banished to become a demon
Chapter one banished to become a demon
Naruto had failed to bring Sasuke back to the leaf village. He was out cold from Sasuke's Chidori. Kakashi had found Naruto wounded very badly, he was worried that Naruto might die but thanks to the Kyuubi inside of Naruto, he would make a full recovery within a week.
Naruto woke up to see Jiraiya outside the hospital window. Jiraiya explained to Naruto that in a few months, he was going to take him on a training trip.
It looks like Naruto will go down the same path as the manga did... right...?
WRONG! not in this alternate universe.
By the next day, Naruto left the hospital feeling like crap after a week of being unconscious. He was going down the road back to his apartment. As he walked, he overheard the villagers talking about him.
"Look, it's that demon brat again," an old man told his wife.
"Did you hear that he failed to bring that last uchiha back to the village?" A younger woman said to the old couple that was next to them.
"Yes, I can't even believe they let him graduate from the academy, maybe they felt sorry for him," the old man replied.
"Oh please, who can feel sorry for that demon," his wife said.
"Yes, I agree. I bet even he let the last uchiha go on purpose so he can turn himself back into his fox demon form again and attack our village again," he said.
"That's it! This demon has been in our village for far too long. Something needs to be done about him soon," the younger woman said.
Naruto sigh as he kept walking, 'They do know I can hear them right?' Naruto thought about how wrong they were about him but he was used to it since they allow said things like this, he did wonder why they would believe he would even dare let Sasuke go.
'I let Sasuke go on purpose, so I can turn into the Kyuubi to attack them all again? Some things never change with them,' Naruto knows this how things been with the villagers, but he also knows it will be worth it when he becomes Hokage one day, he will prove everyone was wrong about him, Naruto always remembers that dream of his.
Naruto soon made it back to his apartment, he sat down at his dining table eating ramen and started to think about how he will bring Sasuke back and when his training with Jiraiya begins.
Naruto was thinking all of that until someone was knocking on his door, Naruto went to open his door up to see an anbu man wearing a frog mask.
The anbu took started to speak, "Naruto uzumaki, the Hokage, wants you to go to the council room where she and the elders are waiting to speak with you."
"Why do they want to speak to me?" Naruto asked the anbu man.
"I don't know, You will find out once you get there," he said before he vanished.
Naruto was headed to the Hokage tower, 'what do the Hokage and council want to talk about me, maybe to become a chunin?' Naruto thought that this might be good.
Naruto made it to the Hokage tower, he walks into the council room, and sits down, and look up to see the 5th Hokage Tsunade Senju as well also the three council members, Homura, koharu, and Danzo.
Tsunade stood up and looked at Naruto with a mix of sad and angry look on her face and started to speak, "Naruto uzumaki, me and the council have decided to exile you from the village for...?"
Naruto was shocked and stared and yelled at them before tsunade could finished what she was saying, "WHAT!? I'M BEING BANISHED FOR WHAT?!"
"Don't you dare yell at us, you brat!" Homura spoke and stood up.
"Yes, you have always been a brat and disrespectful to us, and those stupid pranks you pull, especially what you did to the Hokage heads a few months back when you..! Koharu was stopped by tsunade.
"all of you! That's enough! I'm not going to let this be all about his pranks, Naruto You are hereby banished for losing the last uchiha, and leaving the rest of your team to be nearly killed, the members of the uchiha clan were known for their sharingan for keeping the Kyuubi at Bay when you were in a coma we find out you use so much of the Kyuubi chakra, now that the last uchiha is gone, to keep the village safe from the Kyuubi breaking out of you for being unstable, you have until noon tomorrow then my anbu will escort you out of Konoha, you are allowed to leave early if you want, but we can't have you live in the land of fire, you will have one week to leave the land of fire you may go where ever you want, the last thing is if you are caught in the land of fire when your weak is up one of my anbu catches you on sight they are older to kill you, this is for the best for the village we are doing naruto,'' Tsunade explains as she took a sit back down.
Naruto just didn't know how to respond to this, it felt like he got stab in the back of his head.
The person he looks up to like a grandmother, She just betrayed him like this and was on their side, not on his.
