Chapter 18: An Animals Lair

Samui stared in shock as she watched Minako hug this bloody man. Minako, on the other hand, felt something on her face and used her hand to see what it was. When she touched her face, she looked at her hand and saw something red. It was coming from Naruto as Minako also noticed that it was on her clothes "Daddy? What's this?" she asked as Naruto sighed

"It's blood, sweetheart," Naruto replied

"Blood... why is it coming from you?" Minako asked as Naruto smirked

"Because I worked too hard... now, what to introduce your friend?" Naruto asked as he pointed at Samui, who was slowly getting off the ground. Minako nodded as Naruto let go of her; showing the bloody hand marks on her clothes. She walked over to Samui with a smile and said: "Samui, this is daddy," Minako said as she grabbed Samui by her hand and walked her over. As Minako did so, Naruto's skin started to heal from his hands to his face. Once Samui was standing in front of him, she blushed as she looked at his face "So, you're the one," Naruto said as Samui gulped

"Y-yes?" Samui said as Naruto smirked

"Good, but I have to ask one thing... watch my baby girl a little while longer... I'm going to pass out now," Naruto said as his eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground


3 Days Later, With Tsunade:

Tsunade and the Rookies finally made it to the Black Pentagon as Tsunade walked up to the front gate. She pushed a button as there was a beep "Name and business," asked a voice

"Tsunade Senju, current Hokage of Konoha. I've come here to bail out a prisoner," Tsunade said

"Tsunade... Senju... ahh, here you are. You're cleared for entry," replied the voice as there was a long beep and the gate opened. Tsunade took a deep breath as she said: "8 years.... 8 long years,"

"I'm not liking this place, it smells off," Kiba said as he sniffed the air, "it smells like... an animals territory,"

"Bark bark!" Akamu said

"Yeah, I can smell Naruto too... wait, two Naruto's?" Kiba said

"Your nose must be off," Shikamaru said as they all walked in, following closely behind Tsunade. As they followed Tsunade, they slowly walked to a metal door. When Tsunade was about to reach for it, it opened to reveal several guards... and Oliva "Welcome to Black Pentagon, Tsunade Senju. I've been expecting you for the past few days," Oliva said

"Uhh, do I know you?" Tsunade asked

"No, I don't think we have. My name's Oliva, I'm the warden here," Oliva said with a smile

"Warden? Phhss, he looks like the only thing that he could guard would be a buffet," Ino whispered as Oliva glared at her

"Now, now, don't judge a book by its cover," Oliva said as he looked at Choji, "ain't that right, Choji?"

"Y-yes, sir," Choji said as his eyes widened, "h-how did you know my name?"

"Oh... Uzumaki has told me a lot about you. About what you all of accomplished... and all that you didn't do," Olvia said, "Now, I suppose you're here for Naruto?"

"Yes, I've got his bail right here," Tsunade said as she pulled out a scroll

"The money's in that? Huh, guess he wasn't lying when he said you can stuff things into a piece of paper," Oliva said as he shrugged. He motioned his hand for them to follow them as Tsunade followed behind "I don't get it! I'm smelling two Naruto's!" Kiba said as Shikamaru sighed

"Troublesome, maybe you need to have Tsuande check out your nose," Shikamaru said

"He's not the only one... my bugs are detecting chakra spots from two Naruto's," Shino said

"I thought his chakra was sealed when he was sent to prison?" Ino asked

"It was, but just like a civilian, they can leave chakra trails... but the thing that gets me... is that I'm not sensing chakra from anyone in here,"

"What?!" Kiba asked

"Not even from the Warden... it's strange," Shino said

"That's because I don't have this 'catra' thing you got," Oliva said with a smile, "or that's what Naruto called it at least,"

"Of course he would," Sakura said as she face-palmed

"Oh, don't give me that look, after all... you didn't give him any," Oliva said as Tsunade raised an eyebrow

"So, where are we go-," Kiba said as he froze. They all where standing in front of a long flight of stairs, but that wasn't what made him freeze. It was the smell. The smell of something dangerous that leaked into his mind. Lee looked at Kiba and said: "Kiba, are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine, i-it's just-" Kiba stuttered

"You can sense it too?" Lee asked

"What are you talking about?"

"A dangerous presence?"


"What are you two talking about?" Tenten asked, "Are you two afraid of stairs?"

