hey guys please read my notes at the end :)
"Did you sleep in his bed?"
"No," Thomas groaned as he tried to cover his flushed cheeks with his hands. The last thing he needed was everyone in the cafeteria seeing him blushing like the pathetic teenager he kinda was.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! Stop asking about it!"
"But it's cute, you're having sleepovers."
"Just until my aunt gets back, or Deadpool is sure that the guys are gone."
"I wonder why they want to kill you anyway."
"Probably because I poked around in their business."
"Are you going back there after school?"
Thomas shrugged although he knew the answer was yes. He was scared of his apartment, scared that someone could possibly know his identity under the mask.
"You know you're gonna have to take it off to kiss him."
"What?!" Thomas snapped, feeling his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
"The mask, if you wanna kiss him you're going to have to let him see you."
"I don't want to kiss him!"
Teresa rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Yeah okay, cause you totally don't get all flustered whenever he compliments you."
"I'm leaving," Thomas said as he picked up his tray and got up from the table. "You're officially the worst."
Teresa was failing to stifle her laughs. "Okay lover boy, I'll see you later."
Thomas dumped out his garbage before making a beeline for the bathroom. When he got there he locked himself in a stall and pushed his hair back from his face. His heart was pounding. He didn't like Deadpool, Teresa was crazy, but if Teresa was crazy why did he feel like he just ran a marathon? Thomas sighed and pulled his phone out of his pocket, he smiled softly when he saw he had a text from a certain merc. Oh yeah, he'd gotten his phone number a few nights ago, in case the apartment was locked.
Deadpool: Minho's out tonight, I'll be back late, out fighting crime you know how it be. Locked the door but the windows open if you wanna swing that fine ass by ;)
Thomas huffed out a laugh as he typed back.
Spidey: thank you.
Deadpool: That mean you'll be over? Damn i knew you couldn't stay away.
Spidey: shut up.
Thomas let a breath out of his nose. He had a toothbrush in his bag, extra clothes and his computer. He planned on going right there from school. Thomas stared at his bag a little longer before letting a forceful breath out his nose.
Okay, maybe Deadpool just wasn't that bad.
Newt sighed as his sword slid clean through the neck of the blubbering man. That just meant he'd have to clean the blood off it yet again.
"So is someone going to start talking or do I have to keep beheading?"
Newt cringed as he looked at the three men he had tied to chairs. "I forgot I gagged you." He waved the tip of his katana between the three before stopping on the man in the middle and pulling the balled up shirt from his mouth.
"Care to share with the class why you're making lethal drugs."
"They aren't lethal." The guy spat as he struggled in his seat.
"I mean I think the definition of a lethal drug is one that kills people and that's what yours seems to be doing."
"It isn't supposed to kill people."
"Why were you using me to move it?" Newt asked as he sat down on the floor and crossed his legs.
"It wasn't just you, it was anyone who was stupid enough to buy into the deal."
Newt clasped his hand over his heart. "You think I'm stupid?"
"So if the point of the drug isn't to kill, then what is it?"
The man looked off with a faraway expression. "To enhance."
When Thomas got to the apartment after school, he carefully closed the window behind him. He let out a breath and turned to the kitchen. He froze when he saw someone sitting at the table.
"I-uh-sorry-" Thomas stammered as he took a careful step back.
The girl turned around and Thomas immediately relaxed. It was the landlord he'd met a few days back.
"It's okay Newt told me you'd probably be around."
Thomas cocked his head slightly. "Newt?"
The girl's eyes widened almost comically. "Fuck. Please forget I said that."
Thomas was glad she couldn't see the dopey smile he had on under his mask. "His name's Newt?"
"No?" She let out a frustrated breath. "Please don't tell him I did that."
"It's okay, it's our little secret."
"Hey Eran who-" a girl stopped as she came out of the bathroom. She was pretty, she had short blonde hair that was tied messily behind her head. She had on thick glasses and a shirt that was way too big for her. "I'm sorry is that Spiderman?"
Eran looked awkwardly between the two of them. "Spiderman, meet Alex, my girlfriend. Alex meet, Spiderman, uh half spider half man."
"Is this just like a normal thing around here?" Alex asked as she sat down at the table next to Eran. "Super Heroes just popping in?"
"No, just ones that my annoying tennant is in love with."
"Wait that's the one you were telling me about?"
"Wait wait," Thomas looked between the two girls, a confused expression concealed by his mask. "I thought Minho was obsessed with you...you're gay?"
Eran nodded. "And Minho's not obsessed with me."
Alex shook her head. "I keep telling her she's likable, she refuses to believe it."
"That's because it's not true!"
Alex rolled her eyes. "You can be so dumb sometimes."
"Anyways," Eran snapped. "We're putting in a new security system."
"Why?" Thomas asked as he hesitantly sat in the chair across from them.
"I did a little more research into the situation my wonderful tennants got themselves into and decided I don't want my apartment getting decorated with bullet holes, so we're taking precautions."
"So...it'll be safer here?"
