Chapter 49: Final Battle!
Naruto was looking down at Gaara with Temari as his side. Naruto was smiling while Gaara had his eyes closed as his head was pointed down "What's the matter? Got nothing to say?" Naruto asked as Gaara shook his head
"No, I do. But it's not much," Gaara replied
"Then say something before he goes," Temari said as she elbowed Gaara. Gaara huffed as he opened his eyes and said: "When you get back, Temari wants y-"
"I want you to be my baby's GodFather," Temari said as Naruto looked surprised
"R-really? Me?" Naruto asked
"Shikamaru picked out Kurnhei to be the child's GodMother, so Temari thought that it would only be fair if she chooses the GodFather," Gaara said
"Well, I'm touched... and I would gladly be the GodFather," Naruto said with a small bow
"And Naruto... come back safely,"
"I will, Gaara," Naruto replied as he held his fist up. Gaara looked at it as he looked down at his own hand. Raising it up, Gaara tapped Naruto's fist with his own as Naruto smirked "Remember this, because I promise that I'll return... Uzumaki's Honor," Naruto said as Gaara gave a little smirk of his own
"Then we have nothing to worry," Gaara said as Naruto waved goodbye and left.
2 Hours Later:
Naruto was walking through the rain as he approached a bridge. The moment he stepped foot on it thought, nearly a dozen shinobi wearing respirators appeared "Who are you and what are you doing here?" the leader asked
"I'm looking for the Akatsuki Member, Tobi," Naruto said as they all seemed to giggle
"Really?" the leader asked as Naruto grew a frown
"Yes, you see... we have something to settle between us. Call it a death-wish if you would," Naruto replied as the leader shook his head
"I'm sorry, but none of the Akatsuki members are here. Lea-"
"You might want to rethink your answer," Naruto said as he grabbed the Ame-nin by the throat
"I-I won't ta-talk,"
"Suit yourself," Naruto said as he looked at the shinobi behind him, "tell me, dead Ame-nin, have you ever seen a 180-pound object traveling at 2, 500 feet per second? No? Well then, let me show you!" Naruto shouted as he twisted the man in his hand in a reverse grip and took a single step forward. Naruto reeled his arm back as he put force on his front foot. The bridge cracked from the amount of force created from this step as Naruto swung the man in his hand forward. There was a 'boom' as the bridge cracked even more and the man left Naruto's hand. When Naruto stood up straight, the men standing in front of him were gone... and a building was crumbling down on the other side of the bridge. Naruto smiled as he walked across the bridge and into the village. Soon after, Naruto felt some heat coming at him from his right as he turned his head to see a giant fireball coming towards him.
Back in Konoha:
Minako was playing with Lee... well, more like Lee was standing there with Minako practicing her punching and kicking. Lee was making sure Minako wasn't getting his stitches when Minako suddenly stopped "Hey, why did ya stop?" Lee asked
"Daddy... Daddies fighting," Minako said as Lee raised an eyebrow
"Are you sure? How can you tell?"
