Chapter 10: Grand Battle
2 Years Later:
Naruto was doing push-ups in his cell as Minako was sitting on his back reading a book. Minako had long flowing brown hair and wore simple black pants with a long short-sleeved shirt that reached her knees. Naruto was shirt-less wearing baggy black pants with a cloth belt. His hair was just reaching the base of his neck as he wrapped a bandana around his head and was back to his normal blonde. As he did his push-ups, Minako crawled over and placed the book in front of him "Daddy, how do you say this word?" she asked as Naruto looked up and saw her finger pointing at a word
"That's 'antidote' sweetheart," Naruto replied
"What's an ant-e-dot?" Minako asked as Naruto chuckled
"Well, an antidote is something you use to cure a poison... let's say, I got bit by a snake. I would use an antidote to get rid of the poison," Naruto explained
"And if someone did get any?" Minako asked
"Well... they'd die," Naruto asked as Minako crawled back to her spot on Naruto's back
"What was mom like?" Minako asked. In the back of his mind, he knew this day would come, but he hoped it didn't. So he did one big push-up, sending Minako into the air, pushed off his legs, caught Minako in the air, and landed on the ground with his legs crossed. Minako laughed, making Naruto smile "So... what was mom like?" Minako persisted as Naruto sighed
"Truth be told... I don't know," Naruto replied
"Becuase, I didn't know her for that long,"
"Because we never really talked,"
"She sounds like a broken record! Shut her up!" Sikorsky said as he appeared
"You should just tell her that she would've loved her very much, that usually shuts them up," Yanagi said, appearing next to Sikorsky
"Okay, okay, I'll tell her," Naruto whispered as he coughed into his hand, "well, sweetheart... I may've not known your mother all that long, but I know one thing for certain; she would've loved you very much,"
"Really?" Minako asked
"Really... now, I think it's time I do something to cure me and Oliva's boredom!" Naruto said
"What are you going to do?" Minako asked as Naruto set her on his bed
"I'm gonna test my skill... and get some surgery done... and finally, master the 'Way of The Void'!" Naruto said as he walked over to his cell door, placed his hand on it, and pulled back. A large chunk of glass was removed as the rest seemed to shatter. He turned to his daughter with a smile "Now, to drop you off at your uncle's,"
At Konoha:
Tsunade sat at her desk with a frown "Stupid laws, why does it have to take so long... and so much paperwork," Tsunade whispered, "3 years to get a stupid passport! I'm the Hokage damn-it! I should be able to go from country to county whenever I want!"
"T-Tsunade-sama, please calm down!" Shizune asked
"Oink! Oink!" Tonton said
"I don't care what you two say! It was my fault for being such a stupid... BIMBO!" Tsunade said as she banged her head against her desk, "H-how?! How could I have not believed him?! His skill isn't questionable, but enough to cause a threat to a Kage is blasphemy! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" she cried as she hit her head
"Tsunade-sama, calm down! We all make mistakes!" Shizune said
"But mine cost me Naruto's child-hood! Or what was left of it because of this stupid village," Tsunade said as she pointed to the rotting corpse of a civilian council member hanging in front of the gate
"Y-yes, I see your point... but what's getting so worked up about some paper?"
"BECUASE! This paper is supposed to allow me and anyone who accompanies me to travel outside of the Elemental Nations!"
"Yes... and so we can pay for Naruto's bail," Tsunade said
"Is that even possible?"
"I'll make it possible!"
With Naruto:
"You do know what you're asking for, right?" Oliva asked as Naruto sat in front of him. They were both eating a breakfast consisting of a large country-fried steak, country gravy, hashbrowns, and 3 well-done eggs... and two slices of sourdough toast. Oliva took a bite of his meal as Naruto did the same "I know, but it's been boring here. I mean, look at you! Is that flab I see?" Naruto said as Olvia chuckled
"Oh-oh! Don't push your luck there, bud," Oliva replied as he shook his fork
"Come on! Admit it! You've been bored too!"
"I guess you're right," Oliva said, "but after breakfast, It's been nearly 2 months since I've had a first-course this big!"
"First course?" Naruto asked
"Yeah! I go through nearly half my body weight in meat a day! Even more, if I've been on the job," Oliva said as Naruto smirked
"Well, I guess this is gonna be a long breakfast for the both of us, huh?"