Eran looked at him with a soft smile. "You'll be safe here even without Newt's annoying ass to protect you."
"You can thank me for that," Alex said as she got up and started searching through the cabinets.
"Yeah, you're smart we get it."
"They never have any fucking food in here," the blonde girl huffed as she grabbed her keys from the counter. "I'm getting take out, you want your usual?"
Eran nodded as she leaned back in her chair indicating she wanted a kiss. The blonde girl pressed their lips together for a short second before leaving out the door. Thomas smiled softly, they were cute.
"You know he's not bad right?" Eran asked softly.
"Newt, Deadpool, whatever. I know what he does, I know more than he thinks, but he's not bad."
"I don't think he's bad."
"You don't agree with what he does."
"Well yeah, but..."
Eran waved her hand, cutting him off. "All I'm trying to say is don't be quick to judge him, because he's good. I mean even if doesn't believe that but it's true. I'm not saying he's a hero, because he damn well isn't that, but he's good."
Thomas squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. "I-uh, why are you telling me this?"
Eran huffed a soft breath out her nose. "You know why."
"I don't."
"You do. I'm not going to humiliate him by verbally saying it, but you know exactly why we're having this conversation."
Thomas felt his face flush. "Okay."
Eran smiled at him. "And he wouldn't ever hurt you."
"I know,' Thomas said softly. "I know he won't."
"Good. Life wasn't fair to him, it'd be nice if you at least are." Eran clasped his hands together. "Anyways, that's enough serious talk for the night. Want to watch a movie?"
Newt was exhausted when he finally unlocked the door to his apartment and fumbled inside. He immediately kicked off his boots and dropped his weapons on the floor. He barely got any useful information out of the guys to further his investigation, he ended up killing them just out of straight frustration.
Newt yawned as he stumbled through the dark and let his body fall onto the couch. He screamed when he fell on someone. Said someone jumped and screamed also. Then there was something sticky on Newt's face and he couldn't see so he screamed more as he scrambled to get up and tripped over the coffee table, sending himself spiraling backwards.
"SHIT!" Newt shouted as he heard a crunch and felt pain flare up his arm. "Dammit not again!"
"Oh my god fuck are you okay?!"
Newt groaned as he sat up and pulled at the stuff on his face. "Baby boy, if you wanted to get me to fall for you, you could have went about it in a way where I didn't literally fall."
"I'm sorry I thought- you said-"
"Spidey calm down, I'm not mad." Newt laughed softly as he slowly got up and turned on the light.
Newt almost choked when he did. Spiderman was there alright but he was in a pair of boxers and a long shirt that was definitely not his which barely brushed the middle of his thighs. He had on his mask but Newt couldn't think of anything besides legs legs legs legs.
"Deadpool!" The boy snapped.
"Yup." Newt stammered as he continued to let his eyes rake over the boy's frame. Spidey was half naked in his house, Newt was convinced it was his time to die.
"Your arm. I think I broke it."
"It's fine, if you did it again I'd thank you. Plus it'll be healed in about five minutes."
Spidey crossed his arms over his chest causing that damn shirt to rise even higher and Newt could practically feel his mouth salivating like a dog because goddamn was that boy a piece of art.
"What are you looking at?" Spidey asked, snapping slightly.
"Honestly baby boy, you."
Spiderman paused for a second, looking down at himself. "I'm sorry about the shirt, Eran said it would be-"
"Spidey, I could wear it on my best day and still not even come close to looking half as sexy as you do right now. You're doing the shirt a favor and quite frankly my eyes too."
Spidey let a breath out and sat back down on the couch, pulling the blanket back around him. "Are you going to sleep?" He asked softly.
Newt was exhausted, he felt like he could sleep for a year straight but he couldn't resist that boy, it was like holding a bone in front of a bored dog.
"Not right away baby boy."
"Can we watch something on TV...I can't sleep."
Newt nodded. "I'm gonna change, pick something out."
Newt did some deep breathing exercises when he walked to his room and stripped his suit off. He tugged on soft pants and a hoodie before going back out to the couch and sitting down. Newt looked at the TV, grinning when he did. "Star Wars huh?"
"It's a good series!" Spidey defended as he pulled the blanket tighter around him.
Newt looked at him carefully. "Are you cold?"
Spidey shrugged as he played the movie. "Kinda."
"Don't freak out," Newt said as he tugged the boy toward him and into his side. He put his arm on the back of the couch, a mere few inches away from being wrapped around the shoulders he so desperately wanted to cover in open mouthed kisses.
Newt was about to say something else when Spidey literally curled into his side like a fucking kitten. Newt hesitantly dropped his arm down over the boy's shoulders. Newt could feel his heart pounding in his chest as Spidey let out a little sigh.
"Any reason you're having issues sleeping baby boy?" Newt asked softly, as if he was too loud Spidey would run away.
Newt could feel him shrug.
"Not sure, maybe it's the whole drug situation, maybe because the apartment was empty."
"You don't like sleeping alone?"
