Chapter 13: Flesh, Lightning, and... Octopus?
3 Years Later:
Naruto stood in front of Oliva, Hakosho, and Gokasho. He stood at 6 foot 5 inches tall. Has a scar on his right cheek going to the base of his ear. Naruto has long hair going to the base of his neck, a grey bandana tied around his head, had the top half of his prison suit torn off and now acts as his pants with a white cloth as a belt. He's also wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt and wears plan black sandals that cover his toes. His left hand was now its normal color and had on a pair of shades. Holing his left hand was Minako, who was wearing an orange dress that went down passed her knees, long black pants, and a yellow and red hair clip on the side of her head. On both her hands were gloves. Both given to her by Hakosho and Gokasho. Both gloves were black, but with one notable difference; the glove on her right hand had a square metal back to it while the other was a circle. She was also holding a small doll in her arm, it was a smaller version of Oliva wearing his clothes with a broken chain around his neck. As they stood in front of each other, Naruto smile as they smiled back "It's been 8 years since you came here, Naruto... and now you leave as the strongest person in the world that can't use chakra," Oliva said
"Yeah... 8 years. Holy shit," Naruto said as he whispered the last part
"And it was just 2 years ago, little Minako started to train," Hakosho said as he ruffled the girl's hair
"I've been practicing my Seiken like daddy said," Minako said as Hakosho kneeled down
"Oh really? Show me," he said as Minako let go of her father's hand and took the horse stance. She brought her right hand to her waist and shot it forward, hitting Hakosho in the face. Hakosho flinched a bit as he chuckled "Guess you have," he said as he stood up and a few moments later, his nose started to bleed
"She got you good!" Naruto said as he then ruffled Minako's hair
"Daddy!" Minako said with a huff as Naruto smirked
"What? Hakasho can do it but I can't? I'm hurt," Naruto said as Minako pouted
"You're too ruff," she mumbled as Naruto laughed. They enjoyed their last few minutes together as Naruto picked up Minako in his arms and said: "Hope we see each other again,"
"We will, Naruto, and I'll have these two, watch over your house," Oliva said as he pointed at the twins at his side
"Yeah, we'll also lock up the toys in the safe," Gokasho said
"Please?" Minako asked as he nodded
"We're gonna miss you both," Gokasho replied
"That and we'll miss you all too," Naruto said
"So where do you plan on going?" Oliva asked
"I've decided on going to a Stoned Daiymo," Naruto said as he waved goodbye, "say goodbye, sweetheart,"
"BYE-BYE!" Minako shouted as Oliva and the twins waved goodbye too as Naruto slowly started to run.
One 400 Mile run in 55 Minutes Later:
Naruto was getting tired as he slowed down his sprint into a jog while Minako was in his arms. His jog then became a walk as he stopped a few minutes later. He leaned against a tree and took several deep breaths "I-I don't understand how S-Spec went to Japan, to New York, and back to Japan... in a single day... on foot," Naruto said as he leaned forward and took one single deep breath while Minako wrapped her arms around his neck
"Daddy, I'm hungry," Minako said
"Sweetheart, I-I don't think there's anything to e-*crack*," Naruto said as he heard something. Turning his head, he spotted a large bear. Smirking, Naruto jumped into the air and put Minako on a tree branch "Stay right there, Minako... we're having bear meat for lunch," Naruto said as he shot out at the bear and punched it in the jaw. Jumping on its back, Naruto put his hands around the bears head and turned it violently, snapping its neck and killed it. Hopping on the bear as it fell to the ground Naruto smiled at his work as he walked back over to the tree were Minako was "Okay sweetheart, lunch is here," he said as Minako fell out of the tree. Naruto caught her and set her on the ground as she ran over to the bear "How are we going to eat it?" Minako asked as Naruto flicked his wrist and a blade popped out
"Like this!"
Time-Skip, brought to you by Chibi Minako playing tag with Chibi Dorain-kun:
Minako was sitting in front of a fire while there were sounds of cracking and banging behind her. On the fire was bear-meat while the skin was hung near the fire. When the sounds stopped, Naruto came back over with a smirk "Shelter is done, he said as he pointed behind him. Minako turned around to see a cave. She smiled as she shot up and ran to it "Wow! This is great!" Minako said as she shouted in the cave, of which she got a small echo "Hello!"
"Hahaha! This is fun!" Minako said as Naruto smiled
"Okay, the food's done!" Naruto said as he took a chunk of bear meat off the fire and started to eat
"Daddy! Don't eat without me!" Minako said as she ran back.