"Oh yeah,"
After Breakfast... And a 20 Min Nap:
Naruto and Oliva stood in the middle of the recess grounds as the inmates gathered around. Naruto was rolling his shoulders as Oliva stood there in his underwear "Are you sure you want to do this?" Oliva asked as Naruto cracked his neck
"More than sure," Naruto replied as his body started to fall to the ground. Oliva raised an eye-brow as Naruto suddenly shot forward and punched Oliva in the chest, sending him a foot off the ground. Naruto then swung his foot around and struck Oliva in the head. Oliva landed back on the ground with a bloody nose as he smirked. He wiped away the blood and puffed out his chest "Sorry about that, needed to wake up... Okay! Let's do it!" Olvia said as he took a confident stance
Naruto smiled as he shot forward again, only to be stuck in the throat so hard that he was sent spiraling into the air. Naruto gasped as he stretched his hands out and landed on his feet and hands. Rubbing his throat, Naruto grinned as he stood up "That was a good shot," Naruto said
"Thank-you. You know, my ancestor who I share my name with learned that by watching the guy do it in front of him," Oliva said
"Really? Just by watching?" Naruto asked
"Yup! But during their fight, he refused to use at... as it pissed the guy off,"
"Man almost sounds like an Uchiha. Imagine spending your whole life perfecting something, only for it to be stolen by someone who just needed to see it to do it,"
"Yeah, but unlike those stories, you told me about this 'Sasgay' guy, my ancestor just did it once... maybe twice," Oliva said as Naruto grinned
"Well... let's see if lightning strikes twice!" Naruto shouted as he shot at Oliva again. Oliva went to perform the same move, but Naruto bent his body at a certain angle, allowing Oliva's fist to fly by his neck. By the time Oliva realized it didn't work, Naruto had already punched him in the stomach. Naruto then landed a Seiken-punch into the side of Oliva. Oliva was sent a few feet away as Naruto stood up and grinned "What ya think?" Naruto asked as Oliva grinned
"You might be a match for me," Oliva replied
"Oh? That so? Well, I have been training for the past 5 years,"
"You've only been training for 5 years," Oliva corrected
"Yeah, yeah... now want to get onto the main course?" Naruto asked as Oliva took his hands out and placed them at his side
"I guess you're right," Oliva said as he smiled. Placing his feet behind him, Oliva dug his front foot into the ground and pushed off. The sound of flesh hitting flesh rattled the area as the inmates gulped. There was soon a loud crash as everyone turned to see Oliva standing half-a-dozen feet away from a wall were Naruto had gone through. The space between his start and finish... was more than 30 feet. Naruto slowly got out of the hole with a bloody nose and a busted lip "How'd you like my tackle?" Oliva asked
"Felt more like a boulder struck me," Naruto replied as he spat out some blood
"Oh trust me... you'll feel a hell lot more than that," Oliva replied as Naruto grinned. Naruto then started to walk toward Oliva... and then went into an all-out sprint as he had both hands closed. Oliva went to give Naruto a right-hook to the head, but Naruto threw a hand-full of dirt into his eyes, blocking his vision. He then threw a wild haymaker, but Naruto moved to the right and used his other hand to slam down on Oliva's head. In Naruto's hand was a chunk of wall that he had grabbed and was now slamming it onto Oliva's head. Picking up a large rock, Naruto uppercut Oliva at the base of the jaw as the rock shattered int bits and pieces. Bending to the side, Naruto then kicked Oliva in the throat, sending him nearly 3 feet off the ground. Oliva gagged out blood as he reached out and grabbed Naruto by the ankle. When Oliva landed on the ground he swung Naruto around over his head, hopping back into the air, and slammed Naruto into the ground. The impact rang through everyone's ears as it imitated the sound of an explosion. Naruto bounced off the ground as he felt his back crackle. Oliva stood over Naruto as he wiped away the blood of the edge of his mouth. Naruto took a deep breath as Oliva raised his hand over his head and brought is down. Naruto pushed off the ground with all his might as they both traded blows. Naruto spun in the air while Oliva had blood spraying from his cheek.
Oliva smiled as Naruto fell back onto the ground with his knuckle extended from a fist and a smirk on his face "Nice one, you managed to cut me... and without a blade," Oliva said as rolled his shoulders, "but this is getting a bit boring, wanna finish this now?" he asked as Naruto slowly got up. When he did, his whole entire jaw was dislocated and a part of his cheek was missing... of which of currently being flicked off Oliva's hand "Sure," Naruto managed to reply as he dug his heels into the ground. Oliva did the same as they both pulled back their fists... and vanished. What the crowd heard could only be described as the sound of two monsters going for each other's throats. The final clash rattled the entire facility as a small crater was created and blown back the crowd. In the middle of the crater was Oliva and Naruto, who both landed punches on each other's heads. A grin on both faces as they stood there. But they didn't move. Not one inch. A guard walked toward them with fear as he looked at both of them. Their eyes were blank as he stuttered out: "T-they're out cold!"
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if things weren't up to your guys' expectations]
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