four tail sage and suna village

I hope you all like this.

I have got eight Reviews and got more favs and follows, I'm happy to know many people here love this story here.

But let's get this story started.

four tail sage and suna village.

In a dark forest, a man with red hair and had a red beard was walking.

"What you're telling me about this, it can't be true," the man said.

"But it is, my brother Kurama, king of foxes has told me," a demon said in the shadow right next to the men.

"We will see then," the man said as he kept walking.

(waterfall village)

Naruto woke up in the morning feeling refreshed after sleeping in a nice comfortable bed, "man, I forgot how good it was sleeping in a bed feels instead of waking up on a floor!"

Naruto got out of bed, all he had on was a white t-shirt and white boxer shorts.

He was doing his morning stretches until he heard the door knock, Naruto walked over to the door and opened up to see a waterfall shinobi girl.

"Naruto kitsune, lord Shibuki would like to see you,'' She said as Naruto nodded.

"Okay tell him I'll be there soon," Naruto said as he got himself dressed for the day and left for shibuki office as he was going, he heard some of the villagers talking about him as they were bringing some of the gold into the village.

"Hey, look! there's the gold maker again," one male villager said.

"He is very generous for a demon," one female villager said.

"Is he really? Why would he give us gold? Surely there had been some type of deal for him to give us this?" a little girl said.

"Who cares this will help out our village a lot thanks to him," another male villager said.

"Still he is a demon to me still," the same female villager said.

'First-time naruto heard villagers talking about him with mixed opinions or they had questions about him. Naruto thought as he kept going to shibuki offers.

(shibuki offers)

Shibuki, fuu, and two waterfall shinobi were all waiting for naruto.

Naruto came into shibuki offers, ready for what happened next, "Good morning, lord shibuki."

"It's good to see you, naruto. I hope you have been enjoying your time here," shibuki said.

"Yes, I have, so tell me, lord shibuki, why have you called me here?" Naruto asked.

"Well, you see, yesterday before you made all that gold for our village, I and fuu were talking about you at some point, I wondered where you were going next, and fuu told me that you were going to see a friend of yours at another village but you are stopping by other villages, is your friend anywhere near or is that suna village?" shibuki asked as naruto nodded.

"Yes he is actually from suna village, but I was going to make a few stops to the other villages first before I got there," Naruto explained.

"Well, then I have a favor to ask you, naruto, I would like you to go with fuu and kegon."

When shibuki said his name, naruto, turned to see who was kegon.

Kegon has short, brown curly hair and small black eyes, His outfit consists of a violet jacket, with the inside being green, a black top, with his chest being exposed, and dark pants, He also has two holsters attached near each of his elbows, He wears a blue headband with the waterfall symbol on it.

"And yoro," Shibuki said as Naruto looked to see who was yoro.

He has short spiky black hair and small black eyes, His outfit consists of a dark violet vest, two scrolls attached to it, a light violet turtleneck, and dark green-colored pants, He wears a blue headband with the waterfall symbol on it.

"It is a pleasure meeting you, Naruto," kegon said.

"It's an honor to meet you naruto." yoro said.

"The honor is mine but why do you want me to go with them? I don't really understand?" Naruto asks.

"These three, are heading to suna village for the chunin exams, kegon and yoro will both be disguised as a genin for the chunin exams, fuu will keep her status as a jinchuuriki secret from the other villages," Shibuki explains but Naruto had a few questions.

"Why is her status as a jinchuriki to be kept secret and why these two are to be disguised as genin for the chunin exams?" Naruto ask as Shibuki started to explain.

"Not that many people know about our jinchuuriki identity, those who might try to capture her especially if she leaves the land, both men I have going with her are her special train guards but since you are going to the same place they thought it be a good idea for you to join me just in case for their safety, so will you do it?" Shibuki ask.

"I will do it as long as it's meant to keep a jinchuriki safe from harm, so when do we go?" Naruto asked.

"You will all leave by 1 pm, you all are going to keep her safe, and you naruto is to keep an eye on other people that look suspicious and after the chunin exams, you are to bring her back home safe," Shibuki explains.

"Understood, lord shibuki," all four said and left.

(naruto by himself)

Naruto found a good tree, "This we'll do just fine," he put a special kunai in it where none of the villagers would see it in the tree.

(1 pm at waterfall gates)

"So, are you all ready to go?" Kegon asked the rest of the group.

"Yes," Yoro said, looking calm on his face.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Fuu said in her joyful voice.

"Same with you all," Naruto said with a big grin on his face.

"Then let's go!" kegon said as they all ran out of the village.