"I know, I can feel it. Can't you?" Minako asked as Lee shook his head
"No, I'm afra- w-what's this?" Lee stopped mid-sentence as he felt something cover him. It was like a giant ocean of blood had started to drown him. He looked down to see Minako also in this ocean, but in this image, she was swimming. A smile was on her face as she swam above him. Lee started to shake as he said: "S-so, you're daughter can tell when you're blood-lust is active, huh? Hehe, figures, you're both unpredictable,"
With Naruto:
Naruto rolled out of the way of the giant fire-ball as a large grin on his face, "So you come to take care of me personally? Huh?" Naruto shouted as the masked-man appeared behind him
"I would've had Kakuzu and Hidan take care of you... but I'm afraid they're tied up at the moment with some unexpected guests," Marada said as Naruto swung his fist around and managed to strike him in the chest
'Huh, guess you'll have to thank me later,' Yuichiro said in Naruto's mind
'Y-Yuichiro? What did you do?' Naruto asked
'Well, when beasts haven't played, it's best to let them go for a walk,' Yuichiro replied, 'also, pay attention,' he continued as Madara's foot was sent into the ground as Naruto went to slug him, but Naruto's fist passed through him again "Hmph, seems you improved as well," Naruto said as he activated his One-Tailed Cloak
With Kakuzu:
"You're wasting my time, you know that?" Kakuzu said as he looked at Yanagi and Sikorsky, "And any wasted time is money not in my wallet,"
"My, my, so impatient," Yanagi said as he cracked his knuckles while smoking a cigarette
"Let's finish this quickly, I want to see the fight between Naruto and this 'Madara' character," Sikorsky said as he was popped his neck
"You two got a lot of balls," Kakuzu said as he spread out his legs a bit, getting ready for the upcoming fight
With Hidan:
"So, who the fuck are you old geezers?" Hidan asked as Spec and Dorain approached him
"My, my, got a mouth on ya boyo! How about some introductions, my name's Spec, and I hope you can entertain me," Spec said as he held out his hand
"Fucking hell, you're just something, ain't ya? Fuck-it, fine, I'll shake your hand you old ED dip-shit. But don't expect me to like it," Hidan said as he went to shake Spec's hand
"3... 2... 1," Dorian said as Spec smiled and kicked Hidan in the chest. Hidan felt his lungs burst and his ribs shatter as he coughed up massive amounts of blood as he was sent flying into a building. Spec had a smile on his face as Dorain sighed "You gotta learn to control yourself... the best part of the fight is to build up their hope and to take it away from them when it's at their highest," Dorain said as he took out his flask and took a sip
"Now you do have a point... oh well, he's dead now. Can't do much about i-" Spec started to say before he was interrupted
"YOU SNEAKY OLD SHIT!" Hidan shouted as he crawled out of the building. The top half of his cloak was torn as he spat out more blood. With his Three-bladed scythe in hand he rolled his shoulders with a pissed look on his face "I'm gonna sacrifice you old bastards to Jashin! Ya hear me you bald old fuck! Or do you need a kami-damned hearing-aid?" Hidan shouted as Spec and Dorian smiled
"Seems he can take a hit," Dorian said as he put away his flask
"O~~~~h! This is gonna be good!" Spec said as Hidan charged at them. Dorain took a step forward as Hidan swung his blade around. Dorain took another step to get inside Hidan's personal space, much to the ladder's surprise. The old Kaioh then sent a very hard chop to Hidan's neck, breaking it. Hidan then tried to pull his scythe back to cut Dorain, but Dorain used his nails on his open hand to cut open Hidan's arm while also cutting the flexor tendons that allowed his fingers to move. In the end, Hidan's attack was useless as the blade bounced off Dorain's muscles "Y-you hold fuck!" Hidan shouted as he gritted his teeth
"Amazing, you're still alive," Dorain said as Hidan took a few steps back
"O-of course I am! I'm Jashin's prophet! I'm immortal! And I'll serve my lord well!" Hidan shouted as Spec rushed Hidan with a devilish smile.
"This is called my Apenda Rush; what ya think, immortal?" Spec asked
"Y-you throw like a fucking bitch!" Hidan managed to say as Spec laughed
"You won't be saying that for long! I'm able to melt both bone and metal with this! And it doesn't stop for the next 3 minutes! Your bones will be fused together when I'm done with ya! HAHAHAHAHA!" Spec explained as he continued to beat Hidan through another building.
With Naruto:
Naruto swung his leg around to strike Madara in the face, but his leg passed through as Madara took a step forward and got behind Naruto. He then proceeded to land three strikes to Naruto's kidney before the ladder swung around with his backhand fast enough to catch him off guard. The attack hit Madara hard enough to send him rolling away from Naruto. Pieces of the orange mask were flying through the air as Madara managed to get a foothold before he knelt on the ground and rubbed his head. He then touched the rain on his now exposed eye-brow as he said: "Impressive... you broke my mask with a single punch," as he stood up, showing the red glowing eye of the Sharingan
"Hmph, must be great praise coming from someone like you," Naruto said as he faced the man
"I'll make sure this dance goes on for as long as possible,"
"Oh, please do, I wanna bring you to your peak," Naruto replied as he went into his Two-Tailed Cloak
With Sikorsky and Yanagi:
Sikorsky limboed underneath a massive stream of fire as Yanagi ducked under a stream of water. Yanagi then started running toward Kakuzu as he took out a kama attached to some rope. He swung it around to get Kakuzu to dodge it. But Kakuzu simply jumped up and stomped it into the ground. Yet Yanagi smiled as he let go of the rope and made a swift motion at Kakuzu's leg. Kakuzu grunted in pain as Yanagi then stood in front of him and raised his arm up, bringing it down on his shoulder and removing the skin.