Naruto was just heartbroken and just trying to hold it in him. Naruto looked down and said to all of them. "Fine, I understand, 5th Hokage."
"Good, now that will be all, You should go back home and start packing up," Tsunade said.
Naruto just walked out of the room, looking sad on his face. He ran back to his apartment, knowing this will be his last night here and not the way how he wanted to be.
Naruto looked at his bedroom and remembered all the sad times spent here alone for so many nights, remembering himself crying and just questioning why everyone hates him for as long as he can remember on his bed and he remembered that all the villagers said, "just die, and no one will love you demon."
Naruto went to his kitchen and sat down and remembered almost all of his birthdays, remembering the villagers hunting him down and trying to beat him down to the ground or try to kill him. Still, he just got lucky, but it's just luck for him thanks to the Kyuubi inside of his body.
Naruto's eyes begin to tear up, as he keeps remembering every day of his life was cursed for him, and it was all thanks to the 4th Hokage who caused this, and he doesn't even know why he did this to him, naruto gets more upset, By remembering all of this.
For most of his life, he was lost and confused. Scared, not understanding why, Naruto had questions in his life like oh was his mother and father? but no one knew or have they hidden the truth from him just like he was the Kyuubi jinchuuriki for 13 years. So Everyone was lying to him for his whole life.
Naruto does know that there were at least three good things that here in this village, There were people in his life who treated him like a real person, like Iruka, who he looked up to as a father, the ichiraku ramen family, who would always feed him because no one else would, and a few friends, but now that he was banished, he probably never going to see them again since he would never be allowed to come back.
The one thing that keeps him going through all his pain that made it worth it in his mind is that he would become Hokage one day, but now he knows that his dream was nothing more than a waste of time, Since it was never going to happen now, Naruto just couldn't hold it in any more pain of his, and now he can't keep it in anymore.
Naruto ran up to the team seven pitcher, grabbed it, and tossed it on the floor, as well as tossed his furniture and yelled as he started to have a mental breakdown, "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! AFTER ALL WHAT I HAVE DONE FOR THIS VILLAGE WAS FOR WHAT!? NOTHING! EVERYTHING I TRY PROVED THAT I WAS NOT A DEMON WAS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!''
Naruto grabs the necklace and rips it off his neck and smashes it onto the ground. "I never like that necklace anyway," tears were coming down his eyes.
By 6:30 pm, Naruto got tired and went to sleep as the life in his eyes died out becoming deep dark night sky blue.
Inside Naruto's body
The Kyuubi was thinking inside his cage, 'this is strange? Why does this feel familiar?'
Back with Naruto
Naruto woke up and looked at his clock that was on the floor to see it was 3:23 am. Naruto had a lot of time to leave before he goes, He needed to think about where he was going now since he had weak to get out of the land of fire and had until noon to get out of the villages.
Naruto got off of his bed and grabs his chair, pulls out some paper, and started writing down some letters to the ichiraku ramen family, rock lee. Kiba. Sakura. Tenten. Choji. shino. Ino. Shikamaru. Neji. Hinata. Kakashi, Iruka, and lastly Tsunade.
(by 4:30 am)
Naruto started to pack up, his weapons and scrolls, clothing, and food to take with him to go. He looked down at the broken necklace and put it in Tsunade's letter and left it on the table for Tsunade to find. "I'm glad I broke it."
Naruto took his other letters with him and went to his friend's mailboxes so they could get them since he doesn't want to say goodbye to them face to face. It would be just too sad.
Naruto was going to leave before the villagers wake up, he wasn't going to give them a chance to laugh at him for being exiled, he wasn't going to give them that kind of show.
Naruto soon went to Konoha gate as he just walked out he looked back at the entire village one last time before he runs off, he only wished he left a long time ago so things wouldn't have been like this for him.
(By 6:00 am)
Everyone was now up and didn't know that Naruto was exiled from Konoha yet.
(By 9:00 am)
All of Naruto's friends got their letters.
Both Shikamaru and Choji were upset that their friend was banished.
Rock Lee, Neji, and Kiba were mad at Tsunade For exiling him, for her thinking that it was all his fault for losing Sasuke.
