Chapter 16: Kumo
"What?" Samui asked
"Pick up the brat and let's go!" Ay said as he wrapped his arm around B's neck as the ladder supports them
"B-but sir, her father-"
"Who cares?! Just grab her and let's go!" Ay shouted as Samui grimaced and tried to pick up Minako
"Come on, Minako, we need to leave," Samui said
"Why?" Minako asked
"We just need to,"
"Are we going to die?" Minako asked, shocking a majority of them
"W-what made you think that?" Samui asked
"Daddy said that people who try to run usually die... like Usho and Gyuha," Minako said
"Who ar-"
"We don't have time for this! We need to go! I can't feel my whole left side!" Ay shouted as he activated his cloak
"O-okay! Come on, Minako, hold still," Samui said as she picked up Minako. But Minako struggled as Omoi quickly rushed over and removed Minako's gloves "Hey! Give those back!" Minako said
"Sorry kid, we can't have any more of those tricks," Omoi said as he stuck them into his pocket
"Let me go! Put me down!" Minako said as she was hitting Samui's back. Each strike caused Samui to flinch as she nodded "Let's go," Samui said as they all started to head toward Kumo. But in the midst of Minako's struggle, she dropped her doll "Hey! Stop! My doll!" Minako said
"Who cares about a stuffed man-child? We need to move!" Kamui said as they gained speed
"Oliva! Oliva! DADDY!" Minako shouted as they sped off to Kumo.
1 Hour Later:
Ay was on a table while a doctor was looking at him. B was in a chair sitting next to Karui and Omoi as the doctor was poking Ay "How about this?" the doctor asked as Ay growled
"For the last time! I can't feel anything from my hip down!" Ay shouted as the doctor sighed
"Yup, his leg has been dislocated from his pelvis... we're gonna need a chiropractor," the doctor said
"So how long until I'm able to walk around?"
"Oh, it'll take a few days, but I'd say no longer than 2,"
"Good... cause we're going to war!" Ay said
"W-what?!" everyone shouted
"B-but why? It's just one man!" Kamui asked as Ay sneered
"It wasn't a man... it was a demon. A monster! He used only taijutsu to do this to me and I can only wonder what else he's got," Ay said as Darui and another man entered the room. The man was young with dark eyes and short, blond hair which he has parted in the front. He wore a sleeveless, black shirt with a one-strap-over-one-shoulder white flak jacket, black forehead protector, characteristic black, elbow-length arm-guards, and the red and white shin-guards along with a pair of sandals.
"B-boss! Are you alright?" Darui asked
"Does it look like it?! My whole entire leg is dislocated!" Ay shouted back
"And you have a small fracture," the doctor said as Ay looked at him
"Where's the chiropractor?!" Ay asked as the doctor ran out of the room in a hurry
"Look at you, you look like you got your ass beat," the man said
"Hmph, you can say that again, C,"
"What happened, anyway, bro? You're not one to keep me in the dark, so bring me into the light and enlighten me, so ple?" B asked as Ay grew a tick-mark
"First off... STOP RAPPING!" Ay shouted into B's ear as he got comfortable on the table, "and second; the Daimyo was being held, hostage,"
"What?" C, Omoi, Karui, and B asked
"Yes, the man wanted me to come alone or else he would've killed him. If I brought anyone they'd just get in the way anyways," Ay explained
"That's stupid, but you did manage to at least injure the guy, right?" C asked
"If you mean even get a punch in, then yes," Ay said, shocking everyone. But before he could continue, the doctor came in with a man "Here he is!" the doctor said
"Lord Raikage, I'm here to fix your leg," the man said with a bow
With Samui:
''how'd I get babysitting, duty?' Samui thought as she was watching Minako inside her house. The girl hadn't said a word, instead, she'd been crying for the last hour because she wouldn't see her doll or her 'daddy' again, whoever he is. Samui was about to lose it, but she took a deep breath and walked to the guest room of the house, where Minako had been placed. She knocked on the door and asked: "Minako... can I come in?"