(tail beast mindscape)

Kurama and Chōmei are with a new tail beast, a red four tails monkey known as Son Goku, the monkey king.

"So, son Goku, are you and your jinchuuriki going to meet up with Naruto soon?" Kurama asked.

"Yes, knowing what has happened to this boy, he will see us and we see how strong he is," Son Goku said as he looked at his older brother Chōmei.

"So Chōmei, have you told your jinchuuriki fuu yet about the tail beast fruit?" son Goku asked.

"Not yet, because I know she will find out by that boy soon, I prefer she finds out by him," Chōmei explains.

"I can't wait to see shukaku find out so I can rub it in his face that I'm the first one to turn a human into a tail beast hybrid," Kurama said as the other started to laugh.

"Only you would make fun of shukaku for having only one tail," Chōmei said.

"Yes, well, me and my jinchuuriki, we'll meet this nine-tail beast fox hybrid soon when he gets to suna village then, I will see you both later," Son Goku said and then he left them.

The team had gone through Kusagakure and Amegakure, they stopped in those lands for naruto to make gold out of the ground for a few miles with a sign that said a gift from the golden fox demon uses this to help homes.

Soon after that, the team soon made it to the land of wind.

Fuu, yoro, and kegon were all sweating except for naruto.


kegon was trying to be calm, but it was hard seeing Naruto was fine, "Seriously, Naruto, I need to know, are you even human? Because how can you stand in this HEAT!?"

"Well, I am using a water jutsu to keep myself cool," Naruto said, which made the rest of the team all mad at him.

"WHAT?!" all three yelled at him.


"It is called cooling body jutsu, with it, I can use it to form pump cold water through my pores, skin, hair, and tails, it keeps me cool down, so I don't sweat or stink, and just to let you all know it's hard to master it took me nine months to make it, I use to sweat a lot back then," Naruto explained.

yoro jumped on his tails hoping it would cool him down, "sorry Naruto but I need something to cool me down."

The other two team members jump onto Naruto's tails as well, it annoyed Naruto, and thank goodness for his view and he pointed to Suna village.

"Guys we're here, you can take a shower if you want," Naruto said as He and the rest of the team were heading to the gates, two suna guards were there, and they were both surprised to see naruto even have their weapons out.

Kegon had had got off of Naruto's tails and come up first to talk to the guards, "Hey, my name is Kegon from Waterfall village, and the other three here, one with the tails, is a traveler with us, and the other two are fuu, and yoro is with me for the chunin exams."

The guards kept an eye on Naruto as he went into the village walls.

As Naruto and Fuu the moment they were in the village, there already sat familiar energy only this time it felt like there were two.

"Fuu, can you seans that?" Chōmei asked.

"Yes, there are more jinchurikis here," fuu said.

"number one and unlucky four are here somewhere?" Chōmei said.

"There are more jinchurikis that's great to hear,'' Fuu said as Chōmei was smiling as he knew it was one of the fuu dreams to meet the other eight jinchurikis.

The villagers were looking at naruto.

"Is that who I think he is?"

"Is that Naruto Uzumaki?"

"What happened to him?"

"Is this some tails beast or jinchurikis transformation?"

Thanks to the new fox ears, Naruto can hear them all, Some were in a few shops looking out the windows.

'How do they all know my name so fast?' Naruto thought.

Fuu, kegon, and yoro all got to sign up for the chunin exams, and naruto got them all to check into a hotel, The workers there were confused and scared of seeing naruto.

Naruto caught them by surprise when he gave them a tip of a few gold shillings trying to get them to relax around him.

Naruto was in his room and found an old bingo book that came out 2 years ago.

"This should be fun to read,'' Naruto said as he opened it up, looking at the pages until his eyes went wide open. He was on a page that had to rank A on it and just dropped it on the ground. "WHAT THE HELL?! Naruto yelled.

Fuu came in to see Naruto on the bed, looking like he saw the eyes of death.

"Naruto, are you alright?" fuu asks.

"Fuu grab t-the bingo book and look at page 56 and tell me what it says," Naruto said it sounded scary.

Fuu was surprised by Naruto. She grabbed the book and was surprised by the page naruto said. She started to read it.

"Name Naruto Uzumaki."

"Banished from the land of fire."

"Rank A"

"Age 14."

"Wanted alive by suna 5 million, Kiri 10 million, iwa 15 million, Kuma 20 million."

"Wanted dead or alive in otogakure 5 million."

After fuu was done ready, naruto started to talk.


"Maybe they want you to be a Shinobi for their villages." fuu said.

Naruto falls on his back to the bed with his eyes closed and breathes it all out.

