Chapter 27: The Man Named Konohamaru

Naruto turned around to see a familiar face. He had brown spiky hair and blue eyes. He was wearing sunglasses and wore a dark green suit top with black dress pants. He had a Konoha headband wrapped around his right bicep and a scar across his right cheek "Konohamaru Sarutobi," Naruto said as he faced him, "you've really grown since I last saw you,"

"Do I know you?" Konohamaru asked

"Maybe, that depends on what you're gonna do," Naruto replied

"Hey, boss! He's the one that punched Udon into the building!" said a guy wearing a suit

"I saw," Konohamaru said, "now get outta here... I've got something to do,"

"B-but boss!"

"Did I stutter?"

"N-no boss! Hear ya loud and clear!" replied the man as he motioned his hand backward. Naruto looked around and saw several people backing away from them. As they were doing this, Naruto looked back at Konohamaru and saw that he was sizing him up "Kid looks like that Hanayama brat," Spec said as he appeared

"Yes, I remember him. Got in between my fight with Baki when I tag-teamed with Yanagi," Sikorsky commented as he too appeared

"Kid beat my ass while taking a chunk outta my thigh. And if he's anything like him, I'd advise watching out for his hands,"

"Why's that?" Naruto whispered

"Because, kid can pinch," Spec said as him and Sikorsky vanished. Naruto sighed as he saw that Konohamaru was standing at 6 foot 2 inches tall and had large chest "I'd say he weighs about... 220? No, 290," Naruto whispered

"How do you know my name?" Konohamaru asked as Naruto cocked his head

"You used to be such a nice kid... before I went away,"

"Do I know you?"

"You should,"

"You've done a few things that have caught my attention," Konohamaru said as he looked at Naruto while taking off his sunglasses, "first, I hear that one of my casino's get's destroyed, ten Udon escaped his hospital room... and when I catch up with him I see you punch him into a building... more than likely dead,"

"You've got a few things down," Naruto said as he cracked own neck, "I did punch a building, had I known it was yours I would've held back. But the people inside was my real goal, knowing this village is equal to that of hell, slaying little imps would be a god-sent," as he then rolled his shoulders

"Really? I thought Tsuande went and culled the meek?"

"Oh I know that... I'm just fixing her fuck-up, knowing her I'm bet she missed a few in her drunken stupor," Naruto said as Konohamaru smirked

"Yeah, you're probably right, but that doesn't excuse you for ki-"

"THIS IS GREA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T!" shouted someone as they all turned around to see Udon jumping around with a huge smile on his face. Konohamaru's eyes went wide as he stared at his friend, who was clapping "I-I can't feel a thing... who cares! The pain's gone! The pain's gone! The punch, it worked!" Udon shouted with joy

"W-what? H-how?" Konohamaru asked as Udon looked at Naruto

"Thank you! That punch must've rocked my brain so much you busted the pain away! I-I can't ever thank you enough!" Udon said with tears in his eyes

"It was the least I could do, Udon. Besides, it was great seeing you brats again," Naruto said

"Oh, that's right, I never did get your name," Udon said as Naruto removed his scarf

"Can't you remember your old boss?" Naruto asked as Konohamaru and Udon looked at him, "I'm heart-broken! Anywho, great seeing you all again... I've got some things to attend to,"

"W-wait! Boss, don't go!" Konohamaru said, "why don't we go get a drink?"

"A drink, huh? Why the hell not?"

30 Minutes Later:

Naruto was sitting in a chair with a bottle in his hand with Konohamaru and Udon sitting across from him. He had a small smile on his face as he looked at them "This is great! You're back!" Konohamaru said with a smile on his face

"Yeah, but I won't be staying for long," Naruto replied

"Why? Don't you want to become Hokage?" Konohamaru asked as Naruto frowned

"The job of Hokage... is nothing more than a worthless dream now," Naruto said

"W-what?" Udon asked

"You can't be serious," Konohamaru said

"Oh but I am. First I'm gonna have some fun in this village, then I'm gonna go into the Uchiha Compound and find directions to the Uchiha Hideout to see the battle of emo's... well emo and brother with common sense," Naruto said as he took a swig from his bottle

"The Uchiha Compound... I'm sorry, boss... but that place was... torn down," Konohamaru said as Naruto spat out his drink

"E-fucking-xcuse me?!" Naruto shouted

"4 Years after your imprisonment, Tsunade had the place destroyed, all known Jutsu and techniques went to... The Hyuga Compound," Udon said as Naruto gritted his teeth

"Of course, fucking eye-based bloodline bullshit,"

"Yeah, but the thing is they only took the super-secret stuff. Actual jutsu came into the possession of the Sarutobi Clan," Konohmamaru said

"Well I have no need to jutsu, I can't use chakra anymore," Naruto said as he rolled up his sleeve and on his left shoulder was a Chakra-Suppressing Seal

"I see... how about I help you?"

"How can you help me?"

"I run nearly half this city. Started my own gang few years back, nobody's been able to challenge me," Konohamaru explained, "I've got a gift of unnatural strength. And Jiryia gave me something before he disappeared,"

"Pervy Sage?" Naruto asked as Konoamaru snapped his fingers and a man brought out a scroll

"He said to give this to you if we ever meet again," Konhamaru said as Naruto looked at it. Naruto picked it up and smiled before he frowned "I could if I would, but I can't activate any seals that are inside," Naruto said

"He didn't say anything about seals, he wanted you to read it... or is it just you can't read?" Konohamaru asked with a smirk as Naruto growled

"Are you challenging me?"

"Considering that you've been gone for 8 years, I wanna test myself," Konohamaru said as they both stood up

"Well then, name the place,"

"The building that's taken its place as the Uchiha Compound building. Two days from now,"

"Good, see you later,"

"Aren't you gonna need a place to stay?"

"I've got it covered," Naruto replied

3 Hours Later:

Naruto was sleeping in a cell without a care in the world. He was wearing something similar to what Spec was wearing as his sensei's appeared in the cell with him "Wow, boyo! You've gone and played a me!" Spec said with a huge smile on his face

"Well once you think about it, a jail cell is just a hotel room. Free food, you don't have to pay for rent, you're clothes are washed for you," Kaioh Dorain said as he looked out of the cell

"This place is actually quite spacious, how about we do some shadow boxing?" Doyle suggested as Naruto waved him off

"Nah, I just need some sleep," Naruto said as his stomach growled

"Funny thing about jail food, it's not all that good," Yanagi said as Naruto too growled with his stomach

"Looks like take-out for tonight, eh?" Sikorsky said as Naruto stood up and walked to the bars of his cell.

20 Minutes Later:

"Are you sure it's him?" Kakashi asked as he walked beside two guards

"Y-yes, sir! It's confirmed that it was Naruto Uzumaki," said a guard

"He should be right h- WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!" shouted the other guard as they looked at the cell. It was empty with the bars to the cell forming a large hole "If it is Naruto... I want everyone looking for him! Now!" Kakashi ordered as they all nodded

"Y-yes, Kakashi-sama!"

"Just all me Kakashi," Kakashi said as they both ran to tell the others. Kakashi sighed as he looked a few feet to his left and saw a bathroom. Walking into it, he stood in front of a latrine and unzipped his pants "Man, why did Tsunade-sama leave me in charge?" Kakashi asked as he let go.

He sighed in relief until... a large heavier stream was heard next to him. Slowly turning his head, he saw Naruto standing next to him. Naruto looked down with a Cheshire grin and said: "Hello, Kakashi,"

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry it's so short]

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