"Yes?" replied Minako with tears still on her face. Samui opened the door and saw Minako curled up into a ball on the bed 'At least she's not snobby,' Samui thought as she walked over to the bed and sat on it "So... Minako, are you hungry?" Samui asked
"No thanks," Minako replied just as her stomach growled
"I beg to differ," Samui said as Minako's face gained a faint blush, "come on, I know a place,"
"Where are we going?"
"B took us to it last month, I think it was called 'Ramen Ichiraku'," Samui replied, "run by a father and daughter. Nice place that came in about 7 years ago,"
20 Minutes Later:
Samui was sitting next to Minako on stools as they sat at a bar. There were tables behind them with people sitting in them as they ate ramen bowls. Samui looked down at Minako and saw that she had a worried look in her eyes "Cool it, kid. Nothing bad's gonna happen," Samui said as she patted her head
"Samui!" said a voice as a woman behind the counter ran over. She was slender with long, dark brown hair and large black eyes, plus fair skin. She wears a white robe with the sleeves folded, a sort of dark blue apron with ribbon ties at the top and a bright white bandanna.
"Ayame, how have you been?" Samui asked as the woman smiled
"Oh, I've been fine. Business has been booming since you all came here a few months ago. But this place has been better since we moved," Ayame said
"Yeah, I heard. In Konoha you only had a few coming along and one regular, right?"
"Yes, *sigh* I miss him every day," Amaye said as her eyes came along Minako. Her eyes seemed to turn into hearts as she looked at her "Well, aren't you the cutest thing? Look at you, your whisker marks are adorable! Wait, whisker marks?" Ayame said as she looked at Minako again, this time closer, "O-Oh my kami... y-you look like him," she whispered as she continued to stare at Minako. Minako was starting to feel uncomfortable as she reached for Samui's hand "Uh, hey, Ayame, food?" Samui asked as Ayame snapped out of her daze and looked at Samui
"O-oh, sorry... just thinking about someone... what would you like?" Ayame asked
"Miso, please," Samui said
"W-what do you have?" Minako asked as Ayame smiled
"Well, we've got beef, miso, pork-"
"I'll have beef, please?" Minako asked as Ayame nodded
"Alright, I'll have everything out in a few minutes," Ayame said as she went to work on their food. As she did so, Samui had a question rattling around in her brain "Minako?"
"Who are Usho and Gyuha?" Samui asked as Minako looked at her
"Usho and Gyuha? They used to live at home," Minako said, "well... until they ran,"
"What do you mean?" Samui asked
"Usho and Gyuha were killed running from home. They jumped over the fence and got killed by the mines," Minako said
'Mines? Home? Where did this girl come from?' Samui thought as she saw Minako scooting closer to her, "Hey, Minako, what are you trying to do?"
"Me? I-I just miss my doll," Minako said as Samui saw Minako's foot bob up and down
'She's getting nervous,' Smaui thought, as she sighed, "If you want to hold my arm, just say so,"
"Sure," Samui replied as Minako seemed to wrap her entire body around Samui's left arm, "what have I done?" she whispered as they waited.
40 Minutes Later, With Naruto:
Naruto had spent the last 2 hours searching for the Raikage as he walked to camp with an angry look on his face "That fucking coward! I thought Kage's weren't supposed to back down from a challenge! But no~~~~~, son of a bitch has to run with his tail between his legs! I'm so glad I gave up on being Hokage!" Naruto shouted as he approached his camp, "*sigh* Oh well, can't do anything about it now, guess I'll have to find him again... Minako! I'm back!" he said as he walked into camp. Looking around, he took a whiff and smelt something off "Octopus?" he whispered as he saw the bearskin at the edge of the cave... and Minako's doll on the ground "Minako? MINAKO! WHERE ARE YOU?! MINAKO!" Naruto shouted as he ran around camp... until he saw a bunch of footprints... and one that seemed to drag. His eye twitched as his whisker marks became more pronounced and his teeth grew in size. His hair stood on end as flocks of bird flew out of the trees and animals from miles around ran away... until a massive explosion erupted from Naruto... and what was left
[Hope you all enjoyed the chapter]
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