox helped you!!'' Kakuzu said as Naruto just looked at him for a moment.

"Yes and believe me that's how I got this new form thanks to him," Naruto said as Kakuzu was getting more mad.


"Why are you blaming Konoha village? They didn't have anything to do with your death?" Naruto said as Kakuzu was getting more mad.

roshi and Han we're getting tired of this, "Naruto can you stop arguing with the reanimated akatsuki it's getting annoying!"

"Okay fine roshi I'm getting annoyed too!" Naruto said as he stopped talking.

roshi looked at kakuzu, "now tell us, who reanimated you?"

"As if I would ever tell you anything," Kakuzu said as Han came up to him.

"We do have ways of making you talk," Han said as he wanted to know why they were trying to capture him.

In the land of sound.

Orochimaru was in his secret base focusing his chakra on the reanimated kakuzu and Hidan, seeing what was going on.

"You cannot be serious!?" Orochimaru said to himself as he couldn't believe four jinchurikis were together, "these two members are worthless!"

Orochimaru had decided to release them from the reanimation jutsu.

Back with Naruto and the others.

Kakuzu and Hidan both started glowing.

"Hey what's going on?" Kakuzu said as he felt himself losing his life force.

"Orochimaru!! NO I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO DIE HERE!!" Hidan yelled as he and Kakuzu turned into paper and then fell onto the ground leaving behind two dead bodies that were not his.

Everyone was just confused for a moment, "um? What just happened?" Naruto asks the others.

"Orochimaru must have been the one who reanimated them and decided to let them go back to the afterlife," roshi said as he remembered what Hidan just said before he died again.

"That wouldn't make no sense, why would Orochimaru release them from the reanimation jutsu?" Naruto asks roshi.

"I had heard about the reanimation jutsu about the person who uses it can see through their eyes when they want to, Orochimaru might have seen we have captured them and they were now useless to him if they can't complete their mission so we decided he had no more use for them," roshi explained to him.

"So he knows about us then, and doesn't like it. What if he goes after our other jinchuriki friends?" Fuu asked as she couldn't believe it.

"That is not good if he knows we're teaming up?" roshi said as he knew this was bad.

Shēn and murky were both helping Varian up as he was still unconscious.



Naruto and the others all saw two foxes had come and they were Kimiko and Ayaka, both of them looking worried.

"Kimiko and Ayaka, what are you both doing here?" Naruto asks as he didn't summon them here.

"Did you find the jinchuriki of Kokuō, the queen of horses demons?" Kimiko asks.

"Yes he's right here but why are you both here?" Naruto asks.

"That's good to know you found him, the mission was a complete success, now we all need to get back to lord kurama, he wants all of us back now!" Ayaka said as all of them all quickly went poof.

All we're teleported to a large field of grass, Han wasn't pleased that he actually just got taken away from his village but before you could say anything he could suddenly sense another Bijuu close by.

Yeah everyone's going to need to explain everything to Han.

To be continued

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