After Lunch:
"Why do I have to stay here?!" Minako asked as she was wrapped up in the dried Bear Pelt
"Becuase, I want you to be safe," Naruto argued
"But I'm safer with you, aren't I?!" Minako said with a huff as Naruto sighed
"Sweetheart, if you were to come with me, someone would be able to take you away from me... you don't want that to happen, do you?" Naruto asked as Minako shook her head, "Then please, stay here where you're safer. I'll see you in a few hours!" he said as he waved goodbye while she did the same.
In Konoha:
Tsunade stood in front of Konoha's gates with the rookies and Shizune. Tsunade turned to them and said: "Alright, listen up! We're going to get Naruto out of prison for false imprisonment! We're also heading into foreign territory, which means... DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!" as they all nodded
"Hai!" they all replied as Tsunade saw Kakashi, Asuma, Gai, and Kurieni behind the rookies
"Also, Kakashi; you're in charge while I'm gone! Now let's go!" Tsunade said in a hurry as they all left. Kakashi, on the other hand, had dropped his book and looked at the spot were Tsuande once stood and said:
With Naruto:
An hour has passed since he left Minako at the cave and he spotted a large building out in the middle of nowhere. He saw guards all over the place and smirked "Yup, this is the place," Naruto said as he walked toward the place. Picking up a large rock the size of his fist off the ground, he used his knuckles to engrave a message onto it and took aim at the large building. He then chucked it and smiled "Now to go for a walk," Naruto said as he walked to it.
20 Minutes Later:
A man wearing body armor stood in front of 100 men wearing the same armor. But his had a star on the front of it as he spoke to them "Team A will take position inside; Team B will remain in front. Our target is supposed to arrive in the next 5 minutes," he said as Naruto slowly approached behind him "our objective is to contain him, the secondary objective is t-"
"Look, sir! Behind you!" said a man as he pointed at Naruto. The leader turned around and saw Naruto looking down on him with a smirk "Captian, I presume?" Naruto asked, "I'm here for the Daiymo,"
"What kind of business do you have with him? Not just anyone can just walk up to him and demand to speak," the captain replied
"No need to be all formal... I'm just here to send a message across the Nations,"
"I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me," the captain said as he tried to grab Naruto's shoulder. But Naruto pulled away from him, causing the captain to fall to the ground "I don't think that's possible, Captain... and a little word of advice," Naruto said as he raised his foot into the air, "stay down," he finished as he stomped the captains head into the ground. The guards stood in shock as Naruto turned to them and said: "Well? What are you waiting for? COME AT ME!" as one-by-one, they started to charge toward him. Naruto smirked as he punched one in the head and kicked another man's knees out. Jumping into the air, Naruto kicked several guards in the face, breaking noses and jaws. A group of 5 came at him at the same time as he just swung his arm around and sent them flying a dozen feet. This went on for a few minutes until another captain came out "Stand down! I repeat! Stand down!" he ordered as they all started to slowly walk back. Naruto's smirk still hadn't left his face as he cracked his neck "What's the matter? Are you scared of losing more men?" Naruto asked as the captain was seething
'How come we're just using taijutsu on him?! Why aren't we using juts regu- that's it!' the captain thought as he shouted: "EVERYONE! USE JUTSU! NOW!" as all the guards started to form hand signs. Naruto's smirk turned into a smile as he shot forward while almost hugging the ground and uppercut a guard, shattering his jaw. Grabbing the man by the throat, Naruto swung him around like a club and struck another 4 guards. Hearing crackling behind him, Naruto jumped into the air as a random lightning jutsu passed under him. Doing a backflip, Naruto landed on a guard and jumped off him with enough force to dislocate the guards' shoulders. Before long, Naruto stood in the middle of a bunch of guards, who were either bleeding or broken. Walking to the building as he passed by the captain, Naruto said: "Let's hope Team B will put up more of a fight," as he punched the captain in the head, sending him flying nearly 2 dozen feet.
With Minako:
Minako was bored out of her mind. Her father left her here nearly an hour ago and she couldn't do anything. She had tried playing with her 'Unchained' doll, but that got boring after 20 minutes. So now she was trying to take a nap when she heard "Hey! B-sensei! Look at this!" from outside
"Looks like someone just ate," said a female voice
"Do you think they're still nearby?"
"I don't know, maybe that cave will have words. For this cave will answer for sho! Wee!" said another voice as Minako hid under the bear pelt
"This place looks cool," said a fourth voice as Minako moved slowly to the back of the cave.
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and next chapter I hope you can forgive me for my bad Killer B rap dialouge]
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