"Maybe? Fuu, I'm going to sleep for the night, Naruto said.

"Ok, then see you later," Fuu said and left the room.

'Well, now I know the villagers already know me.' Naruto thought as he went to sleep for the night.

(next morning)

Naruto was walking through the village looking for a ramen stand, Not that many villagers were out today, but then five suna shinobi came to naruto.

The suna shinobi in the middle went up to naruto. "Naruto Uzumaki, the kazekage wants to see you."

"For what?" Naruto asked.

"We don't know, but he said he wants to see you now," suna shinobi said.

"Alright, fine," Naruto said and went with the suna shinobi to the kazekage building.

"Well, I hope this goes well," Naruto said as he opened the door, and when he saw the kazekage, his mouth drop-down and his eyes went wide. The kazekage has fair skin, green eyes, and short auburn hair. He had tanuki-like black rings around his eyes, on the left side of his forehead, he had a kanji, and he wears the kazekage robes and the hat.

"g-g-GAARA! Is that you?" Naruto said in surprise and shock.

Gaara nodded, then started to talk. "Yes, it's me, old friend."

"I did not expect this? but I'm so happy for you and it's so great to see you again, Gaara, I was coming here to see you and try to meet the other jinchurikis," Naruto said.

"That's great to hear, it's good to know that you're still alive, and my other siblings thought you were dead," Gaara said as that got Naruto to raise an eyebrow.

"What got you and your family thinking I was dead?" Naruto asked.

"Well, after your banishment happened six months later, some villagers from the land of Rivers reported that they saw you being taken away by some people, We could not find out who they were but that was the last time we heard about you," Gaara said.

"Ok, but why was I but in the bingo book 2 years ago, I found one in my hotel room that said it came out 2 years ago, Why did your village have me?" Naruto asked.

"We were hoping that you would be found by someone and bring you here so we could protect you as for the other great nations earth, water and lighting when there find out about your banishment there also find out there were keeping from you knowing you were a jinchuuriki for 12 years, and not training you for all that time," Gaara started as naruto was shocked to hear that.

"back when you were in Konoha village, we all thought you were their most powerful secret weapon, for that reason we would not even think of breaking the alliance with them even there were times we said, but we did lie to them to hope they can get what we want to like what happens to hizashi hyūga with lighting," Gaara keep ongoing.

"Anyway, the point is when they find out the truth about all of that, they broke their alliance with them, I could have not at first because we needed their trading and resources from them but then their other three great nations would help us if we agreed to brick are alliance with them," Gaara finish explains.

"That's a lot to take in Gaara," Naruto said.

"Yes, believe me, naruto back then they fear and respect Konoha, but now there see them as a joke, irresponsible, worthless and more, now the other great nations are looking for the hope you would join them and be a their real powerful weapon for the village," Gaara said.

"Ok, that makes sense for the most part," Naruto said.

"Anyway, there is someone I like you to meet who came here hoping to see you," Gaara said.

"Who?" Naruto asked with Gaara's smile.

"Come in, roshi," Gaara said as naruto looked behind him to see a man coming into the room. He looked like he was in his 40s. He had red hair, a mustache, and a beard, which tapered off to a point. He was shown wearing a large headpiece consisting of a three-pointed crown-like ridge, bearing both his protector, a ring, and a prominent black piece of armor running across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He wore a long-sleeved magenta kimono shirt and pants, a mesh-armor shirt and fitted black suit underneath, and calf-length sandals. He wore a brown sash around his waist that held a brown armor-like breastplate with a pouch in the front, a brown backplate on the back connected to the front with mesh armor, and armor lapels falling to the sides. Interestingly, his headpiece.

"So you're naruto Uzumaki, I have heard about you, I'm the jinchuriki of son Goku or some people say the four tails jinchuuriki," roshi said.

Naruto started to get excited to meet other jinchuriki, first Gaara, fuu, and now roshi.

"It's so great to meet you, roshi," Naruto said in his mind. He just realized how he knew his new last name so fast.

"So Naruto, me, and roshi were wondering if you would like to spar, I got some time for a little bit," Gaara said as naruto jumped up, happy to hear that.

"You know I would never say no to that!" Naruto said as he and the other got out of the building and started to fight.

"LET'S DO THIS!" all yelled.

(somewhere else)

A man in the shadows was looking at two black cloak people with their faces not seen.

"I need you both to go to suna and bring me the one-tail beast, do not fail me," the man said.

"Yes, Lord," they both said before leaving.

To be continued.

Let me know what you think. Please review this.

Soon you all will find out who the people are soon, and we'll find out about Naruto and Kurama, I promise.

So what do you all think is going to happen next?

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