"N-no! It's not that! It's jus-"

"I don't have time for this! Let's go!" Sakura said as she grabbed Kiba and Lee and chucked them down the stairs. Oliva sighed as he quickly took a step to the right and allowed the two to pass by him. Using an arm, he grabbed both of them and said: "When Naruto said Sakura was a hands-on type of girl, he never did mention how abusive she was,"

"Thank-you, Oliva-san," Lee said

"Y-yeah, than- why do I feel steel?" Kiba asked as he was grabbing Oliva's bicep 'HOLY SHIT! THAT'S NOT FAT, IT'S MUSCLE!'

"My, my, I'm flattered! I try my best to be... as fit as possible," Oliva said as Kiba slowly backed away

"Enough! We're here just to apologize to Naruto, bring him back, and hopefully... he doesn't kill us," Tsunade said as Oliva chuckled, "what's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, just thinking about an old joke,"

"Really? Mind sharing with us?" Ino asked

"Remember... no Russian," Oliva said

"I don't get it,"

"It's an old joke dating back centuries," Oliva replied as they walked down the stairs. As they did, Kiba had to be pushed down as he carried Akamaru in his arms. Akamaru whined in Kiba's arms as the ladder shook "I-I know, b-bud, I-I know," Kiba whispered as they reached the bottom and stopped at a hole

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Sakura shouted as Oliva took out a q-tip and cleaned out his ears

"He also said you were loud and annoying," Oliva whispered as he walked to the elevator, "now only a few people can come on at a time. Thankfully, there are only two buttons. Up and down, simple enough," Oliva explained as he entered the elevator with Tsunade, Sakura, and Shikamaru.

50 Minutes Later:

Everyone was done with the elevator and at the bottom of the stairs. Everyone was tired, except for Oliva, as the ladder smiled: "Okay, we're almost there,"

"T-this place is-is really d-deep i-into the-ground," Tsuaned said

"Oh, you haven't seen the water, yet," Oliva replied as they all looked at him, "we're almost to Naruto's cell, let's go!" he continued to speak as they all slowly walked behind him. Passing by guards, who were playing cards, one looked up and saw him. Shooting up, he saluted and said: "M-Mr. Oliva! Sir! W-what brings you here?"

"I'm here for... a tour," Oliva said as the guard nodded and took a step to the side. The Rookies and Tsuande followed Oliva as they passed the guards to a glass door. Oliva opened the door and stepped inside, moving to the right to allow everyone to get in. What everyone saw was shocking. Books, toys, some weight equipment... a bed. But the one thing that was missing "Where's Naruto?" Tsunade asked as Oliva smirked

"Naruto isn't here at the moment, maybe if you come back 3 years ago, you'd get the chance to talk," Oliva said as Tsunade looked at him


"Naruto's out?!" Sakura asked

"Yes, I let him out," Oliva said

"Then why didn't you tell me?!" Tsunade screamed

"It took you this long to realize that he was innocent, I don't think he deserves to know. With friends like you... who needs enemies?" Oliva said as they both heard crying. Everyone raised an eyebrow as they saw Akamaru, Hinata, and Kiba on the ground. Kiba was in a corner curled up in the fetal position with Akamaru next to him. Hinata was on her knees and she looked around the room, with tears streaming down her face "I-It's not s-safe here, I-I need to-to get out! B-but I-I can't move. T-there's death, a-a wild animal! A Monster!" Kiba cried as Ino walked over to him

"What are you talking about? Get up," Ino said

"NO!" Kiba said, "Y-you can't sense it, y-you can't smell it,"

"Urgh, then explain," Ino asked as Lee walked up behind her

"Kiba is more in tune with wild animals if you noticed... Shino isn't with us," Lee said as they all looked around

"Wait, really?" Sakura asked as they all turned around and saw Shino at the end of the hall

"Hinata? Are you alright?" Choji asked as Hinata turned and looked at him

"There's blood... everywhere," Hinata said

"Blood? This place is clean... and is this water?" Tsunade said

"Yup! Special lock-down solitaire!" Oliva said

"Blood... blood... blood," Hinata said as her eyes danced around the room. Oliva's smile was small as Hinata said this. He knew the only people who could see what she was seeing was himself and Hinata. Kiba, Shino, and Lee are the people who could sense it. And Hinata was right, there is blood. Old dried blood left from Naruto. Oliva never knew how the blood got here, and if he had to compare the phantom images of the crimson liquid to anything... it would be a massacre.

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry it took so long to make]

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