Tenten, and Ino, just did not know what to say about having Naruto banished. Both didn't know Naruto all that well but they did know he did not deserve this.
Kakashi just did not know what to say about having his own student banished. He felt like this was his fault for training Sasuke and not naruto.
Sakura was indeed angry at Naruto for falling to bring Sasuke back but she didn't want this to happen to him.
Iruka and Hinata were both heartbroken.
Iruka was deeply upset that the kid he saw as a little brother was now gone. All he hopes is that Naruto will be happy without this place that keeps hurting him.
Hinata was heartbroken that the boy that she loved was now gone and can never come back was too much for her as she might never get the chance to tell him how she feels about him.
(By noon)
Tsunade went to see if Naruto was still here and if he was, he would be forced to leave at once, When she got to Naruto's apartment she knocked on the door, but there was no answer, Tsunade opened the door to see the place was trash, She did not know what happened here, but as she was looking around to see if he was still here.
When she got to the table she found a letter that had her name on it, and she opened it up to find her grandfather's necklace was broken and she was just shocked that naruto did this and she found a note, she opened it up to see what did it say.
'Well, 5th Hokage I guess you were right about this necklace being a curse. But not a curse of death, It's a curse of broken dreams.
I will leave with no force needed, so don't worry about me staying here in this hellhole, and for what you did to me, I will never forgive you for this. So I guess this is it, so farewell.
Tsunade just started to tear up after reading the letter.
(6 months later)
The first thing naruto did was to get out of the land of fire, and he went to a nearby village and the next village, helping the villagers from bandits and robbers from stealing things from shops, and looking for part-time jobs to make some money, for food, and trying to find a new place to call home, but for now, he just wants to see more of the world wanting to see what he can be for his new life and to make a name for himself.
Naruto was wearing a black shirt and his same orange pants. He looked like a mess, and his clothes started to look like rages. He had some cuts and bruises on him.
Naruto was in the land of rivers, staying in a small village for a few days.
'This place looks nice,' Naruto thought to himself as he was looking around to see if anyone needed help.
"Dang, is there anyone I can help here," Naruto said to himself.
"Well, you can help us, fox brat." Someone said behind him.
Naruto hated being called that, "OK, I don't know who you are, but..." Naruto turns around to see two people in black cloaks and red and white clouds, he was looking at both Itachi and Kisame.
"Well, hello, Naruto, it's been a while since we last met," Itachi said to him.
"Now no one here will save you this time, so why don't you make this easy for us and just give up and come with us," Kisame said with that evil shark grin.
"Are you freaking kidding me? Don't you both have anything else better to do than trying to capture me!?" Naruto ask as he was pissed off with them.
"Nope," Kisame said.
"I don't have time for this," Naruto said as he jumped back and made three shadow clones, made a Rasengan, and ran up to them but they both vanish, "WHERE ARE YOU BOTH!"
"We're right here, you BRAT!" Kisame yells as he was right behind Naruto and attacks him from the back using his sword to cut Pieces of skin off his back, causing Naruto to drop to his knees in pain.
"THAT HURT FISH HEAD!" Naruto shouted.
"Kisame, that's enough. Let's just take him back and be done with it," Itachi said as he looked at Naruto's eyes and put him in a genjutsu that knocked him out cold.
Kisame picks up Naruto's unconscious body, "Dang, I'm just surprised it was that easy, I was expecting the nine tails jinchuuriki to be more of a challenge."
"Not to me, He was wounded when we got to him, and he never got real training to control the Kyuubi's chakra, as well, he was only 13 years old, plus he was not even focusing at all on how to fight us," Itachi explains.
(To the Akatsuki hideout)
Naruto awoke on a cold cave floor as his body was still in too much pain to move he looked around with his eyes seeing and hearing the Akatsuki names and what they look like since they were standing close to him.
"Finally you both bring him here," pain stated, "now that the rest of you are here we can begin Sasori, Deidara, Konan, Kisame, Itachi, Hidan, black Zetsu, and Tobi."
"Why are the other members here? Can they all use that hologram jutsu? So we all don't have to be here? To help with the tail beast extracted?" Itachi questions.
