Chapter 37: Parents
"Okay, who are these guys?" Spec asked as the two people slowly stood up
"In the seal? Are you sure?" asked Kushina as she brushed herself off
"To be honest, that's the most likely thing. We both can't be inside the Shinigami," Minato replied
"Oi! Who are you two?!" Sikorsky shouted as they both turned around
"I'm going to ask the same question," Minato said as he glared at them
"We don't have time for this, if this is part of the damn foxes plan to help Naruto then we have to deal with it," Kaioh Dorian said
"W-wait, you know Naruto?" Kushina asked, "How is he? How's my baby boy?"
"Baby boy? Are you his mother?" Doyal questioned as she nodded
"Yes, and this his Minato, his father,"
"CAN WE DO INTRODUCTIONS LATER?!" boomed a voice as the rainbow room vanished into a black and white shattered room. There was a huge crack in the middle of the room and holding both pieces was the Kyubi, a hand clamped down on each side as he was trying to hold it together "Where the fuck did you 5 vanish to?!" the Kyubi asked
"So these two weren't apart of your plan?!" Doyal asked as he pointed at Minato and Kushina. The Kyubi followed Doyal's finger and saw the couple as he glared at them "Forth! Uzumaki! I killed you!" the Kyubi shouted
"Kybui?!" Minato and Kushina screamed
"Well, it seems you three know each other," Yanagi said, "and it seems that the shaking is at a minimum,"
"Yeah, thank me later," Kyubi said as he tried pulling on both pieces
"What's going on? What's happening?" Minato asked, "Why is the Kyubi out of his seal?"
"Oh, yeah, yell at me for trying to keep your son's mind in one piece! You know what, how about you take my place in holding his fucked-up brain together, huh?
"Naruto's mind?!" Kushina asked
"No time to explain, if you're not gonna help then stay here and yell at me!"
"But how are we going to help? We can't exactly do anything," Spec asked as the Kyubi grunted and shot a square piece of darkness at them.
With Naruto:
Naruto was swinging his fists everywhere. Several trees were broken in half, there was a crack in the ground, and a split in the river. His face was in tears as every time he struck Kokoro, she'd just multiply "Face it, Naruto-kun~~~, you can't get away from me. I'll always be a part of your life. Whether you like it or not," Kokoro said as Naruto hit her again
"SHUT-UP! JUST SHUT-UP!" Naruto screamed as Kokoro split in two
"You know... this is getting boring... how about we skip to the fun part?" Kokoro said as she caught Naruto's fist
"W-what?" Naruto asked as he found that he was smaller. He was skinnier. He was younger. He was a child again. A defenseless child who was in the hands of the woman that ruined his hopes of salvation. She slowly pushed him down to the ground as she stood over him "Ready for round 2?" Kokoro asked as she licked her lips
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Naruto shouted as he tried to escape. But Kokoro put her foot on his chest as she said: "Feisty, just like the first time,"
"Excuse me? But I think you better do what the boy says," Spec said as he tapped Kokoro's shoulder
"Who sa- oh my," Kokoro said as she turned around and looked up at the giant, who had an amused look on his face, "who the fuck are you?"
"HEY WHORE!" shouted a voice as Kokoro was punched hard enough to cause a sonic boom. Kokoro rolled across the ground as she saw what hit her as it was winding up to hit her again.
Naruto saw the figure as it vanished and punched Kokoro again, smashing the ground. Kokoro seemed to spit out blood as the figure picked her up by the throat "Hello, bitch," the figure said
"W-who the fuck a-are you?" Kokoro asked as she tried to escape the figure's grasp
"Why should I tell an insect, like you, my name? You're nothing but scum and I'm gonna kill you for hurting my baby boy," the figure replied as she crushed Kokoro's throat. A loud snap and crunch could be heard as the figure brought its other hand to Kokoro's head and crushed it. Dropping Kokoro's corpse, the figure turned around to face Naruto as she walked toward him
"S-Spec-sensei?" Naruto asked as the man took a step back
"This is for the best kid, trust me. Not getting between that," Spec said as the figure got closer
"Naruto... m-my bab-by boy," the figure said as the shadows around her revealed Kushina
"W-who are you? H-how do you know my name?" Naruto asked as the woman stopped in front of him, fell to her knees, and wrapped him in a hug
"M-my baby boy, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Kushina wept as her tears rolled down her face
"Who are you? And why are you crying?" Naruto asked as Kushina rubbed his back
"I-I'm sorry, m-my name's Kushina... Kushina Uzumaki... I-I'm your Kaa-chan," Kushina said
"What?" Naruto asked
"It's true, Naruto. She's your mother," said another voice as Naruto turned his head to see Minato with a sad smile on his face
"L-Lord Fourth?" Naruto asked
"Please, call me dad," Minato replied
"N-no, no, no, no, I-I don't have a mother. I don't have a father! I'm a demon! A monster! A-"
"A child that grew up too fast!" Kushina shouted as she hugged her son even more, "A-and I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry,"
"H-how are you sorry?"