"You old geezer," Kakuzu said as Yanagi smirked
"I'd start paying attention to your surroundings if I were you," Yanagi replied as Kakuzu felt something cut into his back. The sound of porcelain shattering could be heard as Sikorsky was behind Kakuzu with blood trailing off his knuckles 'I didn't even sense him!' Kakuzu thought as he jumped away from them and landed on the side of a building. Kakazu then felt two hearts leave his body as he growled in anger "You two are gonna replace those," Kakuzu said as he stood up straight
"So he has multiple hearts?" Sikorsky said
"Apparently so... but all we gotta do is stall," Yanagi replied as Sikorsky nodded
"Da, that'll work,"
"What the hell are they blabbering about?" Kakuzu said as both his hands turned back, "Earth Style: Iron Skin!" and launched off the building with punches ready for them.
Back With Spec and Dorain:
Hidan laid in a broken pile as Spec was taking in several deep breaths "Whoa! I-I haven't done that in a long time, whew; do I feel young again!" Spec said as Dorain was looking down at Hidan
"Yu fag bsars! I unna urgh ya afa yu," Hidan tried to speak as Dorain could only shake his head
"Look at you, broken to the point you can't speak. Where I come from, it would be best to put you down like the animal you are. But since you can't die, I guess a grave's the next best thing," Dorain said as he knelt down and touched the ground, "here will do," he said as he started to punch the ground, making a small indent in the ground
"M-man, th-that was over quickly," Spec said
"Alright, now that the side-attractions are out of the way. How about we find Naruto after I bury him?" Dorain asked
"I'll get a head start, just follow the blood," Spec said as he smelled the sweet scent of iron in the air
"That's gonna be a little hard since it's everywhere,"
"You know what I mean,"
Naruto was running around Madara as the ladder was throwing Jutsu after Jutsu at him "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Madara shouted as Naruto jumped into the air and dodged the attack. Naruto then bit his thumb as he smeared it against the ground when he landed. He dragged his hand along the ground while Madara shouted: "Fire Style: Flame Flower!" as Naruto ducked under it
"That's right, dry my blood for me," Naruto said as he continued to circle Madara
"What's the matter? Lost your nerve to fight me head-on?" Madara asked as Naruto stopped and launched himself at him. Madara jumped into the air as he kicked Naruto in the shoulder. But Naruto moved his shoulder to redirect the foot away from him and used his hand to punch Madara in the heel. Naruto felt something break as Madara took out a kunai and stabbed Naruto in the arm. Naruto didn't even flinch as Madara kicked off him to get away "You impudent brat," Madara said as he held his broken heel
"Why thank-you, I try my best, ya know?" Naruto replied with a smirk. Madara growled as he used his good foot to push off toward Naruto. But Naruto smiled as he pulled back his fist and shot it forward. A sonic boom was heard coming from Naruto. It hit nothing, yet it did hit something.
Madara was on his back as his mask was completely destroyed. Naruto looked down at the man as Yuichiro said: 'That's not Madara,'
'What are you talking about?' Naruto asked as the man stood up
"You broke my mask, that was a gift ya know," the man said as he held his face, "you broke my nose and dislocated my jaw... all before I could even think,"
"Who the hell are you?" Naruto asked
"So, you've seen my face. Guess that means I'm not Madar anymore, huh?"
"Answer the question before I stop caring,"
"Fine then, my name's Obito Uchiha... I would be on you your Father's students, Naruto," Obito said as Naruto looked at him with surprise
"One of dad's students?"
"Yes... I'm also the one responsible for your... treatment in the village,"'
"What are you talking about? Danzo and Orochimaru are dead. The Village has been purged,"
"Oh no, not that. The Kyuubi, I removed it from your mother," Obito explained as Naruto's eye started to twitch
"You heard me. I'm the one that got your parents killed. I'm the one that caused the Kyuubi attack, so what are you going to do about it?" Obito asked as Naruto's face... well, how to describe it?