"We could but not for this one, the nine-tails demon extracted from its jinchuuriki to the demonic statue can be very unstable, So to be safe, we all must be here to extract the Kyuubi kitsune," pain explains to him as all the other members after that everyone got to where they needed to be, To perform the extracted.
"Sealing technique of nine phantom dragons." all said together as It's begun, Naruto rises up and can feel his own life being drained out of him.
the Kyuubi began to freak out and yelling "NO! NO! NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME? FIRST GETTING SEAL AWAY IN THREE UZUMAKI AND NOW I'M GOING TO BE SEAL IN THAT CURSING STATUE! THEY HAVE TO BE A WAY OUT OF THIS!" Kyuubi was thinking of multiple ideas but he knew there was no way out except for one, "I never thought I would do this again but I have no choice."
Naruto awoke in his mindscape and where he saw the Kyuubi in his cage again, "It's you again, Kyuubi, well as always, I need more of your chakra, now give it to me."
"Not this time, kid," Kyuubi said as he just looked at him.
"Fine, so what is it?" Naruto asks sarcastically.
"Kid, I literally can't give you any more of my chakra, Because they are extracting me out of your body and sealing me in the demonic statue, ones I'm taken out of you, you will die from this," Kyuubi explains to him as he says naruto being shocked by this.
"WHAT NO! THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT. I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! THIS CAN'T BE TRUE!'' Naruto yelled as he didn't want to die like this.
"Kid, deny all you want, but this is now in death's hands now for you," Kyuubi said as he looked down at that poor boy.
"You're serious, are you?" Naruto asks as he already knew his answer to this question of his.
"Yes, kid, I do mean it, But there is a way to make them pay for this before you die here," Kyuubi said, making Naruto look up.
"What do you mean by that?" Naruto asked.
"There is a way and one way only to give you chakra, But it comes with a price. Kid, I can give you a tail beast fruit that will give you so much chakra, To break out of the extract and kill them all, But it will kill you in the process But if I give you this you must give me something in return, and you know what I want kid," Kyuubi said.
"Your freedom, right?" Naruto asks as he was a little nervous about this.
"Yes, I know you don't trust me at all kid, But there is no way out of death, So you need to make your choice now, Are you going to let them take your life and just let them get away with it or do you want them to pay for what their about to take your life away from you... so what is it going to be kid?" Kyuubi asked his jinchuriki.
Naruto thought about this deeply, if he did not make this deal, will the Akatsuki go after Gaara and harm innocent people, But if he makes this deal, the Kyuubi might go back to the Konoha and finally destroys it where Iruka and the few others he care deeply about.
'What to do? what to do?' Naruto was thinking about this deal, he looks at the Kyuubi, "But I don't know how to break the seal, I don't know how to free you."
"If I give you a tail beast fruit, It will break the seal itself, so do you want this offer of mine or not?" Kyuubi asked.
Naruto looked at him with a serious look on his face and said, "yes, just please, I'm just asking this one thing from you, leave Konoha the hidden leaf village alone please."
"Why? do you still care about them? even after what they did to you?" Kyuubi asks him.
"No, but there are some who I still do care about," Naruto replied, as he was thinking about Iruka and the rest of his friends.
"I guess if it's going to be part of our deal, then fine, it's a deal then," Kyuubi said as he put his paws together and focused his chakra to come together and created a nine tails fruit.
It was orange and had a black diamond spot in the center, had blood all over it, dripping like blood juice.
Kyuubi tosses it to his jinchuriki, Naruto was able to catch it in his hands, and whrn he bit right into it, Naruto's chakra levels begin to rise off the charts, black veins throughout his entire body and his hair sticking up sharp.
(back in the real world)
Naruto was then cut off from the extraction jutsu and landed on the ground on both of his feet and looked at all of the members of the Akatsuki with his new red demon eyes.
"HOW DID YOU BRICKED FREE!?" pain yells at naruto as the others were in shock by this surprise.
"I made a deal with Kyuubi inside of me... AND NOW YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" Naruto yells at them with a new demon voice.
"Hmm, let's see about that," pain said, thinking this little brat had no chance of beating his team.
Both pain and Konan ran at him, Naruto quickly vanished, and both pain and Konan did not know where Naruto was.