"We've been dead, Naruto. Didn't Hiruzen tell you this?"
"Y-yeah, b-but he never told me your names,"
"WHAT?!" Minato and Kushina shouted
"Uhh, hey, not to be rude. But can we get back inside? I think Naruto needs a rest," Spec asked
"First time I've ever heard you say that," Naruto said as Spec shrugged
"Well you ain't training anymore and I ain't chuckin' ya into a lake either. So yeah, best you get some shut-eye. You've been through a lot," Spec replied as Naruto smiled... and passed out.
The Kyubi was pulling together two-pieces of Naruto's mindscape together as he huffed and took a deep breath. Blowing onto the crack, the Kyubi's chakra started to burst from his mouth and started to heal the crack. When it was half-healed, the Kyubi stopped as he looked at the group of people behind him "Alright, the rest I think he's gonna have to mend by himself. Other than that, I think he'll live and so will we," the Kyubi said as Doyal sighed
"That's good to know. Really wouldn't like to die a second time," Doyal said as he looked back at Kushina sitting on the ground, holding a sleeping Naruto
"Been a while since we last saw him like this," Kaioh Dorain said
"Last time he was like this was when Minako woke up in the middle of the night and placed herself on his chest," Yanagi said
"Who's Minako?" Minato asked
"She would be your granddaughter," Sikorsky said
"I've got a grandkid?!" Kushina and Minato said in surprise
"B-but he's so young!" Kushina said
"How old do you think Naruto is?" Doyal asked
"By looking at him, I'd say... 13?"
"He's a grown-ass man. In his early 20's,"
"B-but how is this possible?" Minato asked
"He's regressed, that what happens when you have a mental breakdown. But thanks to my efforts, he still has his memories," Kyubi said as he pointed at the healing cracks, "and right now, it's healing at a slow rate,"
"We missed so much and caused him so much pain," Kushina said as she started to cry
"I wouldn't hold it against ya, you've been dead upward 20 years. He's been sent to prison, killed people left and right, had a kid, tried to get revenge, found out he can't get revenge, and now he's heading for Itachi to see the battle of brothers," Spec said, summing up everything that has happened up to this point
"Well... what happens now? To me and Kushina?" Minato asked
"Who knows? You're in the same situation as us," Doyal said, "you haven't faded away yet if you were on a timer and you can't exactly interact with the world like a phantom,"
"So we're?"
"Here for the ride," Kaioh Dorain said as the Kyubi huffed
"Grand! Stuck with the blonde bastard and red-head whore, oh most joyful days!" Kyubi said
"And what do you want us to do, bow to you because you said our son?!" Kushina asked
"I don't care! I just wanted peace and quiet! But no~~~~, that stupid sage-of-six-paths had to bring me back from the dead after I see my son and grandson fight and I tell my grandson to kick his fathers' ass!" the Kyubi said as everyone raised an eyebrow
"Excuse me? Are you saying you have a name?" Yanagi asked
"The name the Sage gave me was Kurama... but I'll say my real name another time... for when Naruto needs my ultimate technique," Kurama said as he laid down and crossed his arms
"And what would that be?" Minato asked
When Naruto Woke Up:
Naruto woke up with a beating head. He sat up and rubbed his temples as he said: "Urgh, what a dream. *Sigh* Better head out to see Sasuke get his ass handed to him," as he got up and stretched, "hopefully I didn't sleep for too long," he whispered as he started walking. After a few minutes, he chuckled to himself as he said: "The Fourth as my father... never heard such bullshit in my life,"
"Oh you'd best believe that bullshit is real, or else it's gonna hit you in the face," Minato said as he stood behind Naruto
[Hope you enjoyed and sorry this came out so late
Also, a vote!
What do the sensei's do when not teaching?
The Misadventures of Obito and Naruto!
Rivalry of Daughters! Mirai vs Minako! Who is Best Daughter?!
I think we all know where this vote is going. HAVE FUN!]
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