(Picture, you decide. But he's pissed)
"I'm gonna kill you, slowly," Naruto said as he brought his hands together
"Of course you would. You see, this is what Madara was talking about. Death will only bring more death," Obito said as Naruto formed a single hand-sign
"Sealing Art: Fox Blood Seal," Naruto said as the blood on the ground started to glow. Obito then felt something tugging at him as his vision became less clear. The rain started to fall faster as Naruto seemed to be speed-walking toward him "W-what did you do?" Obito asked as Naruto picked him up
"Welcome to hell, I'll be your devil got the evening," Naruto said as he tossed Obito in the air and grabbed him by the ankle. He then started to swing Obito around, all the while Naruto's face was slowly starting to lose its anger.
With Yanagi and Sikorsky:
Yanagi was dodging attacks from Kakuzu while Sikorsky was attacking Kakuzu. Yanagi's cigarette was half-way done as he swung his hand around and tore off more of Kakuzu's skin. Kakuzu grunted in pain as he felt some of his stitches come loose "You two are gonna be my new hearts and I'm gonna sell your corpses on the black market!" Kakuzu said as he suddenly felt one of his hearts stop. He then stopped mid-attack as Yanagi smirked, "About time it started to work," Yanagi said as Kakuzu spat out blood from under his mask
"W-what did you do?" Kakuzu asked
"Poison, it took some time for it to kick in. But once it does... well let's just say it's a slow painful death," Yanagi explained as Kakuzu looked down at his hands. They were slowly turning pale before his eyes as he spat out more blood "We're done here, ya?" Sikorsky asked as Yanagi nodded
"Yes, now let's get to Naruto," Yanagi said as they both walked off, leaving Kakuzu to die a slow, painful death.
With Naruto:
Obito was bleeding through his eyes and ears as Naruto swung him around
(Look at Series of Pictures, Viewer Discretion is advised, I think? I don't know, comment if you think I should remove some pictures)
'W-what's going on? W-why's everything red? The sky? The clouds? Naruto? Even the rain looks like the sky's bleeding,' Obito thought as Naruto smiled
"You're probably wondering why everything is the way it is. Well, it's simple, this is called dress. A technique that turns the opponent into living nun-chucks. All I have to do is swing you around like so... and all the blood in your body flows to your head. Any and all holes in the skull; the nose, eyes, and ears. The blood just flows right out. So this is good-bye, Obito. Tell the Shinigami to have my throne ready for when I come," Naruto said as he finished off Obito by slamming him into the ground. The final blow was enough to cause the entire village to shake, like a Level 3 earthquake. But that's not all it did, oh no... that's not all.
With Oliva:
Oliva was riding in the helicopter as he was going back to the Black Pentagon. He was reading a book when he heard the two pilots chatting "There something wrong?" Oliva asked
"I-I don't know sir, I-I think we may have gone up," said the pilot
"Excuse me?"
"W-we went up 50 feet, sir," said the co-pilot as Oliva shook his head
"And what's the problem with that?"
"W-we didn't even move the joy-stick,"
"Oh... o~~~~h," Oliva said as he looked at the GPS on the helicopter. It read that they were over the lake next to them. Next. To. Them. Oliva shook his head as he then heard something off in the distance "I'll be damned," Oliva said as he smirked, "Naruto you son of a bitch. You really rocked the world, huh?"
Back With Naruto:
Naruto looked down at the dead Obito, that laid broken and bloody at his feet. Naruto was taking in several breaths before he heard the sound of clapping. He turned around and saw Dorain, Spec, Yanagi, and Sikorsky clapping "Well done, boyo!" Spec said
"Hahaha! You did fine, fine indeed," Kaioh Dorain said as Naruto looked at them with a smile
"Nice to see you all here," Naruto said
"Sorry, we couldn't have been here when the fight started. But we had some side-acts to take care of," Yanagi said as Naruto waved it off
"Naw, it's all good... but I'm not done with this place yet,"
"What do you mean?" Spec asked
"I've got one last thing to do,"
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Next one is the last one and I hope you aren't upset with that]
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