"THAT!? WHERE IS HE!" pain yells as he and Konan look around for him.
Itachi was using his Sharingan to see where Naruto was he couldn't spot them but then Naruto came out of nowhere in front of him.
In a split second, Naruto grabbed and ripped Itachi's left eye out and punched him off from where he was standing. He was on the ground and couldn't get back up.
"How does it feel you guys? this time it's my turn to have some fun hurting you," Naruto said, now looking over to Kisame.
"YOU MONSTER! YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY PARTNER!" Kisame yells as He begins to run up to naruto With his sword out, "I'M GOING TO SLICE YOU IN HALF!"
Naruto only smirked at him, And said, "Try it fish face."
Kisame swung his sword at him, And the second it came into contact with Naruto's body his sword shattered itself, "You monster! what are you?!" Kisame spoke in fear and anger.
"I'm your end!" Naruto said in a calm demon voice, Before he grabs him and slams him against the wall, Naruto can feel the seal was about to break, he knew it was time to end this.
Pain yells out to all of his other members of the Akatsuki, "WHAT ARE WE ALL DOING BY GOING ONE BY ONE AT HIM!? LET'S ALL ATTACK HIM ALL AT ONCE!"
Hidan came at him, "Someone like you, I'm going to enjoy sacrificing you to jashin," Hidan brings out his weapon.
Sasori was right behind Hidan, "you got a nice start, but now you're going to die," Sasori was ready to show him his special puppet technique.
Let's see how good you are with my art!" Deidara gets his Clay out
"There is no way out for you now," Kakuzu begins to transform into a giant hairball.
Naruto just smirked at all of them and replied, "let's see then how good you all are at this!" They all begin to run up to him about to end this as none knew what Naruto's plan was.
Naruto put both of his hands together and said, "DEMON STYLE FIVE-TAIL BEAST BOMBS JUTSU!" Naruto created five tail beast bombs and launched them, Two of them hit kakuzu and Sasori, and the other three hit different parts of the wall, which cost the whole place to collapse, Naruto was able to jump out of the collapsed hideout, But as all the Akatsuki members were all dead now.
Naruto got down to his knees and put his hands on his chest, He could feel his heart giving out, And the seal that contained the Kyuubi was about to break.
Naruto's body now was engulfed by red chakra, his eyes rolled back of his head, and the seal was breaking, The Kyuubi was finally free, and naruto was screaming and in pain and agony.
Kyuubi yells out, "FINALLY FREE!"
After it was over naruto was now coughing up blood, in tears, and in agony, as his body had broken down, he was rapidly losing chakra, he sat there slowly dying, as Kyuubi turn to look at him.
"Kid, how long is this going to take for you to die?" Kyuubi asks, looking bored seeing his formal jinchuriki slowly dying.
Naruto closed his eyes and just wished for all of the pain in his body would end now, so his suffering would finally come to an end his life.
However, as everything seemed to be over it wasn't...
Naruto started to feel something inside of him emerging, he opened his eyes, and in golden light shot out, Naruto yelled out in pain, "MY EYES THEY ON FIRE!"
Naruto's body begins to wrap around in a golden chakra cocoon as he screams louder in pain unlike ever before that could be heard into the heavens.
Naruto's ears started to turn black with a gold ring around his ears and grow three times longer, as yellow long tails started to grow from his behind, They were about seven feet long.
Naruto stops coughing up blood, as well all the golden chakra faded away, Naruto was wondering what just happened to himself, But all the pain in his body cost him to drop to the ground unconscious.
Kyuubi's mouth just dropped open, as his eyes were wide open. He couldn't believe it on what just happened here, "H...HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? NO HUMAN CAN EVER SURVIVE EATING A TAIL BEAST FRUIT!"
Kyuubi calm himself and realized now things just got interesting.
The Kyuubi had a smirk on his face as he grabbed Naruto's unconscious body, and put him on his back, and ran off to a forgotten place where no one knew where to find them.
To be continued
I hope you all enjoy this chapter. This is my first fanfic, and I'm still learning to make fanfic stories so they go easier on reviews. This chapter was just getting everything started for the rest of the story.
Ps, the people who help me on this are Mario and Josue and youtube Kimi toons 39.
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