Spidey shook his head. "Freaks me out."
They were quiet for a bit then, until Spidey moved and hooked his leg over Newt's. The merc let out a long breath.
"Baby boy, you're kinda killin me here."
"What?" Spidey looked up curiously.
"You can't just do that and expect me not to touch. I'm a man of complete consent but fuck you're driving me insane and my willpower is only so strong."
Spidey dropped his voice to a whisper. "I didn't say you couldn't touch me. I'm not afraid of you."
As if heaven answered his prayers, Newt bit his lip hard before resting his hand on the boy's thigh. He cursed his gloves, cursed that he couldn't feel the soft skin under his own fingertips, but he let his thumb lightly run across the skin of the inside of the boy's knee. He didn't miss how Spidey's breath caught in his throat and how he pushed closer against his side.
Newt let out a breath as he let his fingertips trail over the exposed skin that his eyes had been glued to earlier. It was as if he was trying to commit it to memory, letting his brain study every part of the boy as if he was never going to see him again.
Spidey let his head fall to the back of the couch. "Feels nice," he mumbled, exhaustion inhibiting his voice.
Newt barely heard him, he was so focused on the way his gloved hand glided over the pale skin. He kept his hands low on his leg, he wasn't trying to grope the poor boy, he just wanted to be able to remember the night that Spidey let him put his hands on him until the day he died.
After he traced every inch of the skin on his thigh, Newt looked at Spidey who was definitely asleep, soft snores falling from his mask covered mouth.
Newt smiled softly and maneuvered him so he was laying down, his head on the pillow. He pulled the blanket up around him and smiled softly before getting up slowly and heading to his room. When he flopped down on the bed and yanked his mask off he let out a long stuttered breath.
God was he fucked.
"Tom!" Teresa shouted as she practically rammed into his back. "I need to talk to you."
"Okay?" Thomas said as he closed his school locker and looked at the girl. It was the end of the school day, he usually didn't see her as their last classes were far apart.
"It's serious," Teresa dropped her voice to a whisper.
"Want to walk home with me?"
Teresa talked his ear off about the annoying girl in her physics class as they left the school building and crossed the school parking lot.
"Are you ever going to tell me?" Thomas asked as Teresa finally took a break to breathe from her angry ranting.
"Oh yeah!" Teresa clasped her hands together. "Remember when we went to Deadpool's apartment together that one time?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Remember Minho?"
"Yeah." Of course Thomas remembered Minho, he talked to him quite frequently. He was spending more time at that apartment than he cared to admit, but it was safe. Thomas still had no idea who was really behind the lethal drug distribution, but Pool had promised him he was getting closer to answers and Thomas had no reason not to believe him.
"Minho is hot, like really hot."
Thomas made a face. "What the fuck T? I thought you said this was important."
"It is!"
"Anyone with eyes can see that Minho is hot."
"But he's like hot and cute you know? Usually people are one or the other, but he's both and it's not fair."
Thomas shook his head. "You're unbelievable."
"I want him to come to homecoming with me."
Thomas paused for a second. "Why? You don't even know him!"
"But you do!" Teresa protested as she squeezed his arm. "Come on, it's our senior year, we're eighteen years old and how cool would it be if I had like thee hottest date ever. You know no one in this school will go with me, so why not?"
"Because he probably doesn't want to go to a stupid highschool homecoming."
Teresa stuck out her bottom lip. "Tom pleaseeee! I'll beg if I have to."
"What do you want me to do about it?"
"Next time you go to the apartment, let me come. I won't stay long I promise. Maybe it'll be good and I'll change my mind and drop the whole thing."
"I don't kno-"
"I'll be gone so you still have time to do whatever it is you and Deadpool do in the dark."
Thomas felt his cheeks heat up. "We don't do anything in the dark!"
Teresa rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "This whole pretending to hate him thing is getting old because let's face it Tom, I know you better than you know yourself and I know that you like him."
"I don't like him, I don't even know what he looks like!"
"Does that matter?" Teresa asked genuinely.
"I mean I guess, what if he's like actually eighty."
"Please, with a body like that I'd peg him at twenty one at the most."
"And what if Minho is like thirty?"
Teresa snorted a laugh at that. "Please, he's not thirty. Minho is probably about the same age as Deadpool. Plus if Minho takes me to homecoming...maybe Pool could take you."
"Why are you still on that?!" Thomas snapped, feeling his face heat up. "I'm not going to homecoming with Deadpool!"
Before Teresa could respond, Thomas' phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered.
"Hey baby boy..."
Thomas flushed as Teresa smirked at him.
"Yeah okay, 'I don't like him' my ass."
hey guys so this is all that I had written in my drafts. now it's going to be a bit longer for updates but please please remember the fact that I uploaded five chapters to keep you entertained in the meantime. I know you guys read fast but like, it takes a lot longer to write then read and I have a life too. I'll be out of town all weekend with no wifi so just be patient. talk to each other in the comments. make up theories of what will happen next. be patient :)
thank you
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