Chapter 35: Heartbeat

[Dark chapter ahead, just warning you now... hope you enjoy it!]

"Come on! Lee! Lee!" Sakura shouted as she beat his chest

"Sakura, I-I don't think that's going to work," Kiba said as he walked toward her, "Lee's... Lee's dead,"

"NO! I refuse! I'm not losing another!" Sakura shouted back at him as she continued to beat Lee's chest

"SAKURA! That's enough!" Tsunade ordered, "We can't bring him back from the dead... I know from experience,"

"Lee... I-I've lost another one," Sakura whispered as she started to cry

"May I be of assistance?" asked a voice as they all turned around to see Kureha

"We tried everything, w-we can't bring him back from the dead," Sakura said as he put a hand on her shoulder

"Not everything,"

"What the hell are you talking about? Get outta here! Even Tsunade didn't attempt trying to bring him back," Kiba shouted as Kureha shot him a look

"Sakura? Are you able to heal wounds after death?"

"Y-yes?" Sakura replied

"Good, I want you to heal the gash across his chest if you please,"

"O-Okay," Sakura said as she started to heal Lee's chest

"Tsunade, may I have some needles?"

"Not like you'd be putting him in pain," Tsunade whispered as she handed Kureha some senbon. Kureha sighed as he looked down at Lee. The wound on his chest was gone and Kureha tore off his shirt "My, my, such an exquisite body... yet, I think he focused too much on strength, I can see some muscle tearing here and here," Kureha said as he started to tap on Lee's chest, "now let's see here,"

"What are you planning on doing? Performing a miracle?" Neji asked


"What makes you say that?" Tenten asked as she was wiping her tears

"Simple... I don't have chakra. I can't heal him as you can. I've studied medicine from a different person's view. I have science and anatomy. I've studied for years to achieve the perfect body and I have. I've gone a few rounds with Naruto myself when we were both training," Kureha explained as he inserted the needle into Lee's second pec on his left, "that'll act as an anesthetic,"

"Acupuncture?" Tsunade whispered as Kureha supported Lee's back

"Now, for the final touch," Kureha said as he placed his hand on Lee's chest... and shoved it underneath his rib-cage


"What the fuck are you trying to do? Manually pump his heart?!" Tsunade shouted

"My, my, you're like the tortoise. Slow and steady, but you get there," Kureha replied as he was moving Lee's heart. After a few seconds of shock, Sakura saw Lee's hand twitch "W-what?" Sakura asked, "H-how?"

"It's simple. For years, medicine has been changed to convention. You know what that is? Junk! The knowledge of anatomy is restricted by fear," Kureha stated as he watched Lee's hand rise from his side

"LEE!" everyone shouted as Lee spat up blood. Kureha removed his hand as he supported Lee's back "Life and death are examples of the worlds common rules. It's easy to repair the human body when you break these rules. I've been known to break and invent these rules," Kureha said, "he should be able to breathe on his own now. But we need to get him to a real medical facility,"

20 Minutes Later:

Lee was hooked up to machines as Naji and Tenten were sitting in his room. Neji was watching the heartbeat monitor while Tenten was twiddling her thumbs. Tenten was about to say something when the door opened up to reveal Guy with a pad over his throat "LEE!" he shouted as his voice was hoarse

"SENSEI! Be quiet!" Tenten whispered/shouted as Guy flinched

"Sorry about that," Guy said, "I was just worried about Lee, knowing that he's been brought back from the dead,"

"It was strange... and amazing at the same time," Tenten replied

"I've heard. This Kureha fellow sounds most youthful!" Guy said with his signature smile

"So, Guy-Sensei?" Neji asked

"Neji, you're Jonin now, there's no need to call me sensei,"

"Hmph, what happened to you? Did Naruto do that in the attack?" Neji asked

"No, this was before the attack. And it wasn't Naruto, is was a bunch of people with cloaks. Naruto was eating breakfast at BLD. From what I heard, Kakashi said that Naruto was sharing with Mirai,"

"What?! Mirai? As in, Mirai-chan?" Tenten asked

"Yup! In fact, Kakashi said that Mirai caused him to have a breakdown," Guy explained as Neji huffed

"Of course. Naruto may be vicious, but he still has a heart,"

"Speaking of hearts," said a voice as everyone turned to see Kureha, "how's my patient coming along?"

"Are you Kureha?" Guy asked

"Yes I am, you're Might Guy, right? I'd like to perform a physical on you if you have the time, to make sure that everything's all right," Kureha replied as Guy got on his knees and cried his heart out

"THANK-YOU!" Guy shouted as Neji and Tenten 'sh'ed him

"You're welcome? Anywho, I've come to take Lee's blood samples,"

"But why?" Tenten asked

"You see those marks?" Kureha pointed out, "that it the left thumb and index finger,"

"Now that you mention it, that does look like a left hand," Guy said

"Exactly, Naruto's whip strike is different depending on what hand he uses. One is painful and makes you want to die and the other just causes death,"

"WHAT?!" the trio shouted

"I'm just making sure that none of the poison got into his bloodstream. I've seen the effects of it and let me tell you, it's not good," Kureha explained

"One thing after the next," Neji said

"Hey, Dr. Kureha?" Tenten asked


"Have you seen Minako and Hinata?"

"Hinata probably went after Naruto," Neji said

"Wait, she better not do what I think she's gonna do," Kureha asked

"What? Talk some sense into him like 'Think of Minako! Think of Kokoro!'?" Tenten said

"YES!We need to catch up with her! Now!"

"But why?"

"Minako's conception wasn't consensual! Naruto is a victim of rape and Minako is the aftermath," Kureha said, "and if Hinata brings up that whore... I'm afraid he's going to give her a demonstration,"

"Go get Lady Tsunade! We need to find Lady Hinata!" Neji shouted as he vanished

30 Minutes Later:

Neji, Guy, and Tenten were running through the trees as they wore head-sets "Found her yet?" Neji asked



"Nothing yet,"

"Damn-it!" Neji cursed

"Neji, we'll find her," Tenten said as Neji activated his Byakugan

"It's not finding her that I'm worried about, it's how we'll find her that does,"

"Neji, I'm sure she's going to be fine," Guy assured


"It hurts," said a voice as the three of them stopped

"Was that?"

"I fear so," Neji said as he looked around and saw Hinata on the ground with some of her clothes missing.

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